1 entrepreneurship
- foreign entrepreneurship іноземне підприємництво -
2 entrepreneurship
підприємництво, підприємницька діяльність -
3 entrepreneurship
4 entrepreneurship
5 entrepreneurship
6 false entrepreneurship
7 illegal entrepreneurship
8 responsible entrepreneurship
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > responsible entrepreneurship
9 State Committee of Ukraine on Regulatory policy and Entrepreneurship
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > State Committee of Ukraine on Regulatory policy and Entrepreneurship
10 entrepreneur
підприємець; приватний власник, приватник, власник- entrepreneurship
- entrepreneural activity
- entrepreneural business -
11 false
фальшивий, підроблений, удаваний, обманний, оманний; хибний; неправильний, неправдивий; несправжній; підступний- false accountingfalse identification certificate — = false identification document фальшиве посвідчення особи
- false accusation
- false ad
- false advertisement
- false advertising
- false address
- false alarm
- false answer
- false arrest
- false bottom
- false-bottomed
- false call
- false certificate
- false charge
- false claim
- false coin
- false color
- false colour
- false confession
- false crime
- false data
- false declaration
- false denunciation
- false diamond
- false document
- false entrepreneurship
- false entry
- false evidence
- false fact
- false identification document
- false identity
- false imprisonment
- false information
- false instrument
- false interpretation
- false invoice
- false label
- false letter of advice
- false misrepresentation
- false money
- false name
- false oath
- false paper
- false passport
- false payment papers
- false personation
- false pretense
- false publication
- false report
- false representation
- false return
- false scent
- false statement
- false step
- false story
- false suggestion
- false testimony
- false trademark
- false will
- false witness -
12 illegal
1) особа на нелегальному положенні, нелегал, таємний агент за кордоном2) незаконний, протизаконний, протиправний; неправомірний; неправосудний; несанкціонований, заборонений; нелегальний, підпільний; лихварський•illegal acquisition, storage, use, delivery or ruining of radioactive substances — незаконне придбання, зберігання, використання, передача або руйнування радіоактивних матеріалів
illegal attempt to seize authority on a ship — незаконна спроба захопити керування судном (або владу на судні)
illegal carrying, keeping and buying of arms — незаконне володіння, тримання і купівля зброї
illegal confinement in a psychiatric (mental health) hospital — незаконне поміщення до психіатричної лікарні
illegal manufacture, acquisition, keeping, transportation, mailing or sale of narcotic means (substances) — незаконне виготовлення, придбання, зберігання, перевезення, пересилка або збут наркотичних засобів
illegal performance of an abortion which resulted in an enduring injury to health or death — = illegal performance of an abortion which resulted in an lasting injury to health or death; = illegal performance of an abortion which resulted in an long-term injury to health or death незаконне здійснення аборту, що спричинило тривалий розлад здоров'я або смерть
illegal performance of an abortion which resulted in an lasting injury to health or death — = illegal performance of an abortion which resulted in an enduring injury to health or death
illegal performance of an abortion which resulted in an long-term injury to health or death — = illegal performance of an abortion which resulted in an enduring injury to health or death
illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital — = illegal placement in a mental health hospital незаконне поміщення в психіатричну лікарню
illegal placement in a mental health hospital — = illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital
illegal shipping across the border of raw and other materials for manufacture of arms — незаконний вивіз сировини, матеріалів, обладнання для створення зброї
illegal turnover of copied products — обіг незаконно копійованої продукції ( аудіо- та відеозаписів тощо)
- illegal accessillegal use of death as a punishment — незаконне використання смертної кари ( або смерті як покарання)
- illegal act
- illegal action
- illegal activities
- illegal adoption
- illegal agreement
- illegal alien
- illegal application
- illegal armed formation
- illegal armed structure
- illegal arms dealer
- illegal arms possession
- illegal arms trade
- illegal arrest
- illegal attempt
- illegal banking operation
- illegal behaviour
- illegal behavior
- illegal beverages
- illegal bringing in of waste
- illegal brothel
- illegal business
- illegal business activities
- illegal business practices
- illegal buying-in
- illegal campaign contributions
- illegal canvassing
- illegal channel
- illegal commercial activity
- illegal compulsion
- illegal conduct
- illegal confinement
- illegal consideration
- illegal contract
- illegal crossing of the border
- illegal custody
- illegal detention
- illegal discrimination
- illegal drug
- illegal drug circulation
- illegal drugtaking
- illegal drug trade
- illegal drug trafficking
- illegal drug traffick
- illegal drug turnover
- illegal drugs
- illegal eavesdropping
- illegal ejectment
- illegal encashment
- illegal enrichment
- illegal enterprise
- illegal entrant
- illegal entrepreneurship
- illegal entry
- illegal entry of a dwelling
- illegal export
- illegal export of capital
- illegal financial activity
- illegal financial deal
- illegal financial operation
- illegal financial transaction
- illegal fishery
- illegal fishing
- illegal gambler
- illegal gambling
- illegal gains
- illegal gain
- illegal goods
- illegal gun operation
- illegal hunting
- illegal immigrant
- illegal immigration
- illegal import
- illegal import of firearms
- illegal in itself
- illegal income
- illegal intent
- illegal interest
- illegal keeping of drugs
- illegal laboratory
- illegal liberation
- illegal liquor
- illegal liquor sale
- illegal liquor trafficking
- illegal liquor traffick
- illegal lobbying
- illegal lumbering
- illegal manufacture
- illegal market
- illegal matter
- illegal means
- illegal medical practices
- illegal migration
- illegal nuclear proliferation
- illegal operation
- illegal organization
- illegal per se
- illegal picketing
- illegal placement
- illegal play
- illegal police practices
- illegal possession
- illegal possession of arms
- illegal possession of firearms
- illegal possession of a weapon
- illegal practice of medicine
- illegal practices
- illegal practice
- illegal products
- illegal profit
- illegal purchase
- illegal purpose
- illegal rally
- illegal registration
- illegal restrictive condition
- illegal sale of drugs
- illegal scheme
- illegal search
- illegal seizure
- illegal sentence
- illegal sentencing
- illegal service
- illegal sit-in
- illegal status
- illegal storing of drugs
- illegal street demonstration
- illegal street use of drug
- illegal strike
- illegal substance
- illegal technique
- illegal trade in antiques
- illegal trade in human organs
- illegal transaction
- illegal transit of goods
- illegal trust
- illegal use
- illegal use of a trademark
- illegal use of force
- illegal violence
- illegal weapons possession
- illegal wiretaping
- illegal wiretap
- illegal work stoppage
- illegal worker
См. также в других словарях:
Entrepreneurship — is the practice of starting new organizations or revitalizing mature organizations, particularly new businesses generally in response to identified opportunities. Entrepreneurship is often a difficult undertaking, as a vast majority of new… … Wikipedia
entrepreneurship — n. the activity of organizing, managing, and assuming the risks of a business enterprise. Note: The individual doing the organizing is called the {entrepreneur}. [PJC] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Entrepreneurship — Die Artikel Unternehmertum und Unternehmensgründung überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
entrepreneurship — nərˌship, nə̄ˌsh , n(y)u̇(ə)rˌsh , u̇əˌsh noun ( s) : the condition of being an entrepreneur : the role or function of the entrepreneur : entrepreneurial ability or activity recent American experiences have proved how imaginative private… … Useful english dictionary
entrepreneurship — entrepreneur en‧tre‧pre‧neur [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː ǁ ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜːr] noun [countable] JOBS COMMERCE someone who starts a company, arranges business deals, and takes risks in order to make a profit: • State governments had sought to promote economic… … Financial and business terms
Entrepreneurship — Unternehmergeist; Unternehmertum * * * ◆ En|tre|pre|neur|ship 〈[ãtrəprənø:rʃıp] n. od. f.; od. s; unz.; meist ohne Artikel; Wirtsch.〉 Versuch, neue Ideen am Markt durchzusetzen, innovatives Unternehmertum [<Entrepreneur + engl. ...ship… … Universal-Lexikon
entrepreneurship — [[t]ɒ̱ntrəprənɜ͟ː(r)[/t]] N UNCOUNT Entrepreneurship is the state of being an entrepreneur, or the activities associated with being an entrepreneur … English dictionary
entrepreneurship — verslumas statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Asmens mąstymo būdas ir socialinė, vadybinė ir kitokia kompetencija turimas žinias pritaikyti savo kasdieniam gyvenimui, t. y. konkretūs gebėjimai, teikiantys galimybę ne tik organizuoti … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
entrepreneurship — įmonių vadyba statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Naujų įmonių steigimas, naujų idėjų, metodų kūrimas ir diegimas įmonės veikloje, siekiant geresnių rezultatų. Tai vadovavimo būdas ir asmens kompetencija turimas žinias pritaikyti… … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
Entrepreneurship education — seeks to provide students with the knowledge, skills and motivation to encourage entrepreneurial success in a variety of settings. Variations of entrepreneurship education are offered at all levels of schooling from K 12 schools through graduate… … Wikipedia
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India — The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI or EDII) is a non profit organisation dedicated to promote entrepreneurship that is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. It was founded in 1983 with the sponsorship of the Industrial… … Wikipedia