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  • 1 enter

    v. girmek, giriş yapmak, girmek [bilg.], içeriye girmek, içeri girmek, katılmak, kaydolmak, yazılmak, kaydetmek, yazmak, sokmak, gümrük beyanında bulunmak, sahneye çıkmak
    * * *
    1. gir (v.) 2. giriş (n.)
    * * *
    1) (to go or come in: Enter by this door.) girmek
    2) (to come or go into (a place): He entered the room.) girmek
    3) (to give the name of (another person or oneself) for a competition etc: He entered for the race; I entered my pupils for the examination.) girmek, katılmak, adını yazdırmak
    4) (to write (one's name etc) in a book etc: Did you enter your name in the visitors' book?) yazmak, kaydetmek
    5) (to start in: She entered his employment last week.) başlamak
    - enter on/upon

    English-Turkish dictionary > enter

См. также в других словарях:

  • Enter — En ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Entered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Entering}.] [OE. entren, enteren, F. entrer, fr. L. intrare, fr. intro inward, contr. fr. intero (sc. loco), fr. inter in between, between. See {Inter }, {In}, and cf. {Interior}.] 1. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Race condition — in a logic circuit. Here, ∆t1 and ∆t2 represent the propagation delays of the logic elements. When the input value (A) changes, the circuit outputs a short spike of duration (∆t1+∆t2) ∆t2 = ∆t1. A race condition or race hazard is a flaw in an… …   Wikipedia

  • enter — [ent′ər] vt. [ME entren < OFr entrer < L intrare < intra, within, inside: see INTRA ] 1. to come or go in or into 2. to force a way into; penetrate; pierce [the bullet entered his body] 3. to put into; insert 4. to write down in a record …   English World dictionary

  • race — I noun ancestry, birth, breed, class, cultural group, culture, descent, ethnic group, ethnic stock, extraction, family, folk, genealogy, genus, group, kind, line, parentage, people, phylum, stem, stirps, stock, strain associated concepts:… …   Law dictionary

  • race — race1 [rās] n. [ME (North) ras(e) < ON rās, a running, rush, akin to OE ræs, swift movement, attack < IE * eras , to flow, move rapidly < base * er , *or , to set in motion > RUN, ORIENT] 1. a competition of speed in running, skating …   English World dictionary

  • race — Ⅰ. race [1] ► NOUN 1) a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is fastest over a set course. 2) (the races) a series of races for horses or dogs, held at a fixed time on a set course. 3) a situation in which people… …   English terms dictionary

  • enter a competition — index race Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • enter — enterable, adj. enterer, n. /en teuhr/, v.i. 1. to come or go in: Knock before you enter. 2. to be admitted into a school, competition, etc.: Some contestants enter as late as a day before the race. 3. to make a beginning (often fol. by on or… …   Universalium

  • enter — [[t]e̱ntə(r)[/t]] ♦♦ enters, entering, entered 1) VERB When you enter a place such as a room or building, you go into it or come into it. [FORMAL] [V n] He entered the room briskly and stood near the door... [V n] Before entering the bathroom, he …   English dictionary

  • enter — verb 1 GO INTO a) (I, T) to go or come into a place: Silence fell as I entered the room. | Adie was one of the few reporters who had dared to enter the war zone. b) (T) if an object enters part of something, it goes inside it: The bullet had… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Race to Berlin — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Race to Berlin partof=World War II, Eastern Theater date=April 15, 1945 ndash; April 23, 1945 caption= The Reichstag was the target both Soviet Marshals wanted place=Germany result=Soviet arrive into Berlin… …   Wikipedia

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