1 выскажите
enounceutter -
2 выговаривать
1) General subject: administer a rebuke, enounce, go crook on (кому-л.), lecture, pronounce, rag (кому-л.), rate for doing (кому-л., за что-л.), rebuke, see off (кому-л.), stipulate, talk (кому-л. - to), talk to, tax (кому-л. за что-л.), utter, rebuke for (кому-л., отчитывать кого-л., за что-л.), scold, start on, berate, admonish (кому-то неодобрительное суждение)2) Colloquial: talk to (кому-л.)4) Makarov: eat out (кому-л.) -
3 выражать
1) General subject: be expressive of (что-л.), breathe (о лице, наружности), breathe out, conceive, convey (идею и т. п.), couch, disapprove, enounce, epitomize (что-л.), express (прямо, ясно), externalize, give expression, give voice, give voice to, glare (свирепым взглядом), import, look (взглядом, видом), phrase, put (I don't know how to put it - не знаю, как это выразить), register (о лице: her face registered shock), say, show, signify, speak, term, to be expressive of (smth.) (что-л.), vent, vent (особ. публично), vent-hole (особ. публично), venthole (особ. публично), vocalize, voice (словами), write, denominate, strike a sour note (The Dean’s speech about truancy struck a sour note with many students.)2) Colloquial: read off4) Accounting: render -
4 выразить
1) General subject: convey, couch, enounce, express, give voice to (что-л.), import, look, phrase, put, show, speak, term, give utterance to, give voice to (высказать, что-л.), vocalize3) Mathematics: express in terms of (через что-либо) -
5 заявлять
1) General subject: allege (обыкн. голословно), announce, assert, claim, contend, declare, enounce, make a statement, outtell, predicate, profess, profess (во всеуслышание), pronounce, purport, state, enter a protest, lodge a protest, make a protest, raise a protest3) History: bid4) Mathematics: declare (если нет полной уверенности в правильности чего-л.)5) Law: apply, argue, avouch, avouchment, lay (в ходе процесса), lodge (прошение, заявку, жалобу, возражение, протест), maintain, plead (в суде), plead the baby act, prefer (протест, требование и т. д.), protest, represent, return, say, submit, swear, testify, vouch6) Patents: deposit -
6 излагать
1) General subject: before( smb.) (что-л., кому-л.), couch, develop (аргументы, мотивы и т. п.), enounce, enunciate (теорию, предложение и т.п.), explicate (план), expose, expound, lay, lay open, lay out (напр, during this meeting he laid out his vision for a more modern and economically savvy diplomatic corps), pose, posturize, recite, recount, relate (как вариант, который можно использовать, например, в юридических текстах), represent, set before (факты), (подробно) set out, set up, show forth, state, treat, put it in black and white (письменно), tell down (We sit alone and get the stories in our head that we have to tell down on paper. - Мы сидим в одиночестве и нам приходят в голову истории, которые мы излагаем на бумаге. (О писательстве.)), document3) Engineering: give an account, present, report, write up4) Mathematics: clarify, explain, give an account (of)5) Religion: set out6) Law: recite (факты, содержание документа), utter, word7) Diplomatic term: enunciate (предложение, теорию и т.п.), set forward8) Scottish language: propone11) Education: communicate12) leg.N.P. embody (e.g., in a paper, a document, an instrument, a treaty, a law)14) Cement: outline -
7 изложить
1) General subject: couch, develop, enounce, enunciate, explicate, expose, expound, get across, get over, lay, pose, posturize, recite, represent, set before (факты), set forth, state, treat, set before2) Mathematics: clarify, explain, give an account (of), lay down, present3) Diplomatic term: outline4) Scottish language: propone5) Atomic energy: paraphrase6) leg.N.P. embody (e.g., in a paper, a document, an instrument, a treaty, a law), set out -
8 называть
1) General subject: address, bename, call, denominate, enounce, entitle, epithet, hight, intitule, mention, name, nominate (дату и т. п.), qualify, qualify as, style, tab, term, title, write down, designate, clepe2) Biology: namatophilous3) American: specialize4) Church: christen6) Mathematics: designate (with instrumental of the name), designate as, refer to as, we mean, we shall call7) Psychology: describe as (что-л., чем-л.)8) Business: phrase9) Archaic: (уст. p. p. benempt) bename -
9 провозглашать
10 произнести
11 произносить
General subject: accent, articulate (членораздельно), deliver, enounce, enunciate, frame, get out, make, pass, pass the lips, pronounce, sound, utter, vocalize (слово), voice (слова) -
12 публично заявлять
13 формулировать
1) General subject: articulate, conceive, couch, enounce, enunciate (теорию и т. п.), formularize, formulate, lay, lay down, phrase, pose, posturize, redact (заявление, закон), represent, set up, state, word2) Naval: assert3) Military: draft4) Mathematics: express, raise (a question)5) Railway term: lay down (закон или правило)6) Law: clause, define, frame, lay down (в законе, норме общего права и т. п.), lay down (в законе, норме общего права и т.п.)7) Economy: set forth8) Accounting: render12) Information technology: compose13) Business: put -
14 выражать
express, show; convey (передавать); voice, give voice (to) (общее мнение и т. п.)* * ** * *выражать; выразить express, show; convey; voice* * *conveycouchdenominateenounceexpressimportputreadvocalizewrite -
15 излагать
state, set forth; give an account (of) (сообщать); expound (подробно)* * ** * *излагать; изложить state, set forth* * *couchdevelopenounceexpoundlectureposeproponeputreciterepresentstateteach -
16 произносить
17 излагать
expound глагол:propone (излагать, предлагать на обсуждение)set before (излагать, отдавать предпочтение) -
18 выражать
19 произносить
say глагол:enunciate (произносить, провозглашать, формулировать, отчетливо произносить, объявлять, ясно произносить) -
20 выразить
См. также в других словарях:
Enounce — E*nounce , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Enounced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Enouncing}.] [F. [ e]noncer, L. enuntiare; e out + nuntiare to announce, fr. nuntius messenger. See {Nuncio}, and cf. {Enunciate}.] 1. To announce; to declare; to state, as a proposition … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
enounce — index declare, enunciate, proclaim, promulgate, pronounce (speak) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
enounce — [ē nouns′, inouns′] vt. enounced, enouncing [Fr énoncer < L enuntiare] ENUNCIATE … English World dictionary
enounce — transitive verb (enounced; enouncing) Etymology: French énoncer, from Latin enuntiare to report more at enunciate Date: 1788 1. to set forth or state (as a proposition) 2. to pronounce distinctly ; articulate … New Collegiate Dictionary
enounce — enouncement, n. /i nowns /, v.t., enounced, enouncing. 1. to utter or pronounce, as words; enunciate. 2. to announce, declare, or proclaim. 3. to state definitely, as a proposition. [1795 1805; E + (AN)NOUNCE, modeled on F énoncer < L enuntiare… … Universalium
enounce — verb /i.ˈnaʊns/ a) To say or pronounce; to enunciate. b) To declare or proclaim … Wiktionary
enounce — (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb To declare by way of a systematic statement: enunciate, state. See WORDS … English dictionary for students
enounce — v. speak, utter, pronounce; enunciate; announce, declare, proclaim … English contemporary dictionary
enounce — v. a. (Rare.) Declare, enunciate, announce, publish, proclaim, promulgate, state, propound, make known … New dictionary of synonyms
enounce — e•nounce [[t]ɪˈnaʊns[/t]] v. t. e•nounced, e•nounc•ing 1) to utter or pronounce, as words; enunciate 2) to announce, declare, or proclaim 3) to state definitely, as a proposition • Etymology: 1795–1805; e + (an) nounce, modeled on F énoncer <… … From formal English to slang
enounce — /iˈnoʊns/ (say ee nohns) verb (t) (enounced, enouncing) 1. to announce, declare, or proclaim. 2. to state definitely, as a proposition. 3. to utter or pronounce, as words. {French énoncer, from Latin ēnuntiāre} –enouncement, noun …