1 flight
1. n1) політ2. a1) польотний2) рейсовий◊•- acceptance flight - accident-free flight - acrobatic flight - advertising flight - aerial survey flight - aerial work flight - aerobatic flight - aero-tow flight - all-cargo charter flight - all-freight flight - all-weather flight - altitude flight - around-the-world flight - asymmetric flight - auto-controlled flight - automatic flight - autorotational flight - autorotative flight - back-to-back flight - bad-weather flight - banked flight - blind flight - blocked-off flight - border-crossing flight - box-pattern flight - bumpy-air flight - business flight - calibration flight - cancelled flight - cargo flight - certification test flight - charter flight - chased flight - checkout flight - civil flight - climbing flight - closed-circuit flight - coasting flight - coast-to-coast flight - commercial flight - compulsory IFR flight - computer-directed flight - connecting flight - contact flight - continuous flight - contour flight - controlled and powered flight - controlled flight - controlled flight into terrain - controlled VFR flight - conventional flight - crabbing flight - crop control flight - cross-country flight - cross-wind flight - cruising flight - day flight - decelerating flight - delayed flight - delivery flight - demonstration flight - descending flight - desired path flight - desired track flight - direct flight - directed reference flight - distance flight - disturbed atmosphere flight - diverted flight - domestic flight - downward flight - drift flight - dual flight - eastbound flight - emergency flight - empty flight - endurance flight - engine-off flight - engine-on flight - en-route flight - entire flight - European flight - experimental flight - extra flight - extra section flight - factory test flight - familiarization flight - ferry flight - flight under the rules - flight with rated power - first-class flight - flapless flight - formation flight - free flight - full-scale flight - full-throttle flight - gliding flight - grid flight - head-down flight - head-up flight - head-wind flight - heavier-than-air flight - hedge-hopping flight - high-altitude flight - high-speed flight - holding flight - horizontal flight - hovering flight - humanitarian charter flight - hypersonic flight - idle flight - IFR flight - inagural flight - inclusive tour flight - incontrollable flight - instructional check flight - instructional dual flight - instructional solo flight - instrument flight - instrument rules flight - intended flight - intercontinental flight - international flight - introductory flight - inward flight - level flight - local flight - long-distance flight - low-altitude flight - low-level flight - low-speed flight - low-visibility flight - maiden flight - man-directed flight - manned flight - meteorological reconnaissance flight - mid-course flight - military charter flight - multistage flight - night flight - noiseless flight - non-revenue flight - non-scheduled flight - non-stop flight - nontraffic flight - nonvisual flight - off-airway flight - one-stop flight - one-way flight - operational flight - orbital flight - orientation flight - out-and-return flight - out-of-trim flight - outward flight - overland flight - oversold flight - overwater flight - overweather flight - own-use charter flight - performance flight - pleasure flight - point-to-point flight - positioning flight - powered flight - power-off flight - power-on flight - practice flight - prearranged flight - private flight - production test flight - profit-making flight - radio navigation flight - rearward flight - record-setting flight - reference flight - refuelling flight - regular flight - relief flight - repositioning flight - return flight - revenue flight - revenue earning flight - rhumb-line flight - round-the-world flight - round-trip flight - route familiarization flight - routine flight - sailing flight - scheduled flight - sector flight - shakedown flight - short-haul flight - shuttle flights - sightseeing flight - simulated flight - simulated instrument flight - single-engined flight - single-heading flight - soaring flight - solo flight - space flight - special event charter flight - special event flight - special VFR flight - stabilized flight - stall flight - standoff flight - stationary flight - steady flight - still-air flight - straight flight - student charter flight - subsonic flight - supersonic flight - supervised flight - sustained flight - tailwind flight - taxi-class flight - test flight - through flight - training flight - training dual flight - training solo flight - trans-Atlantic flight - transfer flight - transient flight - transit flight - trial flight - turbulent flight - turnround flight - unaccelerated flight - uncontrolled flight - unscheduled flight - unscheduled long range flight - unsteady flight - upward flight - vectored flight - visual contact flight - visual navigation flight - visual flight - visual rules flight - VFR flight - VMC flight - VOR course flight - wings-level flight -
2 time
n1) час, проміжок часу2) пора року•- acquisition time - actual airborne time - aero-tow glider flight time - arrival time - astronomical time - block-to-block time - braking time - check-in time - chock-to-chock time - clearance void time - coordinated universal time - departure time - down time - dual instruction time - duty time - engine ground test time - error-free running time - estimated elapsed time - estimated off-block time - estimated time of arrival - estimated time of checkpoint - estimated time of departure - expected approach time - fault time - flight time - flight block time - flight dual instruction time - flight duty time - flotation time - flyover time - full operating time - glider flight time - Greenwich mean time - ground operating time - gust formation time - instrument flight time - instrument ground time - instrument time - key down time - landing gear extension time - lead time - life time - local time - maintenance time - mean solar time - mean time between failures - Newtonian time - observation time - off time - on time - orbit phasing time - out-of-service time - partial operating time - partial rise time - pulse decay time - pulse rise time - recovery time - relay time - release time - repair time - rise time - scheduled departure time - service time - solo flight time - time between failures - time of arrival - time of coincidence - time of flight - time to failure - time to repair - total estimated elapsed time - traffic release time - transfer time - transit time - transponder dead time - trip time - true time - turnaround time - Zebra time
См. также в других словарях:
Engine tuning — is the adjustment, modification or design of internal combustion engines to yield optimal performance, either in terms of power output or economy. It has a long history, almost as long as the development of the car in general, originating with… … Wikipedia
Engine swap — Warning: in some jurisdictions with strict smog rules it may not be possible to register a late model vehicle with an engine swap, even if it can be proven that it produces less pollution than the original engine (owing to visual inspection… … Wikipedia
check — check1 checkless, adj. /chek/, v., n., pl. checks or, for 45, chex, adj., interj. v.t. 1. to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly: He checked the horse at the edge of the cliff. 2. to restrain; hold in restraint or control: They… … Universalium
check — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 close look to make sure sth is safe/correct ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, extensive, full (esp. BrE), thorough ▪ careful, close, rigorous, tight (a … Collocations dictionary
check out — verb 1. examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition (Freq. 6) check the brakes Check out the engine • Syn: ↑check, ↑check up on, ↑look into, ↑suss out, ↑check … Useful english dictionary
check up on — verb examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition check the brakes Check out the engine • Syn: ↑check, ↑look into, ↑check out, ↑suss out, ↑check over, ↑go over, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
check into — verb examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition (Freq. 1) check the brakes Check out the engine • Syn: ↑check, ↑check up on, ↑look into, ↑check out, ↑suss out, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
check over — verb examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition check the brakes Check out the engine • Syn: ↑check, ↑check up on, ↑look into, ↑check out, ↑suss out, ↑go over, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
check — I. noun Etymology: Middle English chek, from Anglo French eschec, from Arabic shāh, from Persian, literally, king; akin to Greek ktasthai to acquire, Sanskrit kṣatra dominion Date: 15th century 1. exposure of a chess king to an attack from which… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Check valve — Valve Valve, n. [L. valva the leaf, fold, or valve of a door: cf. F. valve.] [1913 Webster] 1. A door; especially, one of a pair of folding doors, or one of the leaves of such a door. [1913 Webster] Swift through the valves the visionary fair… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
check D — A maintenance check of aircraft that involves not only an in depth inspection of the aircraft systems and the aeroengine but also requires removal of such components as the engine and the landing gear … Aviation dictionary