1 engagement letter
угода про надання послуг; договір найму ( консультанта) -
2 engagement
n1. заняття; діло, справа; робота2. (прийняте) запрошення; призначена зустріч; домовленість (про зустріч)3. pl зобов'язання- international engagement міжнародне зобов'язання- letter of engagement контракт (який укладається міжнародним службовцем)- to break an engagement порушувати зобов'язання- to enter into engagement приймати на себе зобов'язання -
3 audit
аудит, ревізія (в т. ч. балансу, звітності тощо), перевірка (ревізія) звітності; перевіряти (ревізувати) (в т. ч. звітність, баланси, фінансовий стан підприємства тощо), робити аудит, проводити ревізію- audit accounts
- audit approach
- audit area
- audit certificate
- audit commission
- audit coverage
- audit department
- audit difference
- audit endorsement
- audit engagement
- audit evidence
- audit letter
- audit of annual accounts
- audit of financial records
- audit office
- audit opinion
- audit plan
- audit planning
- audit procedure
- audit program
- audit programme
- audit report
- audit report comments
- audit report review
- audit risk
- audit sampling
- audit scheme
- audit scope
См. также в других словарях:
engagement letter — ➔ letter * * * engagement letter UK US noun [C] (also letter of engagement) ► HR a letter officially agreeing to employ someone and stating the conditions: »He told reporters that he is in talks with the company, but said he hadn t signed an… … Financial and business terms
Engagement Letter — This article uses the word engagement in a legal sense. An engagement letter defines the legal relationship (or engagement) between a professional firm (e.g., law, investment banking, consulting, advisory or accountancy firm) and its client(s).… … Wikipedia
Engagement Letter — A written agreement to perform services in exchange for compensation. Engagement letters are traditionally used by certain professional service firms, particularly in the fields of finance, accounting, law and consulting to define the specifics… … Investment dictionary
engagement letter — A Contractual document that confirms the terms, conditions, and costs of an *audit engagement. An engagement letter usually summarizes the rights and responsibilities of both the auditor and the *auditee … Auditor's dictionary
engagement letter — letter of engagement A letter used by an auditor to define clearly the scope of the auditors responsibilities in an engagement. It provides written confirmation of the auditors acceptance of the appointment, the scope of the audit, the form of… … Accounting dictionary
letter — let‧ter [ˈletə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. a written or printed message that is usually put in an envelope and sent by mail: • Please sign the letter and mail it back within two weeks. alloˈcation ˌletter also alˈlotment ˌletter FINANCE a letter… … Financial and business terms
letter of engagement — ˌletter of enˈgagement noun letters of engagement PLURALFORM [countable] a letter in which the conditions under which someone is employed are stated. In the US, a letter of engagement is usually given to a contractor who has been employed to… … Financial and business terms
Engagement (disambiguation) — Engagement may refer to the following: * A pre marriage engagement between two people * An appointment, a scheduled event requiring one s attendance * A military engagement is the use of a munition, weapon or decoy to carry out an offensive or… … Wikipedia
letter of engagement — See: engagement letter … Accounting dictionary
letter of engagement — See *engagement letter … Auditor's dictionary
letter of credit — An engagement by a bank or other person made at the request of a customer that the issuer will honor drafts or other demands for payment upon compliance with the conditions specified in the credit. A credit may be either revocable or irrevocable … Black's law dictionary