1 endostatin
Антиангиогенное средство, препятствующее образованию сосудов
[ http://www.dunwoodypress.com/148/PDF/Biotech_Eng-Rus.pdf]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > endostatin
2 endostatin
эндостатинантиангиогенное средство, препятствующее образованию сосудов -
3 endostatin
Молекулярная биология: эндостатин
См. также в других словарях:
Endostatin — Dimer, links Oberflächen , rechts Bändermodell, mit Zink als Kugel, nach PDB … Deutsch Wikipedia
Endostatin — is a piece (a fragment) of a protein, collagen 18, found in all blood vessels. This fragment is normally secreted by tumors. It appears to halt the process of developing new blood vessels (angiogenesis) which is necessary to tumor development.… … Medical dictionary
Endostatin — [ thumb|right|Endostatin monomer, basic amino acid residues shown in red [http://www.pdb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=1KOE 1KOE] ] Endostatin is a naturally occurring 20 kDa C terminal fragment derived from type XVIII collagen. It is… … Wikipedia
endostatin — A drug that is being studied for its ability to prevent the growth of new blood vessels into a solid tumor. Endostatin belongs to the family of drugs called angiogenesis inhibitors … English dictionary of cancer terms
endostatin — en·do·stat·in (ĕn dō stătʹn) n. A potent, naturally occurring antiangiogenic protein that inhibits the formation of the blood vessels that feed tumors. It is under investigation as a potential cancer therapy. [endothelial + stat + in.] * * * … Universalium
endostatin — noun A protein which inhibits the formation of the blood vessels that supply tumours … Wiktionary
endostatin — /ɛndoʊˈsteɪtən/ (say endoh staytuhn) noun a naturally occurring protein that inhibits the growth of blood vessels, used in the treatment of some cancers to starve malignant tumours and prevent their growth. {endo + stat + in1} …
Endostatin — Endostatˈin® noun An angiogenesis inhibiting drug, used in experimental treatments to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumours • • • Main Entry: ↑endo … Useful english dictionary
Endostatin® — Endostatˈin® noun An angiogenesis inhibiting drug, used in experimental treatments to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumours ● endo … Useful english dictionary
Collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1 — PDB rendering based on 1bnl … Wikipedia
COL18A1 — Collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1, also known as COL18A1, is a human gene. PBB Summary section title = summary text = This gene encodes the alpha chain of type XVIII collagen. This collagen is one of the multiplexins, extracellular matrix proteins… … Wikipedia