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  • 1 foil

    I [foil] verb
    (to defeat; to disappoint: She was foiled in her attempt to become President.) zmariť
    II [foil] noun
    1) (extremely thin sheets of metal that resemble paper: silver foil.) fólia
    2) (a dull person or thing against which someone or something else seems brighter: She acted as a foil to her beautiful sister.) pravý opak
    III [foil] noun
    (a blunt sword with a button at the end, used in the sport of fencing.) fleuret
    * * *
    • zabalit do fólie
    • zdôraznit kontrastom
    • zmazat
    • zneškodnit
    • zvítazit
    • zmarit
    • stopa
    • prekazit
    • fólia
    • fóliový
    • doplnok
    • alobal
    • alobalový
    • paralyzovat
    • podložka
    • ozdobit fóliou
    • ozdobit ornamentmi
    • polepit fóliou
    • pozadie
    • porážka
    • neuspiet
    • nemat úspech
    • odvrátit

    English-Slovak dictionary > foil

  • 2 review

    [rə'vju:] 1. noun
    1) (a written report on a book, play etc giving the writer's opinion of it.) posudok, recenzia
    2) (an inspection of troops etc.) prehliadka
    3) ((American) revision; studying or going over one's notes: I have just enough time for a quick review of my speech; I made a quick review of my notes before the test.) (z)opakovanie
    2. verb
    1) (to make or have a review of: The book was reviewed in yesterday's paper; The Queen reviewed the troops.) recenzovať; vykonať prehliadku
    2) (to reconsider: We'll review the situation at the end of the month.) preskúmať
    3) ((American) to revise; to go over one's notes, lessons etc in preparation for an examination: I have to review (my notes) for the test tomorrow.) (z)opakovať (si)
    * * *
    • vykonat prehliadku
    • znovu prehliadnut
    • spätný pohlad
    • správa
    • správy
    • prezerat
    • preskúšat
    • preskúšanie
    • precvicovat
    • preskúmat
    • prehliadnut
    • preskúmanie
    • prehliadat
    • prehliadka
    • prehliadka lodstva
    • prehlad
    • estráda
    • dovolanie
    • byt kritikom
    • byt recenzentom
    • revidovat
    • revízia rozsudku
    • recenzovat
    • revue
    • revízia
    • referát
    • recenzia
    • revízia stroja
    • písat
    • oprava
    • posudzovat
    • posudok
    • pozriet sa znova
    • pohlad do minulosti
    • kontrolovat
    • kritizovat
    • kritika
    • kontrola
    • konfrontovanie výsledkov
    • napísat clánok
    • obnova
    • opakovanie
    • odvolanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > review

См. также в других словарях:

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  • end paper — Bookbinding. a sheet of paper, often distinctively colored or ornamented, folded vertically once to form two leaves, one of which is pasted flat to the inside of the front or back cover of a book, with the other pasted to the inside edge of the… …   Universalium

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  • end sheet — Bookbinding. See end paper. * * * …   Universalium

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  • Paper cartridge — refers to one of various types of small arms ammunition used before the advent of the metallic cartridge. These cartridges consisted of a paper cylinder or cone containing the bullet, gunpowder, and, in some cases, a primer or a lubricating and… …   Wikipedia

  • Paper print — Paper prints were an early mechanism to establish the copyright of motion pictures by depositing them with the Library of Congress. The first and foremost user of this prosecc was Thomas Alva Edison). To that end, beginning in 1893, Edison’s… …   Wikipedia

  • Paper football — (also called Finger football or Flick football) refers to a table top game, loosely based on American football, in which a sheet of paper folded into a small triangle is slid back and forth across a table top by two opponents and played between 2 …   Wikipedia

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