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См. также в других словарях:

  • -ence — [F. ence, L. entia.] A noun suffix signifying action, state, or quality; also, that which relates to the action or state; as in emergence, diffidence, diligence, influence, difference, excellence. See { ance}. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • -ence — [əns, ns] [ME < OFr ence & L entia < ent (see ENT) + ia, n. ending] suffix act, fact, quality, state, result, or degree [conference, excellence] …   English World dictionary

  • -ence — see ANCE (Cf. ance) …   Etymology dictionary

  • ence — esu·ri·ence; ex·pe·ri·ence·able; ex·pe·ri·ence·less; im·per·ence; in·dif·fer·ence; in·fer·ence; in·flu·ence·abil·i·ty; in·flu·ence·able; in·ger·ence; in·gre·di·ence; in·her·ence; in·sip·i·ence; in·tend·ence; in·ter·fer·ence; in·ter·flu·ence;… …   English syllables

  • -ence — ⇒ ANCE, ENCE, suff. I. Le dérivé est rattaché au verbe ou au participe correspondant A. Le dérivé exprime l action (« le fait de » + inf.) 1. Le suj. du verbe de base désignerait une pers., le fait que qqn s accoutume, etc. : accoutumance « le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • -ence — suffix forming nouns expressing: 1 a quality or state or an instance of one (patience; an impertinence). 2 an action (reference; reminiscence). Etymology: from or after F ence f. L entia, antia (cf. ANCE) f. pres. part. stem ent , ant * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • -ence — [[t] əns[/t]] also ency SUFFIX ence and ency are added to adjectives, usually in place of ent, to form nouns referring to states, qualities, attitudes, or behaviour. For example, affluence is the state of being affluent …   English dictionary

  • -ence — suffix forming nouns: 1》 denoting a quality: impertinence. 2》 denoting an action or its result: reference. Origin from Fr. ence, from L. entia, antia …   English new terms dictionary

  • -ence — noun suffix Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin entia, from ent , ens, present participle ending + ia 2 y 1. action or process < emergence > ; instance of an action or process < reference > 2. quality or state < despondence > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • -ence — a noun suffix equivalent to ance, corresponding to the suffix ent in adjectives: abstinence; continence; dependence; difference. [ME < OF < L entia, equiv. to ent ENT + ia Y3] * * * …   Universalium

  • ENCE — Empresa Nacional de Celulares, S. A. (International » Spanish) …   Abbreviations dictionary

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