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  • 1 interior decorator

    1. इन्टीरियर\interior decoratorडेकोरेटर\{घर\interior decoratorकी\interior decoratorभीतरी\interior decoratorसाज\interior decoratorसज्जा\interior decoratorकरनेवाला\}
    An interior decorator decorates the insides of houses.

    English-Hindi dictionary > interior decorator

  • 2 interior designer

    1. आंतर\interior designerडिज़ाइन\interior designerकरनेवाला
    He works for the company as an interior designer.

    English-Hindi dictionary > interior designer

  • 3 interior

    1. भीतरी
    An interior decor adds beauty to the house.
    1. भीतर
    The interior of salar jung museum needs attention.

    English-Hindi dictionary > interior

  • 4 interior design

    भीतरी\interior designडिज़ाइन
    I like to do interior design.

    English-Hindi dictionary > interior design

  • 5 interior

    भीतरी, भीतर का
    भीतर, अन्दर, अभ्यन्तर

    English-Hindi new dictionary > interior

  • 6 ergonomics

    1. कर्मचारी\ergonomicsपरिस्थिति\ergonomicsविज्ञान
    Ergonomics is now an important consideration for office interior designers so as to make the working environment comfortable and productive.

    English-Hindi dictionary > ergonomics

  • 7 prosaic

    1. नीरस
    Reema told the interior decorator that she would not prefer a prosaic decoration for her room.

    English-Hindi dictionary > prosaic

  • 8 tasteful

    1. स्वादपूर्ण
    I have to buy all the ingredients to make the food tastful.
    2. रुचिपूर्ण
    The tasteful interior of the house is very relaxing.

    English-Hindi dictionary > tasteful

См. также в других словарях:

  • Interior decoration — or decor is the art of decorating a room so that it is attractive, easy to use, and functions well with the existing architecture. The goal of interior decoration is to provide a certain feel for the room; it encompasses applying wallpaper, wall… …   Wikipedia

  • Interior Mountains — Northern Interior Mountains Interior Ranges Range …   Wikipedia

  • interior — (Del lat. interĭor, ōris). 1. adj. Que está en la parte de adentro. 2. Que está muy adentro. 3. Que solo se siente en el alma. 4. Dicho de una habitación o de una vivienda: Que no tiene vistas a la calle. 5. Perteneciente o relativo a la nación… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Interior — may refer to: Interior (topology), mathematical concept that includes, for example, the inside of a shape Interior design, the trade of designing an architectural interior Interior (Degas) (also known as The Rape), painting by Edgar Degas The… …   Wikipedia

  • interior — INTERIÓR, OÁRĂ, interiori, oare, adj., s.n. 1. adj. Care este situat înăuntrul unui lucru, al unui spaţiu limitat etc.; intern. ♦ fig. Care se referă la partea morală, sufletească a omului; care nu se manifestă în afară; lăuntric. 2. s.n. Partea… …   Dicționar Român

  • interior — adjetivo 1. Que está o se lleva dentro: El dolor es interior. mar interior. patio interior. ropa* interior. 2. Del espíritu o de las facultades mentales: Tiene mucha vida interior. 3. Que se desarrolla sin salir de las fronteras de un país: el… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Interior architecture — bridges the practices of interior design and architecture so that professionals working in the field have a structural and load bearing education with an emphasis on interior spaces. The field is similar to architecture in that it deals with… …   Wikipedia

  • Interior (Dakota del Sur) — Interior Pueblo de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • interior — 1. Como adjetivo, ‘de dentro’. El término de referencia va introducido por la preposición a: «Venus es también un planeta interior a la órbita terrestre» (Maza Astronomía [Chile 1988]). 2. Como sustantivo, ‘parte de dentro’: «El interior del… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • Interior — In*te ri*or, a. [L., compar. fr. inter between: cf. F. int[ e]rieur. See {Inter }, and cf. {Intimate}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Being within any limits, inclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner; opposed to {exterior}, or {superficial}; as, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Interior angle — Interior In*te ri*or, a. [L., compar. fr. inter between: cf. F. int[ e]rieur. See {Inter }, and cf. {Intimate}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Being within any limits, inclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner; opposed to {exterior}, or {superficial}; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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