1 empty weight
n вага без палива; суха вага -
2 empty weight
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > empty weight
3 aircraft empty weight to gross weight ratio
n відношення ваги порожнього літака до ваги зEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > aircraft empty weight to gross weight ratio
4 basic empty weight
n базова вага порожнього літака; основна вага порожнього літака -
5 manufacturer's empty weight
n виробнича вага порожнього літакаEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > manufacturer's empty weight
6 operational equipment empty weight
n вага порожнього споряджання літакаEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > operational equipment empty weight
7 aircraft empty weight
маса пустого повітряного судна (без палива, мастила та інших робочих рідин)English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > aircraft empty weight
8 aircraft operational empty weight
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > aircraft operational empty weight
9 weight
1. nвага, маса2. v◊•- aircraft all-up weight - aircraft authorized weight - aircraft empty weight - aircraft operational weight - aircraft operational empty weight - aircraft weight - aircraft wet weight - aircraft zero fuel weight - all-up weight - balance weight - climbout weight - constituent weight - design flight weight - design landing weight - distributed balance weight - droop stop bob weight - dry weight - empty weight - flutter-preventive weight - gross weight - high weight - mass balance weight - maximum landing weight - maximum take-off weight - overload gross weight - own weight - payload weight - physical atomic weight - remote balance weight - shipping weight - specific weight - takeoff weight - takeoff gross weight - taxi weight - touchdown weight -
10 weight empty
n вага незнарядженого снаряду; порожня вага -
11 delivery empty plane weight
n вага порожнього літака в стані поставкиEnglish-Ukrainian military dictionary > delivery empty plane weight
См. также в других словарях:
empty weight — The weight of the structure of an airplane, its power plant, all fixed equipment, including optional equipment, ballast, full reservoir of hydraulic fluid, and unusable fuel and oil that is in the pipelines. It does not include the weight of… … Aviation dictionary
empty weight — noun : the weight of the structure, power plant, and fixed equipment of an airplane in flying condition … Useful english dictionary
Basic aircraft empty weight — is the weight of an aircraft without taking into account any baggage, passengers, or usable fuel. Basic empty weight includes all fluids necessary for operation such as engine oil, engine coolant, and unusable fuel.Some manufacturers define Basic … Wikipedia
Operating empty weight — (OEW) is the basic weight of an aircraft including the crew, all fluids necessary for operation such as engine oil, engine coolant, water, unusable fuel and all operator items and equipment required for flight but excluding usable fuel and the… … Wikipedia
Operating empty weight — Masse à vide en ordre d exploitation La masse à vide en ordre d exploitation (en anglais : Operating empty weight ou OEW) d un avion ou hélicoptère est sa masse incluant l appareil et l équipage mais pas sa charge utile (passagers et fret),… … Wikipédia en Français
empty weight center of gravity — The center of gravity of an airplane that includes only all fixed equipment and unusable fuel and oil … Aviation dictionary
equipped empty weight — The weight of an aircraft minus its disposable loads but including its removable and other equipment … Aviation dictionary
manufacturer’s empty weight — The weight of an aircraft, including the structure, power plant, furnishings, systems, and other items that are considered an integral part of a particular configuration … Aviation dictionary
Weight and Balance — Die Weight and Balance Berechnung (W/B; auch: weight balance; deutsche Bezeichnungen weniger gebräuchlich: Gewichte und Schwerpunkt; Masse und Schwerpunktlage; Schwerpunkt und Beladung; Schwerpunktlage und Masseverteilung; Gewichts und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Empty calorie — Empty calories, in casual dietary terminology, are calories present in high energy foods with poor nutritional profiles, typically from processed carbohydrates or fats. Also known as a discretionary calorie, an empty calorie has the same energy… … Wikipedia
Weight function — A weight function is a mathematical device used when performing a sum, integral, or average in order to give some elements more weight or influence on the result than other elements in the same set. They occur frequently in statistics and… … Wikipedia