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  • 21 cabin

    cabin altimeter
    кабинный высотомер
    cabin altitude indicator
    указатель высоты в кабине
    cabin altitude selector
    задатчик высоты в кабине
    cabin attendant
    cabin attendant call
    вызов бортпроводника
    cabin attendants seat
    сиденье бортпроводника
    cabin baggage
    ручная кладь
    cabin crew
    обслуживающий экипаж
    cabin disposal
    компоновка кабины
    cabin emergency light
    аварийное табло в кабине экипажа
    cabin glare protection
    противобликовая защита в кабине
    cabin glareshield
    козырек приборной доски кабины
    cabin heating
    обогрев кабины
    cabin heating system
    система обогрева кабины
    cabin interior arrangement
    внутренняя компоновка кабины
    cabin interior decor
    внутренняя отделка кабины
    cabin interior trim
    внутренняя отделка кабины
    cabin layout
    компоновка кабины
    cabin leak test set
    установка для проверки герметичности кабины
    cabin overpressure indicator
    указатель перенадува кабины
    cabin partition
    перегородка кабины
    cabin personnel
    cabin pressure
    1. высота в кабине
    2. давление в кабине cabin pressure indicator
    указатель перепада давления в кабине
    cabin pressure regulator
    регулятор давления в кабине
    cabin pressurization
    герметизация кабины
    cabin side wall
    перегородка кабины
    cabin temperature control system
    система регулирования температуры воздуха в кабине
    cabin tightness testing device
    прибор для проверки кабины на герметичность
    crew cabin floor
    пол кабины экипажа
    pressurising cabin valve
    клапан наддува

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > cabin

  • 22 test

    1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль; тестирование; опробование;
    см. тж. testing/ испытывать; проверять; контролировать; тестировать; опробовать
    2. тест; проба
    3. критерий; признак
    accelerate-stop tests
    accelerated mission test
    acceleration-deceleration test
    aerobatic flight tests
    aeroelastic tests
    agility test
    air resonance test
    air-to-air test
    air-to-air combat test
    airframe test
    airspeed calibration test
    all-attitude flight test
    asymmetric loads tests
    asymmetric wing sweep flight tests
    auto-guidance tests
    before-flight-rated tests
    bench test
    biaxial fatigue test
    bird impact test
    bird ingestion test
    bird strike test
    bird strike tests
    burn-in test
    burst pressure test
    catapult tests
    centrifugal load test
    centrifuge tests
    clean configuration test
    closed-loop test
    cockpit workload test
    combined-systems tests
    compatibility test
    component tests
    compression test
    computer-aided test
    constant amplitude test
    continued takeoff tests
    control test
    convergence test
    cooling test
    crack-detection tests
    crash test
    creep test
    crush tests
    cyclic tests
    damage tolerance test
    damage resistance test
    departure test
    depressed-trajectory test
    destruction test
    development tests
    divergence tests
    dual-frequency test
    durability test
    dynamometer tests
    electromagnetic interference tests
    electromagnetic-vulnerability test
    emergency survival test
    EMI tests
    endurance test
    engine reingestion test
    environmental test
    exploratory tests
    fatigue test
    flammability test
    flaps up landing tests
    flexure test
    flight clearance test
    flight simulation tests
    flight-by-flight fatigue test
    flight simulation fatigue tests
    flow field tests
    flow visualization tests
    flutter test
    flutter-proof tests
    flyover tests
    force tests
    forced oscillation tests
    foreign object damage test
    free oscillation tests
    free spinning facility tests
    free-flight test
    free-to-roll tests
    frequency response tests
    frequency-sweep test
    fuel runout test
    full-scale test
    ground effect test
    ground resonance test
    handling qualities tests
    hard-ride test
    heat tests
    heavyweight test
    high-angle-of-attack tests
    high-alpha test
    hover tests
    hover in-ground-effect test
    hover-in-ground test
    hovering tests
    humidity tests
    icing test
    impact test
    in-plant tests
    input-to-output tests
    iron bird tests
    landing test
    landing flap tests
    life roll test
    limit cycle tests
    limited-envelope flight test
    load-deflection test
    logic test
    low-observability test
    maneuvering tests
    manual flight tests
    modal test
    modal survey test
    mode interaction tests
    model tests of airfoils
    moire interferometry tests
    noise test
    nondestructive test
    normal takeoff tests
    Nyquist stability test
    open-loop tests
    operability test
    oscillatory tests
    overland tests
    oxygen tests
    performance test
    pilot-in-loop tests
    plenum-chamber burning tests
    post-flight test
    preflight test
    pressure test
    pressurization test
    proof-lood test
    proof-of-concept tests
    radar cross-section test
    radiographic test
    rain test
    ramp tests
    rate of climb test
    rejected takeoff test
    reliability test
    remote-site test
    repair test
    residual strength test
    resonance tests
    reverse-thrust tests
    rig test
    robustness test
    roll-on-rim test
    rolling test
    rotary-balance tests
    rough ground profile test
    shake test
    shakedown test
    shear test
    sideslip tests
    simulation verification test
    simulator test
    small-scale test
    smoke test
    spin tests
    spray ingestion test
    stability test
    stall tests
    static tests
    static strength test
    steady rolling tests
    steady state test
    stealth test
    stiffness test
    store compatibility test
    strength tests
    structural tests
    supercritical test
    system integration test
    tail on/off tests
    takeoff test
    taxy test
    tensile test
    tension test
    tethered test
    towing test
    transfer function tests
    validation tests
    vectored thrust test
    vibration test
    vulnerability test
    water-tank test
    waveoff tests
    wheel test
    whirl test
    wind blast test
    wind tunnel test
    wing-fatigue test
    wingborne mode flight test
    yaw oscillation tests
    zero-speed-zero-altitude test
    zero-zero test

    Авиасловарь > test

См. также в других словарях:

  • Cabin pressurization — is the active pumping of compressed air into an aircraft cabin when flying at altitude to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for crew and passengers in the low outside atmospheric pressure.Pressurization is essential over 3,000 m (10,000 …   Wikipedia

  • Life support system — For other uses of Life support , see Life support (disambiguation). In human spaceflight, a life support system is a group of devices that allow a human being to survive in space. US government space agency NASA,[1] and private spaceflight… …   Wikipedia

  • Helios Airways Flight 522 — Artist s depiction of 5B DBY being met by two F 16s of the Hellenic Air Force at 34000 ft Accident summary Date …   Wikipedia

  • Airliner — The Boeing 747 was the first wide body airliner. Pictured is the 747 8I model which first flew in 2011 …   Wikipedia

  • Uncontrolled decompression — refers to an unplanned drop in the pressure of a sealed system, such as an aircraft cabin and typically results from human error, material fatigue, engineering failure or impact causing a pressure vessel to vent into its lower pressure… …   Wikipedia

  • List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft, 1950-1974 — This is a list of notable accidents and incidents involving military aircraft grouped by the year in which the accident or incident occurred. For more exhaustive lists, see the [http://www.baaa acro.com/ Aircraft Crash Record Office] or the [http …   Wikipedia

  • Oxygen mask — A plastic oxygen mask on an ER patient. An oxygen mask provides a method to transfer breathing oxygen gas from a storage tank to the lungs. Oxygen masks may cover the nose and mouth (oral nasal mask) or the entire face (full face mask). They may… …   Wikipedia

  • C-5 Galaxy — Infobox Aircraft name=C 5 Galaxy type=Strategic airlifter manufacturer=Lockheed Georgia Co. caption= designer= first flight=30 June 1968 introduction=June 1970 retired= status=Operational Active: 33 Reserve: 45 ANG: 30Mehuron, Tamar A., Assoc.… …   Wikipedia

  • система — 4.48 система (system): Комбинация взаимодействующих элементов, организованных для достижения одной или нескольких поставленных целей. Примечание 1 Система может рассматриваться как продукт или предоставляемые им услуги. Примечание 2 На практике… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Focke-Wulf Fw 190 — infobox Aircraft name =Fw 190 type =Fighter manufacturer = Primarily Focke Wulf Flugzeugbau AG, but also Ago, Arado, Fieseler, Mimetall, Norddeutsche Dornier and others caption = Fw 190 A designer =Kurt Tank first flight =1 June 1939 introduced… …   Wikipedia

  • Fuselage — of a Boeing 737 shown in brown The fuselage (pronounced /ˈfjuːzəlɑːʒ/; from the French fuselé spindle shaped ) is an aircraft s main body section that holds crew and passengers or cargo. In single engine aircraft it will usually contain an… …   Wikipedia

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