1 emergency currency
1) Экономика: орудия платежа, выпускаемые во время финансового кризиса, платежные средства, выпускаемые во время финансового кризиса2) Банковское дело: средства платежа, выпускаемые во время финансового кризиса -
3 emergency currency
орудия платежа, выпускаемые во время финансового кризисаАнгло-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > emergency currency
4 emergency currency
платежные средства, выпускаемые во время финансового кризисаEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > emergency currency
5 emergency currency
орудия платежа, выпускаемые во время финансового кризиса -
6 Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Law
Принят 30 мая 1908 в связи с банковской паникой 1907 [Panic of 1907]. Закон предпринял попытку создать гибкую национальную валюту, разрешив банкам выпускать свои ценные бумаги наряду с федеральными. Предварил Закон о Федеральном резерве 1913 [Federal Reserve Act of 1913]. Был представлен на рассмотрение Конгресса сенатором и финансистом Н. Олдричем [Aldrich, Nelson W.].тж Aldrich-Vreeland ActEnglish-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Law
7 currency
n1) валюта, деньги
- accounting currency
- adjustable currency
- agreed currency
- agreement currency
- anchor currency
- appreciated currency
- article eight currency
- automatic currency
- base currency
- blocked currency
- cheap currency
- cheque currency
- clearing currency
- collective currency
- common currency
- controlled currency
- convertible currency
- convertible in gold currency
- counterfeit currency
- credit currency
- dealt currency
- decimal currency
- deposit currency
- depreciated currency
- depreciating currency
- devalued currency
- domestic currency
- double currency
- elastic currency
- emergency currency
- exotic currency
- exporter's currency
- falling currency
- fiat currencies
- fiduciary currency
- floating currency
- fluctuating currency
- forced currency
- foreign currency
- fractional currency
- free currency
- freely convertible currency
- freely floating currency
- full-bodied currency
- fully convertible currency
- functional currency
- general asset currency
- gold currency
- green currency
- hand-to-hand currency
- hard currency
- home currency
- importer's currency
- inconvertible currency
- inflated currency
- international currency
- intervention currency
- irredeemable currency
- jointly floating currency
- key currency
- lawful currency
- leading currency
- local currency
- major currencies
- managed currency
- metallic currency
- mixed currency
- national currency
- nonconvertible currency
- overvalued currency
- paper currency
- partially convertible currency
- pegged currency
- permitted currencies
- quotation currency
- redeemable in gold currency
- reference currency
- regulated currency
- reporting currency
- reserve currency
- revalued currency
- scarce currency
- settled currency
- shaky currency
- silver currency
- single currency
- small denomination currency
- soft currency
- sound currency
- splinter currency
- stable currency
- standard currency
- third-country currency
- trading currency
- transaction currency
- treasury currency
- undervalued currency
- unstable currency
- vehicle currency
- volatile currency
- currency in circulation
- currency of account
- currency of a bill
- currency of clearing
- currency of a contract
- currency of credit
- currency of exchange clause
- currency of money
- currency of payment
- currency of price
- currency pegged to the dollar
- appreciate currency
- back currency
- compute in currency
- control currency
- convert currency
- debase currency
- deposit currency
- depreciate currency
- devalorize currency
- devaluate currency
- devalue currency
- dump currency
- earn currency
- exchange currency
- express in currency
- manage currency
- pay in currency
- prop up currency
- purchase currency
- realize for foreign currency
- regulate currency
- remit currency
- revalorize currency
- revalue currency
- sell for foreign currency
- transfer currency from one account to another
- transfer currency to an accountEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > currency
8 currency
1) (денежное) обращение2) деньги (обычно наличные деньги: монеты, банкноты); валюта -
9 currency
10 Aldrich-Vreeland Act
English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Aldrich-Vreeland Act
11 fund
1. n1) запас, резерв, фонд2) pl фонды, денежные средства
- accumulation fund
- adequate funds
- actual fund
- additional funds
- advisory funds
- aggressive growth fund
- amortization fund
- authorized fund
- available funds
- balanced fund
- bank funds
- basic fund
- bond fund
- bond sinking fund
- bonus fund
- borrowed funds
- budgetary funds
- burial fund
- buy-out fund
- capital fund
- capital redemption reserve fund
- cash fund
- charter fund
- claims settlement fund
- clearing house funds
- clone fund
- closed fund
- closed-end investment funds
- common stock fund
- common trust fund
- compensation fund
- consolidated fund
- consumption fund
- contingency funds
- contingent fund
- contract fund
- co-op share fund
- corporate income fund
- corporate liquid fund
- country fund
- cover funds
- credit funds
- currency fund
- debt fund
- debt funds
- deferred fund
- deposit funds
- depreciation fund
- development fund
- discretionary fund
- diversified common stock fund
- diversified common trust fund
- dividend reserve fund
- economic incentive fund
- economic stimulation fund
- emergency funds
- emergency reserve fund
- emerging markets growth fund
- employee benefit trust fund
- endowment fund
- equalization fund
- equalized fund
- equity funds
- equity common trust fund
- equity income fund
- escrow funds
- exchange stabilization fund
- expense fund
- extra funds
- extra-budgetary funds
- federal fund
- federal funds
- federal reserve fund
- federal small business support fund
- fiduciary funds
- financial fund
- financing funds
- floating funds
- floating funds in circulation
- footloose funds
- foreign funds
- fresh funds
- front-end load fund
- frozen funds
- general fund
- go-go fund
- gold settlement fund
- good funds
- government funds
- growth fund
- growth and income fund
- guarantee fund
- hard-currency funds
- hedge fund
- high-quality fund
- house funds
- illiquid funds
- imprest fund
- income fund
- income mutual fund
- indemnification fund
- indivisible funds
- inducement fund
- in-house funds
- insufficient funds
- insurance fund
- interest-sensitive funds
- internal funds
- International Monetary Fund
- investment funds
- joint fund
- labour fund
- lease fund
- lendable funds
- liquid fund
- liquid funds
- liquid foreign exchange funds
- liquid reserve fund
- liquidity fund
- load mutual fund
- loan fund
- loan funds
- loanable funds
- loan redemption fund
- local fund
- long-term funds
- low-cost funds
- material incentives fund
- maximum capital gain mutual fund
- monetary fund
- money market fund
- money market mutual fund
- mutual fund
- mutual mortgage insurance fund
- no-load fund
- off-budget fund
- offshore fund
- open-end investment fund
- open share fund
- outside funds
- overnight funds
- payroll fund
- pension fund
- performance fund
- petty cash fund
- policy reserve fund
- private fund
- private funds
- professional health insurance fund
- proprietary fund
- provident fund
- public funds
- public consumption funds
- public off-budget funds
- purchase fund
- real estate fund
- redemption fund
- registered fund
- released fund
- relief fund
- renewal fund
- research-and-development fund
- reserve funds
- retention funds
- revaluation rerserve fund
- revolving fund
- sector-specified fund
- share fund
- shareholders' fund
- short-term funds
- short-term bond fund
- sinking fund
- slush fund
- social consumption funds
- social security fund
- soft loan fund
- specialized fund
- specialty fund
- special-purpose fund
- special reserve fund
- stabilization fund
- standards of emergency funds
- standby funds
- state funds
- statutory fund
- sufficient funds
- superannuation fund
- surplus funds
- tax-exempt bond fund
- tied-up funds
- trust fund
- uncollected funds
- unit fund
- unpaid liability funds
- utility or other-enterprise fund
- volatile funds
- vulture fund
- wages fund
- welfare fund
- working capital fund
- working time fund
- fund for amortization
- fund for development of production
- fund for expansion of production
- fund for the support of small enterprise
- fund for technological improvement
- funds of a bank
- funds of an enterprise
- fund of funds
- administer a fund
- advance funds
- allocate funds
- appropriate funds
- attract funds
- be pressed for funds
- borrow funds
- call upon the fund
- commit the funds
- convert funds to another purpose
- create funds
- deposit funds
- draw money from the fund
- earmark funds
- establish a fund
- extend funds
- freeze funds
- generate funds
- grant funds
- invest funds
- launch a hedge fund
- make funds available
- manage a fund
- misspend federal funds
- obtain funds
- open a fund
- pay out funds
- provide funds
- raise funds
- redistribute funds
- release funds
- repatriate funds
- set aside funds
- set up a fund
- streamline a fund
- tie up funds
- transfer funds
- withdraw funds2. v2) финансировать, фондировать
- fund through taxation -
12 loan
13 reserve
nзапас, резерв- depleted reservesto deplete one's foreign currency reserves — истощать свои запасы иностранной валюты
- dollar reserve
- drain on a country's foreign reserves
- emergency reserves
- excess reserve
- external reserves
- food reserves
- foreign currency reserves
- foreign exchange reserves
- gold reserve
- hard currency reserves
- hidden reserve
- international monetary reserves
- international reserves
- labor reserves
- latent reserves
- liability reserve
- local reserves
- manpower reserves
- member of the police reserve
- mineral reserves
- monetary reserves
- nature reserve
- official reserves
- operating reserve
- production reserves
- profitable reserves
- strategic reserves
- the world's proven oil reserves
- total reserves
- world gold reserves -
14 reserve
1. n1) запас, резерв2) фин. резервный фонд3) pl суммы, оставшиеся после выплаты налогов, зарплат и распределения дивиденда4) оговорка
- actual reserve
- actuarial reserves
- aggregate reserves
- amortization reserve
- appropriated reserves
- assets valuation reserve
- available reserves
- bad debt reserve
- bad loan reserve
- bank reserve
- bonus reserve
- borrowed reserves
- business reserves
- capacity reserve
- capital reserves
- capital redemption reserve
- cash reserve
- claims reserve
- commercial reserves
- contingency reserve
- contingent reserve
- currency reserves
- deficiency reserve
- depreciation reserve
- development reserve
- disclosed reserves
- distributable reserves
- dividend reserve
- dividend equalization reserve
- dwindling reserves
- dormant labour reserves
- emergency reserve
- excess reserves
- external reserves
- extraordinary reserve
- first line reserves
- food reserves
- foreign currency reserves
- foreign exchange reserves
- fractional reserve
- free reserves
- funded reserve
- general reserves
- gold reserve
- gold and foreign exchange reserves
- government reserves
- hard currency reserves
- hidden reserves
- inflationary reserve
- inner reserves
- insurance reserve
- interest reserve
- international monetary reserves
- investment reserve
- labour reserves
- latent reserves
- legal reserve
- legal minimum reserve
- liability reserves
- liquid reserves
- liquidity reserves
- loan loss reserve
- loss reserve
- material reserves
- minimum reserve
- minimum cash reserve
- monetary reserve
- money reserve
- naked reserve
- negative foreign exchange reserves
- net reserve
- net borrowed reserves
- net free reserves
- net level premium reserve
- nonborrowed reserves
- official reserves
- oil reserves
- open reserves
- opening reserve
- operating reserve
- operating cash reserve
- pension reserve
- personnel reserve
- possible reserves
- potential mineral reserves
- premium reserve
- prescribed reserve
- primary reserves
- production reserves
- productive capacity reserve
- recoverable reserves
- redemption reserve
- renegotiation reserve
- replacement reserve
- required reserves
- revaluation reserve
- revenue reserves
- revolving reserve
- secondary reserves
- secret reserves
- sinking-fund reserve
- special reserve
- statutory reserve
- stock reserve
- strategic reserves
- surplus reserve
- tax reserve
- taxation reserve
- tax-free reserves
- time reserve
- undisclosed reserves
- undistributable reserves
- untapped reserves
- valuation reserve
- visible reserves
- voluntary reserves
- working reserve
- world's oil reserves
- reserve against demand deposits
- reserve against inventories
- reserve for amortization
- reserve for bad debts
- reserve for debt redemption
- reserve for deferred taxes
- reserve for depletion
- reserve for depreciation
- reserve for doubtful accounts
- reserve for doubtful debts
- reserves for export
- reserve for extensions
- reserve for interest
- reserve for loss in investments
- reserve for obsolescence
- reserve for outstanding claims
- reserve for overheads
- reserve for payment of future dividends
- reserve for probable losses
- reserve for taxes
- reserve on hand
- as a reserve
- under the usual reserve
- with reserve
- without reserve
- accumulate reserves
- borrow from reserves
- build up reserves
- command reserves
- create reserves
- draw on reserves
- hold in reserve
- get one's hands on oil reserves
- increase reserves
- keep in reserve
- maintain reserves
- maintain a legal reserve
- make reserves
- pledge reserves as collateral
- put aside as a reserve
- put in reserve
- put to reserve
- raid the reserves
- reduce reserves
- replenish the reserves
- set up reserves
- transfer to reserves2. v1) откладывать, запасать2) сохранять за собой (право)3) резервировать, бронировать, заказывать заранее4) оговариватьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > reserve
2) Военный термин: Covert Reconnaissance/Strike, combat reporting system, crew escape and rescue techniques, crew escape technology3) Техника: Committee on Reactor Safety and Technology4) Юридический термин: Constitutional Rights Enforcement And Support Team6) Биржевой термин: Commercial Real Estate Structured Transaction7) Радио: Citizens Radio Emergency Service Teams8) Сокращение: Center for Research & studies on Strategy & Technology (USA), Committee of Scientific & Technological Research, Comprehensive Radar Effects Simulator Trainer, Consolidated Reporting & Evaluating Subsystem, Tactical9) Физиология: Calcinosis Raynaud's Esophagus Sclerodactyly And Telangiectasia, Calcinosis Raynauds Esophagus Sclerodactyly And Telangiectasia, Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Stenting Trial10) Банковское дело: CREST is the major UK securities settlement system for UK equities, government bonds and a range of other securities. (http://www.rbs.co.uk/corporate/electronic-services/g5/crest.ashx)11) Деловая лексика: Corporate Real Estate Services Training, Courteous, Reliable, Empathetic, Superior, And Timely12) Общественная организация: Center For Renewable Energy And Sustainable Technology, Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce -
16 crest
2) Военный термин: Covert Reconnaissance/Strike, combat reporting system, crew escape and rescue techniques, crew escape technology3) Техника: Committee on Reactor Safety and Technology4) Юридический термин: Constitutional Rights Enforcement And Support Team6) Биржевой термин: Commercial Real Estate Structured Transaction7) Радио: Citizens Radio Emergency Service Teams8) Сокращение: Center for Research & studies on Strategy & Technology (USA), Committee of Scientific & Technological Research, Comprehensive Radar Effects Simulator Trainer, Consolidated Reporting & Evaluating Subsystem, Tactical9) Физиология: Calcinosis Raynaud's Esophagus Sclerodactyly And Telangiectasia, Calcinosis Raynauds Esophagus Sclerodactyly And Telangiectasia, Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Stenting Trial10) Банковское дело: CREST is the major UK securities settlement system for UK equities, government bonds and a range of other securities. (http://www.rbs.co.uk/corporate/electronic-services/g5/crest.ashx)11) Деловая лексика: Corporate Real Estate Services Training, Courteous, Reliable, Empathetic, Superior, And Timely12) Общественная организация: Center For Renewable Energy And Sustainable Technology, Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce -
17 CEC
1) Компьютерная техника: Commission of European Communities3) Американизм: Contractor Establishment Code4) Военный термин: Central Electronic Complex, Central European Command, Civil Engineer Corps, Civil Engineering Corps, Communications and Electronics Command, Communications-Electronics Committee, Computer Engineering Center, Consolidated Expenditure Center, centralized electronic control, change entry certification, фр Commander in Chief командующий5) Техника: Canadian electrical code, Citizens Energy Council, Claiborne Enrichment Center, Coal Experts Commission, Consulting Engineers Council, carbon tetrachloride, Custom Engine Control®6) Религия: Cambodian Evangelical Church7) Автомобильный термин: crankcase emission control system (Honda)8) Биржевой термин: Commodities Exchange Center, Inc9) Дипломатический термин: Commission of the European Communities10) Политика: (Central Election Commission) ЦИК (Центральная избирательная комиссия)11) Сокращение: Central Executive Committee, Civil Engineers Corps, Co-operative Engagement Capability, Coal Experts Commitee, Combat Engagement Center, Commission of the European Committees, Concept Experimentation Program (Army), Conference of European Churches, Cooperative Engagement Capability, County Emergency Centre (UK)12) Университет: Colombia Education Center, Columbia Education Center, Continuing Education Credit13) Электроника: Cell evaluation chip, Consumer Electronics Control (протокол дистанционного управления)14) Банковское дело: единая европейская валюта (Common European Currency)15) Бурение: катионообменная ёмкость (cation exchange capacity)16) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: certification of equipment completion17) Образование: Certificate Of Educational Convenience, Continuing Education Centre, Council For Exceptional Children18) Инвестиции: Common European Currency19) Сетевые технологии: communications engine controller, контроллер коммуникационного процессора20) Программирование: Clear Enter Clear21) Автоматика: contour-error control22) Сахалин Р: cation exchange capacity23) Трудовое право: Canadian experience class (Immigration Canada)24) Расширение файла: Certified E-Commerce Consultant25) NYSE. C E C Entertainment, Inc.26) Аэропорты: Crescent City, California USA27) Клинические исследования: Central Ethical Committee -
18 cec
1) Компьютерная техника: Commission of European Communities3) Американизм: Contractor Establishment Code4) Военный термин: Central Electronic Complex, Central European Command, Civil Engineer Corps, Civil Engineering Corps, Communications and Electronics Command, Communications-Electronics Committee, Computer Engineering Center, Consolidated Expenditure Center, centralized electronic control, change entry certification, фр Commander in Chief командующий5) Техника: Canadian electrical code, Citizens Energy Council, Claiborne Enrichment Center, Coal Experts Commission, Consulting Engineers Council, carbon tetrachloride, Custom Engine Control®6) Религия: Cambodian Evangelical Church7) Автомобильный термин: crankcase emission control system (Honda)8) Биржевой термин: Commodities Exchange Center, Inc9) Дипломатический термин: Commission of the European Communities10) Политика: (Central Election Commission) ЦИК (Центральная избирательная комиссия)11) Сокращение: Central Executive Committee, Civil Engineers Corps, Co-operative Engagement Capability, Coal Experts Commitee, Combat Engagement Center, Commission of the European Committees, Concept Experimentation Program (Army), Conference of European Churches, Cooperative Engagement Capability, County Emergency Centre (UK)12) Университет: Colombia Education Center, Columbia Education Center, Continuing Education Credit13) Электроника: Cell evaluation chip, Consumer Electronics Control (протокол дистанционного управления)14) Банковское дело: единая европейская валюта (Common European Currency)15) Бурение: катионообменная ёмкость (cation exchange capacity)16) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: certification of equipment completion17) Образование: Certificate Of Educational Convenience, Continuing Education Centre, Council For Exceptional Children18) Инвестиции: Common European Currency19) Сетевые технологии: communications engine controller, контроллер коммуникационного процессора20) Программирование: Clear Enter Clear21) Автоматика: contour-error control22) Сахалин Р: cation exchange capacity23) Трудовое право: Canadian experience class (Immigration Canada)24) Расширение файла: Certified E-Commerce Consultant25) NYSE. C E C Entertainment, Inc.26) Аэропорты: Crescent City, California USA27) Клинические исследования: Central Ethical Committee -
19 reserve
1.1) откладывать, запасать2) бронировать, резервировать, заказывать заранее2.1) запас, резерв2) фин. резервный фонд3) оговорка• -
20 Act
- Edge Act
См. также в других словарях:
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Currency of Venezuela — This article provides a historical summary of the currency used in Venezuela since the end of the 18th century. For the present currency of Venezuela, see Venezuelan bolívar. Contents 1 Pre independence currency 1.1 Coin 1.1.1 1787 lightweight… … Wikipedia
currency — Synonyms and related words: PR, and pence, averageness, ballyhoo, blurb, bon ton, bright light, cash, celebrity, circulating medium, coin, coinage, coined liberty, cold cash, common knowledge, commonality, commonness, commonplaceness, cry,… … Moby Thesaurus
Emergency Banking Act — The Emergency Banking Act (also known as the Emergency Banking Relief Act) was an act of the United States Congress spearheaded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression. It was passed on March 9, 1933. The act allowed a plan … Wikipedia
Local currency — See Emissions Reduction Currency System for community based initiatives aimed at emission reduction Numismatics Terminology … Wikipedia