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  • 1 eludir

    1 to avoid.
    eludir a la prensa to avoid the press
    Elude sus responsabilidades a menudo He often avoids his responsibilities.
    2 to elude, to be out of the grasp of, to be out of someone's grasp, to get out of someone's grasp.
    El significado de esto elude a Ricardo The significance of this eludes Richard.
    * * *
    1 (responsabilidad, justicia, etc) to evade
    2 (pregunta) to avoid, evade; (persona) to avoid
    * * *
    1) (=evitar) [+ problema, responsabilidad] to evade; [+ control, vigilancia] to dodge; [+ pago, impuesto] to avoid

    no eludas mis preguntasdon't evade o avoid my questions

    2) [+ persona] to avoid
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <problema/compromiso/pago> to evade, avoid
    b) < persona> to avoid
    * * *
    = bypass [by-pass], dodge, elude, escape, evade, deflect, parry, baulk [balk, -USA], fend off, steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, duck out of, steer away from.
    Ex. She repeatedly bypassed the catalog because she was an inveterate fiction reader and approached the A section of the fiction shelf expecting to find Sholom Aleichem under ALEICHEM.
    Ex. But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.
    Ex. The definition of a 'work' has eluded cataloguers for many years, and AACR2 has not found a solution.
    Ex. Other words may be included in a stop-wordlist for some applications, but escape inclusion in other circumstances.
    Ex. Wastage is sometimes defined as material which temporarily or permanently has evaded the usual lending procedures due to misplacement, damage, non-registration, theft or non-returns.
    Ex. Questions such as 'Can I help you?' on the part of the librarian are easily deflected by a hasty, perhaps automatic and ill-considered, 'Oh, no thanks' by the user.
    Ex. 'What if we got the other departments to pay for their own services and materials?' she parried, seeing a faint ray of hope in the idea.
    Ex. While many scholars concede that military interventions are sometimes permissible, they balk when it comes to deciding whether they are ever a moral duty.
    Ex. During the rutting season, they are used to fend off other males in an attempt to gather a harem of females to breed with.
    Ex. This entire target market has steered clear of the public library.
    Ex. Under the new law, motorists must give 'a wide berth' to stationary emergency vehicles displaying blue, red, or amber emergency warning lights.
    Ex. There's no polite way to duck out of a dinner party.
    Ex. This article gives guidance for steering away from some of the more obvious pitfalls when buying software.
    * agacharse para eludir = duck out of + harm's way.
    * eludir la necesidad de = bypass + the need (for).
    * eludir responsabilidad = pass + the buck.
    * eludirse = duck away.
    * eludir una cuestión = dodge + issue.
    * eludir una obligación = duck + an obligation.
    * eludir una oposición = negotiate + resistance.
    * eludir una responsabilidad = shirk + responsibility.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <problema/compromiso/pago> to evade, avoid
    b) < persona> to avoid
    * * *
    = bypass [by-pass], dodge, elude, escape, evade, deflect, parry, baulk [balk, -USA], fend off, steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, duck out of, steer away from.

    Ex: She repeatedly bypassed the catalog because she was an inveterate fiction reader and approached the A section of the fiction shelf expecting to find Sholom Aleichem under ALEICHEM.

    Ex: But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.
    Ex: The definition of a 'work' has eluded cataloguers for many years, and AACR2 has not found a solution.
    Ex: Other words may be included in a stop-wordlist for some applications, but escape inclusion in other circumstances.
    Ex: Wastage is sometimes defined as material which temporarily or permanently has evaded the usual lending procedures due to misplacement, damage, non-registration, theft or non-returns.
    Ex: Questions such as 'Can I help you?' on the part of the librarian are easily deflected by a hasty, perhaps automatic and ill-considered, 'Oh, no thanks' by the user.
    Ex: 'What if we got the other departments to pay for their own services and materials?' she parried, seeing a faint ray of hope in the idea.
    Ex: While many scholars concede that military interventions are sometimes permissible, they balk when it comes to deciding whether they are ever a moral duty.
    Ex: During the rutting season, they are used to fend off other males in an attempt to gather a harem of females to breed with.
    Ex: This entire target market has steered clear of the public library.
    Ex: Under the new law, motorists must give 'a wide berth' to stationary emergency vehicles displaying blue, red, or amber emergency warning lights.
    Ex: There's no polite way to duck out of a dinner party.
    Ex: This article gives guidance for steering away from some of the more obvious pitfalls when buying software.
    * agacharse para eludir = duck out of + harm's way.
    * eludir la necesidad de = bypass + the need (for).
    * eludir responsabilidad = pass + the buck.
    * eludirse = duck away.
    * eludir una cuestión = dodge + issue.
    * eludir una obligación = duck + an obligation.
    * eludir una oposición = negotiate + resistance.
    * eludir una responsabilidad = shirk + responsibility.

    * * *
    eludir [I1 ]
    1 ‹problema› to evade, avoid, dodge; ‹pago› to avoid, evade
    un compromiso que no puedes eludir an obligation which you can't evade o duck
    eludió la persecución de la policía she escaped from o she avoided capture by her police pursuers
    me eludió la mirada she avoided my gaze, she avoided looking me in the eye
    2 ‹persona› to avoid
    me ha estado eludiendo toda la semana she's been avoiding o dodging me all week
    consiguió eludir a los periodistas he managed to avoid o elude the reporters
    * * *

    eludir ( conjugate eludir) verbo transitivo
    a)problema/compromiso/pago to evade, avoid

    b) persona to avoid

    eludir verbo transitivo to avoid
    ' eludir' also found in these entries:
    - desentenderse
    - evitar
    - dodge
    - duck
    - elude
    - evade
    - fend off
    - skirt
    - berth
    - bypass
    - divert
    - fend
    - get
    - parry
    - shirk
    - side
    * * *
    eludir vt
    1. [evitar] [compromiso, responsabilidad] to avoid, to evade;
    [problema, dificultad, tema] to avoid; [pregunta] to evade, to avoid, to dodge;
    eludir el pago de una deuda to avoid paying a debt;
    eludir al fisco to avoid paying taxes;
    eludir el servicio militar to avoid o get out of doing military service;
    eludió hacer declaraciones he avoided making any statement;
    eludió su mirada she avoided his eyes
    2. [perseguidores]
    eludir a to avoid, to evade;
    consiguió eludir a la policía he managed to avoid the police;
    * * *
    v/t evade, avoid
    * * *
    eludir vt
    evadir: to evade, to avoid, to elude
    * * *
    eludir vb to avoid

    Spanish-English dictionary > eludir

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