Elendil (actually meaning *"star-friend". Tolkien notes: "It is not surprising that the Edain...found it difficult to discern whether words and names containing the element el referred to the stars or to the Elves. This is seen in the name Elendil, which was meant to bear the sense "Elf-friend". Properly in Quenya it meant 'a lover or student of the stars'... 'Elf-friend' would have been more correctly represented by Quen(den)dil or Eldandil.") –WJ:410 -
2 Elf-friend
{"Друг эльфов".} Подлежит переводу. Оно навеяно именем Aelfwine (английская форма древнего германского имени; например у лангобардов встречался вариант Alboin), хотя известные в истории многочисленные носители древнеанглийского Aelfwine этот смысл, вероятно, не осознавали или не придавали ему значения. -
3 Elf-friend
Друг Эльфов КМ, ВАМ, ГГ, Э, Боб, КК, ВАТ, Я, ГА, ГЗ, НDictionary of names translation of 'Lord of the Rings Tolkien > Elf-friend
Elessar (Aragorn's royal name), stem *Elessarn-, as in the genitive Elesarno (VT49:28, read *Elessarno?) The literal meaning may seem to be Star-stone rather than Elf-stone – but the Edain sometimes confused elen "star" and elda "elf". Cf. Elendil; see ELF-FRIEND. – As a common noun, elessar or “elf-stone” may signify “beryl” (in the chapter Flight to the Ford in the LotR, Aragorn finds “a single pale-green jewel” and declares: “It is a beryl, an elf-stone”). –LotR:395, 897 -
(or, “Elf-friend”) \#Eldameldo (pl. Eldameldor in WJ:417). Compare FRIEND. -
6 myself
1) (used as the object of a verb or preposition when the speaker or writer is the object of an action he or she performs: I cut myself while shaving; I looked at myself in the mirror.) mim próprio2) (used to emphasize I, me or the name of the speaker or writer: I myself can't tell you, but my friend will; I don't intend to go myself.) eu próprio* * *my.self[mais'elf] pron 1 eu mesmo. I did it myself / eu mesmo o fiz. I am not quite myself / eu não estou, não me sinto muito bem. I myself will go / eu mesmo irei pessoalmente. 2 a mim mesmo. I hurt myself / eu me machuquei.
См. также в других словарях:
Elf-friend — Surname of Gimli son of Glóin. The title and surname of Gimli of the Fellowship of the Ring, given in token of his great friendship with Legolas of the Wood elves … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
elf — race of powerful supernatural beings in Germanic folklore, O.E. elf (Mercian, Kentish), ælf (Northumbrian), ylfe (pl., W.Saxon), from P.Gmc. *albiz (Cf. O.S. alf, O.N. alfr, Ger. alp evil spirit, goblin, incubus ), origin unknown, possibly from… … Etymology dictionary
Elf-friends — / Elf friend The Men of the Three Houses of Bëor, Haleth, and Hador, the Edain. In the Akallabêth and in Of the Rings of Power used of those Númenóreans who were not estranged from the Eldar; see Elendili. In Of the Rings of Power and the… … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Gimli Elf-friend — / Gimli Dwarf of the House of Durin, son of Glóin; one of the Fellowship of the Ring. Descendant of the Kings of Durin s Folk. Son of Glóin, he travelled from Rivendell with the Company of the Ring. After the breaking of the… … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
ELF — Aquitaine (Business » NYSE Symbols) *** Extremely low frequency (Academic & Science » Electronics) ** Earth Liberation Front (Academic & Science » Universities) * Executable And Linkable Format (Computing » File Extensions) * Elf Liberation Front … Abbreviations dictionary
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Elf deities — The Seldarine (Tel Seldarine in the elvish language) is the name of the pantheon of the good and neutral elven gods in many campaign settings for the Dungeons Dragons role playing game. The name roughly translates as the fellowship of brothers… … Wikipedia
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The Happy Elf — Infobox Film name = The Happy Elf writer = Andrew Fishman Scott Landis starring = Rob Paulsen Harry Connick, Jr. Carol Kane Mickey Rooney Kevin Michael Richardson Mae Whitman Lewis Black director = John Rice producer = Scott D. Greenberg Sidney… … Wikipedia
Fohlen-Elf — Borussia Mönchengladbach Voller Name Borussia Verein für Leibesübungen 1900 e. V. Ort Mönchengladbach … Deutsch Wikipedia