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  • 1 elevator

    1) ((especially American) a lift or machine for raising persons, goods etc to a higher floor: There is no elevator in this shop - you will have to climb the stairs.) výťah
    2) (a tall storehouse for grain.) sýpka, silo
    * * *
    • výtah
    • výškové kormidlo
    • zdvíhac
    • sýpka
    • elevátor
    • dopravník

    English-Slovak dictionary > elevator

  • 2 lift

    [lift] 1. verb
    1) (to raise or bring to a higher position: The box was so heavy I couldn't lift it.) zdvihnúť
    2) (to take and carry away: He lifted the table through into the kitchen.) odniesť
    3) ((of mist etc) to disappear: By noon, the fog was beginning to lift.) dvíhať sa
    4) (to rise: The aeroplane lifted into the air.) vzlietnuť
    2. noun
    1) (the act of lifting: a lift of the eyebrows.) zdvihnutie
    2) ((American elevator) a small enclosed platform etc that moves up and down between floors carrying goods or people: Since she was too tired to climb the stairs, she went up in the lift.) výťah
    3) (a ride in someone's car etc: Can I give you a lift into town?) zvezenie
    4) (a raising of the spirits: Her success in the exam gave her a great lift.) povzbudenie
    * * *
    • vydvihnút (sa)
    • vykopat
    • výtah
    • vzdúvat sa
    • vydvihnút
    • vyberat
    • zdvihnút (sa)
    • zdvihnút
    • zdvihnutie
    • zdvih
    • dvíhat do výšky
    • dvíhanie
    • dvíhat (sa)
    • dvíhat
    • rozplývat sa
    • rozptylovat sa
    • povzniest (sa)
    • kradnút
    • odcudzit

    English-Slovak dictionary > lift

См. также в других словарях:

  • elevator — noun (AmE) ⇨ See also ↑lift ADJECTIVE ▪ glass ▪ express, high speed ▪ creaky ▪ We took a creaky old elevator up to the third floor …   Collocations dictionary

  • elevator — ► NOUN 1) N. Amer. a platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering people or things. 2) a machine consisting of an endless belt with scoops attached, used for raising grain. 3) N. Amer. a tall building used for storing grain …   English terms dictionary

  • elevator — 1640s, originally of muscles, from L. elevator, agent noun from pp. stem of elevare (see ELEVATE (Cf. elevate)). As a name for a mechanical lift (originally for grain) attested from 1787. Elevator music is attested by 1963. Elevator as a lift for …   Etymology dictionary

  • elevator boy — noun a man employed to operate an elevator in England they call an elevator man a liftman • Syn: ↑elevator man, ↑liftman • Hypernyms: ↑elevator operator …   Useful english dictionary

  • elevator man — noun a man employed to operate an elevator in England they call an elevator man a liftman • Syn: ↑elevator boy, ↑liftman • Hypernyms: ↑elevator operator …   Useful english dictionary

  • elevator operator — noun an operator of an elevator • Hypernyms: ↑operator, ↑manipulator • Hyponyms: ↑elevator girl, ↑elevator man, ↑elevator boy, ↑liftman …   Useful english dictionary

  • elevator — UK US /ˈelɪveɪtər/ noun [C] ► US (UK lift) WORKPLACE a small room in a tall building which carries people or goods up and down to different levels of the building: » I took the elevator to her office on the fourteenth floor. ► a moving strip… …   Financial and business terms

  • elevator shaft — noun a vertical shaft in a building to permit the passage of an elevator from floor to floor • Hypernyms: ↑shaft * * * elevator shaft, a vertical passageway for an elevator …   Useful english dictionary

  • elevator authority — noun The degree of control that the elevators can exert over the pitching motion of an aircraft; related to elevator design and airspeed. The airspeed was so low that there was insufficient elevator authority to recover from the stall …   Wiktionary

  • elevator girl — noun a girl employed to operate an elevator • Hypernyms: ↑elevator operator …   Useful english dictionary

  • elevator shoe — noun Etymology: from Elevators, a trademark : a shoe having a specially constructed raised insole intended to make the wearer look taller * * * a shoe with a thick insole designed to increase the wearer s height. [named after a former trademark,… …   Useful english dictionary

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