1 electrostatic electromotive force
электростатическая электродвижущая сила, электростатическая эдсEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > electrostatic electromotive force
2 electrostatic electromotive force
электростатическая электродвижущая сила, электростатическая эдсThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > electrostatic electromotive force
3 force
1) сила2) влияние; воздействие || влиять; воздействовать;3) вынуждение; принуждение || вынуждать; принуждать4) вчт вмешиваться в ход выполнения программы6) форсировать; ускорять•- anomalous photoelectromotive force
- antiskating force
- attractive force
- back electromotive force
- brute force
- central force
- chemical electromotive force
- coercive force
- compelling force
- contact force
- contact electromotive force
- Coulomb force
- counter-electromotive force
- deflecting force
- demagnetizing force
- Dember electromotive force
- elastic force
- electric force
- electromagnetic electromotive force
- electromotive force
- electrostatic electromotive force
- exchange forces
- grasping force
- image force
- induced electromotive force
- intrinsic coercive force
- labor force
- levitating force
- lift force
- long-range force
- Lorentz force
- Lorentz-Abragam force
- low insertion force
- magnetic force
- magnetizing force
- magnetic-induction coercive force
- magnetization coercive force
- magnetomotive force
- needle force
- peak magnetizing force
- photoelectromotive force
- piezoelectric electromotive force
- pinning force
- ponderomotive force
- psophometric electromotive force
- quantum-mechanical forces
- relaxation coercive force
- repulsive force
- rotational coercive force
- Sasaki electromotive force
- short-range force
- skating force
- static grip force
- strong force
- stylus force
- surface photoelectromotive force
- thermal electromotive force
- thermoelectromotive force
- thermionic electromotive force
- Thomson electromotive force
- tracking force
- tractive force
- vertical stylus force
- volume photoelectromotive force
- wall coercive force
- weak force
- work force
- zero insertion force -
4 force
1) сила2) влияние; воздействие || влиять; воздействовать3) вынуждение; принуждение || вынуждать; принуждать4) вчт. вмешиваться в ход выполнения программы6) форсировать; ускорять•- anomalous photoelectromotive force
- antiskating force
- attractive force
- back electromotive force
- brute force
- central force
- chemical electromotive force
- coercive force
- compelling force
- contact electromotive force
- contact force
- Coulomb force
- counter-electromotive force
- deflecting force
- demagnetizing force
- Dember electromotive force
- elastic force
- electric force
- electromagnetic electromotive force
- electromotive force
- electrostatic electromotive force
- exchange forces
- grasping force
- image force
- induced electromotive force
- intrinsic coercive force
- labor force
- levitating force
- lift force
- long-range force
- Lorentz force
- Lorentz-Abragam force
- low insertion force
- magnetic force
- magnetic-induction coercive force
- magnetization coercive force
- magnetizing force
- magnetomotive force
- needle force
- peak magnetizing force
- photoelectromotive force
- piezoelectric electromotive force
- pinning force
- ponderomotive force
- psophometric electromotive force
- quantum-mechanical forces
- relaxation coercive force
- repulsive force
- rotational coercive force
- Sasaki electromotive force
- short-range force
- skating force
- static grip force
- strong force
- stylus force
- surface photoelectromotive force
- thermal electromotive force
- thermionic electromotive force
- thermoelectromotive force
- Thomson electromotive force
- tracking force
- tractive force
- vertical stylus force
- volume photoelectromotive force
- wall coercive force
- weak force
- work force
- zero insertion forceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > force
5 force
2) воздействие3) вмешательство || вмешиваться ( в работу устройства); принуждать, заставлять; форсировать4) вставлять с усилием, вдавливать; вгонять, загонять5) пуансон6) усиливать; ускорять; увеличивать•force A is equal and opposite to force B — сила А равна по величине и противоположна по направлению силе В;force between track links — натяг между звеньями траковой цепи;force in the joint — рбт усилие в сочленении;to apply force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие;to balance force — уравновешивать силу;to combine forces — складывать силы;to distribute force — распределять силу;to force down — прижимать книзу, отжимать;to exert force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие;to force home — вгонять (загонять) до отказа;to impress force upon structure — прикладывать силу к конструкции или к сооружению;to force out — 1. вытеснять, выгонять 2. выкачивать;to place forces in equilibrium — уравновешивать силы;to take ( up) force — воспринимать усилие;to force through — продавливать; проталкиватьforce of current interaction — сила взаимодействия токов, экстрадинамическая сила-
accelerating force
actual cutting force
actuation force
adhesion force
adsorption forces
aerodynamic force
aggregation force
alternating electromotive force
alternating force
applied force
ascensional force
attracting force
axial force
back electromotive force
balance force
bending force
Bernoulli force
biasing magnetizing force
body force
bolt strap force
bonding force
braking force
breakdown force
breakout force
buckling force
buffing force
buoyancy force
calculated force
calibration force
centrifugal force
centripetal force
clamping force
climb force
coercitive force
coercive force
cohesive force
collapsing force
collision force
compression force
concentrated force
constraining force
contact electromotive force
contact extraction force
contact force
contact retention force
contractive force
Coriolis force
cornering force
correct track assembly force
Coulomb force
counter-electromotive force
crack-driving force
crowding force
crowd force
crushing force
cutting force
damping force
deflecting force
deforming force
demagnetization force
differential force
digging force
direct force
directive force
draft force
drag force
drawbar pulling force
drawing force
driving force
dynamic force
effective force
effective tractive force
elastic force
electric force
electrodynamic force
electrokinetic force
electromotive force
electrostatic force
engaging force
equivalent force
exchange forces
expulsive force
external force
feed force
field force
flow force
flux force
fracture-driving force
fracture force
frictional force
friction force
gravitational force
gravity force
gripping force
hydraulic tractive force
ice force
image force
impact force
imposed force
impulsive force
induced electromotive force
inertial force
insertion force
instantaneous force
interacting forces
interionic forces
intermolecular forces
internal force
ionic force
jacking force
labor force
landing force
lateral force
levitating force
lifting force
lift force
lip force
longitudinal impact force
magnetic force
magnetizing force
magnetomotive force
magnifying force
mechanical force
member force
momentary force
motive force
mutual electrodynamic force
net drag force
net force
normal force
nuclear forces
oil stiction force
opposite forces
photoelectromotive force
pinch force
plane-strain crack resistance force
ploughing force
plug thrust force
ponderomotive force
press force
pressing force
pressure-gradient force
prestressing force
proper force
propulsive force
pryout force
psophometric electromotive force
pullout force
pull force
pulling force
pulsating electromotive force
raising force
rated force
reacting force
reaction force
reactive electromotive force
reactive force
release force
repair force
repulsive force
reset force
resistance force
restraining force
resultant force
retarding force
retention force
rotating electromotive force
saturating forces
secondary force
seepage force
self-inductance electromotive force
separating force
shearing force
shear force
side force
single force
skating force
sliding resistance force
space force
specific cutting force
specific friction force
spring force
starting force
steady cutting force
stretching force
suction force
sump force
superposed force
supporting force
surface tension force
tangential cutting force
tangential force
task force
tearing force
tensile force
thermal electromotive force
thermoelectromotive force
Thomson electromotive force
tide-generating force
tighting force
torque force
total electromotive force
total force
towing force
tracking force
tractive force
transient cutting force
transverse force
turret clamping force
twisting force
unit force
uplift force
upward force
Van der Waals forces
vectorial force
vector force
viscous force
water force
wave force
wind force
withdrawal force -
6 emf
= electromotive forceэлектродвижущая сила, эдс- back emf
- chemical emf
- contact emf
- counter emf
- Dember emf
- electromagnetic emf
- electrostatic emf
- induced emf
- photoelectric emf
- piezoelectric emf
- psophometric emf
- Sasaki emf
- Seebeck emf
- thermal emf
- thermionic emf -
7 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
8 series
1) последовательность (1. пронумерованное множество элементов 2. совокупность связанных или однородных объектов или событий, упорядоченных в пространстве или времени по определённому закону) || последовательный, расположенный или происходящий в виде последовательности2) последовательное соединение (напр. электрических цепей) || последовательный ( о соединении)3) набор; комплект; семейство4) вчт ряд (напр. Фурье)5) серия (напр. спектральная)7) регулярно повторяющаяся вещательная программа (напр. сериал); серия передач ( с общей темой или в общем формате)•- series of observations
- alternate series
- alternating series
- arithmetic series
- Balmer series
- bivariate series
- Brackett series
- cardinal series
- cointegrated time seriess
- convergent series
- cosine Fourier series
- data series
- discrete series
- Edgeworth series
- electrochemical series
- electromotive series
- electromotive-force series
- electrostatic series
- ergodic time series
- F-series
- Fourier series
- galvanic series
- geometric series
- grating-lobe series
- harmonic series
- homologous series
- Humphrey's series
- infinite series
- integrated of order p-time series
- Laurent series
- Lyman series
- Maclaurin series
- Markov series
- Markovian series
- matrix series
- network series
- optical series
- ordered series
- oscillating series
- Paschen series
- Pfund series
- power series
- sine Fourier series
- singular series
- spectral series
- stationary time series
- Taylor series
- thermoelectric series
- time series
- triboelectric series
- trigonometric series
- truncated series
- Volta series
- Walsh series
- weighted series -
9 series
1) последовательность (1. пронумерованное множество элементов 2. совокупность связанных или однородных объектов или событий, упорядоченных в пространстве или времени по определённому закону) || последовательный, расположенный или происходящий в виде последовательности2) последовательное соединение (напр. электрических цепей) || последовательный ( о соединении)3) набор; комплект; семейство4) вчт. ряд (напр. Фурье)5) серия (напр. спектральная)7) регулярно повторяющаяся вещательная программа (напр. сериал); серия передач ( с общей темой или в общем формате)•- alternating series
- arithmetic series
- Balmer series
- bivariate series
- Brackett series
- cardinal series
- cointegrated time seriess
- convergent series
- cosine Fourier series
- data series
- discrete series
- Edgeworth series
- electrochemical series
- electromotive series
- electromotive-force series
- electrostatic series
- ergodic time series
- Fourier series
- F-series
- galvanic series
- geometric series
- grating-lobe series
- harmonic series
- homologous series
- Humphrey's series
- infinite series
- integrated of order p time series
- Laurent series
- Lyman series
- Maclaurin series
- Markov series
- Markovian series
- matrix series
- network series
- optical series
- ordered series
- oscillating series
- Paschen series
- Pfund series
- power series
- series of curves
- series of observations
- sine Fourier series
- singular series
- spectral series
- stationary time series
- Taylor series
- thermoelectric series
- time series
- triboelectric series
- trigonometric series
- truncated series
- Volta series
- Walsh series
- weighted seriesThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > series
10 emf
сокр. от electromotive forceэлектродвижущая сила, эдс- back emf
- chemical emf
- contact emf
- counter emf
- Dember emf
- electromagnetic emf
- electrostatic emf
- induced emf
- photoelectric emf
- piezoelectric emf
- psophometric emf
- Sasaki emf
- Seebeck emf
- thermal emf
- thermionic emfThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > emf
11 напряженность электрического поля
electric force, electric (field) intensity, electromotive intensity, electric field strength, electric [electrostatic\] stressАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > напряженность электрического поля
См. также в других словарях:
Electromotive force — (emf, mathcal{E}) is a term used to characterize electrical devices, such as voltaic cells, thermoelectric devices, electrical generators and transformers, and even resistors. For a given device, if an electric charge Q passes through that device … Wikipedia
electromotive force — Elect. the energy available for conversion from nonelectric to electric form, or vice versa, per unit of charge passing through the source of the energy; the potential difference between the terminals of a source of electrical energy: expressed… … Universalium
force — That which tends to produce motion in a body. [L. fortis, strong] animal f. muscular power. chewing f. SYN: f. of mastication. dynamic f. SYN: energy. electromotive f. (EMF) the f. (measured in volts) that causes the flow of electricity from one … Medical dictionary
Lorentz force — This article is about the equation governing the electromagnetic force. For a qualitative overview of the electromagnetic force, see Electromagnetism. For magnetic force of one magnet on another, see force between magnets. Electromagnetism … Wikipedia
electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… … Universalium
History of electromagnetism — The history of electromagnetism, that is the human understanding and recorded use of electromagnetic forces, dates back over two thousand years ago, see Timeline of electromagnetism. The ancients must have been acquainted with the effects of… … Wikipedia
electromagnetism — /i lek troh mag ni tiz euhm/, n. 1. the phenomena associated with electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with each other and with electric charges and currents. 2. Also, electromagnetics. the science that deals with these phenomena.… … Universalium
Maxwell's equations — For thermodynamic relations, see Maxwell relations. Electromagnetism … Wikipedia
thermoelectricity — /therr moh i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. electricity generated by heat or temperature difference, as in a thermocouple. [1815 25; THERMO + ELECTRICITY] * * * ▪ physics also called Peltier Seebeck effect direct conversion of heat into… … Universalium
Faraday's law of induction — For the relationship between a time varying magnetic field and an induced electric field, see Maxwell s equations. Electromagnetism … Wikipedia
Invention of radio — Great Radio Controversy redirects here. For the album by the band Tesla, see The Great Radio Controversy. Contents 1 Physics of wireless signalling 2 Theory of electromagnetism … Wikipedia