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  • 1 scan

    skæn 1. past tense, past participle - scanned; verb
    1) (to examine carefully: He scanned the horizon for any sign of a ship.) granske, studere
    2) (to look at quickly but not in detail: She scanned the newspaper for news of the murder.) fare over med en harelabb
    3) (to pass radar beams etc over: The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.) skanne, (av)søke
    4) (to pass an electronic or laser beam over a text or picture in order to store it in the memory of a computer.) skanne
    5) (to examine and get an image of what is inside a person's body or an object by using ultra-sound and x-ray: They scanned his luggage at the airport to see if he was carrying drugs.) skanne, gjennomlyse
    6) (to fit into a particular rhythm or metre: The second line of that verse doesn't scan properly.) skandere
    2. noun
    She had an ultrasound scan to see whether the baby was a boy or a girl; a brain scan; a quick scan through the report.) ultralyd(bilde); raskt blikk
    subst. \/skæn\/
    1) raskt gjennomblikk, skumlesing
    2) forskende blikk, prøvende blikk
    3) ( teknikk) skanning, avsøking
    verb \/skæn\/
    1) granske, studere, undersøke nøye
    2) kikke igjennom, kaste et raskt blikk på, skumme
    3) ( matematikk) analysere metrisk, skandere, kunne skanderes
    4) ( teknikk) skanne, (av)lese, (av)søke
    5) ( om røntgenbilde) avlese
    scan through kikke gjennom, skumlese

    English-Norwegian dictionary > scan

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