21 disk freni
disk brake -
22 dişli freni
pinion brake -
23 dönüş freni
steering brake -
24 dört tekerlek freni
fourwheel brake -
25 egzoz freni
exhaust brake -
26 el freni
handbrake, parking brake -
27 emniyet freni
emergency brake -
28 hava freni
air brake -
29 imdat freni
emergency brake -
30 jant freni
rim brake -
31 kavrama freni
clutch brake -
32 servis freni
service brake -
33 tekerlek freni
wheel brake -
34 transmisyon freni
transmission brake -
35 vakum freni
vacuum brake -
36 yağ freni
oil brake -
37 köklemek
"to uproot; (gazý, freni) to step on" -
38 ayak
"1. foot. 2. leg. 3. base, pedestal, footing. 4. treadle (of a sewing machine). 5. shaft (of a loom). 6. tributary. 7. outlet (of a lake). 8. step (in stairs). 9. gait, pace. 10. folk poetry rhyme; rhyme word. 11. foot (measure). 12. intersection between two lines or between a line and a plane. -ta 1. standing, on one´s feet. 2. excited, aroused. 3. med. ambulatory. -tan (satış) (selling meat) on the hoof (as opposed to butchered meat). -ını alamamak 1. /dan/ to be unable to refrain (from). 2. to be unable to use one´s feet (because of pains or because they have gone asleep). -ı alışmak /a/ to make a habit of going to. -ını altına almak to sit on one´s leg. -ının altına almak /ı/ 1. to beat, give a beating (to), thrash. 2. to ignore, transgress, violate. 3. to push aside (something useful). -lar altına almak /ı/ to trample on, disregard. -ının altına karpuz kabuğu koymak /ın/ to scheme to get (someone) fired. -ının altında olmak (for a view) to be spread out beneath one. -ının/-larının altını öpeyim. colloq. For God´s sake. - atmak 1. /a/ to go (to) for the first time. 2. to take a step. - atmamak /a/ not to go to; to stay away from. - ayak üstüne atmak to cross one´s legs. - bağı 1. impediment, hindrance, hobble, fetter. 2. person who creates an obligation and responsibility. -ının bağını çözmek /ın/ 1. to divorce (one´s wife). 2. to free (someone) to act. -ına bağ olmak /ın/ to hinder (one). -ına bağ vurmak/-ını bağlamak /ın/ to hinder. - basmak /a/ 1. to arrive (at), enter. 2. to begin, enter, start (a job). - basmamak /a/ not to go to; to stay away from. -lar baş, başlar ayak oldu. colloq. The first have become last, the last first./The social order is reversed and upstarts are in charge. - bileği 1. ankle. 2. anat. tarsus. -ları birbirine dolaşmak to stumble over one´s own feet. -ına çabuk quick, quick to come and go. -ını çabuk tutmak to hurry, walk quickly. -ına çağırmak /ı/ to call (someone) into one´s presence. -ını çekmek /dan/ to stop going to (a place). -ına çelme takmak /ın/ 1. to trip up. 2. to prevent (another´s) success. -ını çıkarmak to take off one´s shoes. - değiştirmek to get into step by changing one´s foot (in marching). -ını denk/tetik almak to be on one´s guard. -ını denk basmak to be careful, be wary. - diremek to insist, put one´s foot down. -ına dolanmak/dolaşmak 1. to crowd around and create confusion. 2. /ın/ to obstruct. 3. to boomerang, recoil on oneself. -ı dolaşmak 1. to trip over one´s own feet. 2. to get flustered and do something wrong. -ları dolaşmak to trip on one´s feet, get one´s feet tangled up. -ında donu yok, fesleğen ister/takar başına. colloq. She likes to show off regardless of her poverty. -ta duramama astasia. -ta durmak to stand, remain standing. -a düşmek to have outsiders meddling in (a matter). -ı düşmek /a/ to drop in on (a place, a house), visit while passing by. -ına düşmek /ın/ to beg, implore. -ı düze basmak to get over the hard part of something. -a fırlamak to jump to one´s feet. - freni foot brake. -ına geçirmek /ı/ to pull on (one´s trousers). -ına (kadar) gelmek /ın/ 1. to make (someone) a personal visit (as an act of deference). 2. (for any desired thing) to come to (one) by itself. -ları geri geri gitmek to go reluctantly, drag one´s feet. -ına getirmek /ı/ to have (something or someone) brought to one. -ına gitmek /ın/ to make (someone) a personal visit (as an act of deference). -ını giymek to put on one´s shoes. (kendi) -ı ile gelmek 1. to come on one´s own initiative. 2. to fall into one´s lap. -ına ip takmak /ın/ to backbite. - işi errands and small deeds. - izi footprint. -a kaldırmak /ı/ 1. to upset, excite (a group). 2. to incite, stir up (a group) to rebellion. -a kalkmak 1. to stand up, get up, rise to one´s feet. 2. to recover and get out of bed. 3. to get excited, be aroused. -ta kalmak 1. to be left without a seat. 2. to remain standing; to have lasted. -ına/-larına kara su/ sular inme -
39 hava
"1. air, atmosphere. 2. weather. 3. climate. 4. the sky. 5. law air rights. 6. wind, breeze. 7. melody, tune, air. 8. mus. pitch of a note. 9. one´s pleasure, whim; mood, humor, state of mind. 10. atmosphere, prevailing emotional state. 11. style, style of expression. 12. environment, social environment. 13. nothing, bosh. 14. airs, affectation. -dan 1. free, for nothing, without any effort, as a windfall, out of the blue. 2. empty, worthless. -ya 1. upward, up. 2. uselessly, to no avail, in vain. - açmak/açılmak for the sky to clear. - akımı draft, draught, current of air in an enclosed space. - akını air raid, air attack. - almak 1. to breathe fresh air. 2. to absorb air, take in air. 3. slang to end up getting nothing, go home empty-handed. - atışı basketball jump ball. - atmak slang 1. to put on airs. 2. to speak claptrap. - basıncı atmospheric pressure. - basmak 1. /a/ to blow up, inflate. 2. slang to give oneself airs, blow oneself up. 3. slang to speak claptrap. - boşaltma makinesi vacuum pump. - boşluğu 1. air pocket, air hole, downdraft (as felt in an airplane). 2. air shaft, air well (in a building). - bozmak for the weather to turn stormy or rainy. -yı bozmak to dampen the spirits of a group. - bulanmak for the weather to turn rainy. -sını bulmak to begin to feel happy, get into a good mood. - cereyanı draft, draught, current of air in an enclosed space. - çarpmak /ı/ for the wind or weather to affect (someone), cause (someone) discomfort. - çekici pneumatic hammer, air hammer. - değişimi 1. change of air, moving to another climate for medical reasons. 2. change in the weather; climatic change. - değiştirmek to move to another climate for medical reasons. - deliği 1. ventilation hole. 2. ventilation conduit (in a building). - durumu weather conditions. - düzenleyicisi air conditioner. - filosu air fleet. - freni air brake, pneumatic brake. - geçirmez airtight, airproof, hermetically sealed. - gemisi airship, dirigible. -ya gitmek to be in vain, be wasted. -nın gözü yaşlı olmak to threaten rain. - haznesi mech. air chamber. (birine göre) - hoş olmak (for something) not to matter (to someone). - hukuku air law. - iyi/fena esmek for things to be going well/badly. - kabarcığı air bubble, bubble. - kaçırmak to lose air. -da kalmak 1. to be up too high. 2. to be up in the air, be left in suspense, not to come to a conclusion. 3. to be left unsupported or unproved. - kanalı air conduit. - kapağı air valve. - kapanmak for the sky to be overcast. - kararmak 1. for night to fall; to get dark. 2. for the sky to become heavily overcast, get dark. - kesesi zool. 1. air bladder, gas bladder, swim bladder. 2. air sac (in birds and insects). - keşfi mil. air reconnaissance. - kırılmak for cold weather to break; for weather to begin to warm up. - kirliliği/kirlenmesi air pollution. - korsanı skyjacker, air pirate. - köprüsü airlift. - kuvvetleri air force. - meydanı airfield, landing field; airport. -sı olmak (for someone) to have a warm, attractive personality. (birinde bir kimsenin) -sı olmak to have something about (her/him) which reminds one of (someone else), resemble (someone). - oyunu futures, speculative trading in futures. -ya pala/kılıç sallamak to waste one´s energy. - parası 1. key money, cash payment demanded of a new renter before he takes possession. 2. money paid beyond what can be shown on a receipt. - patlamak for a storm to break. - payı margin of safety. - raporu weather report. -ya savurmak /ı/ 1. to throw (something) up into the air. 2. to spend (money) foolishly, throw (money) to the winds. - sıkmak slang to be a bore; to be a pain. -dan sudan 1. at random, randomly, of this and that. 2. random, of a random nature. - tahmini weather forecast. - tahmin raporu weather report. - tebdili change of climate (necessitated by ill health). -ya uçmak to be blown up, be blown sky-high. -ya uçurmak /ı/ to blow (something) up. -sına uymak /ın/ to adap -
40 imdat
"1. help, aid, assistance. 2. Help! - etmek /a/ to come to the rescue (of). - freni emergency brake (in a railroad passenger car). - istemek 1. to call for help. 2. to send an SOS. - işareti distress signal; SOS. -a yetişmek to come to someone´s rescue."
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Freni — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Melo Freni (* 1934), italienischer Schriftsteller und Regisseur Mirella Freni (* 1935), italienische Sängerin (Sopran) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Freni — Freni, Mirella, italienische Sängerin (lyrische Sopran), * Modena 27. 2. 1935; debütierte 1955 in Modena, sang 1963 erstmals an der Mailänder Scala, 1965 an der Metropolitan Opera in New York. Sie wirkte auch bei Festspielen (Salzburg,… … Universal-Lexikon
FRENI Equorum — Pelethronii inventum. Plin. l. 7. c. 56. Equo vehi Bellerophon, frenos et strata equorum Pelethrontus invenêrunt. At Virg. Georg. l. 3. v. 115. Frena Pelethronii Lapithae, gyrosque dedere Impositi dorso A Pelethronio sc. Thessaliae monte dicti,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ФРÉНИ (Freni) Мирелла — (Freni) Мирелла (р. 1935), итал. певица (лирич. сопрано). На сценах крупнейших оперных театров мира (в т.ч. в Ла Скала , Милан) с 1955. Гастролирует (в Москве в составе труппы). Прославилась в операх Дж. Верди, Дж. Пуччини … Биографический словарь
freni patlamak (veya tutmamak) — 1) fren, görevini yapmamak 2) mec. bir iş denetimden çıkmak … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Mirella Freni — Born 27 February 1935 (1935 02 27) (age 76) Origin Modena, Italy Genres Opera Occupations … Wikipedia
Mirella Freni — La soprano italiana Mirella Fregni, conocida como Mirella Freni (Módena, 27 de febrero de 1935), es una famosa cantante de ópera, admirada por su voz y su talento interpretativos. Su repertorio incluye casi cuarenta roles, particularmente los de… … Wikipedia Español
Mirella Freni — Nom de naissance Mirella Fregni Naissance 27 février 1935 Modène, Émilie Romagne Italie Activité principale … Wikipédia en Français
Melo Freni — (eigentlich Carmelo Freni[1]; * 1934 in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto) ist ein italienischer Autor und Filmregisseur. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl) 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mirella Freni — (* 27. Februar 1935 in Modena, Italien, eigentlich Mirella Fregni) ist ein bedeutender lyrischer Sopran. Sie machte ihr Debüt 1955 als Micaëla in „Carmen“. Sie hat ein breites Repertoire und wurde durch Karajan gefördert. Berühmt wurde sie in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ФРЕНИ (Freni) Мирелла — (р. 1935) итальянская певица (лирическое сопрано). С 1963 солистка театра Ла Скала . Выступает во многих странах (в Москве в составе труппы). Прославилась в операх Дж. Верди, Дж. Пуччини … Большой Энциклопедический словарь