1 ejection seat
2 ejection seat
авиац. катапультируемое кресло It was the first German aeroplane to employ a pilot-ejection seat. ≈ Это был первый немецкий самолет, в котором было использовано катапультируемое кресло. катапультаБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ejection seat
3 ejection seat
авиа катапультируемое креслоIt was the first German aeroplane to employ a pilot ejection seat. — Это был первый немецкий самолёт, в котором было использовано катапультируемое кресло.
4 ejection seat
5 ejection seat
<aeron.> сидение летчика катапультируемое -
6 ejection seat
1) Авиация: катапультируемое кресло (сиденье)2) Техника: катапульта, катапультное кресло3) Космонавтика: катапультируемое сиденье -
7 ejection seat
8 ejection seat
катапультируемое креслоАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > ejection seat
9 ejection seat
10 ejection seat
11 ejection seat
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > ejection seat
12 ejection seat
катапультируемое креслоEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > ejection seat
13 ejection seat
катапульти́руемое кре́слоThe Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > ejection seat
14 ejection seat
15 ejection seat
16 ejection seat
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > ejection seat
17 ejection seat aeron.
ejection seat aeron. катапультируемое кресло -
18 ejection seat acceleration
Авиационная медицина: ускорение катапультируемого кресла, ускорение катапультного креслаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ejection seat acceleration
19 ejection seat catapult
Военный термин: (стреляющий) механизм катапультируемого креслаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ejection seat catapult
20 ejection seat firing
Авиационная медицина: отстреливание катапультируемого кресла
См. также в других словарях:
ejection seat — (also ejector seat) ► NOUN ▪ an aircraft seat that can propel its occupant from the craft in an emergency … English terms dictionary
ejection seat — n. a seat designed to be ejected with its occupant from an aircraft in an emergency and parachuted to the ground … English World dictionary
Ejection seat — In aircraft, an ejection seat is a system designed to rescue the pilot or other crew of an aircraft (usually military) in an emergency. In most designs, the seat is propelled out of the aircraft by an explosive charge or rocket motor, carrying… … Wikipedia
ejection seat — Synonyms and related words: Mae West, bolt hole, breeches buoy, buoy, cork jacket, ejection capsule, ejector seat, emergency exit, escape hatch, fire escape, inflatable slide, life belt, life buoy, life jacket, life net, life preserver, life raft … Moby Thesaurus
ejection seat — A seat, normally fitted on combat aircraft, that permits the occupant to be ejected out of the vehicle in the case of any serious emergency that necessitates abandoning the vehicle. The seat is ejected by an explosive charge (i.e., cartridge or… … Aviation dictionary
ejection seat — noun a pilot s seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency; then the pilot descends by parachute • Syn: ↑ejector seat, ↑capsule • Hypernyms: ↑seat • Part Holonyms: ↑cockpit … Useful english dictionary
ejection seat — an airplane seat that can be ejected with the pilot in an emergency. Also called ejector seat. [1940 45] * * * … Universalium
ejection seat — e|jec|tion seat [ ı dʒekʃən ,sit ] noun AMERICAN a seat in a plane that will throw a pilot up and out into the air if the plane is likely to crash … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ejection seat — (also ejector seat) noun an aircraft seat that can propel its occupant from the craft in an emergency … English new terms dictionary
ejection seat — ejec′tion seat n. aer. an airplane seat that can be ejected together with the pilot in an emergency • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
ejection seat — noun Date: 1945 an emergency escape seat for propelling an occupant out and away from an airplane … New Collegiate Dictionary