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  • 1 חקירה

    חֲקִירָהf. (חָקַר) search, speculation, study. Y.Keth.VII, 31c bot., a. e. נדר … חֲקִירַת חכם a vow which requires the study of a scholar (to find out means of absolving).Esp. examination of witnesses, cross-examination. R. Hash. 25b חקירת העדים the hearing of witnesses (testifying to having seen the first appearance of the new crescent). Snh.IV, 1 בדרישה וח׳ require investigation and examination of witnesses; a. fr.Pl. חֲקִירוֹת cross-examination referring to date, time and place, contrad. to בדיקות referring to accompanying circumstances, Ib. V, 1 היו … בשבע ח׳ (in capital cases) they examined by means of seven questions, what year-week, what year, month, day, hour and place. Ib. 2 מה בין ח׳ לבדיקות what is the difference in point of law between ? Ib. 40b שמונה ח׳ eight questions; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חקירה

  • 2 חֲקִירָה

    חֲקִירָהf. (חָקַר) search, speculation, study. Y.Keth.VII, 31c bot., a. e. נדר … חֲקִירַת חכם a vow which requires the study of a scholar (to find out means of absolving).Esp. examination of witnesses, cross-examination. R. Hash. 25b חקירת העדים the hearing of witnesses (testifying to having seen the first appearance of the new crescent). Snh.IV, 1 בדרישה וח׳ require investigation and examination of witnesses; a. fr.Pl. חֲקִירוֹת cross-examination referring to date, time and place, contrad. to בדיקות referring to accompanying circumstances, Ib. V, 1 היו … בשבע ח׳ (in capital cases) they examined by means of seven questions, what year-week, what year, month, day, hour and place. Ib. 2 מה בין ח׳ לבדיקות what is the difference in point of law between ? Ib. 40b שמונה ח׳ eight questions; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > חֲקִירָה

См. также в других словарях:

  • eight-hour — eightˈ hour adjective Consisting of eight hours or eight working hours • • • Main Entry: ↑eight …   Useful english dictionary

  • eight–hour law — n: a law fixing the working day for specified types of employment at eight hours and frequently providing for time and a half compensation for hours worked after eight hours Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Eight-hour day — Part of a series on Organized labour …   Wikipedia

  • eight-hour law — A term of dual meaning. A statute which restricts absolutely the length of a day s labor to eight hours; a statute which provides that eight hours shall be a lawful day s work. 31 Am J Rev ed Lab § 780. The federal statute fixing an eight hour… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • eight-hour movement — /eɪt ˈaʊə muvmənt/ (say ayt owuh moohvmuhnt) noun Australian History a series of actions, demonstrations, etc., aimed at bringing in the eight hour day for all workers. Also, eight hours movement …  

  • eight hour laws — Statutes (e.g. Adamson Act; Fair Labor Standards Act) which established eight hours as the length of a day s work, prohibited work beyond this period, and required payment of overtime for work in excess of this period. See wage and hour laws …   Black's law dictionary

  • eight hour laws — Statutes (e.g. Adamson Act; Fair Labor Standards Act) which established eight hours as the length of a day s work, prohibited work beyond this period, and required payment of overtime for work in excess of this period. See wage and hour laws …   Black's law dictionary

  • eight-hour day — /ˌeɪt aʊə ˈdeɪ/ (say .ayt owuh day) noun a day in which eight hours are spent at work, eight hours asleep and eight hours in recreational and other activities; formerly the goal of social reformers fighting against overlong working hours …  

  • eight-hour law — noun : a law fixing the working day for specified employments at eight hours frequently coupled with a provision for time and one half compensation for hours worked after eight hours …   Useful english dictionary

  • eight hour shift — n. shift of eight hours of work …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Eight-Hour Day — /ˌeɪt aʊə ˈdeɪ/ (say .ayt owuh day) noun → Labour Day …  

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