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См. также в других словарях:

  • eight-bit byte — aštuonbitis baitas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. eight bit byte; octad; octet vok. Achtbitzeichen, n; Oktetbyte, n rus. восьмибитовый байт, m; восьмиразрядный байт, m pranc. octet, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Bit Error Rate Test — BERT or Bit Error Rate Test is a testing method for digital communication circuits that uses predetermined stress patterns comprising of a sequence of logical ones and zeros generated by a pseudorandom binary sequence. A BERT Tester typically… …   Wikipedia

  • Eight-to-Fourteen-Modulation — (EFM) bezeichnet einen Leitungscode, welcher zur Datenaufzeichnung auf optischen Datenträgern wie Compact Disc (CDs), Minidiscs und Laserdiscs verwendet wird. Das Verfahren EFM und dessen Erweiterung EFMPlus wurde von Kees A. Schouhamer Immink… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bit rate — Bit rates Decimal prefixes (SI) Name Symbol Multiple kilobit per second kbit/s 103 megabit per second Mbit/s 106 gigabit per second Gbit/s 109 …   Wikipedia

  • Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation — (EFM) is a data encoding technique used by CDs and pre Hi MD MiniDiscs. EFM and EFMPlus were both invented by Kees A. Schouhamer Immink. Technological classification EFM [US patent|4,501,000, EFM Patent, applied in Compact Disc, CD R, MiniDisc.]… …   Wikipedia

  • Bit Rate Reduction — Bit Rate Reduction, or BRR, also called Bit Rate Reduced, is a name given toan audio compression method used on the SPC700 sound coprocessor used in the SNES. The method is a form of ADPCM.BRR compresses each consecutive sequence of sixteen 16… …   Wikipedia

  • bit — bit1 bitless, adj. /bit/, n., v., bitted, bitting. n. 1. Mach. a. a removable drilling or boring tool for use in a brace, drill press, or the like. b. a removable boring head used on certain kinds of drills, as a rock drill. c. a device for… …   Universalium

  • BIT RATE — T&F In telecommunications and computing, bit rate (sometimes written bitrate, data rate or as a variable R) is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. The bit rate is quantified using the bits per second (bit/s or bps) …   Audio and video glossary

  • 8-bit clean — Eight bit clean describes a computer system that correctly handles 8 bit character sets, such as the ISO 8859 series and the UTF 8 encoding of Unicode. Up to the early 1990s, programs and communications systems assumed that all characters would… …   Wikipedia

  • Eight bar blues — An eight bar blues is a typical blues chord progression, taking eight 4/4 bars to the verse. Heartbreak Hotel , How Long Blues , Trouble in Mind , Ain t Nobody s Business and Cherry Red are all eight bar blues standards. One variant using this… …   Wikipedia

  • bit depth — noun The number of bits (binary digits) used to represent the colour of a single pixel. A bit depth of eight corresponds to a palette of 256 possible colours, because 2 = 256 …   Wiktionary

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