1 egg-and-dart ornament
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2 egg-and-dart ornament
English-Russian architecture dictionary > egg-and-dart ornament
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Egg-and-dart — is an ornamental device often carved in wood, stone, or plaster quarter round ovolo mouldings, consisting of an egg shaped object alternating with an element shaped like an arrow, anchor or dart. Egg and dart enrichment of the ovolo molding of… … Wikipedia
egg and dart — egg′ and dart′ n. archit. an architectural ornament used on moldings, consisting of a closely set alternating series of oval and pointed forms • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang
egg and dart — noun also egg and tongue or egg and anchor : a carved ornamental design in relief consisting of an ovoid figure and a roughly triangular figure usually approximating a somewhat elongated javelin or arrow head repeated alternately (as along a… … Useful english dictionary
egg-and-dart — Anchor An chor ([a^][ng] k[ e]r), n. [OE. anker, AS. ancor, oncer, L. ancora, sometimes spelt anchora, fr. Gr. a gkyra, akin to E. angle: cf. F. ancre. See {Angle}, n.] 1. A iron instrument which is attached to a ship by a cable (rope or chain),… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
egg and dart — noun an egg shaped ornament alternating with an ornament which can be seen as a dart, tongue or anchor, used to enrich a moulding. Also, egg and tongue, egg and anchor …
egg-and-tongue — Anchor An chor ([a^][ng] k[ e]r), n. [OE. anker, AS. ancor, oncer, L. ancora, sometimes spelt anchora, fr. Gr. a gkyra, akin to E. angle: cf. F. ancre. See {Angle}, n.] 1. A iron instrument which is attached to a ship by a cable (rope or chain),… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ornament — I (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Ornament >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 ornament ornament Sgm: N 1 floridness c.adj floridness c.adj GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 turgidity turgidity turgescence Sgm: N 2 altiloquence altiloquence &c. >Adj … English dictionary for students
Jesse Knight House — U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
arrowhead — /ar oh hed /, n. 1. the head or tip of an arrow, usually separable from the shaft and conventionally wedge shaped. 2. anything resembling or having the conventional shape of an arrowhead. 3. any aquatic or bog plant of the genus Sagittaria,… … Universalium
Ovolo — Ovulo molding and resulting shadow pattern Ovolo (or ovulo) in architecture, is a convex molding known also as the echinus, which in Classical architecture was invariably carved with the egg and dart ornament. The molding is called a quarter… … Wikipedia
echinus — n. (pl. ni ) hedgehog; sea urchin. Architecture, egg and dart ornament … Dictionary of difficult words