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effervescent wine

См. также в других словарях:

  • effervescent wine — газированное вино this wine seems rather good это вино как будто бы неплохое wine with a dash of water вино, слегка разбавленное водой to overindulge in wine злоупотреблять вином, много пить he pantomimed drinking wine он изобразил, как пьют вино …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • wine — [wīn] n. [ME < OE win, akin to ON vin, Ger & Goth wein < early Gmc borrowing < L vinum, wine: see VINE] 1. the fermented juice of grapes, used as an alcoholic beverage and in cooking, religious ceremonies, etc.: wines vary in color (red …   English World dictionary

  • Wine fault — A wine fault or defect is an unpleasant characteristic of a wine often resulting from poor winemaking practices or storage conditions, and leading to wine spoilage. Many of the compounds that cause wine faults are already naturally present in… …   Wikipedia

  • sparkling wine — noun effervescent wine • Hypernyms: ↑wine, ↑vino • Hyponyms: ↑champagne, ↑bubbly, ↑cold duck * * * noun : an effervescent table wine usually white but occasionally red containing on the average 12 percent alcohol by volume and carbonated by… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Glossary of wine terms — The glossary of wine terms lists the definitions of many general terms used within the wine industry. For terms specific to viticulture, winemaking, grape varieties, and wine tasting, see the topic specific list in the See also section below.… …   Wikipedia

  • Champagne (wine region) — Viticultural zones in the Champagne region Champagne vineyards in …   Wikipedia

  • Sparkling wine production — All production methods for sparkling wines have one thing in common: they have the purpose of introducing enough carbon dioxide in the wine to make it effervescent …   Wikipedia

  • Acqua pazza (wine) — The drink acqua pazza is a type of wine by product made by peasants in the Tuscan region of Italy from the leftovers of wine production. Also called acquarello, mezzone, or vinello, it has been described as a watered down wine of second choice by …   Wikipedia

  • ginger wine — noun : a ginger flavored beverage sometimes fermented or effervescent * * * ginger wine noun An alcoholic drink made by fermenting sugar and water, and flavoured with various spices, chiefly ginger • • • Main Entry: ↑ginger * * * ginger wine,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Still wine — n. a table wine which is not effervescent; a non sparkling wine. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • still wine — noun a) A type of table wine. b) A method of vinification that produces wine that is free of carbon dioxide and therefore lacks sparkling and effervescent properties. Ant: sparkling wine …   Wiktionary

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