1 effective terms
2 non-
префікс, що позначає заперечення або відсутність; нерідко перекладається префікомnon-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн
non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries — невтручання у внутрішні справи інших країн
non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life, non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life, non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life неподання допомоги особі, яка перебуває в небезпечному для життя становищі
non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to her life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration of succour to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to his life — = non-ministration of succor to a person in a situation dangerous to her life
non-ministration to a sick person on the part of a medical worker — неподання допомоги хворому особою медичного персоналу
non-observance of the conditions of a contract — = non-observance of the terms of a contract порушення умов контракту ( угоди)
- non-acceptancenon-observance of the terms of a contract — = non-observance of the conditions of a contract
- non-access
- non-act
- non-actionable
- non-adjudicative
- non-adjudicative fact
- non-admission
- non-admittance
- non-adult
- non-affiliation
- non-age
- non-aggression
- non-aggression pact
- non-aggressive
- non-alcoholic
- non-aligned
- non-aligned countries
- non-aligned movement
- non-aligned state
- non-aligned status
- non-alignment
- non-alignment movement
- non-amicable
- non-appealable
- non-appearance
- non-arraignment
- non-attendance
- non-authoritarian
- non-belligerence
- non-belligerency
- non-belligerent
- non-binding
- non-cabinet agency
- non-cabinet minister
- non-cadreman
- non-capital murder
- non-career appointment
- non-career criminal
- non-career post
- non-citizen
- non-claim
- non-classified
- non-classified document
- non-coercive
- non-combatant
- non-commercial
- non-commercial organization
- non-commissioned officer
- non-committal
- non-committal reply
- non-committalism
- non-Communist
- non-Communist bloc of states
- non-comp.
- non-compelable witness
- non-compellable witness
- non-competition clause
- non-compliance
- non-compliant
- non-compos
- non-compos mentis
- non-concur
- non-confidence
- non-confidence vote
- non-conforming
- non-conforming prisoner
- non-conformity
- non-constitutional
- non-constitutional authority
- non-content
- non-contentious proceedings
- non-contractual
- non-contractual case
- non-contractual liability
- non-contributory pension
- non-controversial
- non-controversial bill
- non-cooperation
- non-cooperationist
- non-corporate
- non-corporate body
- non-crime
- non-criminal
- non-criminal life
- non-criminal
- non-criminal prisoner
- non-criminal proceeding
- non-criminal proceedings
- non-cumulative
- non-custodial
- non-custodial penalty
- non-sanction
- non-custodial sentencing
- non-definitive
- non-definitive judgement
- non-definitive judgment
- non-delegable
- non-deliberate
- non-delivery
- non-democrat
- non-democratic
- non-departmental minister
- non-deputy
- non-detected delinquency
- non-deviation
- non-disclosure
- non-disclosure agreement
- non-discovery of the criminal
- non-discovery of the culprit
- non-discovery of the offender
- non-discretionary
- non-discriminating
- non-discriminating law
- non-discrimination
- non-discriminatory
- non-discriminatory law
- non-discriminatory law
- non-divulgence
- non-effective
- non-effective deterrent
- non-elected
- non-eligibility
- non-eligibility for office
- non-eligible for office
- non-enacted
- non-enacted law
- non-enforceability
- non-entry
- non-essential ignorance
- non-EU country
- non-evidence fact
- non-exclusive licence
- non-exclusive license
- non-exclusive
- non-exclusive use
- non-execution
- non-exempt
- non-existent
- non-expert opinion
- non-extradition
- non-feasance
- non-fulfilment
- non-fulfillment
- non-fulfilment of the decision
- non-gang offender
- non-governmental
- non-governmental body
- non-governmental organization
- non-governmental property
- non-governmental regulation
- non-immigrant
- non-immigrant visa
- non-immigrant
- non-independent
- non-independent country
- non-information
- non-infringing article
- non-infringing article
- non-institutional treatment
- non-intentional
- non-intentional fault
- non-intercourse
- non-interference
- non-intervention
- non-issuable
- non-issuable plea
- non-joinder
- non-judgemental
- non-judgmental
- non-judicial
- non-judicial agency
- non-judicial day
- non-judicial punishment
- non-juring
- non-jury
- non-jury case
- non-jury court
- non-legal
- non-legal employee
- non-lethal
- non-legislative
- non-legislative organization
- non-lethal weapon
- non-lethal weapons
- non-mailable
- non-mandatory
- non-marital
- non-marital sexual relations
- non-medical
- non-medical use of drugs
- non-member
- non-member state
- non-metropolitan county
- non-military
- non-military means
- non-military service
- non-ministration
- non-ministration of succor
- non-ministration of succour
- non-molestation order
- non-moral
- non-national
- non-negligent manslaughter
- non-negotiable
- non-nuclear
- non-nuclear state
- non-nuclear-weapon state
- non-observance
- non-observance of traffic laws
- non-obvious
- non-obvious subject-matter
- non-offender
- non-official
- non-official majority
- non-parliamentary
- non-participation
- non-partisan
- non-partisan ballot
- non-partisan government
- non-party
- non-party minister
- non-patent
- non-patentability
- non-patentable
- non-payment
- non-payment of taxes
- non-pecuniary
- non-performance
- non-permanent
- non-permanent member
- non-police
- non-police enforcement
- non-police enforcement agency
- non-police enforcement body
- non-presidential appointment
- non-prison
- non-prison gang
- non-professional
- non-professional consul
- non-profit
- non-profit agency
- non-profit corporation
- non-profit organization
- non-proliferation
- non-proliferation treaty
- non-property
- non-property right
- non-pros.
- non-prosequitur
- non-prospectus company
- non-punishable
- non-punitive
- non-recognition
- non-recurrent
- non-recurrent levy
- non-recurrent transaction
- non-recurring
- non-recurring duty
- non-registrability
- non-relative
- non-relative adoption
- non-representative
- non-residence
- non-resident
- non-resident alien
- non-resident citizen
- non-resident patient
- non-residential care
- non-residential premises
- non-retroactivity
- non-retroactivity of law
- non-secular
- non-secular law
- non-secure
- non-secure setting
- non-secure shelter
- non-self-executing treaty
- non-self-governing
- non-self-governing territory
- non-signatory
- non-state
- non-statutory
- non-statutory authority
- non-statutory subject-matter
- non-substantive
- non-suit
- non-support
- non-tariff
- non-tariff barriers
- non-tariff regulation
- non-tax source
- non-taxable
- non-taxed
- non-term
- non-terminal
- non-testifying co-defendant
- non-transferable
- non-treaty based
- non-treaty based mechanism
- non-unanimous
- non-unanimous jury
- non-unanimous jury system
- non-union country
- non-union employer
- non-use
- non-use of force
- non-use of punishment
- non-user
- non-violent
- non-violent protest
- non-voter
- non-voting
- non-voting member
- non- wage benefits
- non-working
- non-working day
- non-working elements
- non-working time -
3 be
be a threat to a country's economic independence — становити (собою) загрозу економічній незалежності країни, загрожувати економічній незалежності держави
be a threat to a country's sovereignty — становити (собою) загрозу національному суверенітету, загрожувати національному суверенітету
be abdicant of responsibilities — знімати з себе відповідальність; нехтувати своїми обов'язками
be appointed with the advice and consent — (of Parliament, etc.) призначатися за рекомендацією і згодою ( парламенту тощо)
be arrested while in attendance — бути заарештованим за порушення парламентського імунітету під час присутності ( на засіданні законодавчого органу), підлягати арешту на засіданні законодавчого органу
be brought to punishment for crime — = be brought to punishment for one's crime понести покарання за злочин
be brought to punishment for one's crime — = be brought to punishment for crime
be called as a witness for the defence — = be called as a witness for the defense викликатися в якості свідка захисту
be called as a witness for the defense — = be called as a witness for the defence
be disqualified from membership — ( of parliament) лишитися місця ( у парламенті) (про особу), не мати права бути членом ( парламенту)
be elected on the second ballot — = be elected on the second balloting бути обраним у другому турі виборів
be elected on the second balloting — = be elected on the second ballot
be engaged in activities that may endanger national security — займатися діяльність, що становить небезпеку для національної безпеки
be engaged in criminal activity — = be engaged in criminal activities займатися злочинною діяльністю
be engaged in criminal activities — = be engaged in criminal activity
be exempt from the jurisdiction of the receiving state — не підпадати під юрисдикцію держави-господаря
be involved in criminal activity — = be involved in criminal activities займатися злочинною діяльністю
be involved in criminal activities — = be involved in criminal activity
be of a recommendatory character — = be of a recommendatory nature мати рекомендаційний характер
be put in double jeopardy for the same offence — = be put in double jeopardy for the same offense судити двічі за один і той же злочин ( про злочинця)
be put in double jeopardy for the same offense — = be put in double jeopardy for the same offence
be released on an undertaking not to leave — ( a city) звільнятися під підписку про невиїзд ( з міста)
be subject to arbitrary judgement — = be subject to arbitrary judgment піддаватися довільному засудженню
be subject to arbitrary judgment — = be subject to arbitrary judgement
be subject to close control by legislation — = be subject to close control by legislation the courts підлягати суворому контролю з боку законодавчого органу (судів)
be subject to close control by legislation the courts — = be subject to close control by legislation
be subject to mandatory retirement at a fixed age — підлягати обов'язковому виходу у відставку (на пенсію) після досягнення визначеного віку
be subject to the discretion of the court — вирішуватися судом; віддаватися на розсуд суду
be tried twice for the same offence — = be tried twice for the same offence offense судити двічі за один і той же злочин ( про злочинця)
- be brought before a courtbe tried twice for the same offence offense — = be tried twice for the same offence
- be brought before a magistrate
- be effective as law
- be punished on an indictment
- be shaken on cross-examination
- be a fugitive from justice
- be a judge
- be a lawyer
- be a party to a crime
- be a representative
- be a violation
- be about to commit an offence
- be about to commit an offense
- be above the law
- be absent
- be absent from court
- be absent from duty
- be absent from work
- be accountable
- be accused
- be accused of bribe-taking
- be accused of high treason
- be actionable
- be actionable on proof
- be admitted to bail
- be admitted to citizenship
- be admitted to the bar
- be affixed
- be allowed as evidence
- be allowed in evidence
- be ambushed
- be answerable
- be appointed by the president
- be appointed a judge
- be approved by the legislature
- be armed
- be arrested en masse
- be at fault
- be at law
- be at quarrel
- be at the Bar
- be at the crime scene
- be at war
- be authorized by the situation
- be aware
- be aware of a risk
- be aware of one's rights
- be aware of the crime
- be based
- be behind bars
- be beneath one's dignity
- be biased
- be booked for speeding
- be born in lawful wedlock
- be brought to court for trial
- be brought up
- be brought up to one's trial
- be called to the Bar
- be called upon to testify
- be cast in lawsuit
- be censored
- be chairman
- be chairwoman
- be charged
- be charged on the article
- be charged with high treason
- be confirmed
- be considered an authority
- be constitutionally based
- be convicted of murder
- be criminally liable
- be debated
- be deemed harmful to health
- be defeated in elections
- be defined by law
- be deprived
- be deprived of legal validity
- be deprived of privileges
- be detained in one's home
- be discussed
- be dislocated
- be dispossessed
- be divorced
- be down for a speech
- be educated
- be educated in law
- be elected
- be elected by direct ballot
- be elected for a second term
- be elected President
- be eligible
- be eligible for an amnesty
- be eligible for consideration
- be engaged
- be engaged in prostitution
- be entangled by intrigue
- be entitled
- be entitled to an attorney
- be entitled to benefit
- be entitled to speak and vote
- be equal before the law
- be equal in rights
- be equally authentic
- be exact in one's payments
- be exempt from control
- be exempted from taxation
- be expert with a revolver
- be fined for speeding
- be found guilty
- be found guilty on all counts
- be found not guilty
- be free from forced marriage
- be given a clearance
- be given security clearance
- be governed
- be guaranteed against loss
- be guided
- be guilty
- be guilty of murder
- be head
- be heard by counsel
- be heard in one's defence
- be heard in one's defense
- be heavily taxed
- be held legally responsible
- be held liable
- be high on drugs
- be hurtful to the health
- be ignorant
- be immune
- be immune from attachment
- be immune from execution
- be immune from jurisdiction
- be immune from prosecution
- be immune from requisition
- be immune from search
- be implicated in a case
- be implicated in a crime
- be in a mora
- be in abeyance
- be in accordance with the law
- be in arrear
- be in arrears
- be in breach
- be in charge
- be in charge of a department
- be in conference
- be in continuous session
- be in control of one's actions
- be in control of the territory
- be in custody
- be in debt
- be in default
- be in dispute
- be in exile
- be in foster care
- be in hiding
- be in hock
- be in jail
- be in jeopardy
- be in office
- be in on a racket
- be in possession
- be in power
- be in prison
- be in protest
- be in session
- be in the chair
- be in the clear
- be in the committee
- be in the dock
- be in the majority
- be in the minority
- be in the possession
- be in trouble
- be in trouble with the law
- be inaugurated as president
- be incited
- be included in a commission
- be included in the amnesty
- be innocent of the crime
- be inspired
- be instigated
- be instructed in law
- be interdicted by law
- be involved
- be implicated in a case
- be implicated in the crime
- be legally entitled
- be legally obligated
- be legally responsible
- be levied with a tax
- be liable
- be liable to smth.
- be liable civilly
- be liable criminally
- be liable for confiscation
- be liable for punishment
- be liable for tax
- be liable to prosecution
- be made known
- be made widely known
- be morally bankrupt
- be number one on the hit list
- be of a recommendatory nature
- be of counsel
- be of full age
- be of legal age
- be of little legal consequence
- be of provocative character
- be on a death row
- be on a tour of inspection
- be on all fours
- be on charge
- be on duty
- be on leave
- be on one's trail
- be on patrol
- be on picket
- be on remand
- be on the downward path
- be on the floor
- be on the force
- be on the run
- be on the staff
- be on the stakeout
- be on the take
- be on the track
- be on the wanted circular
- be on the wanted list
- be operating illegally
- be out of court
- be out of it
- be out of uniform
- be out of work
- be out
- be outlawed
- be outside the reference
- be outvoted
- be persecuted
- be personally liable
- be placed in the dock
- be placed into the dock
- be placed under surveillance
- be popularly elected
- be prejudiced
- be present at the death
- be present at the hearing
- be privately owned
- be privileged from arrest
- be proctorized
- be prohibited by law
- be proscribed by law
- be prosecutable by law
- be prosecuted
- be proxy
- be pulled in for speeding
- be punishable
- be put in the dock
- be put into the dock
- be put on parole
- be put on trial
- be qualified for membership
- be raised to the bench
- be re-elected
- be received in audience
- be regulated
- be rehabilitated
- be released at large
- be released from prison
- be remiss in duties
- be responsible
- be rounded up
- be seised of an issue
- be sent on an embassy
- be sentenced to death
- be sentenced to life
- be served with a summons
- be sought for murder
- be steeped in crime
- be struck off the list
- be struck off the records
- be subject
- be subject to a rule
- be subject to an interception
- be subject to call
- be subject to control
- be subject to law
- be subject to licence
- be subject to license
- be subject to limitations
- be subject to penalty
- be subject to punishment
- be subject to qualifications
- be subject to ratification
- be subject to review
- be subject to sanction
- be subject to the supervision
- be subject to torture
- be subjected to censorship
- be subjected to discrimination
- be subjected to interrogation
- be subjected to penalty
- be subjected to persecution
- be subjected to reprisals
- be subjected to repressions
- be subjected to victimization
- be subordinate only to the law
- be subversive of discipline
- be sued
- be sued civilly
- be suspected
- be taxed
- be tortured to death
- be trained in law
- be trapped
- be treated as a crime
- be tried
- be under cognizance
- be under a ban
- be under a cloud
- be under a suspicion
- be under accusation
- be under age
- be under an accusation
- be under arrest
- be under constant surveillance
- be under debate
- be under discussion
- be under examination
- be under indictment
- be under investigation
- be under legal age
- be under surveillance
- be under suspicion
- be under the control
- be under the effect of alcohol
- be under the jurisdiction
- be unopposed in the election
- be unopposed in the elections
- be valid
- be valid for a certain period
- be vested in the people
- be vicariously liable
- be victimized
- be well versed in law
- be widely defined
- be within cognizance
- be without appeal
- be without further appeal
- be wrong
См. также в других словарях:
Effective medium approximations — or effective medium theory (sometimes abbreviated as EMA or EMT) are physical models that describe the macroscopic properties of a medium based on the properties and the relative fractions of its components. They can be discrete models such as… … Wikipedia
effective date — The date at which a contract or statutory obligation commences. The effective date may be different than the date a contract is signed or a statute is enacted. For example, the effective date for the Copyright Act of 1976 is January 1, 1978.… … Law dictionary
effective date — the date on which a plan of reorganization is implemented. It usually occurs after all the conditions to a plan of reorganization have been satisfied (Glossary of Common Bankruptcy Terms) The date an agreement comes into force. (Dictionary of… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Terms of service — (often abbreviated as ToS ) are s by which one must agree to abide by in order to use a service. Usually, such terms are legally binding.Certain websites are noted for having carefully designed terms of service, particularly eBay and PayPal which … Wikipedia
effective — effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient 1. All these words mean ‘having an effect’ of some kind, but with different applications and shades of meaning. Effective means ‘having a definite or desired effect’ that is actual rather than… … Modern English usage
Effective Medium Approximations — are analytical models that describe the macroscopic properties of a medium based on the properties and the relative fractions of its components. They are continuous theories and do not relate directly to percolating systems. Indeed, among the… … Wikipedia
effective date of termination — (EDT) An employee s period of continuous employment will end on the effective date of termination, which is normally the last day of employment, but may be a later date (section 97, ERA 1996). Related links continuous employment … Law dictionary
effective rate — Another name for annual percentage rate that refers to the amount of yearly interest to be charged by a lender on the money borrowed by a debtor. In federal income tax law, the actual tax rate that an individual taxpayer pays based upon his or… … Law dictionary
Effective porosity — The term effective porosity lacks a single or straightforward definition. Even some of the terms used in its mathematical description (“Vcl” and “Vsh”) have multiple definitions. However, it is most commonly considered to represent the porosity… … Wikipedia
Effective interest rate — The effective interest rate, effective annual interest rate, Annual Equivalent Rate (AER) or simply effective rate is the interest rate on a loan or financial product restated from the nominal interest rate as an interest rate with annual… … Wikipedia
Effective frequency — In advertising, the effective frequency is the number of times a person must be exposed to an advertising message before a response is made and before exposure is considered wasteful.The subject on effective frequency is quite controversial. Many … Wikipedia