1 educational opportunities
Politics english-russian dictionary > educational opportunities
2 opportunity
nвозможность; перспективы; благоприятный случай, шанс; благоприятная возможностьto expand / to extend opportunities — расширять возможности
to lose an opportunity — упускать возможность / случай
to open up opportunities in smth — открывать возможности в каких-л. областях
to overlook an opportunity — упускать возможность / случай
to slip an opportunity — упускать возможность / случай
- economic opportunitiesto take / to use the opportunity (of) — пользоваться случаем
- educational opportunities
- employment opportunities
- equal opportunities
- excellent opportunity for smth
- export opportunities
- golden opportunity
- historic opportunity
- job opportunities
- market opportunities
- marketing opportunities
- photo opportunity
- production opportunities
- profit opportunities
- taking the opportunity
- trading opportunities
- we have a window of opportunity -
1) Общая лексика: Президент, председатель правления, ЕИО (единоличный исполнительный орган), генеральный исполнительный директор2) Американизм: директор предприятия, управляющий делами (chief executive officer)3) Спорт: Championship Event Organizer4) Военный термин: Career Ending Opportunity, Central Elite Operations, Ceremonial Events Officer, Chief Education Officer, Chief Engagement Officer, Chief Executing Officer, casualty evacuation officer, command education officer, command entertainments officer, communications-electronics officer, control of engagement order, Communications Electronic Officer (USMC), Common Operating Enviroment5) Шутливое выражение: Certified Egoistic Organizer, Cutting Everything Out6) История: главноуправляющий (сокр. от "chief executive officer"; русс. термин упоминается в Полном собрании законов Российской Империи. Собрание второе. Том XXXIX. Отделение третье. - СПб., 1867. - 841 с.)7) Общая лексика: генеральный директор8) Юридический термин: единоличный исполнительный орган9) Экономика: Office of the Chief Economist10) Бухгалтерия: главный управляющий (chief executive officer), управляющий высшего ранга (chief executive officer)11) Сокращение: Comprehensive Electronic Office software package12) Университет: Career Education Opportunity13) Вычислительная техника: comprehensive electronic office14) Деловая лексика: Commitment, Empathy, And Ownership, Creating Excellent Organizations, Customer Employee Organization, директор-распорядитель (chief executive officer)15) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: главный исполнительный директор (Chief Executive Officer)16) Образование: Career Education Options, Children's Educational Opportunity, Creating Educational Opportunities, Creating Extraordinary Outcomes17) Сетевые технологии: Chief Executive Officer18) ЕБРР: Chief Economist's Office19) Полупроводники: cleaved edge overgrowth21) Должность: Chief Engineering Officer, Chief Ethics Officer, Chief Evangelist Officer22) Аэропорты: Corporate Europe Observatory -
1) Военный термин: geostationary earth-orbiting satellite2) Оптика: geosynchronous Earth observation system3) Телекоммуникации: Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Satellites4) Сокращение: Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite, Geodynamic Experimental Ocean Satellite (USA)5) Университет: Global Educational Opportunities And Services6) Вычислительная техника: Graphic Environment Operating System (OS)7) Космонавтика: Global Earth Observation System8) Экология: Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite9) СМИ: Global Episode Opinion Summary10) Расширение файла: Graphic Environment Operating System (Geoworks)11) Программное обеспечение: Genetic Engineering Operating System, Graphical Environment Operating System -
5 geos
1) Военный термин: geostationary earth-orbiting satellite2) Оптика: geosynchronous Earth observation system3) Телекоммуникации: Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Satellites4) Сокращение: Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite, Geodynamic Experimental Ocean Satellite (USA)5) Университет: Global Educational Opportunities And Services6) Вычислительная техника: Graphic Environment Operating System (OS)7) Космонавтика: Global Earth Observation System8) Экология: Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite9) СМИ: Global Episode Opinion Summary10) Расширение файла: Graphic Environment Operating System (Geoworks)11) Программное обеспечение: Genetic Engineering Operating System, Graphical Environment Operating System -
1) Общая лексика: European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid2) Компьютерная техника: Enhanced Computer To Human Output3) Медицина: Economic Clinical And Humanistic Outcomes, Emergency Call Help Out, Energy Conservation Health Opportunity, Executive Council Of Health Organizations, Experience Of Care And Health Outcomes, эхокардиография4) Спорт: English Carp Heritage Organisation5) Религия: Ecumenical Community Helping Others, Evening Christian Homemakers Organization, Every Church Helps Others6) Университет: Education Careers Health Opportunities, Extended Campus Health Occupations8) Вычислительная техника: European Community Host Organisation (organization, Europa)9) Литература: Every Communication Has Opportunity10) Иммунология: Echocardiography12) Деловая лексика: Entrepreneurial Concepts Hands On, Every Contact Has Opportunity, Exchanging Contacts Helps Opportunities13) Образование: Each Comes Hearing And Observing, Educationally Constructed Housing Opportunities, Every Child Has Opportunities14) Расширение файла: European Commission Host Organization (Internet)15) Фантастика Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan16) НАСДАК: Electronic Clearing House17) Общественная организация: Educational Charitable And Humanitarian Organization, English Carp Heritage Organization18) Правительство: East Coast Hang Out -
7 Echo
1) Общая лексика: European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid2) Компьютерная техника: Enhanced Computer To Human Output3) Медицина: Economic Clinical And Humanistic Outcomes, Emergency Call Help Out, Energy Conservation Health Opportunity, Executive Council Of Health Organizations, Experience Of Care And Health Outcomes, эхокардиография4) Спорт: English Carp Heritage Organisation5) Религия: Ecumenical Community Helping Others, Evening Christian Homemakers Organization, Every Church Helps Others6) Университет: Education Careers Health Opportunities, Extended Campus Health Occupations8) Вычислительная техника: European Community Host Organisation (organization, Europa)9) Литература: Every Communication Has Opportunity10) Иммунология: Echocardiography12) Деловая лексика: Entrepreneurial Concepts Hands On, Every Contact Has Opportunity, Exchanging Contacts Helps Opportunities13) Образование: Each Comes Hearing And Observing, Educationally Constructed Housing Opportunities, Every Child Has Opportunities14) Расширение файла: European Commission Host Organization (Internet)15) Фантастика Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan16) НАСДАК: Electronic Clearing House17) Общественная организация: Educational Charitable And Humanitarian Organization, English Carp Heritage Organization18) Правительство: East Coast Hang Out -
8 echo
1) Общая лексика: European Commission Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid2) Компьютерная техника: Enhanced Computer To Human Output3) Медицина: Economic Clinical And Humanistic Outcomes, Emergency Call Help Out, Energy Conservation Health Opportunity, Executive Council Of Health Organizations, Experience Of Care And Health Outcomes, эхокардиография4) Спорт: English Carp Heritage Organisation5) Религия: Ecumenical Community Helping Others, Evening Christian Homemakers Organization, Every Church Helps Others6) Университет: Education Careers Health Opportunities, Extended Campus Health Occupations8) Вычислительная техника: European Community Host Organisation (organization, Europa)9) Литература: Every Communication Has Opportunity10) Иммунология: Echocardiography12) Деловая лексика: Entrepreneurial Concepts Hands On, Every Contact Has Opportunity, Exchanging Contacts Helps Opportunities13) Образование: Each Comes Hearing And Observing, Educationally Constructed Housing Opportunities, Every Child Has Opportunities14) Расширение файла: European Commission Host Organization (Internet)15) Фантастика Enteric Cytopathic Human Orphan16) НАСДАК: Electronic Clearing House17) Общественная организация: Educational Charitable And Humanitarian Organization, English Carp Heritage Organization18) Правительство: East Coast Hang Out -
2) Военный термин: Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation, Historical Evaluation and Research Organization, hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance3) Шутливое выражение: Hell Ever Rally On4) Религия: His Early Righteous Ones5) Ветеринария: Hendricks Equine Rehab Opportunities6) Сокращение: Hazards of Electro-magnetic Radiation to Ordnance, hazardous effect of radiation on ordnance7) Университет: Higher Education And Research Opportunities, Higher Education Research Opportunities, Human Environment Regional Observatory8) Физика: High Energy Replicated Optics9) Деловая лексика: Heroic Effort Recognition Opportunity, Hutchinson Employees Reaching Out10) Образование: Health Educational And Rural Outreach, Helping Everyone Reach Out, Helping Everyone Read Outstandingly11) Фантастика Helping Every Robot Organization12) Общественная организация: Helping Earths Rainforests Organization13) Должность: Highway Emergency Response Operator, Home Economic Related Occupations, Home Economics Related Occupations14) Правительство: Health Environment Regional Organisation, Home Energy Ratings Of Ohio -
10 Hero
2) Военный термин: Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation, Historical Evaluation and Research Organization, hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance3) Шутливое выражение: Hell Ever Rally On4) Религия: His Early Righteous Ones5) Ветеринария: Hendricks Equine Rehab Opportunities6) Сокращение: Hazards of Electro-magnetic Radiation to Ordnance, hazardous effect of radiation on ordnance7) Университет: Higher Education And Research Opportunities, Higher Education Research Opportunities, Human Environment Regional Observatory8) Физика: High Energy Replicated Optics9) Деловая лексика: Heroic Effort Recognition Opportunity, Hutchinson Employees Reaching Out10) Образование: Health Educational And Rural Outreach, Helping Everyone Reach Out, Helping Everyone Read Outstandingly11) Фантастика Helping Every Robot Organization12) Общественная организация: Helping Earths Rainforests Organization13) Должность: Highway Emergency Response Operator, Home Economic Related Occupations, Home Economics Related Occupations14) Правительство: Health Environment Regional Organisation, Home Energy Ratings Of Ohio -
11 hero
2) Военный термин: Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation, Historical Evaluation and Research Organization, hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance3) Шутливое выражение: Hell Ever Rally On4) Религия: His Early Righteous Ones5) Ветеринария: Hendricks Equine Rehab Opportunities6) Сокращение: Hazards of Electro-magnetic Radiation to Ordnance, hazardous effect of radiation on ordnance7) Университет: Higher Education And Research Opportunities, Higher Education Research Opportunities, Human Environment Regional Observatory8) Физика: High Energy Replicated Optics9) Деловая лексика: Heroic Effort Recognition Opportunity, Hutchinson Employees Reaching Out10) Образование: Health Educational And Rural Outreach, Helping Everyone Reach Out, Helping Everyone Read Outstandingly11) Фантастика Helping Every Robot Organization12) Общественная организация: Helping Earths Rainforests Organization13) Должность: Highway Emergency Response Operator, Home Economic Related Occupations, Home Economics Related Occupations14) Правительство: Health Environment Regional Organisation, Home Energy Ratings Of Ohio -
12 EOC
1) Компьютерная техника: End of Cylinder, end-of-carrier2) Военный термин: ELINT orientation course, Electronics Operation Center, Emergency Operations Center, Enhanced Operational Capability, early operational capability, edge of coverage, emergency operational capability, end of construction, end of contract, end of course, equipment operational control, experimental operations center, explosive ordnance components, extended operating cycle3) Техника: electronics operations center, end of conversation signal, end of conversion character, error of closure4) Юридический термин: Effectiveness of Contract5) Страхование: Evidence of coverage6) Грубое выражение: Emergency Operation Crap7) Телекоммуникации: Embedded Operations Channel, Embedded Operations Channel (SONET)8) Сокращение: Emergency Operations Centre, Equal Opportunities Commission, Extended Operating Conditions, edge of cutter, Emergency Operating Center (US)9) Шахматы: Encyclopedia Of Chess10) Электроника: Elastic Optic Coefficient11) Вычислительная техника: Embedded Operation Channel12) Нефть: end of curve13) Космонавтика: Earth Observation Centre (NASDA, Japan)14) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: end of curvature15) Образование: Educational Opportunity Center16) Сетевые технологии: end of conversion, конец преобразования17) Автоматика: end of cycle18) Электротехника: end of commutation19) Должность: End Of Career20) Международная торговля: European Organizational Culture -
13 Eoc
1) Компьютерная техника: End of Cylinder, end-of-carrier2) Военный термин: ELINT orientation course, Electronics Operation Center, Emergency Operations Center, Enhanced Operational Capability, early operational capability, edge of coverage, emergency operational capability, end of construction, end of contract, end of course, equipment operational control, experimental operations center, explosive ordnance components, extended operating cycle3) Техника: electronics operations center, end of conversation signal, end of conversion character, error of closure4) Юридический термин: Effectiveness of Contract5) Страхование: Evidence of coverage6) Грубое выражение: Emergency Operation Crap7) Телекоммуникации: Embedded Operations Channel, Embedded Operations Channel (SONET)8) Сокращение: Emergency Operations Centre, Equal Opportunities Commission, Extended Operating Conditions, edge of cutter, Emergency Operating Center (US)9) Шахматы: Encyclopedia Of Chess10) Электроника: Elastic Optic Coefficient11) Вычислительная техника: Embedded Operation Channel12) Нефть: end of curve13) Космонавтика: Earth Observation Centre (NASDA, Japan)14) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: end of curvature15) Образование: Educational Opportunity Center16) Сетевые технологии: end of conversion, конец преобразования17) Автоматика: end of cycle18) Электротехника: end of commutation19) Должность: End Of Career20) Международная торговля: European Organizational Culture -
14 program
программа; план; задача; составлять программу [план]; планировать; программировать, задавать программу (напр. ЭВМ)morale, welfare and recreation program — программа мероприятий по бытовому обеспечению, организации отдыха и развлечений
rationalization, standardization and interoperability program — программа рационализации, стандартизации и интероперабельности (оборудования)
telecommunications and C2 program — программа создания систем руководства, управления и (дальней) связи
15 youth work
работа несовершеннолетних
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
youth work
Job opportunities and employment for adolescents, either for financial reward or educational enrichment. (Source: RHW)
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > youth work
См. также в других словарях:
Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 — The Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA) of 1974 is a federal law of the United States of America. It prohibits discrimination against faculty, staff and students, including racial segregation of students, and requires school districts to… … Wikipedia
educational — UK US /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃənəl/ adjective ► relating to education: »an educational establishment/institution »Boys and girls must have the same educational opportunities. ► intended to teach someone something, or having the result of teaching someone… … Financial and business terms
educational — ed|u|ca|tion|al [ ,edʒə keıʃənl ] adjective *** 1. ) relating to education: better educational opportunities for women educational achievements/qualifications 2. ) giving people useful knowledge: We found the program educational and informative.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
educational */*/*/ — UK [ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)nəl] / US [ˌedʒəˈkeɪʃ(ə)nəl] adjective 1) relating to education better educational opportunities for women educational achievements/qualifications 2) giving people useful knowledge We found the programme educational and… … English dictionary
Educational service district — An educational service district or education service district (ESD) is a type of collective government district in the U.S. states of Washington and Oregon. Organizationally different than a school district, a single ESD may serve dozens of… … Wikipedia
educational*/*/ — [ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)nəl] adj 1) relating to education educational opportunities for women[/ex] 2) giving people useful knowledge The programme was educational and entertaining too.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Educational neuroscience — (also called Mind Brain and Education; MBE) is an emerging scientific field that brings together researchers in cognitive neuroscience, developmental cognitive neuroscience, educational psychology, educational technology, education theory and… … Wikipedia
Educational animation — Educational animations are animations produced for the specific purpose of fostering learning. The popularity of using animations to help learners understand and remember information has greatly increased since the advent of powerful graphics… … Wikipedia
Educational psychology — Psychology … Wikipedia
Educational policies and initiatives of the European Union — In the European Union education is the responsibility of Member States; European Union institutions play a supporting role. According to Art. 149 of the Treaty of Amsterdam, the Community cquote|shall contribute to the development of quality… … Wikipedia
Educational Theatre Association — The Educational Theatre Association (abbreviated as EdTA), founded in 1929, is the professional association for theatre education. EdTA’s mission is to make theatre a part of lifelong learning. The Association’s major areas of effort educational… … Wikipedia