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economic regulation

См. также в других словарях:

  • Regulation (European Union) — For industry and economic regulation laws, see European Community regulation. European Union This article is part of the series: Polit …   Wikipedia

  • Economic development — is the development of economic wealth of countries or regions for the well being of their inhabitants. From a policy perspective, economic development can be defined as efforts that seek to improve the economic well being and quality of life for… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic Partnership Agreements — are a scheme to create a free trade area (FTA) between the European Union and the ACP countries. They are a response to continuing criticism that the non reciprocal and discriminating preferential trade agreements offered by the EU are… …   Wikipedia

  • Regulation Q — is a United States government regulation that put a limit on the interest rates that banks could pay, including a rate of zero on demand deposits (checking accounts). The imposed zero rate on demand deposits encouraged the emergence of money… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic freedom — is freedom to produce, trade and consume any goods and services acquired without the use of force, fraud or theft. Economic freedom is embodied in the rule of law, property rights and freedom of contract, and characterized by external and… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic rent — is the difference between what a factor of production is paid and how much it would need to be paid to remain in its current use.There are multiple mechanisms that can create economic rent: political contrivance, network effect, monopoly power,… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic restructuring — refers to the phenomenon of Western urban areas shifting from a manufacturing to a service sector economic base. This transformation has impacted demographics including income distribution, employment, and social hierarchy; institutional… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic history of the Ottoman Empire — covers the period 1299 1923. The economic history falls into two distinctive sub periods.Fact|date=July 2008 The first is the classic era (enlargement), which comprised a closed agricultural economy, showing regional distinctions within the… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic liberalism — is the economic component of classical liberalism.Theories in support of economic liberalism were developed in the Enlightenment, and believed to be first fully formulated by Adam Smith which advocatesminimal interference by government in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic policy — refers to the actions that governments take in the economic field. It covers the systems for setting interest rates and government deficit as well as the labour market, national ownership, and many other areas of government. Such policies are… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic interventionism — Economic interventionism, is a common term used to describe any activity, beyond the basic regulation of fraud and enforcement of contracts, undertaken by a government in an effort to affect its own economy. Economic intervention can be aimed at… …   Wikipedia

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