1 economic jurisdiction
2 exclusive
виключний; ексклюзивний; який виключає; монопольний; недоступний, із обмеженим доступом- exclusive agentexclusive character of state jurisdiction regarding its own citizens — виключна юрисдикція держави стосовно своїх громадян
- exclusive agreement
- exclusive authority
- exclusive commitment
- exclusive contract
- exclusive control
- exclusive dealing agreement
- exclusive domain
- exclusive economic right
- exclusive economic zone
- exclusive entitlement
- exclusive export right
- exclusive fishing rights
- exclusive import right
- exclusive jurisdiction
- exclusive liability
- exclusive licence
- exclusive license
- exclusive marketing right
- exclusive occupation
- exclusive of
- exclusive of smth.
- exclusive ownership
- exclusive possession
- exclusive possessor
- exclusive power
- exclusive privilege
- exclusive representative
- exclusive right
- exclusive sales right
- exclusive selling right
- exclusive sovereignty
- exclusive user -
3 be
be a threat to a country's economic independence — становити (собою) загрозу економічній незалежності країни, загрожувати економічній незалежності держави
be a threat to a country's sovereignty — становити (собою) загрозу національному суверенітету, загрожувати національному суверенітету
be abdicant of responsibilities — знімати з себе відповідальність; нехтувати своїми обов'язками
be appointed with the advice and consent — (of Parliament, etc.) призначатися за рекомендацією і згодою ( парламенту тощо)
be arrested while in attendance — бути заарештованим за порушення парламентського імунітету під час присутності ( на засіданні законодавчого органу), підлягати арешту на засіданні законодавчого органу
be brought to punishment for crime — = be brought to punishment for one's crime понести покарання за злочин
be brought to punishment for one's crime — = be brought to punishment for crime
be called as a witness for the defence — = be called as a witness for the defense викликатися в якості свідка захисту
be called as a witness for the defense — = be called as a witness for the defence
be disqualified from membership — ( of parliament) лишитися місця ( у парламенті) (про особу), не мати права бути членом ( парламенту)
be elected on the second ballot — = be elected on the second balloting бути обраним у другому турі виборів
be elected on the second balloting — = be elected on the second ballot
be engaged in activities that may endanger national security — займатися діяльність, що становить небезпеку для національної безпеки
be engaged in criminal activity — = be engaged in criminal activities займатися злочинною діяльністю
be engaged in criminal activities — = be engaged in criminal activity
be exempt from the jurisdiction of the receiving state — не підпадати під юрисдикцію держави-господаря
be involved in criminal activity — = be involved in criminal activities займатися злочинною діяльністю
be involved in criminal activities — = be involved in criminal activity
be of a recommendatory character — = be of a recommendatory nature мати рекомендаційний характер
be put in double jeopardy for the same offence — = be put in double jeopardy for the same offense судити двічі за один і той же злочин ( про злочинця)
be put in double jeopardy for the same offense — = be put in double jeopardy for the same offence
be released on an undertaking not to leave — ( a city) звільнятися під підписку про невиїзд ( з міста)
be subject to arbitrary judgement — = be subject to arbitrary judgment піддаватися довільному засудженню
be subject to arbitrary judgment — = be subject to arbitrary judgement
be subject to close control by legislation — = be subject to close control by legislation the courts підлягати суворому контролю з боку законодавчого органу (судів)
be subject to close control by legislation the courts — = be subject to close control by legislation
be subject to mandatory retirement at a fixed age — підлягати обов'язковому виходу у відставку (на пенсію) після досягнення визначеного віку
be subject to the discretion of the court — вирішуватися судом; віддаватися на розсуд суду
be tried twice for the same offence — = be tried twice for the same offence offense судити двічі за один і той же злочин ( про злочинця)
- be brought before a courtbe tried twice for the same offence offense — = be tried twice for the same offence
- be brought before a magistrate
- be effective as law
- be punished on an indictment
- be shaken on cross-examination
- be a fugitive from justice
- be a judge
- be a lawyer
- be a party to a crime
- be a representative
- be a violation
- be about to commit an offence
- be about to commit an offense
- be above the law
- be absent
- be absent from court
- be absent from duty
- be absent from work
- be accountable
- be accused
- be accused of bribe-taking
- be accused of high treason
- be actionable
- be actionable on proof
- be admitted to bail
- be admitted to citizenship
- be admitted to the bar
- be affixed
- be allowed as evidence
- be allowed in evidence
- be ambushed
- be answerable
- be appointed by the president
- be appointed a judge
- be approved by the legislature
- be armed
- be arrested en masse
- be at fault
- be at law
- be at quarrel
- be at the Bar
- be at the crime scene
- be at war
- be authorized by the situation
- be aware
- be aware of a risk
- be aware of one's rights
- be aware of the crime
- be based
- be behind bars
- be beneath one's dignity
- be biased
- be booked for speeding
- be born in lawful wedlock
- be brought to court for trial
- be brought up
- be brought up to one's trial
- be called to the Bar
- be called upon to testify
- be cast in lawsuit
- be censored
- be chairman
- be chairwoman
- be charged
- be charged on the article
- be charged with high treason
- be confirmed
- be considered an authority
- be constitutionally based
- be convicted of murder
- be criminally liable
- be debated
- be deemed harmful to health
- be defeated in elections
- be defined by law
- be deprived
- be deprived of legal validity
- be deprived of privileges
- be detained in one's home
- be discussed
- be dislocated
- be dispossessed
- be divorced
- be down for a speech
- be educated
- be educated in law
- be elected
- be elected by direct ballot
- be elected for a second term
- be elected President
- be eligible
- be eligible for an amnesty
- be eligible for consideration
- be engaged
- be engaged in prostitution
- be entangled by intrigue
- be entitled
- be entitled to an attorney
- be entitled to benefit
- be entitled to speak and vote
- be equal before the law
- be equal in rights
- be equally authentic
- be exact in one's payments
- be exempt from control
- be exempted from taxation
- be expert with a revolver
- be fined for speeding
- be found guilty
- be found guilty on all counts
- be found not guilty
- be free from forced marriage
- be given a clearance
- be given security clearance
- be governed
- be guaranteed against loss
- be guided
- be guilty
- be guilty of murder
- be head
- be heard by counsel
- be heard in one's defence
- be heard in one's defense
- be heavily taxed
- be held legally responsible
- be held liable
- be high on drugs
- be hurtful to the health
- be ignorant
- be immune
- be immune from attachment
- be immune from execution
- be immune from jurisdiction
- be immune from prosecution
- be immune from requisition
- be immune from search
- be implicated in a case
- be implicated in a crime
- be in a mora
- be in abeyance
- be in accordance with the law
- be in arrear
- be in arrears
- be in breach
- be in charge
- be in charge of a department
- be in conference
- be in continuous session
- be in control of one's actions
- be in control of the territory
- be in custody
- be in debt
- be in default
- be in dispute
- be in exile
- be in foster care
- be in hiding
- be in hock
- be in jail
- be in jeopardy
- be in office
- be in on a racket
- be in possession
- be in power
- be in prison
- be in protest
- be in session
- be in the chair
- be in the clear
- be in the committee
- be in the dock
- be in the majority
- be in the minority
- be in the possession
- be in trouble
- be in trouble with the law
- be inaugurated as president
- be incited
- be included in a commission
- be included in the amnesty
- be innocent of the crime
- be inspired
- be instigated
- be instructed in law
- be interdicted by law
- be involved
- be implicated in a case
- be implicated in the crime
- be legally entitled
- be legally obligated
- be legally responsible
- be levied with a tax
- be liable
- be liable to smth.
- be liable civilly
- be liable criminally
- be liable for confiscation
- be liable for punishment
- be liable for tax
- be liable to prosecution
- be made known
- be made widely known
- be morally bankrupt
- be number one on the hit list
- be of a recommendatory nature
- be of counsel
- be of full age
- be of legal age
- be of little legal consequence
- be of provocative character
- be on a death row
- be on a tour of inspection
- be on all fours
- be on charge
- be on duty
- be on leave
- be on one's trail
- be on patrol
- be on picket
- be on remand
- be on the downward path
- be on the floor
- be on the force
- be on the run
- be on the staff
- be on the stakeout
- be on the take
- be on the track
- be on the wanted circular
- be on the wanted list
- be operating illegally
- be out of court
- be out of it
- be out of uniform
- be out of work
- be out
- be outlawed
- be outside the reference
- be outvoted
- be persecuted
- be personally liable
- be placed in the dock
- be placed into the dock
- be placed under surveillance
- be popularly elected
- be prejudiced
- be present at the death
- be present at the hearing
- be privately owned
- be privileged from arrest
- be proctorized
- be prohibited by law
- be proscribed by law
- be prosecutable by law
- be prosecuted
- be proxy
- be pulled in for speeding
- be punishable
- be put in the dock
- be put into the dock
- be put on parole
- be put on trial
- be qualified for membership
- be raised to the bench
- be re-elected
- be received in audience
- be regulated
- be rehabilitated
- be released at large
- be released from prison
- be remiss in duties
- be responsible
- be rounded up
- be seised of an issue
- be sent on an embassy
- be sentenced to death
- be sentenced to life
- be served with a summons
- be sought for murder
- be steeped in crime
- be struck off the list
- be struck off the records
- be subject
- be subject to a rule
- be subject to an interception
- be subject to call
- be subject to control
- be subject to law
- be subject to licence
- be subject to license
- be subject to limitations
- be subject to penalty
- be subject to punishment
- be subject to qualifications
- be subject to ratification
- be subject to review
- be subject to sanction
- be subject to the supervision
- be subject to torture
- be subjected to censorship
- be subjected to discrimination
- be subjected to interrogation
- be subjected to penalty
- be subjected to persecution
- be subjected to reprisals
- be subjected to repressions
- be subjected to victimization
- be subordinate only to the law
- be subversive of discipline
- be sued
- be sued civilly
- be suspected
- be taxed
- be tortured to death
- be trained in law
- be trapped
- be treated as a crime
- be tried
- be under cognizance
- be under a ban
- be under a cloud
- be under a suspicion
- be under accusation
- be under age
- be under an accusation
- be under arrest
- be under constant surveillance
- be under debate
- be under discussion
- be under examination
- be under indictment
- be under investigation
- be under legal age
- be under surveillance
- be under suspicion
- be under the control
- be under the effect of alcohol
- be under the jurisdiction
- be unopposed in the election
- be unopposed in the elections
- be valid
- be valid for a certain period
- be vested in the people
- be vicariously liable
- be victimized
- be well versed in law
- be widely defined
- be within cognizance
- be without appeal
- be without further appeal
- be wrong -
4 act
1) дія; акт, діяння; документ; закон; постанова (парламенту, суду)2) діяти; чинити, поводити себе; робити запис, заносити ( в акт тощо)•act aimed at the seizure of state power — дія, спрямована на захоплення державної влади
act disrupting the work of a correctional labor institution — = act disrupting the work of a correctional labour institution дія, що дезорганізує роботу виправно-трудової установи
act disrupting the work of a correctional labour institution — = act disrupting the work of a correctional labor institution
act having legally binding consequences — акт, що має юридично зобов'язуючі наслідки
act immediately intended for perpetration of a crime — дія, безпосередньо спрямована на вчинення злочину
act in accordance with instructions — = act in accordance with smb.'s instructions керуватися вказівками
act in accordance with smb.'s instructions — = act in accordance with instructions
act injurious to the public in general — суспільно-небезпечна дія, суспільно-шкідлива дія; дія, що завдає шкоди суспільству в цілому
act intended to forcibly alter the constitutional order — дія, спрямована на насильницьку зміну конституційного ладу
Act to Promote the Development of Mining Resources of the United States — закон про сприяння розвитку видобувних галузей
- act aloneact which has given rise to a breach — дія, що призвела до порушення ( зобов'язань тощо)
- act and deed
- act and intent concurred
- act as amended
- act as deputy
- act as legislature
- act as minister
- act as one's own counsel
- act as one's own lawyer
- act at one's authority
- act book
- act by authority
- act colore officii
- act complained of
- act constituting an offence
- act constituting an offense
- act covert
- act done
- act done willingly
- act endangering life
- act free from duress
- act from mercenary motives
- act illegally
- act in bad faith
- act in breach
- act in breach of law
- act in conformance
- act in excess of one's rights
- act in excess of rights
- act in furtherance of a crime
- act in good faith
- act-in-law
- act in loco parentis
- act in pais
- act in reasonable good faith
- act in self-defence
- act in self-defense
- act in the capacity
- act inapproproately
- act involving public mischief
- act justly
- act lawfully
- act legally
- act malum in se
- act malum prohibitum
- act not warranted by law
- act of accession
- act of adjournal
- act of aggression
- act of attainder
- act of auditing
- act of bankruptcy
- act of civil disobedience
- act of civil status
- act of commission
- act of condonation
- act of Congress
- act of crime
- act of criminality
- act of defence
- act of defense
- act of delinquency
- act of dominion
- act of economic sabotage
- act of force
- act of forgiveness
- act of genocide
- act of God
- act of good will
- act of governmental power
- act of grace
- act of heroism
- act of honor
- act of honour
- act of hostility
- act of indemnity
- act of insolvency
- act of intent
- act of international terrorism
- act of law
- act of legislation
- act of legislature
- act of man
- act of misfeasance
- act of mutiny
- act of national sovereignty
- act of oblivion
- act of omission
- act of outrage
- act of outright aggression
- act of pardon
- Act of Parliament
- act of passion
- act of piracy
- act of political terrorism
- act of possession
- act of preparation
- act of prince
- act of protest
- act of providence
- act of provocation
- act of public nature
- act of purchase
- act of purchase/sale
- act of reprisal
- act of resistance
- act of sabotage
- act of sale
- act of security
- act of state doctrine
- act of state
- act of subversion
- act of territorial legislature
- act of terrorism
- act of the law
- act of union
- act of use
- act of use of an invention
- act of vandalism
- act of violence
- act of wills
- act on a hunch
- act on authority
- act on behalf
- act on instructions
- act on legal grounds
- act on one's own authority
- act on petition
- act on the defensive
- act or omission
- act out a crime in detail
- act out of character
- act overt
- act pro se
- act prohibited
- act pursuant
- act pursuant to court order
- act several times amended
- act single-handed
- Act to Regulate Commerce
- act ultra vires
- act unconstitutionally
- act under order
- act under the sway of passion
- act unlawfully
- act upon charge
- act voluntarily
- act warranted by law
- act with discretion
- act with the authority of law
- act within commission
- act within one's commission
- act within the law -
5 coastal
2) прибережний, береговий•- coastal sea-bed area
- coastal sea-bed economic area
- coastal waters
- Coastal Zone Management Act -
6 foreign
іноземний, чужоземний, закордонний; зовнішній; який не стосується справи- foreign administrationForeign and Commonwealth Office — Міністерство закордонних справ і у справах Співдружності ( Великобританії)
- foreign administrator
- foreign adoption
- foreign affairs
- foreign agent
- foreign agreement
- foreign application
- foreign attachment
- foreign bill
- foreign born person
- foreign bribery
- foreign carrier permit
- foreign citizen
- foreign commerce
- foreign company
- foreign concession
- foreign contract assurance
- foreign corporation
- foreign counsel
- foreign counterintelligence
- foreign country
- foreign criminal
- foreign currency
- foreign currency claim
- foreign currency liability
- foreign debt
- foreign defendant
- foreign delegation
- foreign diplomat
- foreign diplomatic mission
- foreign divorce
- foreign domicile
- foreign duty pay
- foreign economic relations
- foreign enlistment
- foreign exchange
- foreign exchange authorities
- foreign exchange dealing
- foreign exchange disbursements
- foreign exchange holdings
- foreign exchange insurance
- foreign exchange liabilities
- foreign exchange losses
- foreign exchange market
- foreign exchange operation
- foreign exchange regulation
- foreign-exchange reserves
- foreign exchange speculation
- foreign exchange transaction
- foreign exchange violation
- foreign judgment
- foreign judgment
- foreign government
- foreign holdings
- foreign indebtedness
- foreign intelligence
- foreign intelligence agent
- Foreign Intelligence Service
- foreign intervention
- foreign-inspired sabotage
- foreign invaders
- foreign invasion
- foreign investigation
- foreign investigator
- foreign judgement
- foreign judgment
- foreign jurisdiction
- foreign law
- foreign liability
- foreign licensing operation
- foreign market
- foreign marriage
- foreign minister
- Foreign Minister
- Foreign Ministry
- foreign money liability
- foreign nation
- foreign national
- Foreign Office
- foreign official
- foreign-owned
- foreign passport
- foreign power
- foreign person
- foreign plea
- foreign policy
- foreign policy measure
- foreign policy move
- foreign-policy statement
- foreign possessions
- foreign power
- foreign prince
- foreign principal
- foreign prisoner
- foreign relations
- foreign relations committee
- foreign relations department
- foreign representative
- foreign resident
- Foreign Secretary
- foreign security service agent
- foreign service
- foreign special service
- foreign spy
- foreign state
- foreign subject
- foreign subsidiary
- foreign trade
- foreign-trade monopoly
- foreign trade arbitration
- foreign trade zone
- foreign transaction
- foreign trip
- foreign witness -
7 area
n1. район2. сфера (діяльності); область дослідження3. площа- free trade area зона вільної торгівлі- headquarters area штаб-квартира- problem area обговорюваний район; проблемний район- prohibited areas заборонені зони- remote area віддалений район- sown area посівна площа- troubled areas of the world неспокійні райони світу- area(s) of agreement питання, з яких можлива або досягнута домовленість- area of blockade район блокади- area of cooperation область/ сфера співробітництва- areas of disagreement питання, в яких не співпадають точки зору- area of economic activity сфера економічної діяльності- area of international strife райони міжнародних конфліктів- areas under national jurisdiction райони/ зони, що знаходяться під національною юрисдикцією- area of turmoil район, охоплений безпорядками
См. также в других словарях:
Jurisdiction shopping — is a form of economic behavior by which a private business interest seeks to locate its operations in a political unit with the least regulation and/or lowest costs, such as property taxes and impact fees. It is most common on the local level. In … Wikipedia
ECONOMIC HISTORY — This article is arranged according to the following outline: first temple period exile and restoration second temple period talmudic era muslim middle ages medieval christendom economic doctrines early modern period sephardim and ashkenazim… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Jurisdiction — In law, jurisdiction (from the Latin ius, iuris meaning law and dicere meaning to speak ) is the practical authority granted to a formally constituted legal body or to a political leader to deal with and make pronouncements on legal matters and,… … Wikipedia
Jurisdiction stripping — Constitutional Law of the United States of America The constitutional structure Civil Rights · Federalism Executive branch · Separation of powers Legislative branch · Judiciary … Wikipedia
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission — For the Protestant denomination, see Evangelical Free Church of Canada. Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Common name Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Abbreviation EFCC … Wikipedia
Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice — The International Court of Justice has jurisdiction in two types of cases: contentious issues between states in which the court produces binding rulings between states that agree, or have previously agreed, to submit to the ruling of the court;… … Wikipedia
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
ECONOMIC AFFAIRS — THE PRE MANDATE (LATE OTTOMAN) PERIOD Geography and Borders In September 1923 a new political entity was formally recognized by the international community. Palestine, or Ereẓ Israel as Jews have continued to refer to it for 2,000 years,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Economic history of the People's Republic of China — Throughout most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as during much of earlier Chinese history, the economy was barely able to meet the basic needs of the country s huge population the largest in the world. In normal years the economy… … Wikipedia
Economic Community of West African States — Comunidade Económica dos Estados da África Ocidental Communauté économique des États de l Afrique de l Ouest Economic Community of West African States … Wikipedia
Economic history of Canada — Canadian historians until the 1960s tended to focus on economic history, including labour history. In part this is because Canada has had far fewer political upheavals or military conflicts than other societies. This was especially true in the… … Wikipedia