1 economic harmony
Экономика: гармония в экономике -
2 economic harmony
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > economic harmony
3 harmony
гармония, согласованность, соответствие -
4 economic(al) harmony
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > economic(al) harmony
5 economic(al) harmony
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > economic(al) harmony
6 law
[lɔː]nзакон, право, правилоIt's against the law. — Это запрещено законом.
The law was given out in — 1917. Этот закон был издан в 1917 году.
Respect for the law is the foundation of civilized society living. — Уважение к закону - основа цивилизованного общества.
The machinary of the law was set in motion. — В движение пришел механизм законопорядка.
Many of the laws passed by Parliament are never enforced. — Многие законы, принятые Парламентом, никогда не вступают в силу.
A degree in law would be an advantage in the job market. — Ученая степень по юридическим наукам будет преимуществом при получении работы.
Necessity knows no law. — ◊ Нужда свой закон пишет. /Для нужды нет закона.
One law for the rich and another for the poor. — ◊ Закон, что дышло, куда повернул, туда и вышло. /У сильного всегда бессильный виноват.
Possession is nine points of the law. — ◊ Бедному с богатым судиться, лучше в ложке утопиться. /Богатый всегда прав.
- economic law- wise law
- nature's laws
- old law
- active law
- just law
- fundamental law
- rigorous laws
- mortal law
- criminal law
- civil law
- public law
- common law
- customary law
- administrative law
- municipal law
- regional international law
- Mendeleev's laws
- Grimm's laws
- natural law
- economic laws
- divorce law
- conscription law
- scientific laws
- social laws
- human laws
- moral laws
- marriage laws
- irreversible laws
- Lynch law
- occupation laws
- immigration laws
- war-time laws
- copyright law
- traffic laws
- speed laws
- unwritten laws
- standing laws
- binding laws
- law and order
- law court
- law school
- law department
- law digest
- law firm
- my in-laws
- law of the country
- supreme law of the country
- law against truancy
- law of criminal procedure
- law of treaties
- law of gravity
- laws of harmony
- law of self-preservation
- law of probability
- laws of hospitality
- laws of honour
- laws of the jungle
- laws of football
- protected by law
- regulated by law
- rules set by the law
- rules provided in the law
- process governed by certain laws
- question of law
- doctor of law
- career in law
- letter of the law
- spirit of the law
- force of law
- violation of the law
- according to the law
- before the law - under Japanese laws
- in conformity with the law
- according to the laws of the country
- under existing laws
- in accordancewith the letter and spirit of the law
- abide by law
- act according to the law
- adopt a law
- amend the laws
- argue for the new law
- avoid the law
- be equal before law
- be punishable by law
- be at law with smb
- be above the law
- be against the law
- become law
- break the law
- circumvent the law
- comply with the law
- disregard law
- ignore law
- denounes law
- enact laws
- give smb to the law
- go to law
- go in for the law
- have in trouble with the law
- have the law on smb
- keep within the law
- know the law
- maintain law and order
- make severe laws
- obey the law
- observe the law
- practise law
- put the city under martial law
- read for the law
- repeal a law
- resist the law
- square the law with practice
- stretch the law
- study law
- study the laws of thermodynamics
- take the law into one's own hands
- law forbids smb to do smth
- law requires...
- law is punctually kept
- law was put into force- Billbecome law- everyone is equal under the law
- comstitution is the supreme law of the countryUSAGE:Обозначение родства, приобретенного в результате женитьбы, оформляется в английском языке образованием сложного слова с неизменным компонентом - in-law, который присоединяется к любому простому термину родства: son-in-law зять; daught-in-law невестка; father-in-law тесть/свекор; mother-in-law теща/свекровь; brother-in-law днвнрь/зять/шурин; sister-in-law невкстка/золовка/своячеица -
7 law
1. [lɔ:] n1. законlaw enforcement - обеспечение правопорядка [см. тж. law-enforcement]
law digest - сборник законов или судебных постановлений (решений, приговоров)
at law - а) в соответствии с правом; по закону; б) по суду
enforcement at law - принудительное осуществление или взыскание в законном /судебном/ порядке
in law - по закону, законно
force of law - сила закона; законная сила
to keep within the law - не нарушать закона; держаться в рамках закона
2. право; правоведениеcriminal /penal/ law - уголовное право
international law, law of nations - международное право
international private [public] law - частное [публичное] международное право
universal [regional] international law - универсальное [региональное] международное право
law of the sea - юр. морское право
law of war - право войны, законы и обычаи войны
law of treaties - право, регулирующее международные договоры
judge-made law - право, созданное судьёй /основанное на судебной практике/
3. профессия юристаlaw language - юридический язык, юридическая терминология
doctor of /in/ law - доктор юридических наук
to study /to read/ law, to go to the law - изучать право [ср. тж. 4]
to follow /to go in for/ the law - избрать профессию юриста
to practise law - заниматься адвокатской практикой; быть юристом
4. суд, судебный процессlaw sitting - время сессий судов; месяцы, когда суды заседают
law costs /charges, expenses/ - судебные издержки
to go to law - обращаться в суд; начинать судебный процесс; подавать жалобу, иск [ср. тж. 3]
to go to law against smb. - подать на кого-л. в суд
to be at law with smb. - судиться с кем-л.; вести процесс
to take /to have/ the law of smb. - привлечь кого-л. к суду
I'll have the law on you! - я на тебя подам!; я тебя привлеку!
to take the law into one's own hands - расправиться с кем-л. без суда
5. 1) закон (природы, научный)the law of supply and demand - полит.-эк. закон спроса и предложения
the laws of perspective [of harmony] - законы перспективы [гармонии]
2) принятый, установленный обычайlaws of honour - кодекс /закон/ чести
6. (the law) амер. разг. представитель закона; полицейский; сотрудник ФБР и т. п.open the door, it's the law! - откройте дверь! полиция!
the long arm of the law finally got him - в конце концов полиция его схватила
7. правила (игры и т. п.)the laws of golf [of tennis, of cricket] - правила игры в гольф [в теннис, в крикет]
8. 1) спорт. фора, преимущество, предоставляемое противнику в состязании2) разг. поблажка♢
Law of Moses - а) закон Моисея; б) библ. пятикнижие, тораthe law of the jungle см. jungle ♢
to lay down the law см. lay down 6
necessity knows no law - нужда /необходимость/ не знает закона, для нужды нет закона
to be a law unto oneself - ни с чем не считаться кроме собственного мнения
2. [lɔ:] vto give (the) law to smb. - командовать кем-л., диктовать /навязывать/ свою волю кому-л.
1. разг. обращаться в суд2. диал., разг. навязывать свою волю -
8 national
1. прил.1) общ. национальный, общенациональный, народный (относящийся к данной стране, народу в целом; в отличие от местного, регионального, международного)national law — национальное [внутригосударственное\] право
Syn:See:international, transnational, supranational, domestic, national accordance, national account, national accounts, national affairs, national administration 2), national advertising, national agreement, national assent, National Automated Accounting Research System, national bank 2), national bolshevism, national brand, national campaign, national central bank, National Change of Address, national character, national communism, national communist, National Competition Policy, national competitive bidding, national consent, national consumption, National Counterintelligence Executive, national currency, National Development Bond, National Disability Development Initiative, national distribution, national distributor, national economic accounting, national economics, National Exchange Market System, national firm, National Flood Insurance Program, national government, national harmony, national idea, national identity, national income, National Institutional Delivery System, National Insurance, national interest, national launch, national legitimacy, national market, national marketer, national marketing, national minimum wage, national nominating convention, national non-domestic rate, national numbering agency, national origins system, national origins quota system, national ownership 2), national patent, national patent law, national policy, national policy, national politics, national product, national promotion, National Public Accountant, national question, national reconciliation, national retailer, national sales force, national sales manager, national savings, National Secretary's Day, national security, national self-consciousness, national self-determination, national service, National Socialism, national sovereignty, national tax policy, national taxes, national trademark, national treatment, National Vocation Qualification, national wealth, national wholesaler, National Westminster Bank Ltd. v. Holesowen Presswork and Assemblies Ltd., National Association of Securities Dealers Rules of Fair Practice, National Bank Act, National Banking Act, National Exchange Market System Act, National Flood Insurance Act, National Health Service Reorganization Act 1973, National Housing Act, National Income and Product Accounts, National Labor Relations Act, National Minimum Wage Act 1998, National Trade Estimate Report, National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers, National Advertising Benevolent Society, National Advertising Division, National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, National Advertising Review Board, National Advertising Review Council, National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Agricultural Statistics Service, National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research, National Alliance Research Academy, National and Local Government Officers' Association, National Assembly, National Association for Variable Annuities, National Association of Accountants, National Association of Colleges and Employers, National Association of Corporation Schools, National Association of Corporation Training, National Association of Cost Accountants, National Association of Employment Managers, National Association of Export Companies, National Association of Federal Credit Unions, National Association of Health Underwriters, National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters, National Association of Independent Insurers, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, National Association of Insurance Brokers, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, National Association of Insurance Women, National Association of Investment Clubs, National Association of Investment Companies, National Association of Investors Corporation, National Association of Life Underwriters, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, National Association of Pension Funds, National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, National Association of Professional Insurance Agents, National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices, National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters, National Association of Purchasing Managers, National Association of Recording Merchandisers, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers, National Association of Securities Dealers, National Association of Securities Dealers and Investment Managers, National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National 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Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers2) общ. государственный (финансируемый и/или контролируемый государством; в отличие от частного)national library — государственная [национальная\] библиотека
See:national administration 1), national bank 1), national curriculum, national debt, national ownership 1), national property, national treasury, National Archives and Records Administration, National Cemetery Administration2. сущ.общ. подданный, гражданин (какого-л. государства)fellow nationals, one's own nationals — сограждане, соотечественники
See:specially designated national, Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, resident 2. 2)
* * *
1) национальный, относящийся к данному государству, народу; 2) внутренний, в отличие от международного.
См. также в других словарях:
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