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  • 21 development fund

    эк. фонд развития (фонд, предназначенный для финансирования программ, направленных на расширение объемов деятельности, технического развития и т. п.; выражение может быть частью названия государственного или международного фонда, фонда отдельного предприятия, венчурного фонда, специализирующегося на финансировании расширяющихся предприятий, и т. д.)
    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > development fund

  • 22 early

    'ə:li 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) tidlig, først
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) tidlig
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) tidlig
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) eldre; i ung alder
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) tidlig
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) snarlig
    - early bird
    subst. \/ˈɜːlɪ\/
    tidligbærende frukt, tidlig plante, tidlig grønnsak
    earlies det første av årets høst\/grøde sesongnyhet
    adj. \/ˈɜːlɪ\/
    1) tidlig, for tidlig
    2) snarlig
    3) første
    4) eldre, eldst, tidligere, gammel-
    at the earliest tidligst
    in one's early something i begynnelsen av noe
    in the early something på begynnelsen av noe
    adv. \/ˈɜːlɪ\/
    tidlig, for tidlig, i begynnelsen av
    as early as så tidlig som
    early and late sent og tidlig
    early enough tidsnok
    early on ( hverdagslig) tidlig, på et tidlig tidspunkt

    English-Norwegian dictionary > early

  • 23 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) cedo
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) cedo
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) começo
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) primitivo
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) cedo
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) rápido
    - early bird
    * * *
    ['2:li] adj 1 matinal, de manhã, matutino. 2 precoce, prematuro, adiantado, antecipado. 3 primitivo, antigo. 4 que está no começo. 5 pimeiro, inicial. 6 próximo (no futuro). • adv 1 cedo. 2 antecipadamente, prematuramente, antes da hora. 3 no princípio, no início. an early reply uma resposta rápida. as early as 1200 já no ano 1200. at an early date logo mais. at the earliest não antes de. at your earliest convenience logo que possa. early closing day meio-feriado (lojas). early in June em princípios de junho. early in the evening no começo da noite. early in the morning de manhã cedo. early warning system Mil sistema de radar que informa antecipadamente sobre ataques inimigos. in early life na infância. in early times nos tempos antigos. to be early chegar cedo. to keep early hours levantar e deitar-se cedo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > early

  • 24 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) zgodaj
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) (pre)zgodaj
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) zgodnji
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) starinski
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) prezgodnji
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) hiter
    - early bird
    * * *
    I [ɜ:li]
    zgodnji; prezgodnji; prvi, prvoten, začeten
    at an early date — kmalu, v bližnji bodočnosti
    it is early days yet — je še prezgodaj, še ni čas
    an early riser — zgodnji vstajalec, -lka;
    II [ɜ:li]
    zgodaj, rano; davno
    early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wiserana ura zlata ura
    to get up early — zgodaj vstati; biti zvit

    English-Slovenian dictionary > early

  • 25 early

    ['əːlɪ] 1. adv
    ( not late) wcześnie; ( ahead of time) wcześniej
    2. adj
    hours, stage, lunch wczesny; death przedwczesny; Christians, settlers pierwszy; reply szybki

    early last week/month — na początku zeszłego tygodnia/miesiąca

    early in the morning — wcześnie rano, wczesnym rankiem

    in the early/early in the 19th century — w początkach 19. wieku

    in the early/early in the spring — wczesną wiosną

    take the early trainjechać (pojechać perf) wcześniejszym pociągiem

    she's in her early forties — jest trochę po czterdziestce, ma czterdzieści parę lat

    * * *
    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) wcześnie
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) (przed)wcześnie, za wcześnie
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) wczesny
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) wczesny
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) (przed)wczesny
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) szybki
    - early bird

    English-Polish dictionary > early

  • 26 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) snemma
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) (of) snemma; á undan öðrum
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) snemm-; fyrri; fyrsti; í byrjun
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) eldri/fyrsta/fyrri gerð
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) fyrir tímann; of snemma
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) skjótur
    - early bird

    English-Icelandic dictionary > early

  • 27 early

    korai, korán
    * * *
    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) korán; vminek a kezdetén
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) korán; korábban
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) kora(i)
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) kezdeti, régi, korai
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) korai
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) közeli
    - early bird

    English-Hungarian dictionary > early

  • 28 early

    adj. erken, başlangıç, ilk, eski, çabuk, acele
    adv. erken, çabuk, erkenden, ilk olarak, evvel, önce, zamanından önce
    * * *
    * * *
    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) erken, başında, başlarında
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) erken, erkenden
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) başında, başlarında
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) ilk
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) erken, vakitsiz
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) acele
    - early bird

    English-Turkish dictionary > early

  • 29 early

    • varhainen
    • varhain
    • varhaiskantainen
    • ennenaikainen
    • aikainen
    • aikaisin
    • vanhakantainen
    • mennyt
    • pian
    * * *
    'ə:li 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) varhain
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) aikaisin, liian aikaisin
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) varhainen
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) varhainen
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) odotettua aikaisempi, varhainen
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) pikainen
    - early bird

    English-Finnish dictionary > early

  • 30 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) agri
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) agri; pirms laika
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) agrs
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) agrīns; sens
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) priekšlaicīgs; agrs
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) drīzs
    - early bird
    * * *
    agrs; drīzs; agrīns; agri; drīz

    English-Latvian dictionary > early

  • 31 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) anksti
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) pirma laiko, anksčiau
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) ankstyvas
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) pirmykštis, senasis
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) priešlaikinis, (per) ankstyvas
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) greitas
    - early bird

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > early

  • 32 early

    adj. tidig
    adv. tidigt; snart
    * * *
    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) tidigt
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) tidigt
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) tidig
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) tidig
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) tidig
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) snar
    - early bird

    English-Swedish dictionary > early

  • 33 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) brzy
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) časně; dřív
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) časný, raný
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) prvotní, nejstarší
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) předčasný
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) brzký
    - early bird
    * * *
    • začínající
    • ráno
    • ranný
    • raný
    • brzy
    • časný
    • časně
    • brzo

    English-Czech dictionary > early

  • 34 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) skoro
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) skôr
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) skorý, raný
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) prvotný
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) predčasný, skorý
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) skorý
    - early bird
    * * *
    • vcas
    • vcasný
    • zavcasu
    • zaciatocný
    • skoro
    • skorý
    • ranný
    • prvotný

    English-Slovak dictionary > early

  • 35 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) la început(ul)
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) (mai) devreme
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) devreme; de (la) început
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) vechi
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) prematur; (prea) de­vreme
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) urgent
    - early bird

    English-Romanian dictionary > early

  • 36 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) νωρίς
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) νωρίτερα
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) αρχικός/πρωινός
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) πρώτος
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) πρόωρος,πρώιμος
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) έγκαιρος,χωρίς καθυστέρηση
    - early bird

    English-Greek dictionary > early

  • 37 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) tôt
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) de bonne heure, en avance
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) tôt, au début de
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) ancien
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) prématuré, tôt
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) prompt
    - early bird

    English-French dictionary > early

  • 38 early

    ['ə:li] 1. adverb
    1) (near the beginning (of a period of time etc): early in my life; early in the afternoon.) no início
    2) (sooner than others; sooner than usual; sooner than expected or than the appointed time: He arrived early; She came an hour early.) cedo
    2. adjective
    1) (belonging to, or happening, near the beginning of a period of time etc: early morning; in the early part of the century.) cedo, no início
    2) (belonging to the first stages of development: early musical instruments.) primitivo
    3) (happening etc sooner than usual or than expected: the baby's early arrival; It's too early to get up yet.) antecipado
    4) (prompt: I hope for an early reply to my letter.) breve
    - early bird

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > early

  • 39 Early Transition Countries Initiative

    межд. эк. Инициатива для стран с ранней переходной экономикой* (программа, разработанная Европейским банком реконструкции и развития для содействия развитию рыночных экономических принципов и повышению уровня жизни в странах, характеризующихся наиболее медленными темпами перехода от командной к рыночной экономике; реализуется с 2004 г.; распространяется на семь стран: Армению, Азербайджан, Грузию, Кыргызстан, Молдову, Таджикистан, Узбекистан)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Early Transition Countries Initiative

  • 40 early supplier involvement

    упр. участие [вовлеченность\] поставщиков на ранних стадиях (участие поставщиков какой-л. компании, выпускающей сложный наукоемкий продукт, в проектировке данного продукта с целью учета их технологических возможностей и снижения затрат)

    Because increasing numbers of innovations include new nontraditional technologies, early supplier involvement is an important prerequisite to a successful joint-development process. — В силу того, что все большее количество инноваций включают новые нетрадиционные технологии, участие поставщиков на ранних стадиях является важной предпосылкой для успешного совместной деятельности.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > early supplier involvement

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Development communication — Development Communication, has been alternatively defined as a type of marketing and public opinion research that is used specifically to develop effective communication or as the use of communication to promote social development. Defined as the …   Wikipedia

  • Early Middle Japanese — 中古日本語 Spoken in Japan Era Evolved into Late Middle Japanese at the end of the 12th century Language family …   Wikipedia

  • Early pregnancy factor — (EPF) or early conception factor (ECF) is a protein associated with mammalian embryos shortly after fertilization. [cite journal | author = Smart Y, Roberts T, Clancy R, Cripps A | title = Early pregnancy factor: its role in mammalian… …   Wikipedia

  • Early Christian inscriptions — form, as non literary remains, a valuable source of information on the development of Christian thought and life in the early Church. They may be divided into three main classes: sepulchral inscriptions, epigraphic records, and inscriptions… …   Wikipedia

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