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  • 1 embryo

    plural - embryos; noun
    1) (a young animal or plant in its earliest stages in seed, egg or womb: An egg contains the embryo of a chicken; ( also adjective) the embryo child.) embrionas
    2) (( also adjective) (of) the beginning stage of anything: The project is still at the embryo stage.) embrioninis
    - embryological
    - embryologist
    - embryonic

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > embryo

  • 2 origin

    ['ori‹in] 1. noun
    (the place or point from which anything first comes; the cause: the origin(s) of the English language; the origin of the disagreement.) kilmė, pradžia, ištaka
    2. noun
    1) (the earliest version: This is the original - all the others are copies.) originalas
    2) (a model from which a painting etc is made: She is the original of the famous portrait.) modelis
    - originally
    - originate
    - origins

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > origin

  • 3 primitive

    1) (belonging to the earliest times: primitive stone tools.) primityvus
    2) (simple or rough: He made a primitive boat out of some pieces of wood.) primityvus, paprastas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > primitive

  • 4 solid

    ['solid] 1. adjective
    1) (not easily changing shape; not in the form of liquid or gas: Water becomes solid when it freezes; solid substances.) kietas
    2) (not hollow: The tyres of the earliest cars were solid.) vientisas
    3) (firm and strongly made (and therefore sound and reliable): That's a solid piece of furniture; His argument is based on good solid facts/reasoning.) tvirtas
    4) (completely made of one substance: This bracelet is made of solid gold; We dug till we reached solid rock.) grynas
    5) (without breaks, gaps or flaws: The policemen formed themselves into a solid line; They are solid in their determination to strike.) vieningas, vientisas
    6) (having height, breadth and width: A cube is a solid figure.) trijų matmenų
    7) (consecutive; without a pause: I've been working for six solid hours.) ištisas
    2. adverb
    (without interruption; continuously: She was working for six hours solid.) ištisai, be pertraukos
    3. noun
    1) (a substance that is solid: Butter is a solid but milk is a liquid.) kietasis kūnas
    2) (a shape that has length, breadth and height.) trijų matmenų kūnas
    - solidify
    - solidification
    - solidity
    - solidness
    - solidly
    - solid fuel

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > solid

См. также в других словарях:

  • earliest — adj. preceding all others in time. Syn: premier, premiere. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • earliest — index original (initial), primary, prime (original) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • earliest — [[t]ɜ͟ː(r)liɪst[/t]] 1) Earliest is the superlative of early. 2) PHRASE: cl PHR At the earliest means not before the date or time mentioned. The first official results are not expected until Tuesday at the earliest …   English dictionary

  • Earliest — Early Ear ly, a. [Compar. {Earlier} ([ e]r l[i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Earliest}.] [OE. earlich. [root]204. See {Early}, adv.] 1. In advance of the usual or appointed time; in good season; prior in time; among or near the first; opposed to {late}; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • earliest — ear|li|est [ˈə:liəst US ˈə:r ] n at the earliest no earlier than the time or date mentioned ▪ Work will begin in October at the very earliest …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • earliest — noun at the earliest no earlier than the time or date mentioned: Work will begin in October at the very earliest …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • earliest — adj. Earliest is used with these nouns: ↑date, ↑mention, ↑recollection …   Collocations dictionary

  • earliest — I adjective (comparative and superlative of early ) more early than; most early (Freq. 2) a fashion popular in earlier times his earlier work reflects the influence of his teacher Verdi s earliest and most raucous opera • Syn: ↑earlier …   Useful english dictionary

  • Earliest Deadline First — (EDF) ist ein Scheduling Verfahren des Betriebssystems, mit dessen Hilfe es den Prozessen (Tasks) Prozessor Zeit zuteilt. Es gehört zu den zeitbasierten Verfahren, denn es trifft seine Entscheidungen so, dass Fertigstellungstermine (Deadlines)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Earliest Deadline First — scheduling Pour les articles homonymes, voir EDF (homonymie). Algorithmes d ordonnancement EDF • Rate monotonic …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Earliest Deadline First Scheduling — Pour les articles homonymes, voir EDF (homonymie). Algorithmes d ordonnancement EDF • Rate monotonic …   Wikipédia en Français

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