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  • 1 flat

    [flæt] 1. adjective
    1) (level; without rise or fall: a flat surface.) plochý
    2) (dull; without interest: She spent a very flat weekend.) nudný, všední
    3) ((of something said, decided etc) definite; emphatic: a flat denial.) rozhodný, jasný
    4) ((of a tyre) not inflated, having lost most of its air: His car had a flat tyre.) prázdný, splasklý
    5) ((of drinks) no longer fizzy: flat lemonade; ( also adverb) My beer has gone flat.) zvětralý
    6) (slightly lower than a musical note should be: That last note was flat; ( also adverb) The choir went very flat.) nižší o půl tónu
    2. adverb
    (stretched out: She was lying flat on her back.) roztažený
    3. noun
    1) ((American apartment) a set of rooms on one floor, with kitchen and bathroom, in a larger building or block: Do you live in a house or a flat?) byt
    2) ((in musical notation) a sign (♭) which makes a note a semitone lower.) předznamenání bé
    3) (a level, even part: the flat of her hand.) dlaň
    4) ((usually in plural) an area of flat land, especially beside the sea, a river etc: mud flats.) nížina
    - flatten
    - flat rate
    - flat out
    * * *
    • byt

    English-Czech dictionary > flat

  • 2 flat out

    (as fast, energetically etc as possible: She worked flat out.) nejvyšší rychlostí, na plné obrátky
    * * *
    • přímo
    • rovnou
    • bez obalu

    English-Czech dictionary > flat out

  • 3 flat rate

    (a fixed amount, especially one that is the same in all cases: He charged a flat rate for the work.) paušální sazba

    English-Czech dictionary > flat rate

  • 4 flat-footed

    • mající ploché nohy
    • nemotorný

    English-Czech dictionary > flat-footed

  • 5 flat-iron

    • žehlička

    English-Czech dictionary > flat-iron

  • 6 flat broke

    • úplně na mizině
    • na dně

    English-Czech dictionary > flat broke

  • 7 flat (pl flats)

    píchnutí pneumatiky

    Diccionario español-checo > flat (pl flats)

  • 8 fall flat

    ((especially of jokes etc) to fail completely or to have no effect: Her joke fell flat.) nezabrat, selhat
    * * *
    • vyznít naprázdno
    • vyjít naprázdno
    • selhat

    English-Czech dictionary > fall flat

  • 9 studio flat

    • garsonka
    • garsoniéra

    English-Czech dictionary > studio flat

  • 10 A flat

    noun ((music) a note that is a semitone lower than A.) as (hud.)

    English-Czech dictionary > A flat

  • 11 rent

    I 1. [rent] noun
    (money paid, usually regularly, for the use of a house, shop, land etc which belongs to someone else: The rent for this flat is $50 a week.) nájemné
    2. verb
    (to pay or receive rent for the use of a house, shop, land etc: We rent this flat from Mr Smith; Mr Smith rents this flat to us.) pronajímat
    - rent-a-car
    - rent-free
    3. adjective
    (for which rent does not need to be paid: a rent-free flat.) bez činže
    II [rent] noun
    (an old word for a tear (in clothes etc).) trhlina
    * * *
    • pronajmout
    • nájemné
    • nájem
    • najímat
    • najmout
    • činže

    English-Czech dictionary > rent

  • 12 level

    ['levl] 1. noun
    1) (height, position, strength, rank etc: The level of the river rose; a high level of intelligence.) úroveň; hladina
    2) (a horizontal division or floor: the third level of the multi-storey car park.) patro
    3) (a kind of instrument for showing whether a surface is level: a spirit level.) vodováha
    4) (a flat, smooth surface or piece of land: It was difficult running uphill but he could run fast on the level.) rovina
    2. adjective
    1) (flat, even, smooth or horizontal: a level surface; a level spoonful (= an amount which just fills the spoon to the top of the sides).) rovný, plochý
    2) (of the same height, standard etc: The top of the kitchen sink is level with the window-sill; The scores of the two teams are level.) stejně vysoký, na stejné úrovni
    3) (steady, even and not rising or falling much: a calm, level voice.) stejnoměrný
    3. verb
    1) (to make flat, smooth or horizontal: He levelled the soil.) vyrovnat, urovnat
    2) (to make equal: His goal levelled the scores of the two teams.) vyrovnat
    3) ((usually with at) to aim (a gun etc): He levelled his pistol at the target.) namířit
    4) (to pull down: The bulldozer levelled the block of flats.) zplanýrovat
    - level crossing
    - level-headed
    - do one's level best
    - level off
    - level out
    - on a level with
    - on the level
    * * *
    • úroveň
    • vodováha
    • zarovnat
    • hladina

    English-Czech dictionary > level

  • 13 bachelor

    ['bæ ələ]
    (an unmarried man: He's a confirmed bachelor (= he has no intention of ever marrying); ( also adjective) a bachelor flat (= a flat suitable for one person).) starý mládenec, staromládenecký
    - Bachelor of Education
    - Bachelor of Engineering
    - Bachelor of Fine Arts
    - Bachelor of Science
    * * *
    • svobodný mládenec
    • bakalář

    English-Czech dictionary > bachelor

  • 14 biscuit

    1) ((American cookie) a crisp, sweet piece of dough baked in small flat cakes.) sušenka
    2) (a similar savoury flat cake.) suchar
    3) ((American) a small soft round cake.) vdolek
    * * *
    • suchar
    • sušenka
    • keks

    English-Czech dictionary > biscuit

  • 15 blade

    1) (the cutting part of a knife etc: His penknife has several different blades.) čepel
    2) (the flat part of a leaf etc: a blade of grass.) stéblo
    3) (the flat part of an oar.) lopatka (vesla)
    * * *
    • stéblo trávy
    • ostří
    • meč
    • čepel

    English-Czech dictionary > blade

  • 16 natural

    ['næ ərəl] 1. adjective
    1) (of or produced by nature, not made by men: Coal, oil etc are natural resources; Wild animals are happier in their natural state than in a zoo.) přírodní
    2) (born in a person: natural beauty; He had a natural ability for music.) vrozený
    3) ((of manner) simple, without pretence: a nice, natural smile.) přirozený
    4) (normal; as one would expect: It's quite natural for a boy of his age to be interested in girls.) přirozený
    5) (of a musical note, not sharp or flat: G natural is lower in pitch than G sharp.) bez předznamenání (hud.)
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is naturally good at something.) člověk s přirozeným talentem
    2) (in music (a sign () indicating) a note which is not to be played sharp or flat.) odrážka
    - naturally
    - natural gas
    - natural history
    - natural resources
    * * *
    • přírodní
    • přirozený
    • normální

    English-Czech dictionary > natural

  • 17 pave

    (to cover (a street, path etc) with (usually large) flat stones, concrete etc to make a flat surface for walking on etc: He wants to pave the garden.) vydláždit
    - paving-stone
    * * *
    • dláždit

    English-Czech dictionary > pave

  • 18 penthouse

    (a (usually luxurious) flat at the top of a building: That apartment building has a beautiful penthouse; ( also adjective) a penthouse flat.) půdní byt
    * * *
    • přístřešek
    • přístřešky
    • střešní byt
    • kůlna

    English-Czech dictionary > penthouse

  • 19 plateau

    ['plætəu, ]( American[) plæ'təu]
    plurals - plateaus, plateaux; noun
    (an area of high flat land; a mountain with a wide, flat top.) náhorní plošina
    * * *
    • plató
    • rovina
    • náhorní rovina
    • náhorní plošina

    English-Czech dictionary > plateau

  • 20 prostrate

    1. ['prostreit] adjective
    1) (lying flat, especially face downwards.) ležící tváří dolů
    2) (completely exhausted or overwhelmed: prostrate with grief.) skleslý, zdrcený
    2. [prə'streit] verb
    1) (to throw (oneself) flat on the floor, especially in respect or reverence: They prostrated themselves before the emperor.) padnout na tvář
    2) (to exhaust or overwhelm: prostrated by the long journey.) vyčerpat, zhroutit se
    * * *
    • přemoci
    • svalit

    English-Czech dictionary > prostrate

См. также в других словарях:

  • Flat Stanley — is the title character of a 1964 children s book (ISBN 0 06 009791 4) by Jeff Brown (born 1925 ndash; died December 3, 2003).Other books by Jeff Brown in this series: * Stanley In Space * Stanley and the Magic Lamp * Invisible Stanley * Stanley s …   Wikipedia

  • Flat Earth Society — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ilustración de una Tierra plana. La Flat Earth Society (Sociedad de la Tierra Plana) es una organización originaria de Inglaterra, aunque posteriormente establecida en Lancaster (California), que defiende la creencia …   Wikipedia Español

  • Flat — (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface, or nearly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat arch — Flat Flat (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat cap — Flat Flat (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat chasing — Flat Flat (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat chisel — Flat Flat (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat file — Flat Flat (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat nail — Flat Flat (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat paper — Flat Flat (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flat rail — Flat Flat (fl[a^]t), a. [Compar. {Flatter} (fl[a^]t r[ e]r); superl. {Flattest} (fl[a^]t t[e^]st).] [Akin to Icel. flatr, Sw. flat, Dan. flad, OHG. flaz, and AS. flet floor, G. fl[ o]tz stratum, layer.] 1. Having an even and horizontal surface,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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