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См. также в других словарях:

  • Duty-free-Shop — Duty free Shop …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Duty-free shop — Duty Free redirects here. For the British sitcom, see Duty Free (TV series). A typical duty free store, at Zürich Airport …   Wikipedia

  • duty-free shop — ˌduty ˈfree ˌshop also duty free noun [countable] TAX a shop in an airport or on a ship that sells alcohol, cigarettes etc without the tax that you have to pay if you buy them in a country * * * duty free shop UK US noun [C] (also duty free store …   Financial and business terms

  • duty-free shop — ˌduty ˈfree shop [duty free shop] (also ˌduty ˈfree) noun a shop/store in an airport or on a ship, etc. that sells goods such as cigarettes, alcohol, ↑perfume, etc. without tax on them See also …   Useful english dictionary

  • Duty-free Shop — Duty free Shops im Flughafen Wien Schwechat Einkaufkarte für zollfreien Einkauf auf dem Schiff zwischen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • duty-free shop — duty free shops N COUNT A duty free shop is a shop, for example at an airport, where you can buy goods at a cheaper price than usual, because no tax is paid on them …   English dictionary

  • Duty-free-Shop — Du|ty free Shop 〈[ dju:tıfri:ʃɔp] m. 6; auf Flugplätzen, in Häfen od. an Bord von Schiffen〉 Laden, in dem Waren zollfrei verkauft werden [<engl. duty „Zoll, Abgabe“ + free „frei“ + shop „Laden“] * * * Du|ty free Shop [ dju:tɪ fri:ʃɔp ], der;… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • duty free shop — du·ty free shop loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} negozio, situato in posti di frontiera, aeroporti internazionali, navi e sim., che vende merci, spec. di lusso, esenti da imposte doganali: comprare profumi, sigarette, cioccolata al duty free… …   Dizionario italiano

  • duty free shop — {{hw}}{{duty free shop}}{{/hw}}locuz. sost. m. inv.  (pl.  ingl. duty free shops ) Spec. in aeroporti, su navi e sim., negozio in cui si vendono merci non gravate di tasse. ETIMOLOGIA: locuz. ingl., comp. di duty ‘imposta’ (dal franc. ant. du… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Duty-free-Shop — Du|ty free Shop [ dju:ti fri:ʃɔp] der; s, s <zu engl. duty free »abgabenfrei« u. ↑Shop> ladenähnliche Einrichtung im Bereich eines Flughafens o. Ä., wo man Waren zollfrei kaufen kann …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • duty-free shop — /ˌdjuti ˈfri ʃɒp/ (say .dyoohtee free shop) noun a shop, often at an airport, where duty free goods can be bought …  

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