1 dummy corporation
зареєстрована, але не діюча компанія; фіктивна компанія; компанія, яка не має майна; підставна компанія; пуста компанія; компанія-пустишка ( яка не має активів) -
2 creation
створення, заснування; передбачення ( в законі тощо)creation of illegal military formations — створення непередбачених законодавством військових формувань
- creation of consciousnesscreation of works glorifying violence and brutality — виготовлення творів, що пропагандують культ насильства і жорстокості
- creation of corporation
- creation of court
- creation of democracy
- creation of dummy firms
- creation of economic zone
- creation of indebtedness
- creation of institution
- creation of money
- creation of mortgage
- creation of mortgage liability
- creation of national state
- creation of new right
- creation of office
- creation of public opinion
- creation of right
- creation of state
- creation of trust
- creation of writ
См. также в других словарях:
dummy corporation — n. A corporation with no legitimate business purpose formed to protect its founders from liability or to hide their activities. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
Dummy corporation — A dummy corporation or dummy company is an entity created to serve as a front or cover for one or more companies. It can have the appearance of being real (logo, website, and sometimes employing actual staff such as for public relations) but… … Wikipedia
dummy corporation — Corporation formed for sham purposes and not for conduct of legitimate business; e.g. formed for sole reason of avoiding personal liability … Black's law dictionary
dummy corporation — Corporation formed for sham purposes and not for conduct of legitimate business; e.g. formed for sole reason of avoiding personal liability … Black's law dictionary
dummy corporation — A corporation organized and acting ostensibly as a corporation, but in reality having no real corporate purpose, having been organized with the motive of avoiding personal liability on the part of the incorporator and sole stockholder. Chesapeake … Ballentine's law dictionary
corporation — cor·po·ra·tion /ˌkȯr pə rā shən/ n [Late Latin corporatio, from Latin corporare to form into a body, from corpor corpus body]: an invisible, intangible, artificial creation of the law existing as a voluntary chartered association of individuals… … Law dictionary
dummy — [dum′ē] n. pl. dummies [< DUMB + Y2] 1. [Old Slang] a person unable to talk; mute: an offensive term 2. a figure made in human form, as for displaying clothing, practicing tackling in football, etc. 3. an imitation or sham; substitute for the… … English World dictionary
dummy — dum|my1 [ dʌmi ] noun count ▸ 1 model of object ▸ 2 model of someone s body ▸ 3 unintelligent person ▸ 4 in card game ▸ 5 movement to trick someone ▸ 6 for baby to suck 1. ) something that is made to look like a real object, used either for… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Dummy (album) — Dummy Studio album by Portishead Released August 22, 1994 Rec … Wikipedia
dummy director — n. A director of a corporation who is in fact merely a figurehead and who has no real interest in the corporation. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
Dummy Director — A person on a company s board of directors who votes and acts on the wishes of a non board member. Dummy directors are most commonly used when a private company is in the process of going public, and it needs to establish a board of directors… … Investment dictionary