1 dry chemical etching technolog/y
технологія сухого травленняEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > dry chemical etching technolog/y
2 photo-enhanced chemical dry etching
фотостимульоване хімічне сухе травленняEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > photo-enhanced chemical dry etching
3 technolog/y
1) технологія (див. т-ж арproach, technique) 2) техніки - advanced technolog/y
- alignment technolog/y
- analog technolog/y
- baseline technolog/y
- basic technolog/y
- batch technolog/y
- beam-tape technolog/y
- bi-FET technolog/y
- bi-MOS technolog/y
- BIMOS technolog/y
- bipolar technolog/y
- bit-slice technolog/y
- beardless technolog/y
- BSA technolog/y
- bubble technolog/y
- bumping technolog/y
- CAD technolog/yies
- CCD technolog/y
- cell array technolog/y
- cermet technolog/y
- CMOS technolog/y
- coating technolog/y
- cryogenic technolog/y
- current technolog/y
- custom-design technolog/y
- deep-ultraviolet photolithographic technolog/y
- dense LSI technolog/y
- diffused epitaxial planar technolog/y
- diffusion technolog/y
- digital technolog/y
- dominant technolog/y
- dry technolog/y
- dry chemical etching technolog/y
- ECL technolog/y
- electron technolog/y
- electron-beam exposure technolog/y
- electron-parts technolog/y
- electro-optical technolog/y
- epibase technolog/y
- epiplanar technolog/y
- epitaxial planar technolog/y
- film-carrier technolog/y
- fine-line technolog/y
- flip-chip bonding technolog/y
- flip-chip technolog/y
- full-slice technolog/y
- fuse-link technolog/y
- fusible-link technolog/y
- gallium arsenide technolog/y
- gate-array technolog/y
- high technolog/y
- high-density technolog/y
- high-electron mobility transistor technolog/y
- “high-end” technolog/y
- high-speed technolog/y
- hybrid technolog/y
- industry-standard MOS technolog/y
- information technolog/y
- inner-lead bonding technolog/y
- integration technolog/y
- interconnection technolog/y
- isoplanar technolog/y
- J-FET technolog/y
- Josephson-junctiontechnolog/y
- Josephsontechnolog/y
- leading-edge technolog/y
- lithographic technolog/y
- logic technolog/y
- low technolog/y
- “low-end” technolog/y
- low-power technolog/y
- magnetic-bubble technolog/y
- mainstream technolog/y
- mask-fabrication technolog/y
- master-slice technolog/y
- merged bipolar technolog/y
- merged technolog/y
- metal-board technolog/y
- metallization technolog/y
- microcircuit technolog/y
- microelectronic technolog/y
- microsystems technolog/y MST
- microsystems technolog/y
- MIS technolog/y
- mixed technolog/y
- monolithic technolog/y
- MOS technolog/y
- MTL technolog/y
- multilayer-wiring technolog/y
- multiple-epitaxial planar technolog/y
- n-channel technolog/y
- optical lithographic technolog/y
- oxide-isolated monolithic technolog/y
- passivation technolog/y
- p-channel technolog/y
- p-channel Si-gate technolog/y
- photofabrication technolog/y
- planar fabrication technolog/y
- planar technolog/y
- plasma technolog/y
- plating technolog/y
- polysilicon-gate technolog/y
- polysilicon-load technolog/y
- polysilicon self-aligned PSA technolog/y
- polysilicon self-aligned technolog/y
- resistless etching technolog/y
- robotic technolog/y
- scaled process technolog/y
- scaled technolog/y
- Schottky transistor logic technolog/y
- Schottky TTL technolog/y
- screen-and-fire technolog/y
- self-aligned source-drain diffusion technolog/y
- shared silicon technolog/y
- silicide-gate technolog/y
- silicon technolog/y
- silicon-gate technolog/y
- silicon-in-insulator technolog/y
- silicon-in-sapphire technolog/y
- silicon-on-insulator technolog/y
- silicon-on-sapphire technolog/y
- silicon wafer technolog/y
- single-diffused planar technolog/y
- single-diffused technolog/y
- solid-state technolog/y
- spider-bonding technolog/y
- standard bipolar technolog/y
- submicron IC technolog/y
- submicron technolog/y
- subnanosecond technolog/y
- substrate technolog/y
- subtractive technolog/y
- superconducting technolog/y
- surface-mount technolog/y
- system technolog/y
- TAB technolog/y
- tape-automated-bonding technolog/y
- tape bumping technolog/y
- thick-film multilayer technolog/y
- thick-film hybrid technolog/y
- thin-film technolog/y
- trench technolog/y
- trench isolation technolog/y
- TTL technolog/y
- ULA technolog/y
- ultraviolet photolithography technolog/y
- unipolar technolog/y
- V-groove technolog/y
- VHSIC technolog/y
- wafer bumping technolog/y
- water treatment technolog/y
- wiring technolog/y
- X-ray technolog/yEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > technolog/y
4 etching
травлення (див. т-ж etch) - anisotropic etching
- anode etching
- batch etching
- blanket etching
- chemically assisted etching
- concentration dependent etching
- crystallographically sensitive etching
- deep reactive ion etching DRIE
- deep reactive ion etching
- differential etching
- digital etching
- diode ion etching
- diode etching
- dip etching
- directional etching
- dislocation etching
- dry process etching
- dry etching
- electron-beam induced etching
- excessive etching
- exciraer laser etching
- gas-phase plasma-assisted etching
- high-frequency ion etching
- hydrogen reactive ion etching
- ion etching
- ion-assisted plasma etching
- ion-beam induced etching
- isotropic etching
- jet etching
- laser-enhanced etching
- laser-induced pattern projection etching
- laser radical etching
- lateral etching
- lift-off etching
- light-induced etching
- low-pressure plasma etching
- low-pressure etching
- masked etching
- maskless etching
- maskless laser etching
- mesa etching
- microwave plasma etching
- microwave etching
- mild etching
- nonundercutting etching
- orientation-dependent etching
- oxygen gas plasma etching
- permeation etching
- photochemical etching
- photoelectrochemical etching
- photo-enhanced chemical dry etching
- photoexcited etching
- photo-initiated etching
- photoresist-masked etching
- plasma reactor etching
- plasma etching
- post etching
- preferential etching
- radical plasma etching
- radical etching
- radio-frequency plasma etching
- reactive ion etching
- regenerative etching
- resistless etching
- selective etching
- sharp etching
- sideways etching
- single-step laser etching
- spray etching
- sputter etching
- steady-state etching
- synchrotron radiation-assisted etching
- taper etching
- tetrode ion etching
- tetrode etching
- triode ion etching
- triode etching
- undercuttingetching
- undercutetching
- UV laser etching
- vacuum ultraviolet-assisted etching
- vertical etching
- VUV-assisted etching
- wet chemical etching
- wet etching
- zero-undercut etching -
5 processing
1) (технологічна) обробка; проведення процесу 2) технологія (див. т-ж process, technique, technology) 3) обробка (інформації) - array processing
- batch-modeprocessing
- batchprocessing
- beam processing
- bipolar processing
- chip processing
- CMOS/SOS processing
- component pre-insertion processing
- component processing
- computer word processing
- digital image processing
- dry processing
- electroless processing
- electron-beam processing
- epitaxial processing
- excimer laser processing
- exposive-shock processing
- fabrication processing
- hands-off processing
- high-resolution processing
- high-temperature processing
- high-volume processing
- high-yield processing
- image processing
- in-line processing
- ion-beam processing
- ion-implantation processing
- isothermal processing
- laser cold processing
- liquid chemical processing
- liquid processing
- lithographic processing
- maskless processing
- microelectronic processing
- microgravity processing
- MOS processing
- multimask processing
- multi-User MEMS processing MUMPS
- multi-User MEMS processing
- multiple-chemical processing
- on-line data processing
- pel-to-pel processing
- photochemical processing
- photoresist processing
- pipeline processing
- planar processing
- planar plasma processing
- plasma processing
- post ion-implantation processing
- pyrolytic laser processing
- radiation-free processing
- relief-mask processing
- single-wafer semiconductor processing
- single-wafer processing
- slice-at-a-time processing
- space semiconductor processing
- submicrometer processing
- submicron processing ї
- TAB processing
- temperature-gradient zone-melting processing
- thermal processing
- unattended processing
- vacuum infrared processing
- vertical processing
- wafer-by-wafer processing
- wet chemical processing
- wet processingEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > processing
См. также в других словарях:
dry chemical processing — sausasis cheminis apdorojimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. dry chemical processing; dry chemistry vok. chemische Trockenbearbeitung, f rus. сухая химическая обработка, f pranc. traitement chimique à sec, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
ABC Dry Chemical — ABC or Multi Purpose dry chemical is a dry chemical extinguishing agent. It utilizes a specially fluidized and siliconized monoammonium phosphate powder. ABC dry chemical is usually a mix of monoammonium phosphate and ammonium sulphate, the… … Wikipedia
dry chemistry — sausasis cheminis apdorojimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. dry chemical processing; dry chemistry vok. chemische Trockenbearbeitung, f rus. сухая химическая обработка, f pranc. traitement chimique à sec, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Dry rot treatment — refers to the techniques used to eliminate dry rot fungus and alleviate the damage done by the fungus to human built wooden structures. The commonly held view of an outbreak of the dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) within a building is that it… … Wikipedia
Dry cleaning — (or dry cleaning) is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), abbreviated perc in the industry and dry cleaning fluid by the… … Wikipedia
Dry ice bomb — exploding in Water. A dry ice bomb is a simple bomb like device. While the simplicity and ease of construction, high bursting pressure, and sound make this dry ice activity appealing for recreational purposes, it can be unpredictable and… … Wikipedia
Chemical weapon designation — Chemical, biological, and radiological warfare agents are sometimes assigned what is termed a military symbol. Military symbols evolved out of the First World War from the British in part for secrecy, and to simplify reference to chemicals by… … Wikipedia
Chemical biology — is a scientific discipline spanning the fields of chemistry and biology that involves the application of chemical techniques and tools, often compounds produced through synthetic chemistry, to the study and manipulation of biological systems.… … Wikipedia
Dry-ice blasting — used to clean a rubber mold Dry ice blasting is a form of abrasive blasting, where dry ice, the solid form of carbon dioxide, is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and directed at a surface in order to clean it. The method is similar to… … Wikipedia
dry — adj 1 Dry, arid mean devoid of moisture. Dry may suggest freedom from noticeable moisture either as a characteristic or as a desirable state {a dry climate} {1dry clothing} {dry land} {dry provisions} … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Dry ice blasting — is a process in which dry ice is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and directed at a surface in order to clean it. The method is similar to sand blasting, plastic bead blasting, or soda blasting but substitutes dry ice as the blasting… … Wikipedia