121 stripping
1. снятие; отслаивание; сдирание; отделение2. монтаж путём вырезания и установки3. корректура фотоформы или оригинала вклеиванием исправленного участка4. обесцвечивание; уменьшение лоска5. «полошение», образование полос6. отходы при сортировке тряпья7. удаление облоя или обрезков после высечкиcomputerized mask stripping — маска, программируемая на компьютере
sheet stripping — отделение листа ; съём листа
8. телеграфная лента9. телеграфное сообщение -
122 rocket
( неуправляемая) ракета, см. тж. missile; ракетный двигатель; свеча ( особенно переходящая в восходящую петлю) ; стрелять ракетамиfree(-flight, -fly) rocket — неуправляемая ракета
liquid(-fueled, -propellant, -propelled) rocket — жидкостная ракета или ракетный двигатель
123 элемент
1) element( в различных значениях) периодическая система элементов ≈ the periodic system of elements прогрессивные элементы общества ≈ progressive elements in society нагревательный элемент ≈ heating spiral воспринимающий элемент ≈ sensor двухвалентный элемент ≈ dyad хим. элементы математики ≈ the elements of mathematics химический элемент ≈ chemical element чуждый элемент ≈ alien element преступный элемент ≈ criminal elements
2) разг. type, character подозрительный элемент ≈ suspicious type;
suspicious character
3) электрон. cell сухой элемент ≈ dry cellм.
1. element;
2. собир. или мн. (представители какой-л. общественной среды) elements;
разг. type, character;
подозрительный ~ suspicious type;
3. эл. cell. -
124 feeder
- feeder
- n1. питатель ( конвейер)
2. фидер ( кабель)
3. подводящий [питающий] канал
- belt feeder
- chemical feeder
- discharge feeder
- dry feeder
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
125 plant
- plant
- n1. оборудование инженерных систем здания
2. строительное оборудование (напр. землеройное, подъёмно-транспортное, для бетонных работ)
3. установка; агрегат; энергоблок; технологическая установка [система] ( в инженерных системах зданий)
4. электростанция
5. завод, фабрика; мастерская
- acetylene producing plant
- activated sludge plant
- aeration plant
- aeration-degassing plant
- aggregate batching plant
- aggregate preparation plant
- air conditioning plant
- air handling plant
- air supply plant
- all-dry cement plant
- all-wet cement plant
- augering plant
- automatic batching plant
- bank-filtered river water plant
- barge-mounted concrete plant
- batch plant
- batch mixing plant
- biological treatment plant
- block-making plant
- block plant
- boiler plant
- booster pumping plant
- builder's plant
- builder's small powered plant
- cement plant
- central plant
- central air conditioning plant
- central air-handling plant
- central boiler plant
- central heating plant
- central refrigerating plant
- chemical feed plant
- chlorination plant
- civil-engineering plant
- coating plant
- cold-storage plant
- compressor plant
- computerized plant
- concentrating plant
- concrete plant
- concrete production plant
- concrete spouting plant
- concreting plant
- construction plant
- contact stabilization plant
- continuous-mix plant
- conveying plant
- cooling plant
- crushing plant
- desalination plant
- desalting plant
- disposal plant
- diversion power plant
- drying plant
- dust arrestor plant
- dust extracting plant
- earth moving plant
- electric plant
- exhaust plant
- extended aeration plant
- filter plant
- filtration plant
- floating concrete plant
- floating pile-driving plant
- flotation plant
- freezing plant
- gas plant
- gas-distribution plant
- gas washing plant
- generating plant
- grading plant
- heat generation plant
- heating plant
- heating water converter plant
- high-pressure air conditioning plant
- hydro-electric plant
- incineration plant
- indoor power plant
- industrial plant
- initial screening and washing plant
- lime softening plant
- low-head power plant
- low-level mixing plant
- low-pressure air conditioning plant
- manufacturing plant
- mechanical plant
- mixing plant
- mix-in-travel plant
- municipal treatment plant
- open-air plant
- open-air water power plant
- ozone plant
- package plant
- petrochemical plant
- piling plant
- placing plant
- power plant
- precast concrete plant
- precast plant
- proportioning plant
- pumping plant
- purification plant
- pyrolysis plant
- ready mixed concrete plant
- refrigerating plant
- refuse incineration plant
- refuse processing plant
- reinforcement cutting and bending plant
- river-run power plant
- river power plant
- road-making plant
- roadstone aggregate plant
- roof top plant
- screening plant
- secondary treatment plant
- sedimentation plant
- semioutdoor-type power plant
- sewage dispersal plant
- site mechanical plant
- sludge digestion plant
- sludge treating plant
- small powered plant
- solar plant
- spouting plant
- steam plant
- steam-power plant
- step-up plant
- structural steel plant
- tertiary plant
- tidal power plant
- transporting plant
- treatment plant
- vacuum dewatering plant
- ventilation plant
- volumetric batch plant
- washing and screening plant
- waste-disposal plant
- waste-heat utilization plant
- water-catchment plant
- water conversion plant
- water purification plant
- water softening plant
- water treatment plant
- weight batch plant
- zeolite water softening plant
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
126 carrier
1) несущий элемент (системы, конструкции), поддерживающее (опорное) устройство ( конструкции); держатель2) переносчик3) тягач4) тележка ( кабельного крана)8) водило ( в планетарной передаче)10) лесн. ножевая коробка ( циклёвочного станка)11) транспортёр, конвейер12) железная дорога13) кабина ( подъёмника)14) основа, подложка15) носитель (изображения, информации, заряда)16) сеть или канал передачи информации19) каретка ( подвижного микроскопа)21) патрон ( в пневмопочте)23) грузоподъёмная платформа ( весов)24) пищ. троллей подвесного пути; подвесная рама ( для транспортировки продуктов)25) авиаперевозчик; авиакомпания•to translate the carrier — осуществлять преобразование на несущей-
angle-modulated carrier
aqueous carrier
audio carrier
auto carrier
automobile carrier
barge carrier
basket carrier
bearing carrier
bobbin carrier
bottle carrier
brake-shoe carrier
bulk carrier
cargo carrier
catalyst carrier
cavity-up type carrier
cement carrier
ceramic chip carrier
charge carrier
chemical carrier
chip carrier
chrominance carrier
clamp carrier
cold carrier
color carrier
combined modulated sound and vision carrier
common carrier
contact carrier
container carrier
contract air carrier
controlled carrier
coupler carrier
current carrier
data carrier
die carrier
double-deck automobile carrier
drum tool carrier
dry cargo carrier
electrical current carrier
electric current carrier
electrode carrier
electrolyte carrier
emulsion carrier
energy carrier
equilibrium carrier
exalted carrier
excess carrier
extrinsic carrier
film carrier
final drive carrier
first-level carrier
fish carrier
flag carrier
floating carrier
flyweight carrier
frame carrier
free carrier
freight carrier
fruit carrier
fuse carrier
general cargo carrier
grain carrier
ground yarn carrier
heat carrier
heavy-lift carrier
high-frequency carrier
hod carrier
hot carrier
image carrier
information carrier
injected carrier
intarsia yarn carrier
intrinsic carrier
jet gun carrier
leaded chip carrier
leadless chip carrier
lens carrier
liquefied gas carrier
liquefied petroleum gas carrier
liquid cargo carrier
liquid carrier
live-fish carrier
load carrier
log carrier
lubricity carrier
lumber carrier
magnetic carrier
majority carrier
methane carrier
minority carrier
monochrome carrier
monorail carrier
moving paper carrier
multiple yarn carrier
needle carrier
negative carrier
noise carrier
nonaqueous carrier
nonequilibrium carrier
oil carrier
oil-bulk ore carrier
oiliness carrier
ore carrier
pallet carrier
paper carrier
passenger carrier
passenger-cargo carrier
petrol carrier
phase-shift keying carrier
photoexcited carrier
photon generated carrier
picture carrier
pinion carrier
planet carrier
planetary carrier
plastic-ring carrier
plating yarn carrier
postmolded carrier
power-line carrier
predominant carrier
quiescent carrier
radio-freguency carrier
recovered carrier
reference carrier
refrigerated cargo carrier
reinserted carrier
rigid plastic carrier
sand carrier
second-level carrier
shuttle carrier
skycar carrier
solar cell carrier
sound carrier
spindle carrier
spring carrier
stationary paper carrier
straddle carrier
submarine cargo carrier
substrate carrier
supplemental carrier
suppressed carrier
tape chip carrier
tape carrier
television-picture carrier
timber carrier
token carrier
tool carrier
type carrier
ultra-large crude carrier
universal toll carrier
unmanned carrier
unmodulated carrier
unsuppressed carrier
very large crude carrier
video-frequency vision carrier
video vision carrier
video-frequency carrier
video carrier
voice carrier
wafer carrier
water carrier
work carrier
wrap-around carrier
yarn carrier -
127 cell
1) клетка3) элемент7) эл. шайба ( выпрямителя)8) эл. изолировочная гильза9) камера для работы с радиоактивными веществами10) строит. сегмент ребристого свода11) мн. ч. строит. пустоты в кирпиче или камне12) машиностр. гибкий производственный модуль, ГП-модуль, ГПМ; гибкий автоматизированный участок, ГАУ; ставочный участок13) ячейка памяти14) грозовой очаг, грозовой район ( в зоне полёта)16) полигр. растровая ячейка ( формы глубокой печати)17) пищ. диффузор18) ячейка ( тарный вкладыш)•cell with free diffusion boundaries — ячейка со свободной диффузией на границе жидкостей;cell with liquid junction — ячейка с жидкостным соединением;cell with open liquid junction — ячейка с открытым жидкостным соединением;cell without transference — элемент без переноса;-
polka dot solar cell
absorbing cell
accumulator cell
acid cell
Acker cell
AD cell
aeration cell
aftertreatment cell
agglomerate cell
air-depolarizing cell
air-hydrogen fuel cell
airlift flotation cell
airproof cell
alkali-chlorine cell
alkaline cell
Allen-Moore cell
aluminum cell
amalgam cell
ammonia-air fuel cell
amorphous solar cell
anisotropically etched solar cell
aqueous fuel cell
arc-heated cell
array cell
asymmetrical cell
automated cell
back-emf cell
back-surface-field solar cell
bag-type cell
balloon calibrated solar cell
basket cathode cell
battery cell
bearing cell
Becquerel cell
bell-jar cell
bell cell
bending part cell
bifacial solar cell
Billiter cell
bimorph cell
binary cell
biomass fuel cell
bipolar cell
bit cell
body cell
body-centered cubic cell
border cell
box cell
Bragg cell
brine cell
bubble cell
cadmium cell
carbon cell
cascade solar cell
cell of table
central cell
chargeable cell
chemical cell
chlorine cell
Clark cell
cleaner cell
climatic cell
closed cell
close-packed atomic cell
color cell
combustion cell
competent cell
complex galvanic cell
composite cell
conductivity cell
consumable-electrode cell
convection cell
corrosion cell
counter electromotive cell
counter cell
counting cell
crown cell
crystal cell
data cell
delay cell
desalting cell
detector cell
diamond cubic unit cell
diaphragm cell
diffraction cell
diffused-junction solar cell
diffusion cell
disk stack cell
Doppler-resolution cell
drift field solar cell
driver cell
dry cell
dummy cell
dye cell
ECM cell
edge-illuminated solar cell
Edison storage cell
electrical electrochemical cell
electric electrochemical cell
electrical cell
electric cell
electrochemical machining cell
electroluminescent cell
electrolytic cell
electrowinning cell
emergency cell
emission cell
end cell
epitaxial solar cell
exposure cell
fabric cell
face-centered cubic cell
faceted solar cell
Faraday cell
filter cell
flat cell
flotation cell
flow-through cell
fluid cooled solar cell
fluorine cell
front-surface-field solar cell
front-wall solar cell
froth flotation cell
fuel cell
fuel debottling cell
fuel handling cell
fuel-reprocessing cell
fused cell
galvanic cell
gamma-measuring cell
gas cell
graded bandgap solar cell
grating-type solar cell
group-technology cell
Hall cell
heteroface solar cell
heterojunction solar cell
high-bandgap solar cell
high-intensity solar cell
high-level cell
high-temperature fuel cell
hole matrix vertical junction solar cell
hole matrix vertical solar cell
homojunction solar cell
hot cell
humidity cell
hydraulic load cell
hydrogen cell
hydrogenerated amorphous silicon solar cell
indicator cell
induced-junction solar cell
integral diode solar cell
intermediate-level cell
inversion layer solar cell
junction solar cell
Kerr cell
lattice cell
lead-acid cell
lead cell
lead-zinc cell
Leclanche cell
library cell
light cell
light-sensitive cell
light-switching cell
liquid crystal cell
liquid junction solar cell
lithium counterdoped silicon solar cell
lithium-chlorine cell
lithium-sulfur cell
load cell
low-bandgap solar cell
low-level cell
machining cell
magnesium cell
manufacturing cell
master cell
matrix solar cell
mat-type cell
measuring cell
memory cell
mercury cell
minimum manned machining cell
monofacial solar cell
monolithic solar cell
multibandgap solar cell
multicolor solar cell
multielectrode cell
multijunction solar cell
multilayer solar cell
multilevel cell
multipass absorption cell
NC cell
neoprene fuel cell
new fuel storage cell
nickel-cadmium cell
nickel-iron cell
nickel-zinc cell
noise cell
nonideal solar cell
normal cell
one-device cell
optimum work cell
optoelectronic cell
oxidation-reduction cell
oxygen cell
oxygen-hydrogen cell
oxyhydrogen cell
painting cell
part washing cell
partially manned machining cell
parting cell
permeabilized cell
petite cell
photochemical cell
photoconducting cell
photoelectric cell
photoelectrochemical cell
photoelectrolytical cell
photoelectrolytic cell
photoemissive cell
photogalvanic cell
photomultiplier cell
photoresistance cell
photosensitive cell
photovoltaic cell
pickling cell
piezoelectric cell
pilot cell
p-i-n solar cell
planar solar cell
plunge cell
pneumatic cell
point contact solar cell
polycrystalline solar cell
pressure cell
primary cell
processing cell
pump cell
purification cell
radar-resolution cell
radar cell
radiation hardened solar cell
range-resolution cell
rechargeable cell
rectifying cell
reference solar cell
refining cell
refresh cell
regenerative fuel cell
regulator cell
resolution cell
resting cell
retreatment cell
ribbon solar cell
robotic work cell
robot work cell
robotic cell
robotic welding cell
rocking cell
roll cell
rotating anode cell
rotating cathode cell
Schottky-barrier solar cell
Schottky solar cell
sealed cell
sealed-in cell
seawater conductivity cell
secondary cell
selenium cell
self-adapting production cell
self-contained machining cell
self-refreshing cell
self-sufficient cell
semiconductor-electrolyte junction solar cell
semimanned machining cell
shadowed solar cell
sheet solar cell
sheet-pile cell
silicon solar cell
silo cell
silver-zinc cell
single manufacturing cell
single cell
single junction solar cell
single-crystalline solar cell
slot-type cell
solar cell
solid-electrolyte cell
solid-state cell
space solar cell
spherical solar cell
spinning cell
spray-deposited solar cell
stacked solar cell
standard cell
storage cell
surface-passivated solar cell
swarf removing cell
switching cell
tandem solar cell
thermal cell
thermal conductivity cell
thermoelectric solar cell
thermogalvanic cell
thin-film solar cell
transfer cell
tube cell
twisted nematic type cell
two-mirror absorption cell
ultrathin solar cell
unit cell
unmanned production cell
vertical junction solar cell
vertical solar cell
V-groove sofar cell
voltaic cell
water cell
wedged channel solar cell
weighing cell
welding cell
Weston standard cell
Weston cell
wet cell
work cell
wraparound solar cell -
128 cleaning
1) очистка2) фильтрация3) регенерация4) обогащение5) уборка породы ( из забоя)7) отмывка; мойка8) пищ. обработка субпродуктов9) мн. ч. мусор, грязь ( собранные при очистке)•cleaning by sieving — пищ. очистка ситованием;cleaning from carbon — очистка от нагара-
Hydroson cleaning
abrasive cleaning
acid cleaning
air cleaning
air-blast cleaning
alkaline cleaning
alternate cleaning
anodic cleaning
ball cleaning
ballast shoulder cleaning
blast cleaning
bombardment cleaning
bran cleaning
cathodic cleaning
chemical cleaning
circulation cleaning
coal cleaning
debris cleaning
dense medium cleaning
dry cleaning
electrochemical cleaning
emulsified solvent cleaning
external cleaning
fine cleaning
flame cleaning
fume cleaning
gas cleaning by electrical precipitation
gas cleaning
gas offtake cleaning
glass beads cleaning
glow discharge cleaning
internal cleaning
ionic bombardment cleaning
magnetic cleaning
mechanical cleaning
pneumatic cleaning
pneumatic-deposit cleaning
postweld cleaning
preoperational cleaning
roof cleaning
sandblast cleaning
shot cleaning
soak cleaning
solvent cleaning
sputtered cleaning
strike cleaning
tank cleanings
trough cleaning
ultrasonic cleaning
vapor phase cleaning
vapor cleaning
vibratory cleaning
weekend cleaning
wet cleaning
См. также в других словарях:
dry chemical processing — sausasis cheminis apdorojimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. dry chemical processing; dry chemistry vok. chemische Trockenbearbeitung, f rus. сухая химическая обработка, f pranc. traitement chimique à sec, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
ABC Dry Chemical — ABC or Multi Purpose dry chemical is a dry chemical extinguishing agent. It utilizes a specially fluidized and siliconized monoammonium phosphate powder. ABC dry chemical is usually a mix of monoammonium phosphate and ammonium sulphate, the… … Wikipedia
dry chemistry — sausasis cheminis apdorojimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. dry chemical processing; dry chemistry vok. chemische Trockenbearbeitung, f rus. сухая химическая обработка, f pranc. traitement chimique à sec, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Dry rot treatment — refers to the techniques used to eliminate dry rot fungus and alleviate the damage done by the fungus to human built wooden structures. The commonly held view of an outbreak of the dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) within a building is that it… … Wikipedia
Dry cleaning — (or dry cleaning) is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), abbreviated perc in the industry and dry cleaning fluid by the… … Wikipedia
Dry ice bomb — exploding in Water. A dry ice bomb is a simple bomb like device. While the simplicity and ease of construction, high bursting pressure, and sound make this dry ice activity appealing for recreational purposes, it can be unpredictable and… … Wikipedia
Chemical weapon designation — Chemical, biological, and radiological warfare agents are sometimes assigned what is termed a military symbol. Military symbols evolved out of the First World War from the British in part for secrecy, and to simplify reference to chemicals by… … Wikipedia
Chemical biology — is a scientific discipline spanning the fields of chemistry and biology that involves the application of chemical techniques and tools, often compounds produced through synthetic chemistry, to the study and manipulation of biological systems.… … Wikipedia
Dry-ice blasting — used to clean a rubber mold Dry ice blasting is a form of abrasive blasting, where dry ice, the solid form of carbon dioxide, is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and directed at a surface in order to clean it. The method is similar to… … Wikipedia
dry — adj 1 Dry, arid mean devoid of moisture. Dry may suggest freedom from noticeable moisture either as a characteristic or as a desirable state {a dry climate} {1dry clothing} {dry land} {dry provisions} … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Dry ice blasting — is a process in which dry ice is accelerated in a pressurized air stream and directed at a surface in order to clean it. The method is similar to sand blasting, plastic bead blasting, or soda blasting but substitutes dry ice as the blasting… … Wikipedia