1 dry film lubrication
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > dry film lubrication
2 dry film lubrication
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dry film lubrication
3 dry film lubrication
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > dry film lubrication
4 dry film lubrication
Техника: сухая смазка -
5 dry-film lubrication
Техника: сухая смазка -
6 dry film lubrication
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > dry film lubrication
7 dry film lubrication
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > dry film lubrication
8 dry film lubrication
English-Russian chemmotology dictionary > dry film lubrication
9 film lubrication
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > film lubrication
10 liquid film lubrication
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > liquid film lubrication
11 lubrication
1) смазка ( вид смазки); смазывание ( метод смазывания)2) замасливание ( волокна)•-
aerosol lubrication
atomized lubrication
atomizer lubrication
bath lubrication
black-lead lubrication
borderline lubrication
boundary-film lubrication
boundary lubrication
central lubrication
centrifugal lubrication
circulating lubrication
closed circuit lubrication
cold sluggish lubrication
complete lubrication
constant-flow lubrication
continuous lubrication
counter-controlled lubrication
current lubrication
debris-contaminated lubrication
drip-feed lubrication
dry film lubrication
dry-sump lubrication
elastohydrodynamic lubrication
faulty lubrication
field lubrication
flooded lubrication
flood lubrication
fluid lubrication
fog lubrication
force-feed lubrication
full fluid-film lubrication
hydrodynamic lubrication
hydrostatic feed lubrication
hydrostatic lubrication
liquid film lubrication
makeup lubrication
mechanical lubrication
mist lubrication
mixed lubrication
mixture-method lubrication
mold lubrication
noncirculating lubrication
nonviscous lubrication
oil bath lubrication
oil can lubrication
oil lubrication
oil-fog lubrication
oil-free lubrication
oil-gun lubrication
oil-mist lubrication
oil-pad lubrication
one-shot lubrication
packing lubrication
partial lubrication
perfect lubrication
pressure feed lubrication
pressure lubrication
pump lubrication
quasi-hydrodynamic lubrication
rheodynamic lubrication
rheostatic lubrication
ring lubrication
semiautomatic lubrication
semifluid lubrication
separate lubrication
shot lubrication
solid lubrication
solid-film coating lubrication
solid-film lubrication
splash lubrication
spray lubrication
squirt can lubrication
static lubrication
submerged lubrication
thick-film lubrication
thin-film lubrication
total-loss lubrication
vacuum lubrication
viscous lubrication
waste pack lubrication -
12 lubrication
•- atomized lubrication - bath lubrication - complete lubrication - drop lubrication - dry film lubrication - dry-sump lubrication - fluid lubrication - fog lubrication - forced lubrication - gravity lubrication - grease-gun lubrication - greasy lubrication - hydrostatic lubrication - lifetime lubrication - lubrication by oil circulation - lubrication by splashing - lubrication by submersion - mechanical lubrication - mist lubrication - mixture-method lubrication - oil bath lubrication - partial lubrication - rheostatic lubrication - submerged lubrication - total-loss lubrication -
13 lubrication
смазывание, смазкаblack lead lubrication — графитовая смазка
dry-film lubrication — сухая слоистая смазка
fluid lubrication — гидродинамическая [жидкостная] смазка
hydromagnetic lubrication — магнитогидродинамическая смазка
liquid-film lubrication — 1) жидкостная [гидродинамическая] смазка 2) граничная смазка из жидкой фазы
non-viscous lubrication — нежидкостная [граничная] смазка
thin metallic film lubrication — граничная смазка в тонком металлическом слое
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > lubrication
14 dry
засуха; сухость; II сушить; высушивать; осушать; II сухой; обезвоженный; высохший- dry atmospheric corrosion - dry back-pressure valve - dry blast cyxoe - dry-bound macadam - dry bridge - dry capacity - dry cell - dry-charged accumulator - dry-charged battery- dry coil- dry cutter application - dry cyaniding - dry cycle - dry cylinder liner - dry cylinder sleeve - dry excavating - dry fan - dry filter - dry fog - dry friction - dry friction torque - dry galvanizing cyxoe - dry gas - dry gas cleaner - dry gas fuel - dry gas meter - dry gas-holder - dry heat cure - dry house - dry insulation - dry liner - dry lubricant - dry lubricant film - dry machining cyxoe - dry mass of excavator - dry measure - dry-mixed - dry motoring - dry oil - dry out - dry pipe sprinkler system - dry polishing cyxoe - dry powder extinguisher - dry purification - dry-reed slot - dry-reed switch - dry road - dry-rolled surface - dry run - dry screening cyxoe - dry-sealed vacuum pump - dry skid - dry spraying cyxoe - dry station - dry steam - dry storage battery - dry-store - dry sump engine - dry sump lubrication - dry surface - dry sweetening - dry twisting cyxoe - dry-type collector - dry up - dry weather - dry weight -
15 film
1. слой; плёнкаfilm stock — неиспользованная плёнка; новая катушка плёнки
2. фотографическая плёнка, фотоплёнка3. фотоформаair bubble film — упаковочная плёнка с «запаянными» пузырьками воздуха, пузырьковая упаковочная плёнка
blue sensitive film — фотоплёнка, чувствительная к синим лучам
bright light film — фотоплёнка, обрабатываемая при дневном свете
cast film — плёнка, формируемая поливом из раствора
4. цветная маскирующая плёнка5. электрофотографический слой6. электрофотографическая плёнкаextruded film — плёнка, полученная экструзией
7. фотоплёнка с окончательной вёрсткой фотонабора8. готовая фотоформаFujilith film — «Фуджилит»
9. красочная плёнка10. слой печатной краскиink impervious film — слой, не воспринимающий краску
Kodachrome film — фотоплёнка «Кодахром»
Kodalith film — плёнка «Кодалит»
Kodalith Autoscreen film — растрированная фотоплёнка «Кодалит Аутоскрин»
line film — фотоплёнка для съёмки штриховых оригиналов, фотоплёнка типа «лайн»
lith film — фотоплёнка типа «лит»
Low Contrast Pan film — малоконтрастная панхроматическая фотоплёнка для изготовления цветоделённых негативов
11. плёнка для изготовления масок12. фотоплёнка для цветоделительного маскирования13. плёнка для получения микрокопий14. плёнка с микрокопиямиMultimask film — плёнка «Мультимаск»
nonsilver film — фотоплёнка на бессеребряных слоях, бессеребряная фотоплёнка
Ortho A film — фотоплёнка «Орто A»
Ortho D film — фотоплёнка «Орто D»
Ortho M film — фотоплёнка «Орто M»
Ortho S film — фотоплёнка «Орто S»
Pan Litho film — «Пан Лито»
Pan Masking film — «Пан Маскинг»
photographic film — фотографическая плёнка, фотоплёнка
photo stencil film — плёнка для изготовления фотошаблонов; плёнка для изготовления форм трафаретной печати
15. копировальная плёнка16. плёнка с копиями17. гибкая печатная форма18. плёночная фотоформаprocess film — фототехническая плёнка, репродукционная фотоплёнка; негативная плёнка для фоторепродукционных работ
rapid access film — фотоплёнка быстрого проявления, рапид-плёнка
reeled film — плёнка, смотанная в рулон, рулонная плёнка
resist film — резистивная плёнка ; плёнка фоторезиста
roomlight film — фотоплёнка, обрабатываемая в светлом помещении
sensitive film — светочувствительная плёнка, светочувствительный слой
spark-sensitive film — плёнка, чувствительная к искрению
19. фотоплёнка со съёмным слоем20. монтажная плёнкаtoned film — плёнка, проявляемая тонером
wash-off film — плёнка, обрабатываемая вымыванием
working film — микрофильм, постоянно используемый в различных видах работ
16 film
1) плёнка, тонкий слой || покрываться плёнкой2) оболочка; покрытие4) (фото)плёнка5) киноплёнка; кинолента6) (кино)фильм; фильмокопия || производить киносъёмку; снимать на киноплёнку7) геофиз. диаграмма (сейсмограмма), записанная на фотоплёнке•film perforated (along) one edge — киноплёнка с односторонней перфорацией;to run through the film — просматривать фильм;to thread the film — заряжать киноплёнку-
acetate film
adhesive film
adsorbed film
advertising film
aerial film
air bubble film
air film
aligning film
amateur film
amorphous film
animated film
anodized film
antifogging film
antihalation film
antireflection film
autopositive film
axially oriented film
balanced film
base film
biaxially-oriented film
bimetallized film
black-and-white film
blank film
blown film
blue diazo assembly film
boundary film
bubble film
bubble-free film
burnished film
calendered film
carrying film
cartoon film
cast film
center fold film
cinema film
cine film
clearbase film
cling film
coarse-grain film
color film
commercial film
composite film
conducting film
contact film
continuous film
continuous lubricating film
continuous tone film
convergent lubricant film
convergent film
cooling film
cryovac film
crystalline film
cut film
diazo-type film
diazo film
dichromated gelatine film
dichromated gelatin film
dielectric film
discontinuous film
distillation film
doped film
double-coated film
drafting film
dry process film
dry silver film
dubbed film
duplicating film
dye-degraded library film
educational film
elastohydrodynamic lubrication film
electrodeposited film
electron-beam evaporated film
endless type film
epitaxial film
evaporated film
exposed film
faded film
fast film
feature film
ferroelectric film
fibrillated film
field-oxide film
fine-grain film
fire-proof film
flat film
flexible film
garnet film
gas film
getter film
glass film
glue film
graphic arts film
grown film
gussetted tubular film
hard film
hardened film
heat developable film
heat stabilized film
high clarity film
high-gamma film
high-impact film
high-speed color negative film
holographic film
hot tack film
hot-wall film
hydrodynamic oil film
hypersensitized film
imperforated film
imperforate film
indium-tin oxide film
industrial film
infrachromatic film
ink film
instant film
instructional film
instruction film
insulating film
intermediate film
internegative film
interpositive film
intrinsic film
iridescent film
ITO film
kapton film
laminar film
laminate film
laminated film
Langmuir-Blodgett film
large-grain film
lenticular film
light-control film
light-guiding film
light-sensitive film
light-struck film
line film
lith film
logging film
loop film
low defect film
low-friction film
low-gamma film
low-slip film
lubricant film
magnetic bubble film
magnetic film
masking film
matrix film
mechanized processing film
medical film
medium speed film
medium-grain film
metallized film
moistureproof film
motion-picture film
multilayer film
multireel film
multirow film
mylar film
name plate film
narrow-gage film
narrow film
negative film
news film
nonfogging film
nonsilver film
nonwettable film
normal film
offset film
oil bound film
oil film
oiliness film
one-edge perforated film
opal film
opaque film
opp film
oriented film
oriented polypropylene film
orthochromatic film
oven film
oxide film
oxidized film
panchromatic film
pan film
panoramic film
passivating film
patterned film
pearlescent film
peelable film
peel-off film
perforated film
photochromic film
photoconductor-thermoplastic film
photographic film
photoplastic recording film
photoresist film
phototechnical film
phototypesetting film
piezoelectric film
polarizer film
polarizing film
Polaroid film
polycrystalline film
polyethylene film
polyimide film
polymer film
positive film
prescreened film
print film
process film
professional film
protective film
publicity film
pure film
PVC film
RA film
radiographic film
rapid access film
raw film
recording film
reflecting film
released film
release film
resist film
resistance film
reversal film
ripple film
roll film
room daylight film
rust film
safety film
sandwich film
saran film
seismic film
self-developing film
semiconductor film
sensitized film
sheet film
short-length film
shrinkable film
shrink film
silent film
single-crystal film
single-oxide film
single-perforated film
single-wound film
sliced film
slide film
slit film
small-grain film
soft film
sound film
spacer film
split film
spray deposited film
sprocketed film
sputtered film
squeezed film
squeeze film
stacked film
standard film
steam film
steam-water film
stereoscopic film
stretch film
stretched film
stripping film
subminiature film
substrate film
superconducting film
support film
surface film
taped film
television film
test film
thermally grown film
thick film
thin film
tin oxide film
transfer film
transparency film
transparent film
trichromatic film
tubular film
TV film
unbalanced film
unsupported film
vapor film
vapor-deposited film
variable-area film
variable-density film
vesicular film
video film
washoff relief film
waster film
wear-inhibiting film
wedge-shaped oil film
wide-screen film
wrapping film
X-ray film -
17 splash lubrication
тех. смазка разбрызгиванием -
18 drop lubrication
1. капельная смазка2. сухая смазкаEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > drop lubrication
19 forced lubrication
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > forced lubrication
20 graphite lubrication
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > graphite lubrication
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Dry lubricant — Dry lubricants or solid lubricants are materials which despite being in the solid phase, are able to reduce friction between two surfaces sliding against each other without the need for a liquid media. Such lubricants, including materials such as … Wikipedia
Dry gas seal — Dry gas seals are non contacting, dry running mechanical face seals consist of a mating (rotating) ring and a primary (stationary) ring. When operating, grooves in the rotating ring generate a fluid dynamic force causing the stationary ring to… … Wikipedia
Plain bearing — Crankshaft plain bearing shells A plain bearing, also known as a plane bearing[1] or a friction bearing[2] is the simplest type of bearing, comprising just a bearing surface and no rolling elem … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Bushing — A mechanical bushing is a cylindrical lining designed to reduce friction and wear inside a hole, or constrict and restrain motion of mechanical parts. Bushing types One type of bushing is the threaded insert , a hardened metal insert with a… … Wikipedia
Mercedes-Benz 450SEL 6.9 — Manufacturer Daimler Benz Production 1975–1981 Predecessor … Wikipedia
William Denny and Brothers — Former type Private Industry Shipbuilding Fate Liquidation … Wikipedia
Tablet — For other uses, see Tablet (disambiguation). Common disk shaped tablets A tablet is a pharmaceutical dosage form. It comprises a mixture of active substances and excipients, usually in powder form, pressed or compacted from a powder into a solid… … Wikipedia
Lubricant — A lubricant is a substance introduced to reduce friction between moving surfaces. It may also have the function of transporting foreign particles and of distributing heat. The property of reducing friction is known as lubricity. A good lubricant… … Wikipedia
Cutting fluid — Thin wall milling of aluminum using a water based cutting fluid on the milling cutter. Cutting fluid is a type of coolant and lubricant designed specifically for metalworking and machining processes. There are various kinds of cutting fluids,… … Wikipedia
photography, technology of — Introduction equipment, techniques, and processes used in the production of photographs. The most widely used photographic process is the black and white negative–positive system (Figure 1 >). In the camera the lens projects an image of… … Universalium