1 driver velocity
spin velocity — скорость вращения; скорость спина
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > driver velocity
2 driver velocity
1) Механика: частота вращения ведущего элемента передачи2) Автоматика: частота вращения ведущего элемента передачи (напр. ваш, зубчатого колеса) -
3 driver velocity
4 driver velocity
частота вращения ведущего элемента передачи (напр. вала, зубчатого колеса)English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > driver velocity
5 driver velocity
частота вращения ведущего элемента (напр. вала, зубчатого колеса) -
6 velocity
1) скорость4) оборачиваемость ( средств)•- angular velocity
- axis velocity
- bulk velocity
- calculated solidification velocity
- circumferential velocity
- computing velocity
- coordinate velocity
- driver velocity
- entrance velocity
- exhaust velocity
- flow velocity
- fluid velocity
- generalized velocity
- grown-front velocity
- impact velocity
- increment velocity
- incremental path velocity
- inlet velocity
- instantaneous velocity
- joint velocity
- lengthwise sliding velocity
- linear velocity
- oil-flow velocity
- outlet velocity
- output velocity
- path velocity
- peripheral velocity
- pitch line velocity
- profile sliding velocity
- reference-frame velocity
- relative normal velocity
- resultant sliding velocity
- rim velocity
- rotary velocity
- rotational velocity
- rubbing velocity
- servo velocity
- sliding velocity
- striking velocity
- surface velocity
- tool-point velocity
- translation velocity
- uniform velocity
- variable increment velocity
- vectorial velocity
- velocity of moving space
- vibration velocity
- wave velocityEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > velocity
7 driver
водитель; шофер; вожатый; машинист; механик-водитель; приводной шкив; ведущая деталь (напр. шкив, зубчатое колесо, вал); ведущий элемент передачи; ведущее колесо; поводок; направляющий хвостовик; поводковый патрон; поводковый выступ; молоток; выколотка; отвёртка; направляющая оправка (напр. для монтажа подшипников); токарный хомут; первичный двигатель; движитель; приспособление для ввинчивания- driver-behind-engine - driver-beside-engine - driver hood - driver information display - driver-operated all-wheel drive - driver-over-engine - driver reaction time - driver salesman - driver seat - driver size - driver stage - driver training - driver training center - driver velocity - driver wage - driver wheel - bolt driver - dog driver - heart driver - key driver - pile driver - piston driver - quill driver - racing driver - reckless driver - rivet driver - screw driver - spike driver - test driver - wedge driver -
8 driver
1. привод2. задающее устройство; возбудитель3. драйвер; управляющая программа4. движущая сила; определяющий фактор [свойство, показатель]5. толкающий газ; толкающий поршень < в ударной аэродинамической трубе>driver on aircraft sizecost driverdesign driverdimension driverdisplay driverfree-piston driverhelium drivernear term driveroperability driveroutput driverposition-summed drivertechnology drivervalve drivervelocity-summed driverweight driver -
9 velocity-summed driver
10 tube
1) (электронная) лампа; (электронный) прибор2) трубка, труба || придавать трубчатую форму3) заключать в трубу или трубку•- tube of magnetic flux
- acorn tube
- acoustical tube
- air-cooled tube
- aligned-grid tube
- aluminized-screen picture tube
- amplifier tube
- anode-potential-stabilized camera tube
- anode-voltage-stabilized camera tube
- anti-TR tube
- anti-transmit-receive tube
- aperture-grill cathode ray tube
- aperture-grille cathode ray tube
- apple tube
- arc-discharge tube
- ATR tube
- attenuator tube
- backward-wave tube
- traveling-wave tube
- ballast tube
- banana tube
- banana-color tube
- band-ignitor tube
- bantam tube
- Barkhausen tube
- barrier-grid storage tube
- beam-deflection mixer tube
- beam-indexing tube
- beam-power tube
- beam-shaping cathode-ray tube
- beam-storage tube
- beam-switching tube
- bistable-phosphor storage tube
- bogey tube
- boob tube
- boron counter tube
- Braun tube
- Brewster angle tube
- camera tube
- camera storage tube
- cathode-potential-stabilized camera tube
- cathode-ray tube
- cathode-ray charge-storage tube
- cathode-ray storage tube
- cathode-voltage-stabilized camera tube
- cathodochromic dark-trace tube
- catkin tube
- cell-type tube
- character-generation cathode-ray tube
- character-indicator tube
- Charactron tube
- charge-storage tube
- chromatron tube
- coding tube
- coiltube
- cold-cathode tube
- cold-cathode counter tube
- cold-cathode glow-discharge tube
- cold-cathode stepping tube
- color cathode-ray tube
- color-picture tube
- control tube
- converter tube
- cooled-anode tube
- cooled-anode transmitting tube
- Coolidge tube
- corona tube
- counter tube
- coupled-cavity traveling-wave tube
- Crookes tube
- crossed-field tube
- cyclotron-wave tube
- damper tube
- dark-trace tube
- dc-powered tube
- decade counter tube
- deflection-type storage tube
- demountable tube
- density-modulated tube
- detector tube
- diffusion tube
- diffusion-furnace tube
- direct-display storage tube
- directly heated tube
- direct-viewing image tube
- direct-view storage tube
- discharge tube
- disk-seal tube
- display storage tube
- dissector tube
- doorknob tube
- dot matrix tube
- double-beam cathode-ray tube
- double-gun cathode-ray tube
- double-stream backward-wave tube
- draw tube
- drift tube
- driver tube
- dual-deflection tube
- duplex tube
- electrical-signal storage tube
- electric-flux tube
- electromagnetically deflected tube
- electromagnetically focused tube
- electromagnetically focused image tube
- electromagnetic cathode-ray tube
- electromagnetic-deflection cathode-ray tube
- electrometer tube
- electron tube
- electron-beam tube
- electron-beam switch tube with cross fields
- electron-beam switch tube with trochoid beam
- electron-dispersion tube
- electronic flash tube
- electron image tube
- electron-indicator tube
- electron-multiplier tube
- electron-ray tube
- electrostatically deflected tube
- electrostatically focused tube
- electrostatically focused traveling-wave tube
- electrostatic cathode-ray tube
- electrostatic memory tube
- electrostatic printing tube
- electrostatic storage tube
- end-window counter tube
- Eustachian tube
- extended-cutoff tube
- extended-interaction tube
- externally quenched counter tube
- Farnsworth image-dissector tube
- fast-wave tube
- fiber-optics image tube
- flash tube
- flat tube
- flux tube
- fuse tube
- gas tube
- gas-discharge tube
- gas-filled radiation-counter tube
- gas-flow counter tube
- gas rectifier tube
- gassy tube
- gated-beam tube
- Geiger counter tube
- Geiger-Mueller counter tube
- glass tube
- glow tube
- glow-discharge cold-cathode tube
- glow indicator tube
- grid-control tube
- gridded tube
- grid-glow tube
- grid-pool tube
- halogen-quenched counter tube
- hard tube
- heater-type tube
- heat-eye tube
- Heil tube
- helix traveling-wave tube
- high-electron-velocity camera tube
- high-mu tube
- high-power tube
- high-vacuum tube
- high-velocity camera tube
- Hittorf tube
- hodoscope tube
- hollow-cathode tube
- hot-cathode tube
- hot-cathode gas-filled tube
- image tube
- image camera tube
- image-converter tube
- image-dissector tube
- image-intensifier tube
- image orthicon tube
- image storage tube
- indicator tube
- indirectly heated tube
- inductance tube
- induction-output tube
- interference tube
- ionic-heated-cathode tube
- ionization-gage tube
- key tube
- klystron tube
- laser tube
- Lawrence tube
- lighthouse tube
- light-sensitive tube
- linear-beam tube
- line-focus tube
- liquid-flow counter tube
- local-oscillator tube
- low-electron-velocity camera tube
- luminescent-screen tube
- magnetic tube of force
- magnetically beamed tube
- master tube
- McNally tube
- mechanically controlled tube
- memory cathode-ray tube
- mercury tube
- mercury-arc tube
- mercury-pool tube
- mercury-vapor tube
- metal tube
- metal-ceramic disk tube
- microwave tube
- miniature tube
- mixer tube
- monochromatic cathode-ray tube
- monoscope cathode-ray tube
- M-type tube
- multianode tube
- multicolor cathode-ray tube
- multielectrode tube
- multigun tube
- multigun cathode-ray tube
- multiple-collector traveling-wave tube
- multiple-unit tube
- multiplier tube
- multistage tube
- multiunit tube
- negative tube
- Nixie tube
- noise tube
- noise-generator tube
- nonstorage camera tube
- numerical indicator tube
- numerical-readout tube
- optical-relay tube
- organic-quenched counter tube
- oscillating tube
- oscillograph tube
- oscilloscope tube
- O-type tube
- output tube
- overdriven tube
- PDA tube
- peanut tube
- pencil tube
- penetration-control color tube
- pentagrid tube
- phase-tuned tube
- photoconductive storage tube
- photoelectric tube
- photoelectric electron-multiplier tube
- photo erasable dark trace storage tube
- photo erasable dark trace cathode-ray storage tube
- photoflash tube
- photoglow tube
- photomixer image tube
- photomultiplier tube
- photosensitive tube
- pickup tube
- picture tube
- planar ceramic tube
- plasma-cathode traveling-wave tube
- plumbicon tube
- Pockels tube
- pool tube
- pool-cathode tube
- positive tube
- positive-grid oscillator tube
- postdeflection acceleration tube
- power tube
- power-amplifier tube
- pressure-equalizing tube
- pre-TR tube
- projected tube
- projection cathode-ray tube
- proportional counter tube
- protector tube
- pumped tube
- pyroelectric thermal image tube
- radar tube
- radial-beam tube
- radiation counter tube
- radiation-indexing color tube
- radio tube
- range-azimuth tube
- reactance tube
- reaction tube
- recording storage tube
- regulator tube
- remote-cutoff tube
- repeating flash tube
- ring-sealed tube
- rotation-anode tube
- rotation-anode X-ray tube
- scan-converter storage tube
- screen-grid tube
- sealed-off discharge tube
- SEC camera tube
- secondary-electron conduction camera tube
- secondary-emission tube
- self-focused picture tube
- self-pumping traveling-wave tube
- self-quenched counter tube
- self-rectifying X-ray tube
- shadow-mask cathode ray tube
- shadow-mask color-picture tube
- shaped-beam tube
- sharp-cutoff tube
- shielded tube
- shrinkable plastic tube
- signal-generating tube
- silicon camera tube
- silicon diode-array camera tube
- silicon-dioxide storage tube
- silicon intensifier target tube
- single-collector traveling-wave tube
- single-gun color-picture tube
- SIT tube
- situation-display tube
- slave tube
- slot-mask cathode ray tube
- slot-matrix tube
- soft tube
- space-charge tube
- space-charge-wave tube
- split-beam cathode-ray tube
- squelch tube
- stacked-ceramic tube
- storage tube
- storage cathode-ray tube
- storage-type camera tube
- stroboscopic tube
- subminiature tube
- switching tube
- Tamman tube
- television picture tube
- thermionic tube
- thin cathode-ray tube
- thin-wall counter tube
- three-dimensional cathode-ray tube
- three-gap TR tube
- three-gun color-picture tube
- three-neck picture tube
- TR tube
- transmit-receive tube
- transverse-beam traveling-wave tube
- transverse-field traveling-wave tube
- traveling-wave tube
- TR bandpass tube
- tricolor tube
- tricolor-picture tube
- trigger tube
- tungar tube
- vacuum tube
- vacuum fluorescent tube
- vacuum-gage tube
- valve tube
- variable-mu tube
- velocity-modulated tube
- video camera tube
- voltage-amplifier tube
- voltage-reference tube
- voltage-regulator tube
- voltage-stabilizing tube
- voltage-tunable tube
- wall tube
- water-cooled tube
- Williams tube
- window counter tube
- windowless photomultiplier tube
- xenon flash tube
- X-ray tube -
11 VAD
1) Компьютерная техника: Value Added Dealer2) Медицина: vincristine adriblastine dexamethasone, (Ventricular assist device) Желудочковый аппарат вспомогательного кровообращения (Кардиология), дефицит витамина А3) Военный термин: Voluntary Aide Detachment, Volunteer Army Department, Vulcan air defense, velocity and azimuth display, voluntary ambulance detachment4) Техника: vapor-phase axial deposition, velocity-azimuth display, vertical-air-discharge, voice activity detector, алюминий вакуумного напыления ( на плёнки) (vacuum deposited aluminum)5) Оптика: vapor axial deposition6) Сокращение: Vehicule d'Appui Direct (Direct support vehicle (France)), Velocity / Azimuth Display, Voluntary Aid Detachment, Vulnerability Assessment Device7) Физиология: Ventricular Access Device, Vertebral Artery Dissection, Vitamin A Deficiency8) Электроника: Vertical Axial Deposition9) Вычислительная техника: Value Added Driver, Visual Application Designer, voice activity detection, voltmeter with analog-to-digital converter, Voice Activity Detection (GSM, Mobile-Systems)10) Транспорт: Vintage Aircraft Division11) Сетевые технологии: value-added distributor12) Полимеры: vertical air discharge13) Кабельные производство: vapour phase axial deposition -
12 Vad
1) Компьютерная техника: Value Added Dealer2) Медицина: vincristine adriblastine dexamethasone, (Ventricular assist device) Желудочковый аппарат вспомогательного кровообращения (Кардиология), дефицит витамина А3) Военный термин: Voluntary Aide Detachment, Volunteer Army Department, Vulcan air defense, velocity and azimuth display, voluntary ambulance detachment4) Техника: vapor-phase axial deposition, velocity-azimuth display, vertical-air-discharge, voice activity detector, алюминий вакуумного напыления ( на плёнки) (vacuum deposited aluminum)5) Оптика: vapor axial deposition6) Сокращение: Vehicule d'Appui Direct (Direct support vehicle (France)), Velocity / Azimuth Display, Voluntary Aid Detachment, Vulnerability Assessment Device7) Физиология: Ventricular Access Device, Vertebral Artery Dissection, Vitamin A Deficiency8) Электроника: Vertical Axial Deposition9) Вычислительная техника: Value Added Driver, Visual Application Designer, voice activity detection, voltmeter with analog-to-digital converter, Voice Activity Detection (GSM, Mobile-Systems)10) Транспорт: Vintage Aircraft Division11) Сетевые технологии: value-added distributor12) Полимеры: vertical air discharge13) Кабельные производство: vapour phase axial deposition -
13 amplifier
- accumulating amplifier
- acoustic amplifier
- acoustic-wave amplifier
- acoustoelectric amplifier
- acoustoelectronic amplifier
- AGC amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- anticoincidence amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- automatic gain control amplifier - backward-wave power amplifier
- backward-wave tube amplifier
- balanced amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- baseband amplifier
- bass amplifier
- beam-injection magnetron amplifier
- beam-plasma amplifier
- beam-type parametric amplifier
- biased pulse amplifier
- bidirectional amplifier
- bi-FET operational amplifier
- bilateral amplifier
- bipolar amplifier
- bipolar-field-effect transistor operational amplifier
- booster amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- bridge amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bulk-wave amplifier
- burst amplifier
- camera amplifier
- cancellation amplifier
- capacitance-coupled amplifier
- capacitive-differentiation amplifier
- capacitive-integration amplifier
- capacitor transmitter amplifier
- carries-type dc amplifier
- cascade amplifier
- cascade-controlled attenuation amplifier
- cascode amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cathode-follower amplifier
- cathode-input amplifier
- CATV line amplifier
- cavity-type amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- charge amplifier
- chemical amplifier
- choke-coupled amplifier
- chopper amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma amplifier
- chroma bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- circlotron amplifier
- circular-type magnetron amplifier
- circulator-coupled amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- clipping amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- combining amplifier
- common-base amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- community antenna television line amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- complementary symmetry amplifier
- complementary transistor amplifier
- complementing amplifier
- contact-modulated amplifier
- control amplifier
- cooled parametric amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- crossed-field amplifier
- crossed-field waveguide coupled amplifier
- cryogenic amplifier
- cryotron amplifier
- current amplifier
- cyclotron-wave amplifier
- Darlington amplifier
- data amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate parametric amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- difference amplifier
- difference-frequency parametric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differential-input amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digitally controlled amplifier
- digitally programmed amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct-coupled amplifier
- direct-inductive coupling amplifier
- directional amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- discontinuous amplifier
- distributed amplifier
- distributing amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-detection amplifier
- double-ended amplifier - double-sided amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- drift-stabilized amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-channel amplifier
- duo-directional amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- dye-laser amplifier
- dynamoelectric amplifier
- EBS amplifier
- echo amplifier
- echo unit amplifier
- elastic-wave amplifier
- electric organ amplifier
- electrochemical amplifier
- electromagnetic ferrite amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier - electronic amplifier
- electronically tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- EM ferrite amplifier
- emitter-follower amplifier
- erase amplifier
- error amplifier
- exponential amplifier
- extender amplifier
- Fabry-Perot amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast amplifier
- fast cyclotron-wave amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedback-stabilized amplifier
- ferrimagnetic amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferroelectric parametric amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- ferroresonant magnetic amplifier
- field amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- fixed-tuned amplifier
- flat-gain amplifier
- floating paraphase amplifier
- floating-point amplifier
- fluid amplifier
- folded amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-frequency reactance amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-elimination amplifier
- frequency-miltiplier amplifier
- frequency-rejection amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- front amplifier
- front-end amplifier
- gain-adjusting amplifier
- gain-controlled amplifier
- gain-programmable amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- gain-switching amplifier
- gamma amplifier
- gate amplifier
- gated amplifier
- gate-pulse amplifier
- gating amplifier
- general-purpose amplifier
- Goto twin-pair amplifier
- grid-modulated amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-cathode grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- grounded-source amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- Gunn diode amplifier
- half-wave push-pull magnetic amplifier
- harmonic magnetic amplifier
- head amplifier
- head-end amplifier - heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier - hybrid amplifier
- hydraulic amplifier
- IC amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate frequency amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- impedance-capacitance coupled amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- inductively coupled amplifier - instrumentation amplifier
- integrated circuit amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intermediate power amplifier
- intervening amplifier
- inverted amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolated amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- isolation amplifier
- iterative amplifier
- Josephson-junction amplifier
- K-amplifier - launch amplifier
- law amplifier
- level amplifier
- light amplifier
- lighthouse-tube amplifier
- limited-gain amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- linear amplifier - lin-log amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- log amplifier - lower sideband parametric amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier - magnetic-recording amplifier
- magnetic-reproducing amplifier
- magnetoelastic-wave amplifier
- magnetoresistive amplifier
- magnetostatic ferrite amplifier
- magnetostatic-wave amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier - matching amplifier
- M-D amplifier - mid-range amplifier
- Miller integrator amplifier
- millimeter-wave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modified semistatic ferrite amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- modulating amplifier by variable reactance
- modulation-demodulation amplifier
- molecular microwave amplifier
- monitor amplifier
- mono amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- MS ferrite amplifier
- MSS ferrite amplifier
- M-type amplifier
- multiaperture-core magnetic amplifier
- multicavity-klystron amplifier
- multiple-loop feedback amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- nanosecond pulse amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- negative-conductance amplifier
- negative-effective-mass amplifier
- negative-feedback amplifier
- negative-resistance amplifier
- negative-resistance parametric amplifier
- neodymium amplifier
- neutralized amplifier
- noise-immune amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppression amplifier
- noisy amplifier
- noncomplementing amplifier
- nondegenerate parametric amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- nonlinear-susceptance amplifier
- nonreciprocal amplifier
- nonreentrant crossed-field forward wave amplifier
- off-chip amplifier
- on-chip amplifier
- one-chip amplifier
- one-port amplifier
- one-way amplifier - optical feedback amplifier
- optical fiber laser amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- overstaggered amplifier
- PA amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- panoramic amplifier
- parallel-feed amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier - paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- peak-limiting amplifier
- pentriode amplifier
- periodically distributed amplifier
- phase-coherent degenerate amplifier
- phase-linear amplifier
- phase-preserving amplifier
- phase-sensitive amplifier
- phase-splitting amplifier
- phase-tolerant amplifier
- phonon parametric amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- photodiode parametric amplifier
- photoparametric amplifier
- piezoelectric-semiconductor ultrasonic amplifier
- pilot amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plate-modulated amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- polarity-inverting amplifier
- positive-feedback amplifier
- power amplifier
- power-video amplifier
- prime amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- programmable-gain amplifier
- proportional amplifier
- public-address amplifier
- pulse amplifier
- pulse distribution amplifier
- pulse-pumped parametric amplifier
- push-pull amplifier
- push-pull-parallel amplifier
- push-push amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quadrupole amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- quantum-mechanical amplifier
- quasi-degenerate parametric amplifier
- quiescent push-pull amplifier - Rayleigh-wave amplifier
- RC amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reading amplifier
- reading-writing amplifier
- receiving amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- reentrant-beam crossed-field amplifier
- reference amplifier
- reflection-type parametric amplifier
- reflex amplifier
- refrigerated parametric amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- Regulex amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reset amplifier
- resistance-capacitance-coupled amplifier
- resistance-coupled amplifier
- resistive-wall amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- response selection amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- ring amplifier
- root amplifier
- rooter amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotary fader amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- rotating magnetic amplifier
- sample-and-hold amplifier
- sampling amplifier
- SAW amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- self-pumped parametric amplifier
- self-saturating magnetic amplifier
- semiconductor-diode parametric amplifier
- semistatic ferrite amplifier
- sense amplifier
- sensing amplifier
- sensitive amplifier
- series-fed amplifier
- series-peaked amplifier
- servo amplifier
- shunt-and series-peaked amplifier
- shunt-fed amplifier
- shunting amplifier
- shunt-peaked amplifier
- signal-frequency amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-ended push-pull amplifier
- single-port amplifier - single-sideband parametric amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- small-signal amplifier
- solid-state amplifier - spin-wave amplifier
- square-law amplifier
- square amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- squaring amplifier
- squarish amplifier
- SS ferrite amplifier
- stabilizing amplifier
- staggered amplifier
- stagger-damped double-tuned amplifier
- staggered-pair amplifier
- staggered-triple amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- standing-wave amplifier
- starved amplifier
- step-up amplifier
- stereo amplifier
- straight amplifier
- sum-frequency parametric amplifier
- summing amplifier
- superconducting amplifier
- superregenerative amplifier
- superregenerative paramagnetic amplifier
- superregenerative parametric amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- surface-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- switching amplifier
- synchronizing amplifier
- synchronous single-tuned amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- thermal amplifier
- thick-film amplifier
- three-frequency parametric amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-base amplifier
- time-control amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- torque amplifier
- totem-pole amplifier
- transconductance amplifier
- transducer amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transistor-magnetic amplifier
- transitionally coupled amplifier
- transmission-line amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transresistance amplifier
- transverse-wave electron-beam parametric amplifier - triode amplifier
- triple-tuned amplifier
- trunk amplifier
- tube amplifier
- tuned amplifier - twin-tee amplifier
- two-directional amplifier
- two-port amplifier
- two-pump parametric amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- TWT amplifier
- ultrasonic amplifier
- unidirectional amplifier
- unilateral amplifier
- unilateralized amplifier
- unity-gain amplifier
- untuned amplifier
- upper sideband parametric amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- varactor parametric amplifier
- variable-gain amplifier
- variable-parametric amplifier
- variable-reactance amplifier
- velocity-modulated amplifier
- velocity-variation amplifier
- vertical amplifier
- vibrating capacitor amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-distribution amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- video-head amplifier
- vision-distribution amplifier
- vocal amplifier
- voltage amplifier - volume-wave amplifier
- Wallman amplifier
- Weber tetrode amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- wide-dynamic range amplifier
- Williamson amplifier
- writing amplifier
- YIG parametric amplifier
- zero-phase-shift amplifier -
14 amplifier
- accumulating amplifier
- acoustic amplifier
- acoustic-wave amplifier
- acoustoelectric amplifier
- acoustoelectronic amplifier
- AGC amplifier
- all-pass amplifier
- all-purpose amplifier
- anticoincidence amplifier
- aperiodic amplifier
- audio amplifier
- audio-frequency amplifier
- automatic gain control amplifier
- backward-wave amplifier
- backward-wave parametric amplifier
- backward-wave power amplifier
- backward-wave tube amplifier
- balanced amplifier
- bandpass amplifier
- baseband amplifier
- bass amplifier
- beam-injection magnetron amplifier
- beam-plasma amplifier
- beam-type parametric amplifier
- biased pulse amplifier
- bidirectional amplifier
- bi-FET operational amplifier
- bilateral amplifier
- bipolar amplifier
- bipolar-field-effect transistor operational amplifier
- booster amplifier
- bootstrap amplifier
- bridge amplifier
- bridge magnetic amplifier
- bridging amplifier
- broadband amplifier
- buffer amplifier
- bulk-wave amplifier
- burst amplifier
- camera amplifier
- cancellation amplifier
- capacitance-coupled amplifier
- capacitive-differentiation amplifier
- capacitive-integration amplifier
- capacitor transmitter amplifier
- carries-type dc amplifier
- cascade amplifier
- cascade-controlled attenuation amplifier
- cascode amplifier
- cathode-coupled amplifier
- cathode-follower amplifier
- cathode-input amplifier
- CATV line amplifier
- cavity-type amplifier
- ceramic amplifier
- charge amplifier
- chemical amplifier
- choke-coupled amplifier
- chopper amplifier
- chopper-stabilized amplifier
- chroma amplifier
- chroma bandpass amplifier
- chrominance amplifier
- circlotron amplifier
- circular-type magnetron amplifier
- circulator-coupled amplifier
- clamped amplifier
- class-A amplifier
- class-AB amplifier
- class-B amplifier
- class-C amplifier
- class-D amplifier
- clipper amplifier
- clipping amplifier
- coaxial amplifier
- coherent light amplifier
- coincidence amplifier
- cold-cathode amplifier
- color-burst amplifier
- combining amplifier
- common-base amplifier
- common-collector amplifier
- common-drain amplifier
- common-emitter amplifier
- common-gate amplifier
- common-source amplifier
- community antenna television line amplifier
- compensated amplifier
- complementary symmetry amplifier
- complementary transis-tor amplifier
- complementing amplifier
- contact-modulated amplifier
- control amplifier
- cooled parametric amplifier
- coupling amplifier
- crossed-field amplifier
- crossed-field waveguide coupled amplifier
- cryogenic amplifier
- cryotron amplifier
- current amplifier
- cyclotron-wave amplifier
- Darlington amplifier
- data amplifier
- dc amplifier
- dc restoration amplifier
- deflection amplifier
- degenerate parametric amplifier
- degenerative amplifier
- dielectric amplifier
- difference amplifier
- difference-frequency parametric amplifier
- differential amplifier
- differential-input amplifier
- differentiating amplifier
- differentiation amplifier
- digitally controlled amplifier
- digitally programmed amplifier
- diode amplifier
- direct resistance-coupled amplifier
- direct-coupled amplifier
- direct-inductive coupling amplifier
- directional amplifier
- discontinuous amplifier
- distributed amplifier
- distributing amplifier
- distribution amplifier
- Doherty amplifier
- double-detection amplifier
- double-ended amplifier
- double-pumped parametric amplifier
- double-sideband parametric amplifier
- double-sided amplifier
- double-stream amplifier
- double-tuned amplifier
- drift-corrected amplifier
- drift-free amplifier
- drift-stabilized amplifier
- driver amplifier
- dual-channel amplifier
- duo-directional amplifier
- duplex amplifier
- dye-laser amplifier
- dynamoelectric amplifier
- EBS amplifier
- echo amplifier
- echo unit amplifier
- elastic-wave amplifier
- electric organ amplifier
- electrochemical amplifier
- electromagnetic ferrite amplifier
- electrometric amplifier
- electron-beam amplifier
- electron-beam parametric amplifier
- electron-bombardment semiconductor amplifier
- electronic amplifier
- electronically tunable amplifier
- electron-tube amplifier
- EM ferrite amplifier
- emitter-follower amplifier
- erase amplifier
- error amplifier
- exponential amplifier
- extender amplifier
- Fabry-Perot amplifier
- fader amplifier
- fast amplifier
- fast cyclotron-wave amplifier
- feedback amplifier
- feedback-stabilized amplifier
- ferrimagnetic amplifier
- ferrite amplifier
- ferroelectric parametric amplifier
- ferromagnetic amplifier
- ferroresonant magnetic amplifier
- field amplifier
- filter amplifier
- final amplifier
- fixed-gain amplifier
- fixed-tuned amplifier
- flat-gain amplifier
- floating paraphase amplifier
- floating-point amplifier
- fluid amplifier
- folded amplifier
- follow-up amplifier
- forward-wave amplifier
- four-frequency reactance amplifier
- frame amplifier
- frequency-elimination amplifier
- frequency-miltiplier amplifier
- frequency-rejection amplifier
- frequency-selective amplifier
- front amplifier
- front-end amplifier
- gain-adjusting amplifier
- gain-controlled amplifier
- gain-programmable amplifier
- gain-stabilized amplifier
- gain-switching amplifier
- gamma amplifier
- gate amplifier
- gated amplifier
- gate-pulse amplifier
- gating amplifier
- general-purpose amplifier
- Goto twin-pair amplifier
- grid-modulated amplifier
- grounded-anode amplifier
- grounded-base amplifier
- grounded-cathode amplifier
- grounded-cathode grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-collector amplifier
- grounded-drain amplifier
- grounded-emitter amplifier
- grounded-gate amplifier
- grounded-grid amplifier
- grounded-plate amplifier
- grounded-source amplifier
- guitar amplifier
- Gunn amplifier
- Gunn diode amplifier
- half-wave push-pull magnetic amplifier
- harmonic magnetic amplifier
- head amplifier
- head-end amplifier
- headphone amplifier
- helix parametric amplifier
- heterodyne amplifier
- Hi-Fi amplifier
- high power amplifier
- high-frequency amplifier
- horizontal amplifier
- hybrid amplifier
- hydraulic amplifier
- IC amplifier
- image amplifier
- image-rejecting intermediate frequency amplifier
- IMPATT amplifier
- impedance-capacitance coupled amplifier
- inductance amplifier
- inductively coupled amplifier
- injected-beam crossed-field amplifier
- injected-beam forward-wave magnetron amplifier
- instrumentation amplifier
- integrated-circuit amplifier
- integrating amplifier
- intensity amplifier
- intermediate amplifier
- intermediate power amplifier
- intermediate-frequency amplifier
- intervening amplifier
- inverted amplifier
- inverting amplifier
- isolated amplifier
- isolating amplifier
- isolation amplifier
- iterative amplifier
- Josephson-junction amplifier
- K amplifier
- klystron amplifier
- laser amplifier
- launch amplifier
- law amplifier
- level amplifier
- light amplifier
- lighthouse-tube amplifier
- limited-gain amplifier
- limiting amplifier
- line amplifier
- linear amplifier for various applications
- linear amplifier
- linear-type magnetron amplifier
- lin-log amplifier
- lock-in amplifier
- log amplifier
- logarithmic amplifier
- longitudinal-beam amplifier
- lower sideband parametric amplifier
- low-frequency amplifier
- low-noise amplifier
- low-power amplifier
- luminance amplifier
- magnetic amplifier
- magnetic-film amplifier
- magnetic-recording amplifier
- magnetic-reproducing amplifier
- magnetoelastic-wave amplifier
- magnetoresistive amplifier
- magnetostatic ferrite amplifier
- magnetostatic-wave amplifier
- magnetron amplifier
- main amplifier
- maser amplifier
- master oscillator-power amplifier
- matched amplifier
- matching amplifier
- M-D amplifier
- microphone amplifier
- microwave atomic amplifier
- mid-range amplifier
- Miller integrator amplifier
- millimeter-wave amplifier
- mixing amplifier
- modified semistatic ferrite amplifier
- modulated amplifier
- modulating amplifier by variable reactance
- modulation-demodulation amplifier
- molecular microwave amplifier
- monitor amplifier
- mono amplifier
- monolithic amplifier
- MS ferrite amplifier
- MSS ferrite amplifier
- M-type amplifier
- multiaperture-core magnetic amplifier
- multicavity-klystron amplifier
- multiple-loop feedback amplifier
- multistage amplifier
- nanosecond pulse amplifier
- narrow-band amplifier
- negative-conductance amplifier
- negative-effective-mass amplifier
- negative-feedback amplifier
- negative-resistance amplifier
- negative-resistance parametric amplifier
- neodymium amplifier
- neutralized amplifier
- noise-immune amplifier
- noiseless amplifier
- noise-suppression amplifier
- noisy amplifier
- noncomplementing amplifier
- nondegenerate parametric amplifier
- noninverting amplifier
- nonlinear amplifier
- nonlinear-susceptance amplifier
- nonreciprocal amplifier
- nonreentrant crossed-field forward wave amplifier
- off-chip amplifier
- on-chip amplifier
- one-chip amplifier
- one-port amplifier
- one-way amplifier
- operational amplifier
- optical amplifier
- optical feedback amplifier
- optical fiber laser amplifier
- optoelectronic amplifier
- output amplifier
- overdriven amplifier
- overstaggered amplifier
- PA amplifier
- packaged amplifier
- paging amplifier
- panoramic amplifier
- parallel-feed amplifier
- paramagnetic amplifier
- parametric amplifier
- parametric varactor amplifier
- paraphase amplifier
- peaked amplifier
- peak-limiting amplifier
- pentriode amplifier
- periodically distributed amplifier
- phase-coherent degenerate amplifier
- phase-linear amplifier
- phase-preserving amplifier
- phase-sensitive amplifier
- phase-splitting amplifier
- phase-tolerant amplifier
- phonon parametric amplifier
- photocurrent amplifier
- photodiode parametric amplifier
- photoparametric amplifier
- piezoelectric-semiconductor ultrasonic amplifier
- pilot amplifier
- plasma amplifier
- plate-modulated amplifier
- playback amplifier
- plug-in amplifier
- polarity-inverting amplifier
- positive-feedback amplifier
- power amplifier
- power-video amplifier
- prime amplifier
- printed-circuit amplifier
- processing amplifier
- program amplifier
- programmable-gain amplifier
- proportional amplifier
- public-address amplifier
- pulse amplifier
- pulse distribution amplifier
- pulse-pumped parametric amplifier
- push-pull amplifier
- push-pull-parallel amplifier
- push-push amplifier
- quadrature amplifier
- quadrupole amplifier
- quantum amplifier
- quantum-mechanical amplifier
- quasi-degenerate parametric amplifier
- quiescent push-pull amplifier
- radio-frequency amplifier
- Ramey amplifier
- Rayleigh-wave amplifier
- RC amplifier
- reactance amplifier
- read amplifier
- reading amplifier
- reading-writing amplifier
- receiving amplifier
- reciprocal amplifier
- recording amplifier
- reentrant-beam crossed-field amplifier
- reference amplifier
- reflection-type parametric amplifier
- reflex amplifier
- refrigerated parametric amplifier
- regenerative amplifier
- Regulex amplifier
- repeating amplifier
- reset amplifier
- resistance-capacitance-coupled amplifier
- resistance-coupled amplifier
- resistive-wall amplifier
- resonance amplifier
- resonant amplifier
- response selection amplifier
- reversed-feedback amplifier
- ring amplifier
- root amplifier
- rooter amplifier
- rotary amplifier
- rotary fader amplifier
- rotating amplifier
- rotating magnetic amplifier
- sample-and-hold amplifier
- sampling amplifier
- SAW amplifier
- selective amplifier
- self-feedback amplifier
- self-pumped parametric amplifier
- self-saturating magnetic amplifier
- semiconductor-diode parametric amplifier
- semistatic ferrite amplifier
- sense amplifier
- sensing amplifier
- sensitive amplifier
- series-fed amplifier
- series-peaked amplifier
- servo amplifier
- shunt-and series-peaked amplifier
- shunt-fed amplifier
- shunting amplifier
- shunt-peaked amplifier
- signal-frequency amplifier
- signal-shaping amplifier
- single-ended amplifier
- single-ended push-pull amplifier
- single-port amplifier
- single-pumped parametric amplifier
- single-section amplifier
- single-sideband parametric amplifier
- single-sided amplifier
- single-stage amplifier
- single-tuned amplifier
- small-signal amplifier
- solid-state amplifier
- solid-state power amplifier
- source-follower amplifier
- speaker amplifier
- speech amplifier
- spin-wave amplifier
- square amplifier
- square-law amplifier
- square-wave amplifier
- squaring amplifier
- squarish amplifier
- SS ferrite amplifier
- stabilizing amplifier
- stagger-damped double-tuned amplifier
- staggered amplifier
- staggered-pair amplifier
- staggered-triple amplifier
- stagger-tuned amplifier
- standing-wave amplifier
- starved amplifier
- step-up amplifier
- stereo amplifier
- straight amplifier
- sum-frequency parametric amplifier
- summing amplifier
- superconducting amplifier
- superregenerative amplifier
- superregenerative paramagnetic amplifier
- superregenerative parametric amplifier
- surface-acoustic-wave amplifier
- surface-wave amplifier
- sweep amplifier
- switching amplifier
- synchronizing amplifier
- synchronous single-tuned amplifier
- tandem amplifier
- telephone-repeater amplifier
- thermal amplifier
- thick-film amplifier
- three-frequency parametric amplifier
- threshold amplifier
- time-base amplifier
- time-control amplifier
- time-shared amplifier
- torque amplifier
- totem-pole amplifier
- transconductance amplifier
- transducer amplifier
- transferred-electron amplifier
- transformer-coupled amplifier
- transimpedance amplifier
- transistor amplifier
- transistor-magnetic amplifier
- transitionally coupled amplifier
- transmission-line amplifier
- transmission-type amplifier
- transresistance amplifier
- transverse-wave electron-beam parametric amplifier
- traveling-wave acoustic amplifier
- traveling-wave amplifier
- traveling-wave parametric amplifier
- traveling-wave tube amplifier
- treble amplifier
- triode amplifier
- triple-tuned amplifier
- trunk amplifier
- tube amplifier
- tuned amplifier
- tunnel-diode amplifier
- twin-pair amplifier
- twin-tee amplifier
- two-directional amplifier
- two-port amplifier
- two-pump parametric amplifier
- two-way amplifier
- TWT amplifier
- ultrasonic amplifier
- unidirectional amplifier
- unilateral amplifier
- unilateralized amplifier
- unity-gain amplifier
- untuned amplifier
- upper sideband parametric amplifier
- vacuum-tube amplifier
- valve amplifier
- varactor parametric amplifier
- variable-gain amplifier
- variable-parametric amplifier
- variable-reactance amplifier
- velocity-modulated amplifier
- velocity-variation amplifier
- vertical amplifier
- vibrating capacitor amplifier
- video amplifier
- video-distribution amplifier
- video-frequency amplifier
- video-head amplifier
- vision-distribution amplifier
- vocal amplifier
- voltage amplifier
- voltage-controlled amplifier
- volume-limiting amplifier
- volume-wave amplifier
- Wallman amplifier
- Weber tetrode amplifier
- wide-band amplifier
- wide-dynamic range amplifier
- Williamson amplifier
- writing amplifier
- YIG parametric amplifier
- zero-phase-shift amplifierThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > amplifier
15 amplifier
ac amplifier
adder amplifier
AGC amplifier
all-pass amplifier
amplitron amplifier
amplitude-limiting amplifier
antenna amplifier
aperiodic amplifier
audio amplifier
- audio distribution amplifier -
audio-frequency amplifier
automatic gain control amplifier
automatic stereophonic recording amplifier
backward-wave amplifier
backward-wave magnetron amplifier
backward-wave parametric amplifier
balanced amplifier
bandpass amplifier
band amplifier
baseband amplifier
beam parametric amplifier
bistable amplifier
Blumlein's ultralinear amplifier
booster amplifier
bootstrap amplifier
bridge amplifier
bridging amplifier
broadband amplifier
buck-boost amplifier
buffer amplifier
bullet amplifier
burst amplifier
calibrated amplifier
camera amplifier
capacitor transmitter amplifier
cascaded amplifier
cascade amplifier
cascode amplifier
cathode-coupled amplifier
cathode amplifier
cavity-type amplifier
charger amplifier
charge amplifier
choke-capacitance coupled amplifier
chopper amplifier
chopper-stabilized amplifier
chrominance amplifier
clamped amplifier
class-A amplifier
class-B amplifier
class-C amplifier
class-D amplifier
clipper amplifier
coincidence amplifier
cold cathode amplifier
color-burst amplifier
color-difference amplifier
color-stabilizing amplifier
common-base amplifier
common-collector amplifier
common-drain amplifier
common-emitter amplifier
common-gate amplifier
common-source amplifier
compensated amplifier
complementary amplifier
contact-modulated amplifier
control amplifier
coupling amplifier
crossed-field amplifier
cryogenicaliy cooled amplifier
cryogenic amplifier
current amplifier
Darlington amplifier
dc amplifier
dc machine amplifier
dc restoration amplifier
deflection amplifier
delayed-channel amplifier
differential-input amplifier
differential amplifier
differentiating amplifier
digitally controlled amplifier
digital-proportional fluid amplifier
direct-coupled amplifier
display intensity amplifier
distributed amplifier
distributing amplifier
double-ended amplifier
drift-compensated amplifier
drift-correcting amplifier
drift-free amplifier
driver amplifier
dual operational amplifier
dynamoclectric amplifier
echo amplifier
electrochemical amplifier
electrometric amplifier
electron wave magnetron amplifier
electronic amplifier
electronically tunable amplifier
emitter-follower amplifier
erase amplifier
error amplifier
extender amplifier
fader amplifier
fast amplifier
feedback amplifier
feedback stabilized amplifier
feed-forward amplifier
ferrite amplifier
ferromagnetic amplifier
field amplifier
filter amplifier
final amplifier
fixed-gain amplifier
fixed-tuned amplifier
flat amplifier
flat-staggered amplifier
flip-flop amplifier
fluid amplifier
follow-up amplifier
forward wave amplifier
frame amplifier
frequency-elimination amplifier
frequency-rejection amplifier
frequency-selective amplifier
front-end amplifier
front amplifier
gain-controlled amplifier
gain-matched amplifier
gain-stabilized amplifier
gamma amplifier
gate amplifier
gated amplifier
grounded anode amplifier
grounded-base amplifier
grounded-cathode amplifier
grounded-collector amplifier
grounded-drain amplifier
grounded-emitter amplifier
grounded-gate amplifier
grounded-plate amplifier
grounded-source amplifier
head amplifier
head-end amplifier
heterodyne amplifier
hi-fi amplifier
high-frequency amplifier
high-gain amplifier
high-voltage amplifier
horizontal amplifier
hybrid amplifier
hydraulic amplifier
image amplifier
image-rejecting intermediate amplifier
injection beam amplifier
instrumentation amplifier
integrated amplifier
integrating amplifier
intensity amplifier
intermediate-frequency amplifier
interphone amplifier
in-turret amplifier
inverting amplifier
isolating amplifier
klystron amplifier
laminar proportional amplifier
lap dissolve amplifier
laser amplifier
launch amplifier
light amplifier
limited-gain amplifier
limiting amplifier
line amplifier
linear amplifier
lock-in amplifier
logarithmic amplifier
log amplifier
longitudinal beam amplifier
low-current amplifier
low-distortion amplifier
low-drift amplifier
low-frequency amplifier
low-noise amplifier
luminance amplifier
magnetic amplifier
magnetron amplifier
masking amplifier
master oscillator power amplifier
matched amplifier
matching amplifier
matrix amplifier
metal interface amplifier
microphone amplifier
microstrip amplifier
microwave amplifier
mix-effects amplifier
modulated amplifier
monitoring amplifier
monitor amplifier
mono amplifier
M-type amplifier
multichannel amplifier
multimode amplifier
multiple-loop feedback amplifier
multistage amplifier
muscle voltage amplifier
narrow-band amplifier
narrow-gate amplifier
neutralized amplifier
noise immune amplifier
noiseless amplifier
noise-suppressing amplifier
noisy amplifier
noninverting amplifier
nonlinear amplifier
note amplifier
one-port amplifier
operational amplifier
optical amplifier
optic amplifier
optoelectronic amplifier
overdriven amplifier
packaged amplifier
panoramic amplifier
paramagnetic amplifier
parametric amplifier
parametric varactor amplifier
paraphase amplifier
peaked amplifier
phase linear amplifier
phase-sensitive amplifier
photocurrent amplifier
picture intermediate frequency amplifier
pilot amplifier
pip amplifier
playback amplifier
plug-in amplifier
polarity-inverting amplifier
portable amplifier
power amplifier
pressure-to-flow amplifier
prime amplifier
printed-circuit amplifier
processing amplifier
program amplifier
programmable gain amplifier
public-address amplifier
pulse distribution amplifier
pulsed amplifier
pulse amplifier
push-pull amplifier
quadrature amplifier
quantum amplifier
quiescent amplifier
radio-frequency amplifier
RC amplifier
reactance amplifier
reciprocal amplifier
recircufation zone amplifier
recording amplifier
reference amplifier
reflex amplifier
regenerative amplifier
repeating amplifier
reproducing amplifier
resistance amplifier
resistance-capacitance amplifier
resistance-coupled amplifier
resonance amplifier
reversed-feedback amplifier
rf amplifier
rotary amplifier
rotating magnetic amplifier
rotating amplifier
sample-and-hold amplifier
sampling amplifier
saturated amplifier
selective amplifier
self-balancing amplifier
self-feedback amplifier
self-saturating magnetic amplifier
sense amplifier
servo amplifier
sharpener amplifier
signal-frequency amplifier
single-ended amplifier
single-section amplifier
single-sideband amplifier
single-sided amplifier
single-stage amplifier
single-tuned amplifier
small-signal amplifier
source-follower amplifier
space charge wave amplifier
speech amplifier
square-law amplifier
squaring amplifier
stabilized amplifier
steffer amplifier
step-up amplifier
stereo amplifier
straight amplifier
summing amplifier
superregenerative amplifier
supersonic amplifier
sweep amplifier
switched gain amplifier
synchronizing amplifier
sync amplifier
tandem amplifier
tapered amplifier
temperature-compensated amplifier
threshold amplifier
time-base amplifier
torque amplifier
track-and-hold amplifier
transconductance amplifier
transducer amplifier
transferred electron amplifier
transformer-coupled amplifier
transimpedance amplifier
transistor amplifier
transmission-type amplifier
transmission amplifier
traveling wave tube amplifier
trigger amplifier
trunk amplifier
tube amplifier
tuned amplifier
tunnel diode amplifier
turbulence amplifier
ultralincar amplifier
uncompensated amplifier
unity gain amplifier
untapered amplifier
untuned amplifier
utility video amplifier
valve amplifier
variable-gain amplifier
velocity-modulated amplifier
vertical amplifier
video amplifier
video distribution amplifier
video frequency amplifier
voltage amplifier
voltage-controlled amplifier
vortex amplifier
wide dynamic range amplifier
wide-band amplifier
X-axis amplifier
X amplifier
YIG parametric amplifier
zero-phase drift amplifier -
16 DVA
1) Медицина: двухэнергетическое исследование латеральной и фронтальной проекций позвоночника, технология DVA, Dual-Energy Vertebral Assesment2) Военный термин: Department of Veterans' Affairs, design verification article3) Техника: differential voltage amplifier, drive available4) Британский английский: Транспортное Агенство (Driver & Vehicle Agency)5) Кино: Dynamic Visibility Analysis6) Физиология: Distance Visual Acuity7) Вычислительная техника: дистанционный векторный алгоритм, дистанционный векторный метод8) Геофизика: глубинно-скоростной анализ (depth velocity analysis)9) Транспорт: Diverse Vector Area10) СМИ: Digital Voice Assistant, Direct Video Access11) Сетевые технологии: distance vector algorithm, distant vector approach12) Авиационная медицина: dynamic visual acuity -
17 VCR
1) Общая лексика: Verification Certificate of Readiness (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: видеомагнитофон3) Военный термин: Viet Cong Regiment, visual control room4) Техника: video-cassette recorder, video-cassette recording, vision control room, voltage coefficient of resistance, voltage-controlled resistor, voltage-variable resistor5) Шутливое выражение: Very Cute Rodent, Videos Can Record6) Математика: Virtual Construct Rectangle, Virtual Construct Rectangles7) Бухгалтерия: ваучер/voucher (документ, удостоверяющий оплату товаров и услуг (например, оплаченный счет-фактура, погашенный счет))8) Грубое выражение: Very Corrupt And Rotten, Very Cute Rear9) Кино: Voluntary Content Rating10) Музыка: Very Confusing Record11) Сокращение: Variable Compression Ratio, Vehicule de Combat a Roues (Wheeled combat vehicle (France)), Video Cassette Recorder, videocassette recorder12) Электроника: Video Cassette Reader, Voltage Controlled Resistor13) Нефть: videocassette player14) Иммунология: Virus Contaminated Rat15) Банковское дело: возобновляемая ценная бумага с плавающим купоном (variable coupon renewable note)16) Транспорт: Vertical Control Response17) Фирменный знак: Velocity Car Rentals18) СМИ: Video Computerized Recording19) Бытовая техника: кассетный видеомагнитофон20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: videocassette recorders/player, Verification Certificate of Readiness21) Образование: Very Childish Responses22) Инвестиции: variable coupon renewable23) Автоматика: variable compression-ratio piston24) Химическое оружие: vapor containment room25) Расширение файла: VCR driver (Arvid)26) Чат: Very Cool Resource27) AMEX. Sensory Science Corporation -
18 center
1) центр; середина || центрировать; устанавливать в среднем положении || центральный; средний2) центровое отверстие || центровать, зацентровывать3) многоцелевой станок, обрабатывающий центр4) вычислительный центр; центр подготовки УП, центр автоматизированной подготовки УП6) кернер7) центр, станочный центр8) сердцевина, ядро; средняя часть; средний слой ( многослойного материала)•- 5-face machining centeron center — установленный по оси, установленный по центру
- AC and ATC machining center
- AC center
- acceleration center
- adaptive control machining center
- antifriction center
- area control center
- arm center
- assembly center
- automatic control operation center
- automatic switching center
- AWT machining center
- back center
- ball bearing center
- bar-chucking and shaft-turning center
- bar-machining center
- bench centers
- blanking center
- bore/mill center
- branch information center
- bridge-type machining center
- CAD center
- cage center
- cage window center
- cantilever measuring center
- case center
- cell-configuration machining center
- center of acceleration
- center of action
- center of cross force
- center of curvature
- center of gravity
- center of lateral pressure
- center of lateral resistance
- center of lift
- center of mass
- center of oscillation
- center of pressure
- center of protected type
- center of resistance
- center of roll
- center of rotation
- center of system of parallel forces
- center of thrust
- chucking center
- circular part processing center
- CNC fabrication center
- CNC machining center
- CNC measuring center
- CNC micromachining center
- CNC plate-fabrication center
- CNC turning center
- combination grinding/machining center
- command center
- computation center
- computer center
- computer gage center
- computer graphics center
- computer numerically controlled machining center
- computer-aided design center
- computer-assisted instruction center
- computing center
- cone center
- control center
- coordinate inspection center
- cutting center
- data acquisition and processing center
- data center
- data distribution center
- data gathering center
- data processing center
- dead center
- decision center
- departmental STI center
- departmental test center
- departmental testing center
- direct numerically controlled machining center
- dispersion center
- DNC center
- DNC machining center
- DNC-controlled machining center
- documentation center
- double turning center
- drill and tapping center
- drill/mill center
- drilling and milling center
- drilling and tapping center
- drilling center
- drive center
- electrical discharge machining center
- elevating center
- end driver center
- extensible centers
- fabrication center
- fault-finding center
- five-face machining center
- five-side machining center
- fixed center
- fixed-column machining center
- flame-cutting center
- flexible inspection center
- flexible machining center
- flexible milling machine center
- flexible turning center
- flexural center
- floating center
- floor-type machining center
- foot stock center
- gantry-loaded turning center
- gear center
- gear cutting center
- gear inspection center
- gear measuring center
- grasping center
- grinder work center
- grinding center
- half center
- head center
- head-changing machining center
- headstock center
- high-precision machining center
- high-speed machining center
- high-technology machining center
- hollow center
- honeycomb center
- horizontal axis machining center
- horizontal machining center
- horizontal-spindle machining center
- hydraulic center
- impurity center
- index center
- information analysis center
- information center
- inner race spherical center
- instantaneous acceleration center
- instantaneous center of rotation
- instantaneous center
- instantaneous velocity center
- integrated data processing center
- integrated metrology center
- integrated production center
- internal center
- jig boring center
- jig-borer-class center
- knee-type machining center
- laser center
- laser cutting center
- laser extended machining center
- laser machining center
- laser/punch center
- laser-beam center
- lathe center
- lift center
- live center
- load center
- low-speed/heavy duty machining center
- machine center
- machining center
- magnetic center
- mass center
- measuring center
- micromachining center
- mill/turn center
- mill/turning center
- mill-drive turning center
- milling and drilling center
- milling center
- milling machine center
- milling/drilling center
- milling, turning and boring center
- milling-turning center
- moment center
- movable centers
- moving-column machining center
- moving-column/fixed table center
- multifunction machining center
- multipallet machining center
- multipurpose machining center
- NC milling machine center
- NC turning center
- nondimensioned circle center
- operator-controlled machining center
- operator-programmed center
- outer race spherical center
- pallet changer machining center
- part-processing center
- parts-programming center
- pipe center
- plasma-arc burning center
- plate center
- plate-processing center
- point-to-point machining center
- pool-fed machining center
- positioning center
- pot center
- precision machining center
- precision turning center
- processing center
- production machining center
- production turning center
- profiling center
- programming center
- punching and folding center
- punching and nibbing center
- quality control center
- quill-type machining center
- ram-type machining center
- random nucleation centers
- regional information center
- reinforced center
- revolving center
- revolving dead center
- robot center
- robot/machining center
- robotic center
- robotic inspection center
- robotic welding center
- rotary transfer machining center
- rotating center
- running center
- saw/centering center
- sawing center
- serrated drive center
- shaft-and-chucking turning center
- shaft-measuring center
- sharpening center
- sheet metal machining center
- sine centers
- single-column vertical machining center
- single-machining center
- single-pallet machining center
- slant turn mill center
- slideway grinding center
- slotted center
- slotting/shaping/machining center
- small manufacturing center
- small-envelope machining center
- small-part turning center
- software machining center
- spring loaded center
- state test center
- state testing center
- stationary center
- steel/titanium machining center
- strain center
- subspindle turning center
- subspindle-equipped turning center
- super-accurate machining center
- support center
- suspension center
- Swiss-style turning center
- table-type machining center
- tail center
- tailstock center
- tap-drive machining center
- tapping center
- test center
- thermal machining center
- thrust center
- tool management center
- tool preset center
- tool storage center
- tool-setting center
- tooth bearing center
- track centers
- transfer center
- transfer-line-ready machining center
- traveling column machining center
- traveling-type machining center
- triangular center
- turbine blade machining center
- turn-broach center
- turning center
- turning/boring center
- turning/boring/milling center
- turning/milling/grinding center
- turning-and-chucking center
- turning-and-machining center
- turn-mill center
- turret-type machining center
- twin opposed spindle turning center
- twin-head turning center
- unmanned machining center
- unmanned manufacturing center
- VBM machining center
- versatile production center
- vertical machining center
- vertical spindle machining center
- vertical turning center
- vertical turret machining center
- vertical/horizontal machining center
- vertical-axis machining center
- welding center
- work center
- working center
- zero-rpm centerEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > center
19 valve
1) = float needle2) клапан (рис. 15,16); вентиль; задвижка; заслонка; золотник; кран; распределительный кран; створка (дверцы); электронная лампа; гидро- или пневмораспределитель; затвор (гидротехнический); (редко) форсунка; II подавать через клапан; питать через клапан; снабжать; обеспечивать - time the valves - valve acceleration - valve-actuating gear - valve adjusting screw - valve arrangement - valve base patch - valve cock disk - valve control mechanism - valve diameter - valve dust cap - valve edge - valve enclosure - valve end - valve extractor - valve grinding - valve gutter - valve guttering - valve head slot - valve holder - valve hole - valve inside - valve inside plunger pin - valve knock - valve lag - valve lap - valve lead - valve lifter roller - valve lifter roller pin - valve lifting cam - valve location - valve manifold - valve mechanism - valve of tyre - valve operating mechanism - valve refacer - valve refacing - valve refacing machine - valve regulation - valve remover - valve reseating - valve retainer lock - valve return - valve rim - valve rocker arm - valve rocker lever - valve rocker pedestal - valve rocker roller - valve rocker roller pin - valve rocker shaft - valve scaling - valve scorching - valve seal - valve seat bore - valve seat extractor - valve seat grinder - valve seating - valve seating tool - valve sinkage - valve slot - valve spring compressor - valve spring damper - valve spring holder - valve spring key - valve spring lifter - valve spring remover - valve spring retainer - valve spring seat - valve spring seat key - valve spring seat pin - valve spring surge - valve spring tool - valve spring washer - valve stem end - valve stem groove - valve stem guide - valve stem seal - valve stripping - valve surge damper - valve system - valve tab - valve tappet clearance - valve tappet roller pin - valve tappet tube - valve tension spring - valve the gas - valve thimble - valve throat - valve timing - valve timing diagram - valve tip - valve train - valve travel - valve unit - valve unloader assembly - valve velocity - valve wrench - supplementary air valve - clapper swing-check valve - closed-centre valve - cross-feed valve - compensation valve - flapper-nozzle valve - flow regulator valve - large capacity brake valve - metering valve - multipurpose valve - pilot valve - programmable valve with 24 hour/7 day timer for closing and opening the compressed air ringmain - programmable valve with line-to-valve-connection and 1 BSP - quick-closing valve - quick-opening valve - single-stage valve - slide valve collar - sliding-sleeve valve - sliding throttle valve - spool valve - spring turn - spring-and-ball valve - stainless steel padlockable decompressing valve- T-valve- water check valve - water-cooled valve - zero-lap valve -
20 control
1. регулирование, регулировка; управление; регулировать, управлять2. регулировочное устройство3. элементы системы управления4. автоматическое регулирование приводки5. устройство для автоматической регулировки приводки красок6. автоматическое регулирование боковой приводки7. устройство для автоматической регулировки боковой приводкиbackward-acting control — регулирование; регулировка
8. автоматическое регулирование натяжения9. устройство для регулировки натяжения10. регулирование приводки по окружности цилиндра11. устройство для регулировки приводки по окружности цилиндраclosed-loop control — замкнутый цикл контроля, контроль с обратной связью
12. контроль положения линии рубки; контроль положения линии поперечной резки13. автоматическое устройство, контролирующее положение изображения относительно линии рубкиdiaphragm control — номограмма, связывающая индекс диафрагмы с масштабом съёмки
14. управление экспозицией15. устройство для управления экспозициейgradation control — управление градацией; управление градационным процессом; контроль градации, регулирование градации
gripper control — управление захватами, регулировка захватов
highlight control — управление градацией «высоких светов», регулирование градационных характеристик «высоких светов»
16. регулировка подачи краски17. регулятор подачи краски18. регулирование режима работы передаточного валика по отношению к дукторному валу, регулирование передаточного валика19. устройство для регулирования режима работы передаточного валика20. регулирование продольной приводки21. устройство для регулировки долевой приводки22. регулирование боковой и продольной приводки23. устройство для регулировки боковой и продольной приводки24. контроль неподачи листов25. устройство, контролирующее неподачу листов26. регулировка положения валика печатного станка27. устройство для регулирования положения валика печатного станка28. авторегулирование натяжения с помощью пневматически нагруженного «плавающего» валика29. пневматическое устройство с «плавающим» валиком для авторегулирования натяжения30. регулирование окружного смещения формного цилиндра31. устройство для управления окружным смещением формного цилиндра32. управление экспозицией при копировании33. устройство для автоматического отсчёта времени экспонированияprint to cut register control — приводка рубки по печати, регулирование положения линии рубки ленты
34. регулирование приводки35. устройство для регулирования приводкиexchange control — валютный контроль; валютное регулирование
control margin — диапазон регулирования; диапазон управления
36. регулирование приводки на рабочем ходу37. устройство для регулирования приводки на рабочем ходу38. контроль подачи листов39. устройство, контролирующее подачу листов40. регулирование боковой приводки41. устройство для регулирования боковой приводкиtime control — управление временем, автоматический отсчёт времени
tonal control — управление градацией изображения или градационным процессом, регулирование градационной характеристики
42. управление движением лентыfailsoft control — управление с "мягким отказом"
43. устройство для контроля за движением ленты44. регулирование положения боковой кромки ленты45. устройство для выравнивания ленты46. управление длиной подачи ленты47. устройство для регулирования подачи лентыfeed control slide — заслонка, регулирующая подачу
См. также в других словарях:
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Mass driver — For fictional mass drivers, see List of electromagnetic projectile devices in fiction. Artist s conception of a mass driver for lunar launch A mass driver or electromagnetic catapult is a proposed method of non rocket spacelaunch which would use… … Wikipedia
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Mass Driver 1 — Constructed in 1976 and 1977, Mass Driver 1 was an early demonstration of the concept of the mass driver, a form of electromagnetic launcher, which in principle could also be configured as a rocket motor, using asteroidal materials for reaction… … Wikipedia
Non-rocket spacelaunch — Non rocket space launch (NRS) is a launch into space where some or all needed speed and altitude is provided by non rocket means, rather than simply using conventional chemical rockets from the ground. A number of alternatives to rockets have… … Wikipedia
Electromagnetic projectile devices (fiction) — Electromagnetic projectile devices which use electromagnetic means to accelerate solid materials, such as Kinetic energy weaponry, Gauss guns, Mass drivers or Railguns are often used in fiction, especially science fiction.Realism of… … Wikipedia
launch vehicle — Aerospace. a rocket used to launch a spacecraft or satellite into orbit or a space probe into space. [1955 1960] * * * Rocket system that boosts a spacecraft into Earth orbit or beyond Earth s gravitational pull. A wide variety of launch vehicles … Universalium
M4 Sherman — Medium Tank M4 An M4A3E8 76 mm armed Sherman tank made during the Second World War Type … Wikipedia
Thiele/Small — commonly refers to a set of electromechanical parameters that define the specified low frequency performance of a loudspeaker driver. These parameters are published in specification sheets by driver manufacturers so that designers have a guide in … Wikipedia
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