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См. также в других словарях:

  • Drive-Thru (film) — Drive Thru Promo poster Directed by Brendan Cowles Shane Kuhn Written by Brendan Cowles Shane Kuhn …   Wikipedia

  • Drive-thru voting — describes the method of voting in an election whereby completed ballot papers submitted by placing them in a drop box. Drive thru voting is an alternative to having voters go in person to a polling station, vote electronically via an electronic… …   Wikipedia

  • drive-thru — I. adjective see drive through I II. noun see drive through II * * * ↑drive through * * * ˈdrive through [drive through drive throughs] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Drive-Thru — In einem Drive in werden Dienstleistungen angeboten, ohne dass der Kunde hierfür sein Auto verlassen muss. Beim Begriff Drive in handelt es sich um einen Scheinanglizismus. Der originale amerikanische Begriff ist Drive through oder Drive thru… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • drive-thru — I. adjective see drive through I II. noun see drive through II …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Drive-in — Apotheke In einem Drive in werden Dienstleistungen angeboten, ohne dass der Kunde hierfür sein Auto verlassen muss. Beim Begriff Drive in handelt es sich um einen Pseudoanglizismus (zwar englisch, aber nicht britisch englisch). Der originale… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Drive-in — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Una entrada a un restaurante de tipo drive thru. El drive in (también denominado drive through o drive thru) es un tipo de establecimiento de negocios, que en la mayoría de los casos es un restaurante de comida… …   Wikipedia Español

  • drive-through — ˈdrive through adjective [only before a noun] a drive through bank, restaurant etc is one that you can use without getting out of your car: • drive through pizza restaurants drive through noun [countable] * * * drive through UK US (US INFORMAL… …   Financial and business terms

  • drive-through — (adj.) 1949 (in an advertisement for the Beer Vault Drive Thru in Ann Arbor, Michigan), from DRIVE (Cf. drive) (v.) + THROUGH (Cf. through) …   Etymology dictionary

  • drive-through — [drīv′thro͞o΄] adj. 1. designating or of a window from which service is provided to those driving through in their motor vehicles 2. of a restaurant, bank, etc. or its employee that provides such a service [a drive through teller] n. such a… …   English World dictionary

  • drive-through — also drive thru n a restaurant, bank etc where you can be served without getting out of your car …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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