• Drink is the source of evil - Пьянство до добра не доведет (П)• Drink only with the duck - Вода не мутит ума (B)• It is all right to drink like a fish if you drink what a fish drinks - Вода не мутит ума (B)• One man's drink is another man's poison - Что русскому здорово, то немцу смерть (4)• Water is the only drink for a wise man - Вода не мутит ума (B)• When drink is in, wit is out - Вино уму не товарищ (B), Кто пьет хмельное, тот говорит дурное (П)• Where drink goes in, wit goes out - Вино уму не товарищ (B) -
2 Drink
m напиток; einen Drink nehmen выпить, F пропустить рюмочку -
3 Drink Eat Laugh Talk And Activities
University: DELTAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Drink Eat Laugh Talk And Activities
4 Drink Fight Fuck
Rude: DFF -
5 Drink Maker
Position ( job): DM -
6 drink quickly
American: down (Let's go to a bar and \<b\>down\</b\> a few beers) -
7 to drink alone
Australian slang: drink with the flies -
8 to pour a drink
Jargon: buy a drink -
9 A sippy cup is a training cup with a screw- or snap-on lid and a spout that lets your child drink without spilling. You can get models with or without handles and with a variety of spouts.
General subject: sippy cupУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > A sippy cup is a training cup with a screw- or snap-on lid and a spout that lets your child drink without spilling. You can get models with or without handles and with a variety of spouts.
10 Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU
Food industry: CIAAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU
11 Don't Drink The Water
Oceanography: DDTWУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Don't Drink The Water
12 Don't Drink the Water
Oceanography: DDTWУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Don't Drink the Water
13 Eat Drink And Dance
Sports: EDDУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Eat Drink And Dance
14 Food and Drink Federation
Ecology: FDFУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Food and Drink Federation
15 International Christian Federation of Food, Drink, Tobacco and Hotel Workers
Abbreviation: ICFWУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > International Christian Federation of Food, Drink, Tobacco and Hotel Workers
16 Laced Soft Drink
Food industry: LSD -
17 National Soft Drink Association
Abbreviation: NSDAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > National Soft Drink Association
18 Regional Food And Drink
Trademark term: RFDУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Regional Food And Drink
19 To drink beer
Literal: Busting Suds (Example: "Phil and I were 'Busting suds' at the local tavern, when the accident happened.") -
20 To drink beer or liquor enough so that you don't get drunk, but enough so that you can't walk straight.
Jargon: My Swerve On (example: "I went by the bar early to get my swerve on.")Универсальный русско-английский словарь > To drink beer or liquor enough so that you don't get drunk, but enough so that you can't walk straight.
См. также в других словарях:
drink — drink … Dictionnaire des rimes
Drink — Drink, v. t. 1. To swallow (a liquid); to receive, as a fluid, into the stomach; to imbibe; as, to drink milk or water. [1913 Webster] There lies she with the blessed gods in bliss, There drinks the nectar with ambrosia mixed. Spenser. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drink — [ drink ] n. m. • 1874; mot angl. « boisson » ♦ Anglic. Boisson alcoolisée. Prendre un drink au bar. ⇒ alcool, verre. Long drink [ lɔ̃gdrink ] :alcool, cocktail allongé d une boisson non alcoolisée. ● drink nom masculin (anglais drink, boisson,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Drink — Drink, n. 1. Liquid to be swallowed; any fluid to be taken into the stomach for quenching thirst or for other purposes, as water, coffee, or decoctions. [1913 Webster] Give me some drink, Titinius. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drink to — drink to, drink to the health of or drink the health of To drink wine, etc, with good wishes for the health, prosperity, etc of, to toast • • • Main Entry: ↑drink * * * drink (a toast) to celebrate or wish for the good fortune of someone or… … Useful english dictionary
drink — ► VERB (past drank; past part. drunk) 1) take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow. 2) consume alcohol, especially to excess. 3) (drink in) watch or listen eagerly to. ► NOUN 1) a liquid consumed as refreshm … English terms dictionary
drink — [driŋk] vt. drank, drunk or now informal Informal drank, drinking [ME drinken < OE drincan, akin to OHG trinkan, Goth drigkan < ? IE base * dhreĝ , to draw > Sans dhrájas , draft] 1. to take (liquid) into the mouth and swallow it 2. to… … English World dictionary
Drink — (dr[i^][ng]k), v. i. [imp. {Drank} (dr[a^][ng]k), formerly {Drunk} (dr[u^][ng]k); & p. p. {Drunk}, {Drunken} ( n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Drinking}. Drunken is now rarely used, except as a verbal adj. in sense of habitually intoxicated; the form drank … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drink — drink·er; drink·ery; drink; drink·less; drink·om·e·ter; drink·able; drink·ably; … English syllables
Drink It Up — Single by Negativland from the album Dispepsi A side Drink It Up B side Why Is This Commercial? … Wikipedia
Drink Me — may refer to: Drink Me (album), an album by Queen Adreena Drink Me (band), a 1990s band on Bar/None Records Drink Me is a song on Anna Nalick s debut album, Wreck of the Day. Drink me , a reference to Alice s Adventures in Wonderland This… … Wikipedia