1 drill-harrow
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > drill-harrow
2 drill harrow
Общая лексика: пропашник -
3 drill-harrow
Сельское хозяйство: пропашник -
4 drill harrow
(n) пропашник -
5 drill-harrow
6 drill-harrow
7 drill-harrow
с.х. пропашник -
8 drill-harrow
с.-х. -
9 drill-harrow
n с.-х. пропашник -
10 seed drill harrow
Автомобильный термин: борона с сеялкой -
11 seed drill harrow
12 harrow
с.х.борона; процесс боронения; II бороновать; боронить- harrow tooth - articulated harrow - bog harrow - brush harrow - chisel-type harrow - circular harrow - coulter harrow - cutout-disk harrow - diamond harrow - double-gang disk harrow - flexible harrow - grassland harrow - jointed harrow - knife harrow - lever harrow - mounted harrow - nail harrow - offset harrow - orchard harrow - ox-harrow - pasture harrow - road harrow - section harrow - seed harrow - single harrow - single-section harrow - smoothing harrow - spike harrow - spike-tooth harrow - spring harrow tooth - spring-tooth harrow - sweeper harrow - tandem disk harrow - tractor harrow - trailing harrow - universal harrow - weeding harrow - wide-level harrow - zigzag harrow -
13 drill
сверло; сверлильный станок; дрель; бур; перфоратор; забойный двигатель; нфт. бурильный молоток; с.х. сеялка рядовая; рядовой (по)сев; борозда; рядок посева; II сверлить, просверливать; сеять рядами; производить рядовой (по)сев- drill centers - drill chuck - drill for welding spots - drill-harrow - drill jig - drill out - drill-plough - drill-plow - drill through - arrow drill - cable drill - churn drill - combined drill - core drill - corn drill - crown drill - deep-furrow drill - drifter drill - five-row drill - four-groove drill - furrow drill - grain drill - high-frequency drill - machine drill - non-reversible pistol-grip drill with self-tightening chuck - air exhaust through the handle and precise power regulation for the a better control of the speed - pistol-grip reversible drill with air exhaust through the handle - pole drill - rock drill - rotary drill - row drill - seed drill - shot drill - sinker drill - sowing drill - spare drill with flat end for spot weld drill - spot weld drill - tubing drill - tubular drill - tunnel drill - turbo-drill - V-drill - vibratory drill - water drill -
14 drillharrow
1> _с-х. пропашник -
15 пропашник
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > пропашник
16 offset
смещение; сдвиг; уход; загиб; смещение (напр. осей гипоидных шестерён); компенсация; коррекция; обрез; отклонение; параллельное ответвление; отвод (трубы); ответвление; колено; S-образное колено; выступ; уступ; берма; скат; отрог; дистанция; II смещать; ответвлять; уравновешивать; II смещенный; уравновешенный; ответвленный; съёмный; прицепной; повернутый (относительно оси симметрии)- offset bed - offset bend - offset boring head - offset box ring wrench - offset box wrench - offset calculation - offset cam - offset chopping bit - offset clamp - offset compensating circuit - offset cone-angle rolling cutter drilling bit - offset correction - offset coupling - offset drill head - offset electrode - offset entering - offset feed deviations - offset frequency - offset gate - offset handle square drive - offset installation - offset key - offset memory - offset of king pin - offset of wheel - offset oscillator - offset pin journal - offset piston pin - offset position - offset ratio - offset registration - offset ring - offset screw driver - offset shear pipe break - offset size - offset sprocket - offset stabilizer - offset stem and yoke - offset temperature compensation - offset toolholder - offset towing drawbar - offset valve position - offset value - offset voltage - offset wheel - offset wrench - offset yield strength - offset yield stress - cone offset - corrective offset - disk offset - double-offset wrench - negative disk offset - one-cycle offset - positive disk offset - return offset - spring offset valve - steering offset -
17 plough
с.х.; дор.плуг; соха; сошник; снегоочиститель; пашущее орудие; струг (для земляных работ); пашня; токосниматель; пазник; шпунтгебель; II пахать; разрыхлять; бороздить; вспахивать; англ. запахивать- plough in - plough-pan - plough-point - plough up - plough with forecarriage - plough-wright - coal plough-machine - curved plough beam - cylinder plough beam - deep plough - digger plough - disk plough - disk plough-harrow - double-mouldboard plough - fall-plough - frame plough - hoeing plough - lifting plough - loading plough - many-bottom plough - rigid plough beam - safety-trip plough beam - screw plough - shovel plough - steam-engine plough - subsoil plough - swing-plough - trench plough - trenching plough - walking plough -
18 drag
землечерпалка; землечерпальный снаряд; драга; дорожный утюг; утюжка дороги; скрепер; скрепер-волокуша; (с.х., лес.) волокуша; шлейф; борона; волочение; задержка (движения); медленное или тяжелое движение; захватывание (тормоза); движение вследствие неполного расцепления (фрикционного сцепления, гидравлической муфты); торможение; тормоз; тормозной башмак; сила торможения (среды); лобовое сопротивление (среды); гидравлическое сопротивление; гидродинамическое сопротивление; аэродинамическое сопротивление; перевоз материалов; скольжение при высоком коэффициенте трения; II тащить; подтаскивать (напр. брёвна); тянуть; буксировать; передвигаться с сильным трением; волочить; боронить с помощью тяжёлой бороны; утюжить (дорожное покрытие)- drag area- drag bar- drag bit- drag brake - drag cable - drag carriage - drag chip conveyor - drag coefficient - drag-cup rotor - drag device - drag disk - drag drill - drag factor - drag-flow extruder - drag force - drag friction - drag harrow - drag-line - drag lines - drag link - drag link body - drag link end - drag logs - drag link mechanism - drag loss - drag magnet - drag marks - drag of spindle - drag-over - drag pan - drag pavement - drag penalty - drag pipe - drag planer - drag power - drag race - drag racer - drag racing - drag reaction of viscosity - drag-reducing fluid - drag road - drag rod - drag roll - drag saddle - drag scraper - drag shoe - drag shovel - drag spring - drag strip - drag-strip traffic lights - drag test - drag torque - drag-type conveyor - drag-type eddy current tachometer - aerodynamic drag- air drag- copper drag - eddy drag - external drag - form drag - friction drag - hump drag - gridiron drag - induction drag - launching drag - low drag - momentum drag - oil drag - plank drag - pressure drag - profile drag - ram drag - road drag - seal drag - side drag - sidewall drag - skin frictional drag - skirt drag - spillage drag - split-log drag - structural drag - surface contact drag - takeoff drag - timber drag - total drag - traffic during the rush hour just drags - trim drag - viscous drag - vortex drag - water-washing drag - wheel drag -
19 tractor
трактор; тягач; устройство для позиционирования (напр. инструмента); подающий ремень; II тракторный- tractor assembly - tractor-borne - tractor breakaway valve - tractor build instruction - tractor-building - tractor-carried - tractor case - tractor coupler - tractor crane - tractor-cultivator - tractor disk tiller - tractor-drawn scraper - tractor-drawn combined harvester - tractor-drawn mower - tractor driver - tractor frame rail - tractor gate - tractor grain drill - tractor-gun - tractor head - tractor industry - tractor lift - tractor leveller - tractor loader - tractor-lorry - tractor mounted - tractor-mounted loader - tractor oil - tractor-operated implements - tractor operator - tractor plant - tractor shovel - tractor snow plow - tractor steerage hoe - tractor-towed loader - tractor-towed roller - tractor-trailer combination - tractor-trailer coupler - tractor trailer implement - tractor trailer mower - tractor-trailer train - tractor-trailer trucking - tractor train - tractor tyre - tractor underfoot condition - tractor unit - tractor winch - air-tired tractor - amphibian tractor - do-all tractor - hauling tractor - high-clearance tractor - high-drive tractor - logging tractor - long-haul tractor - low-clearance tractor - low ground pressure tractor - orchard tractor - sleeper cab tractor
См. также в других словарях:
Drill harrow — Drill Drill, n. 1. A small trickling stream; a rill. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Springs through the pleasant meadows pour their drills. Sandys. [1913 Webster] 2. (Agr.) (a) An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drill harrow — Harrow Har row (h[a^]r r[ o]), n. [OE. harowe, harwe, AS. hearge; cf. D. hark rake, G. harke, Icel. herfi harrow, Dan. harve, Sw. harf. [root]16.] 1. An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drill-harrow — drillˈ harrow noun A harrow for working between drills • • • Main Entry: ↑drill … Useful english dictionary
Harrow — Har row (h[a^]r r[ o]), n. [OE. harowe, harwe, AS. hearge; cf. D. hark rake, G. harke, Icel. herfi harrow, Dan. harve, Sw. harf. [root]16.] 1. An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other, and set… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drill — Drill, n. 1. A small trickling stream; a rill. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Springs through the pleasant meadows pour their drills. Sandys. [1913 Webster] 2. (Agr.) (a) An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to contain … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drill barrow — Drill Drill, n. 1. A small trickling stream; a rill. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Springs through the pleasant meadows pour their drills. Sandys. [1913 Webster] 2. (Agr.) (a) An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drill bow — Drill Drill, n. 1. A small trickling stream; a rill. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Springs through the pleasant meadows pour their drills. Sandys. [1913 Webster] 2. (Agr.) (a) An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drill plough — Drill Drill, n. 1. A small trickling stream; a rill. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Springs through the pleasant meadows pour their drills. Sandys. [1913 Webster] 2. (Agr.) (a) An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drill plow — Drill Drill, n. 1. A small trickling stream; a rill. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Springs through the pleasant meadows pour their drills. Sandys. [1913 Webster] 2. (Agr.) (a) An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bush harrow — Harrow Har row (h[a^]r r[ o]), n. [OE. harowe, harwe, AS. hearge; cf. D. hark rake, G. harke, Icel. herfi harrow, Dan. harve, Sw. harf. [root]16.] 1. An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Under the harrow — Harrow Har row (h[a^]r r[ o]), n. [OE. harowe, harwe, AS. hearge; cf. D. hark rake, G. harke, Icel. herfi harrow, Dan. harve, Sw. harf. [root]16.] 1. An implement of agriculture, usually formed of pieces of timber or metal crossing each other,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English