Перевод: с английского на итальянский

с итальянского на английский


  • 1 dried adj

    (fruit, beans, flowers, herbs) secco (-a), (milk,eggs) in polvere, (soup) liofilizzato (-a)

    English-Italian dictionary > dried adj

  • 2 cake

    I [keɪk]
    1) gastr. torta f., focaccia f., dolce m.; (smaller) tortina f.
    2) (of fish, potato) crocchetta f.
    3) (of soap) pezzo m., saponetta f.; (of wax) pane m.

    it's a piece of cakecolloq. è una pacchia, è un gioco da ragazzi

    to get a o one's slice o share of the cake avere la propria fetta di torta; you can't have your cake and eat it non si può avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca; to sell like hot cakes andare a ruba, vendersi come il pane; that takes the cake! — colloq. è il colmo!

    II 1. [keɪk]
    verbo transitivo [mud, blood] incrostare, seccarsi (formando croste) su [clothes, person]
    verbo intransitivo [mud, blood] incrostarsi, rapprendersi
    * * *
    [keik] 1. noun
    1) (a food made by baking a mixture of flour, fat, eggs, sugar etc: a piece of cake; a plate of cream cakes; a Christmas cake.) dolce, torta
    2) (a piece of other food pressed into shape: fishcakes; oatcakes.) frittella, crocchetta
    3) (a flattened hard mass: a cake of soap.) pezzo
    2. verb
    (to cover in the form of a dried mass: His shoes were caked with mud.) incrostare
    * * *
    I [keɪk]
    1) gastr. torta f., focaccia f., dolce m.; (smaller) tortina f.
    2) (of fish, potato) crocchetta f.
    3) (of soap) pezzo m., saponetta f.; (of wax) pane m.

    it's a piece of cakecolloq. è una pacchia, è un gioco da ragazzi

    to get a o one's slice o share of the cake avere la propria fetta di torta; you can't have your cake and eat it non si può avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca; to sell like hot cakes andare a ruba, vendersi come il pane; that takes the cake! — colloq. è il colmo!

    II 1. [keɪk]
    verbo transitivo [mud, blood] incrostare, seccarsi (formando croste) su [clothes, person]
    verbo intransitivo [mud, blood] incrostarsi, rapprendersi

    English-Italian dictionary > cake

См. также в других словарях:

  • Dried shredded squid — Chinese name Traditional Chinese 魷 …   Wikipedia

  • Dried fruit — Traditional dried fruit retain most of the nutritional benefits of fresh fruit, and gain others …   Wikipedia

  • Powdered eggs — are fully dehydrated eggs. They are made in a spray dryer in the same way that powdered milk is made. The major advantages of powdered eggs over fresh eggs are the price, reduced weight per volume of whole egg equivalent, and the shelf life… …   Wikipedia

  • powdered eggs — яичный порошок the whites of three eggs три яичных белка sugar dried eggs яичный порошок с сахаром dried whole eggs сушеная яичная масса to froth eggs сбивать яичный белок dehydrated eggs яичный порошок …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • Chinese steamed eggs — The three color version of Chinese steamed egg Origin Alternative name(s) Water egg Place of origin …   Wikipedia

  • Scrambled eggs — is a dish made from beaten whites and yolks of eggs (usually chicken). The dish often contains other ingredients. Cream, butter, milk, water or oil will dilute the egg proteins to create a softer texture. [McGee, 91] ample preparationThe eggs are …   Wikipedia

  • Free-range eggs — The main difference between free range and factory farmed eggs is that the birds are permitted to roam freely within the farmyard and only kept in sheds or henhouses at night. However, not all countries have legal standards defining what free… …   Wikipedia

  • ants' eggs — a commercial food for aquarium fish, no longer sold, comprising dried ant pupal cases of no nutritional value …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Egg (food) — Chicken egg redirects here. For the causality dilemma, see Chicken or the egg. On the left a chicken egg, the egg most commonly e …   Wikipedia

  • food preservation — Any method by which food is protected against spoilage by oxidation, bacteria, molds, and microorganisms. Traditional methods include dehydration, smoking, salting, controlled fermentation (including pickling), and candying; certain spices have… …   Universalium

  • Ovson Egg — was an American food processing company founded in 1919 to provide frozen, canned and dried eggs to manufacturers of products such as cookies, cakes, custards, egg noodles, beverages, ice cream, macaroni, mayonnaise, salad dressing and puddings.… …   Wikipedia

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