1 downstream spillway apron
Мелиорация: рисбермаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > downstream spillway apron
2 downstream spillway apron
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > downstream spillway apron
3 apron
- apron
- n1. перрон ( в аэропорту)
2. место стоянки воздушного судна ( в аэропорту)
3. подоконная часть стены
4. передняя (разгружающая) заслонка ковша скрепера
5. подводная часть береговой одежды
6. флютбет (включая понур, водобой, рисберму)
7. укрепление откосов
- aircraft parking apron
- downstream apron
- drop apron
- falling apron
- flexible apron
- front apron of scraper bowl
- front apron
- holding apron
- ice apron
- open apron
- protective apron
- rear apron
- remote apron
- spillway apron
- terminal apron
- upstream apron
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
4 apron
1) перегородка, отбой ( в вашгерде), предохранительное перекрытие, полок2) нижняя часть люка, скат3) пластина конвейера, конвейерная лента5) гидр. флютбет•- hangar apron - parking apron - protecting apron - scraper apron - service apron - spillway apron - travelling apron* * *1. перрон ( в аэропорту)2. место стоянки воздушного судна ( в аэропорту)3. подоконная часть стены4. передняя (разгружающая) заслонка ковша скрепера5. подводная часть береговой одежды6. флютбет (включая понур, водобой, рисберму)7. укрепление откосов- aircraft parking apron
- downstream apron
- drop apron
- falling apron
- flexible apron
- front apron of scraper bowl
- front apron
- holding apron
- ice apron
- open apron
- protective apron
- rear apron
- remote apron
- spillway apron
- terminal apron
- upstream apron -
5 apron
1) козырёк; щиток2) горн. лоток4) строит. фартук (напр. свеса крыши)6) гидр. защитное покрытие7) салазки (станка); фартук ( токарного станка)8) перрон ( аэровокзала)•-
belt joint apron
blockwork apron
cast-iron apron
cast-steel apron
chimney apron
combined beam-and-roller apron
cutoff apron
dock apron
downstream apron
drop apron
feed apron
flat apron
flexible apron
fore apron
holding apron
landing apron
lead apron
lifting apron
mixing apron
roller apron
rubbing apron
scraper apron
spillway apron
splash apron
upstream apron
window apron -
6 водобой
7 wall
1) стена, вал; стенка; перегородка; переборка2) дамба, насыпь ( для защиты от наводнения)3) геол. боковая порода4) горн. забой, лава5) обыкн. мн. ч. укрепления ( в военном деле)6) стенной, настенный7) обносить стеной, валом; разделять стеной; заделывать8) укреплять, строить укрепления•to wall in — огораживать, обносить стеной
to wall off — отгораживать (стеной, забором)
- abutment wall - adiabatic wall - aisle wall - all-rowlock wall - anchor wall - anchored retaining wall - approach wall - apron wall - arch wall - area wall - areaway wall - ashlar wall - back wall - baffle wall - bag wall - barrier wall - battened wall - batter-curved wall - battering wall - bearing wall - below-grade wall - blank wall - bottom wall - boulder wall - boundary wall - boxed buttress wall - breast wall - brick wall - bridge wall - bulkhead wall - buttress wall - buttressed wall - buttress retaining wall - buttress stiffening cross wall - cantilevered wall - cantilever retaining wall - cantilever tee retaining wall - carrying wall - cavity wall - central core wall - ceramic wall - chief wall - city wall - cob wall - column-and-panel wall - common wall - composite core wall - compound wall - concrete block masonry wall - concrete block quay wall - concrete core wall - continuous training wall - coping wall - core wall - core wall of dam - counterfort retaining wall - counterforted retaining wall - counterscarp wall - crib retaining wall - cross wall - crown wall - curtain wall - cut-off wall - dead wall - deflecting wall - diaphragm wall - diathermal wall - dirt wall - divide wall - dividing wall - division wall - double-face wall - downstream curtain wall - drain wall - dry wall - dry rubble wall - dry stone wall - dwarf wall - embankment wall - enceinte wall - enclosure wall - end wall - exposed wall - facade wall - face wall - faced wall - fencing wall - fender wall - filler wall - filtration-proof wall - fire wall - fire-division wall - fireproof wall - flat wall - flood wall - foot wall - foundation wall - frame wall - free-standing sheet pile wall - front wall - furred wall - gable wall - gravity wall - gravity quay wall - gravity retaining wall - guard wall - guide wall - half-brick wall - half-timber wall - head wall - heat insulated wall - hollow wall - hollow concrete quay wall - hollow core wall - honeycombed wall - intake wall - internal wall - jacketed wall - key wall - land lock wall - latticed partition wall - lightweight wall - load-bearing wall - loam wall - main wall - masonry wall - monolith quay wall - moorage wall - mortarless wall - moving wall - mud wall - naked wall - non-bearing wall - non-loadbearing wall - one-and-half brick wall - one-brick wall - outer protective wall - outside wall - oven wall - pack wall - panel wall - parapet wall - partition wall - party wall - perforated wall - periphery wall - piling wall - plinth wall - porous wall - prefabricated wall - prefabricated area wall - puddle wall - quay wall - reed slab wall - relieving wall - retaining wall - retaining wall with surcharge - retention wall - revetment wall - ribbed wall - ring wall - river lock wall - rough wall - rubble wall - rubble retaining wall - rubble toe wall - sandwich wall - scarp wall - sea wall - sealing wall - self-supporting wall - self-sustaining wall - separation wall - serpentine wall - shadow wall - sheet-pile wall - sheet-pile retaining wall - shelter wall - short training wall - side wall - skimmer wall - skimming wall - sleeper wall - slot wall - slurry wall - socle wall - solid quay wall - soundproof wall - spandrel wall - spillway guide wall - spine wall - spiral wall - splay walls - stair wall - stepped side wall - string wall - stringer wall - structural wall - stud wall - suspended wall - tail wall - talus wall - tied retaining wall - tile-hung wall - toe wall - training wall - tube wall - turf wall - two-and-a-half brick wall - two-brick wall - unpierced wall - upstream wall - veneered wall - wake wall - wall-derrick wall - waterproofing wall - wave wall - wharf wall - whole-brick wall - window wall - wing wall - wing wall of lockto wall up —1) производить кладку стены 2) заделывать (дверь, окно), замуровывать
* * *1. стена (здания, сада)2. стенка (траншеи, котлована)3. крепостной вал- above-grade wallto wall up — заделывать [замоноличивать] в стену
- all-brick wall
- all-rowlock wall
- anchor wall
- anchored retaining wall
- anchored sheetpile wall
- anchored sheet wall
- angular retaining wall
- apron wall
- arched retaining wall
- area wall
- avalanche baffle wall
- backup wall
- baffle wall
- basement wall
- basement retaining wall
- bearing wall
- below-grade wall
- bin wall
- bin-type retaining wall
- blank wall
- blind wall
- block wall
- block quay wall
- boulder wall
- boundary wall
- bracket-type retaining wall
- breast wall
- brick wall
- brick-and-a-half wall
- bridge spandrel wall
- bulged retaining wall
- bulkhead wall
- buttressed retaining wall
- canted wall
- cant wall
- cantilevered quay wall
- cantilevered retaining wall
- cast-in-place trench wall
- cavity concrete block wall
- ceramic wall
- climbing wall
- collision wall
- common wall
- compound wall
- concrete wall
- concrete block gravity wall
- concrete block masonry wall
- concrete core wall
- concrete tile masonry wall
- concrete tile wall
- core wall
- counterfort retaining wall
- crib retaining wall
- cross wall
- curtain wall
- curved wall
- cutoff wall
- cutoff sheet pile wall
- dead wall
- diaphragm wall
- diaphragm retaining wall
- dividing wall
- division wall
- drop wall
- dry wall
- dry stone wall
- dwarf wall
- economy wall
- embankment wall
- enclosure wall
- envelope wall
- exterior wall
- external wall
- external panel wall
- face wall
- faced wall
- falling wall
- fence wall
- fender wall
- filler wall
- fire wall
- fire division wall
- fixed retaining wall
- flank wall
- flexible retaining wall
- flexible wall
- foundation wall
- freestone wall
- front wall
- gable wall
- garden wall
- garden wall with coping stones
- glass wall
- glass brick wall
- gravity masonry wall
- gravity quay wall
- ground wall
- guard wall
- guide wall
- half-brick wall
- head wall
- hollow masonry wall
- hollow wall
- honeycomb wall
- hopper wall
- infilled wall
- interior wall
- knee wall
- lateral wall
- lattice retaining wall
- load-bearing wall
- mechanical core wall
- metal curtain wall
- naked wall
- noise abatement wall
- noise control barrier wall
- nonbearing wall
- one-brick wall
- operable wall
- outer wall
- panel wall
- paneled wall
- parapet wall
- party wall
- perforated wall
- periphery wall
- pierced wall
- plastered wall
- precast barrier wall
- precast barrier wall for noise control
- precast basement wall
- quay wall
- retaining wall
- revetment wall
- ribbed wall
- rising wall
- rollock cavity wall
- rubble masonry wall
- rubble wall
- sandwich wall
- screen wall
- sea wall
- sectional retaining wall
- semigravity wall
- shear wall
- shotcreted wall
- side wall
- sleeper wall
- slurry-type wall
- slurry wall
- solid masonry wall
- solid retaining wall
- sound-proof wall
- spine wall
- splitter wall
- steel curtain wall
- stone wall
- storm wall
- structural wall
- stub wall
- stud wall
- surcharged wall
- thrust resistance wall
- tied retaining wall
- timber-paneled wall
- toe wall
- training wall
- veneered wall
- waterproofing below-grade wall
- whole-brick wall
- window wall
- wing wall
См. также в других словарях:
Hennepin Island tunnel — was a convert|2500|ft|m|sing=on long underground passage in Saint Anthony, Minnesota (now Minneapolis) dug beneath the Mississippi River riverbed between 1868 and 1869 to create a downstream spillway for hydro plants, milling and lumber business… … Wikipedia
Hydraulic jump — A hydraulic jump is a phenomenon in the science of hydraulics which is frequently observed in open channel flow such as rivers and spillways. When liquid at high velocity discharges into a zone of lower velocity, a rather abrupt rise (a step or… … Wikipedia
Saint Anthony Falls — Infobox nrhp | name =St. Anthony Falls Historic District nrhp type =hd caption =Aerial view of Saint Anthony Falls with the upper dam; there is also a lower dam. location= Minneapolis, MN area = built =Apron built 1848 architect= Apron by Ard… … Wikipedia
Mississippi River — For the river in Canada, see Mississippi River (Ontario). Coordinates: 29°09′04″N 89°15′12″W / 29.15111°N 89.25333°W / … Wikipedia
glacial landform — ▪ geology Introduction any product of flowing ice and meltwater. Such landforms are being produced today in glaciated areas, such as Greenland, Antarctica, and many of the world s higher mountain ranges. In addition, large expansions of present… … Universalium