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  • 1 below

    [bə'ləu] 1. preposition
    (lower in position, rank, standard etc than: She hurt her leg below the knee; His work is below standard.) žemiau
    2. adverb
    (in a lower place: We looked at the houses (down) below.) žemai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > below

  • 2 go down

    1) ((with well/badly) to be approved or disapproved of: The story went down well (with them).) būti priimtam, patikti
    2) ((of a ship) to sink: They were lost at sea when the ship went down.) nuskęsti
    3) ((of the sun or moon) to go below the horizon.) nusileisti
    4) (to be remembered: Your bravery will go down in history.) įeiti
    5) ((of places) to become less desirable: This part of town has gone down in the last twenty years.) nusmukti, suprastėti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > go down

  • 3 sink

    [siŋk] 1. past tense - sank; verb
    1) (to (cause to) go down below the surface of water etc: The torpedo sank the battleship immediately; The ship sank in deep water.) paskandinti, paskęsti
    2) (to go down or become lower (slowly): The sun sank slowly behind the hills; Her voice sank to a whisper.) leistis, žemėti
    3) (to (cause to) go deeply (into something): The ink sank into the paper; He sank his teeth into an apple.) įsigerti, suleisti
    4) ((of one's spirits etc) to become depressed or less hopeful: My heart sinks when I think of the difficulties ahead.) pulti į neviltį, nuliūsti, palūžti
    5) (to invest (money): He sank all his savings in the business.) įdėti, investuoti
    2. noun
    (a kind of basin with a drain and a water supply connected to it: He washed the dishes in the sink.) kriauklė
    - be sunk
    - sink in

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > sink

  • 4 horizon

    (the line at which the earth and the sky seem to meet: The sun went down below the horizon; A ship could be seen on the horizon.) horizontas
    - horizontally

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > horizon

  • 5 set

    [set] 1. present participle - setting; verb
    1) (to put or place: She set the tray down on the table.) (pa)dėti
    2) (to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal: Please would you set the table for me?) (pa)dengti
    3) (to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc): It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value.) nustatyti
    4) (to give a person (a task etc) to do: The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example.) duoti, skirti, rodyti
    5) (to cause to start doing something: His behaviour set people talking.) sukelti, paskatinti pradėti
    6) ((of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon: It gets cooler when the sun sets.) nusileisti
    7) (to become firm or solid: Has the concrete set?) (su)stingti, sukietėti
    8) (to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function: He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m.) nustatyti
    9) (to arrange (hair) in waves or curls.) sudėti
    10) (to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring.) įdėti
    11) (to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing: They set his broken arm.) sustatyti
    2. adjective
    1) (fixed or arranged previously: There is a set procedure for doing this.) nustatytas
    2) ((often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something): He is set on going.) nusiteikęs
    3) (deliberate: He had the set intention of hurting her.) tyčinis, iš anksto apgalvotas
    4) (stiff; fixed: He had a set smile on his face.) sustingęs
    5) (not changing or developing: set ideas.) sustabarėjęs
    6) ((with with) having something set in it: a gold ring set with diamonds.) papuoštas, nusagstytas
    3. noun
    1) (a group of things used or belonging together: a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen.) rinkinys
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals: a television/radio set.) aparatas
    3) (a group of people: the musical set.) grupė
    4) (the process of setting hair: a shampoo and set.) sudėjimas, sušukavimas
    5) (scenery for a play or film: There was a very impressive set in the final act.) dekoracijos
    6) (a group of six or more games in tennis: She won the first set and lost the next two.) setas
    - setback
    - set phrase
    - set-square
    - setting-lotion
    - set-to
    - set-up
    - all set
    - set about
    - set someone against someone
    - set against someone
    - set someone against
    - set against
    - set aside
    - set back
    - set down
    - set in
    - set off
    - set something or someone on someone
    - set on someone
    - set something or someone on
    - set on
    - set out
    - set to
    - set up
    - set up camp
    - set up house
    - set up shop
    - set upon

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > set

  • 6 freezer

    noun (a cabinet for keeping food at, or bringing it down to, a temperature below freezing-point.) šaldymo kamera

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > freezer

  • 7 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) laikyti
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) laikyti
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) laikyti
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) išlaikyti
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) laikyti
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) (kur) tilpti, laikyti
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) surengti
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) būti, laikytis
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) eiti (pareigas), užimti (vietą)
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) laikyti, manyti (kad), turėti
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) galioti
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) priversti, išpildyti
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) ginti
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) sulaikyti
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) patraukti, išlaikyti
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) laikyti
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) švęsti
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) turėti
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) išsilaikyti
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) palaukti
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) laikyti
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) laikyti
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) žadėti
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) laikymas, nusitvėrimas
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) galia
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) suėmimas
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) triumas

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  • 8 pass

    1. verb
    1) (to move towards and then beyond (something, by going past, through, by, over etc): I pass the shops on my way to work; The procession passed along the corridor.) praeiti, pravažiuoti
    2) (to move, give etc from one person, state etc to another: They passed the photographs around; The tradition is passed (on/down) from father to son.) pasiųsti (per rankas), perduoti
    3) (to go or be beyond: This passes my understanding.) viršyti
    4) ((of vehicles etc on a road) to overtake: The sports car passed me at a dangerous bend in the road.) pralenkti
    5) (to spend (time): They passed several weeks in the country.) praleisti
    6) ((of an official group, government etc) to accept or approve: The government has passed a resolution.) priimti, patvirtinti
    7) (to give or announce (a judgement or sentence): The magistrate passed judgement on the prisoner.) paskelbti
    8) (to end or go away: His sickness soon passed.) praeiti, išnykti, mirti
    9) (to (judge to) be successful in (an examination etc): I passed my driving test.) išlaikyti
    2. noun
    1) (a narrow path between mountains: a mountain pass.) perėja, tarpeklis
    2) (a ticket or card allowing a person to do something, eg to travel free or to get in to a building: You must show your pass before entering.) leidimas
    3) (a successful result in an examination, especially when below a distinction, honours etc: There were ten passes and no fails.) egzamino išlaikymas
    4) ((in ball games) a throw, kick, hit etc of the ball from one player to another: The centre-forward made a pass towards the goal.) kamuolio padavimas, pasas
    - passing
    - passer-by
    - password
    - in passing
    - let something pass
    - let pass
    - pass as/for
    - pass away
    - pass the buck
    - pass by
    - pass off
    - pass something or someone off as
    - pass off as
    - pass on
    - pass out
    - pass over
    - pass up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pass

  • 9 simmer

    (to (cause to) cook gently at or just below boiling point: The stew simmered on the stove; Simmer the ingredients in water for five minutes.) virti ant lėtos ugnies

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > simmer

См. также в других словарях:

  • Down Below — may refer to: Down Below , a song by Pantera from their 1985 album I Am the Night, and their 1988 album Power Metal Down Below (album), a 2004 album by Steve Zing Down Below (band), a German band This disambiguation page lists articles associated …   Wikipedia

  • Down Below — Neo Scope, Sänger von Down Below …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • down below —    the genitalia    Of either sex, despite that part of the body being located above the legs. Also as down there:     We take it in turns to stroke and massage each other anywhere but what you used to call down below. (Amis, 1978)     The first… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • down below — lower down, below, under, beneath; in hell, in the underworld …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Down Below (album) — Down Below Studio album by Doomtree Released March 22, 2005 Label Long Live Crime Professional reviews …   Wikipedia

  • Down Below (Doomtree album) — Down Below is an album released by Doomtree on March 22, 2005 on Long Live Crime Records.Track listing* Severed (Steve Falco/Steve Zing) 2.28 * Alive And Well (Steve Falco/Steve Zing) 2.42 * Stand And Fall (Steve Falco/Steve Zing) 2.41 * The… …   Wikipedia

  • Down below — private parts …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • down below — Australian Slang private parts …   English dialects glossary

  • Fire Down Below — may refer to:* Fire Down Below (1957 film), starring Robert Mitchum, Jack Lemmon and Rita Hayworth * Fire Down Below (1997 film), featuring Steven Seagal * Fire Down Below , part of the To the Ends of the Earth trilogy of novels by William… …   Wikipedia

  • The High Above and the Down Below — Infobox Album Name = The High Above and the Down Below Type = studio Artist = Cliff Eberhardt Released = April 10, 2007 Recorded = Minneapolis, Minnesota Genre = folk, singer songwriter Length = 39:48 Label = Red House Records Producer = Eric… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire Down Below — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Fire Down Below Produktionsland USA …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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