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  • 1 down

    I 1. adverb
    1) (towards or in a low or lower position, level or state: He climbed down to the bottom of the ladder.) žemyn, žemai
    2) (on or to the ground: The little boy fell down and cut his knee.) žemyn, nu-
    3) (from earlier to later times: The recipe has been handed down in our family for years.) iš (kartos) į (kartą)
    4) (from a greater to a smaller size, amount etc: Prices have been going down steadily.) žemyn
    5) (towards or in a place thought of as being lower, especially southward or away from a centre: We went down from Glasgow to Bristol.)
    2. preposition
    1) (in a lower position on: Their house is halfway down the hill.) žemyn
    2) (to a lower position on, by, through or along: Water poured down the drain.) žemyn
    3) (along: The teacher's gaze travelled slowly down the line of children.) išilgai, palei
    3. verb
    (to finish (a drink) very quickly, especially in one gulp: He downed a pint of beer.) išmesti, išlenkti
    - downwards
    - downward
    - down-and-out
    - down-at-heel
    - downcast
    - downfall
    - downgrade
    - downhearted
    - downhill
    - downhill racing
    - downhill skiing
    - down-in-the-mouth
    - down payment
    - downpour
    - downright
    4. adjective - downstream
    - down-to-earth
    - downtown
    - downtown
    - down-trodden
    - be/go down with
    - down on one's luck
    - down tools
    - down with
    - get down to
    - suit someone down to the ground
    - suit down to the ground
    II noun
    (small, soft feathers: a quilt filled with down.) pūkai
    - downy

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down

  • 2 down the drain

    (wasted: We had to scrap everything and start again - six months' work down the drain!) šuniui ant uodegos

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down the drain

  • 3 down with

    (get rid of: Down with the dictator!) šalin!

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down with

  • 4 down-and-out

    noun, adjective ((a person) having no money and no means of earning a living: a hostel for down-and-outs.) valkata, skurdžius

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down-and-out

  • 5 down-to-earth

    adjective (practical and not concerned with theories, ideals etc: She is a sensible, down-to-earth person.) konkretus, praktiškas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down-to-earth

  • 6 down-trodden

    adjective (badly treated; treated without respect: a down-trodden wife.) užuitas, užjodytas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down-trodden

  • 7 down on one's luck

    (having bad luck.) nesiseka

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down on one's luck

  • 8 down payment

    (a payment in cash, especially to begin the purchase of something for which further payments will be made over a period of time.) pradinė įmoka

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down payment

  • 9 down tools

    (to stop working: When the man was sacked his fellow workers downed tools and walked out.) nutraukti darbą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down tools

  • 10 down-at-heel

    adjective (shabby, untidy and not well looked after or well-dressed.) apdriskęs, apsileidęs

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down-at-heel

  • 11 down-in-the-mouth

    adjective (miserable; in low spirits.) nusiminęs, liūdnas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > down-in-the-mouth

  • 12 let down

    1) (to lower: She let down the blind.) nuleisti
    2) (to disappoint or fail to help when necessary etc: You must give a film show at the party - you can't let the children down (noun let-down); She felt he had let her down by not coming to see her perform.) nuvilti
    3) (to make flat by allowing the air to escape: When he got back to his car, he found that some children had let his tyres down.) nuleisti, išleisti orą iš
    4) (to make longer: She had to let down the child's skirt.) atleisti, pailginti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > let down

  • 13 go down

    1) ((with well/badly) to be approved or disapproved of: The story went down well (with them).) būti priimtam, patikti
    2) ((of a ship) to sink: They were lost at sea when the ship went down.) nuskęsti
    3) ((of the sun or moon) to go below the horizon.) nusileisti
    4) (to be remembered: Your bravery will go down in history.) įeiti
    5) ((of places) to become less desirable: This part of town has gone down in the last twenty years.) nusmukti, suprastėti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > go down

  • 14 lay down

    1) (to give up: They laid down their arms; The soldiers laid down their lives in the cause of peace.) sudėti, atiduoti
    2) (to order or instruct: The rule book lays down what should be done in such a case.) nustatyti
    3) (to store: My father laid down a good stock of wine which I am now drinking.) sukaupti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > lay down

  • 15 run down

    1) ((of a clock, battery etc) to finish working: My watch has run down - it needs rewinding.) sustoti, išsekti
    2) ((of a vehicle or driver) to knock down: I was run down by a bus.) partrenkti
    3) (to speak badly of: He is always running me down.) šmeižti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > run down

  • 16 settle down

    1) (to (cause to) become quiet, calm and peaceful: He waited for the audience to settle down before he spoke; She settled the baby down at last.) nurimti, nuraminti
    2) (to make oneself comfortable: She settled (herself) down in the back of the car and went to sleep.) įsitaisyti
    3) (to begin to concentrate on something, eg work: He settled down to (do) his schoolwork.) imtis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > settle down

  • 17 beat down

    1) ((of the sun) to give out great heat: The sun's rays beat down on us.) plieksti
    2) (to (force to) lower a price by bargaining: We beat the price down; We beat him down to a good price.) (priversti) numušti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > beat down

  • 18 break down

    1) (to use force on (a door etc) to cause it to open.) išlaužti
    2) (to stop working properly: My car has broken down.) sugesti
    3) (to fail: The talks have broken down.) (su)žlugti
    4) (to be overcome with emotion: She broke down and wept.) neišlaikyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > break down

  • 19 keep down

    1) (not to (allow to) rise up: Keep down - they're shooting at us!) nesikelti, neleisti keltis
    2) (to control or put a limit on: They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population.) neleisti padidėti
    3) (to digest without vomiting: He has eaten some food but he won't be able to keep it down.) neišvemti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > keep down

  • 20 knock down

    1) (to cause to fall by striking: He was so angry with the man that he knocked him down; The old lady was knocked down by a van as she crossed the street.) partrenkti
    2) (to reduce the price of (goods): She bought a coat that had been knocked down to half-price.) (kam) numušti kainą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > knock down

См. также в других словарях:

  • Down — Down, adv. [For older adown, AS. ad[=u]n, ad[=u]ne, prop., from or off the hill. See 3d {Down}, and cf. {Adown}, and cf. {Adown}.] 1. In the direction of gravity or toward the center of the earth; toward or in a lower place or position; below;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Down on — Down Down, adv. [For older adown, AS. ad[=u]n, ad[=u]ne, prop., from or off the hill. See 3d {Down}, and cf. {Adown}, and cf. {Adown}.] 1. In the direction of gravity or toward the center of the earth; toward or in a lower place or position;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Down — may refer to: Relative direction, where down is the direction towards the centre of gravity of a celestial object. Railroad directions, where down and up have locally significant meanings Down feather, a soft bird feather frequently used in… …   Wikipedia

  • down — down1 [doun] adv. [ME doun < adune, adown < OE adune, ofdune, from the hill < a , of , off, from + dune, dat. of dun, hill: see DOWN3] 1. from a higher to a lower place; toward the ground 2. in, on, or to a lower position or level;… …   English World dictionary

  • Down in It — Single by Nine Inch Nails from the album Pretty Hate Machine Released …   Wikipedia

  • Down — /down/, n. 1. a county in SW Northern Ireland. 311,876; 952 sq. mi. (2466 sq. km). Co. seat: Downpatrick. 2. an administrative district in this county. 49,500; 253 sq. mi. (654 sq. km). * * * I District (pop., 1999 est.: 63,800), Northern Ireland …   Universalium

  • Down In It — Single par Nine Inch Nails extrait de l’album Pretty Hate Machine Sortie 15 septembre 1989 Enregistrement 1989 Durée 17:45 Genre(s) Metal industriel …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Down in it — Single par Nine Inch Nails extrait de l’album Pretty Hate Machine Sortie 15 septembre 1989 Enregistrement 1989 Durée 17:45 Genre(s) Metal industriel …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Down in It — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Down in It» Sencillo de Nine Inch Nails del álbum Pretty Hate Machine Publicación 15 de septiembre de 1989 Formato CD, 12 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Down in It — Single par Nine Inch Nails extrait de l’album Pretty Hate Machine Sortie 15 septembre 1989 Enregistrement 1989 Durée 17:45 Genre Metal industriel …   Wikipédia en Français

  • down — Ⅰ. down [1] ► ADVERB 1) towards or in a lower place or position. 2) to or at a lower level or value. 3) so as to lie flush or flat. 4) in or into a weaker or worse position, mood, or condition. 5) to a smaller amount or size, or a simpler or more …   English terms dictionary

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