1 dovetail attachment
2 dovetail attachment
крепление типа «ласточкин хвост»Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > dovetail attachment
3 attachment
прикрепление; стыковка; прилипание ( пограничного слоя) ; присоединение ( скачка уплотнения) ; слияние ( частиц) ; приспособление; приставка; принадлежность; насадок -
4 attachment
attachment flangeкрепежный фланецattachment frameстыковой шпангоутattachment lugузел крепленияattachment pinцапфа крепленияblade attachment pinштифт крепления лопаткиcable attachmentзаделка тросаdovetail blade attachmentзамок типа ласточкин хвост лопаткиengine attachment pilotшкворень крепления двигателяengine mounting attachmentузел крепления двигателяfir-tree blade attachmentзамок елочного типа лопаткиgroove-type blade attachmentзамок пазового типа лопатки двигателяguide vane attachmentзамок крепления направляющей лопаткиlifting attachmentподъемное приспособлениеpig-type blade attachmentзамок штифтового типа лопатки двигателяsplice attachmentстыковая гребенкаtie-down attachmentприспособление для крепления груза к полу кабиныwing attachment fittingузел крепления крылаwing-to-fuselage attachmentузел крепления крыла к фюзеляжу -
5 dovetail
dovetail blade attachmentзамок типа ласточкин хвост лопаткиdovetailed bladeлопатка, закрепленная замком типа ласточкиного хвостаdovetail grooveпаз типа ласточкин хвост -
6 attachment
принадлежность; приспособление; устройство; присоединение; дополнительная насадка; соединение; скрепление; прикрепление; прицепка; приставка; крепление; вспомогательная деталь; накладная головка- attachment bolt - attachment cap - attachment chain - attachment changing - attachment clip - attachment cord - attachment crane - attachment cross-section - attachment cylinder - attachment device - attachment features - attachment fitting - attachment flange - attachment frame - attachment head - attachment instability - attachment line - attachment magazine - attachment of fittings - attachment plate - attachment plug - attachment point - attachment rack - attachment refit - attachment retainer - attachment screw - attachment section - attachment spindle - attachment spring - attachment's tool changer - attachment unit interface - angle head attachment - angle head drilling attachment - angle head milling attachment - angle spindle attachment - auto-change electrode attachment - axle attachment - auxiliary attachment - back-working attachment - backhoe attachment - backlash-eliminating attachment - bagging attachment - ball attachment - ball-and-socket attachment - bearing cup pulling attachment - beater attachment - bolt-and-socket attachment - bolt-on attachment - bolted-on attachment - bunching attachment - bundle clamping attachment - cam-milling attachment - caterpillar attachment - circular milling attachment - circular planing attachment - clevis eye attachment - coarse threading attachment - collet chuck attachment - collet handwheel attachment - compound indexing attachment - compound vertical milling attachment - compound vertical-spindle attachment - concave planing attachment - cone center attachment - control attachment - convex planing attachment - copy-milling attachment - cross-drill attachment - crowning attachment - cutting attachment - cutter-driving attachment - cutter-sharpening attachment - cylinder attachment - cylindrical attachment - differential indexing attachment - dividing attachment - dovetail blade attachment - draft attachment - draw-in attachment - driving attachment - duplex planing attachment - duplex radial planing attachment - dust-removing attachment - dwell control attachment - end-working attachment - extra attachment - face-mounted attachment - facing attachment - fast-acting attachment - felling attachment - finder attachment - fir-tree blade attachment - flange attachment - flap attachment - gear cutting attachment - grinding wheel attachment - gripping attachment - groove-type blade attachment - guide vane attachment - hand-feed attachment - head attachment - heavy milling attachment - high-speed attachment - high-speed milling attachment - Hirth-coupled attachment - horizontal milling attachment - illuminating attachment - impactor attachment - indexing attachment - instrument attachment - integral attachment - internal attachment - jaw-opening attachment - jig-grinding attachment - key-way attachment - lathe's taper attachment - lathe-tracer attachment - lathe-tracing attachment - lead attachment - lead screw tapping attachment - levelling attachment - lift-out attachment - location attachment - long-lead attachment - low-lead attachment - machining attachments - mast attachment - measuring attachment - milling attachment - milling-drilling attachment - miter attachment - miter-cutting attachment - mounting attachment - multispindle attachment - multispindle drilling attachment - multistop attachment - muzzle attachment - oil groove attachment - optional attachments - parking attachment - pickoff attachment - pin-type blade attachment - pitch-tracing attachment - planer attachment - planting attachment - plating attachment - positioning attachment - power takeoff attachment - profiling attachment - push-pull attachment - quality control attachment - rack-cutting attachment - rack-indexing attachment - rack-milling attachment - radius grinding attachment - radius planing attachment - radius turning attachment - recording attachment - relieving attachment - right-angle attachment - right-angle head attachment - right-angle milling attachment - rigid attachment - roller tenon attachment - roller-tongue attachment - rotary attachment - rotary milling attachment - rotary milling head attachment - rotary table attachment - screw attachment - screw-cutting attachment - screwed-on attachment - short-lead attachment - slotting attachment - spherical turning attachment - spindle attachment - spindle nose attachment - spindle-indexing attachment - spiral milling attachment - spring attachment - springing attachment - square hole drilling attachment - strain link tongue attachment - Swiss turning attachment - swivel-head vertical milling attachment - swiveling attachment - swiveling milling attachment - takeoff attachment - taper attachment - taper-turning attachment - tapering attachment - taut tape attachment - telescopic attachment - templet-copying attachment - tension link tongue attachment - thread-chasing attachment - thread-cutting attachment - thread-milling attachment - thread-rolling attachment - threading attachment - time-limit attachment - tongue attachment - tool taper attachment - tow attachment - towing attachment - tower attachment - tracer attachment - tracing attachment - tree shear attachment - trueing attachment - turnaround attachment - turret attachment - twin-clamp attachment - universal attachment - universal milling attachment - verifying attachment - vertical milling attachment - vertical-spindle milling attachment - web attachment - wheel-forming attachment - wheel grab attachment - wheelhead-mounted attachment - wide-angle attachment -
7 attachment
1) прикрепление; присоединение2) устройство; приспособление•-
afocal attachment
anamorphotic attachment
anamorphic attachment
automatic drop-off attachment
auxiliary attachment
backhoe attachment
bagging attachment
ball-and-socket attachment
bearing cup pulling attachment
belly-to-belly attachment
blind lapping attachment
bunching attachment
camera attachment
chain-back attachment
close-up attachment
CNC attachment
collet chuck attachment
cone center attachment
cutting attachment
diamond dressing attachment
die attachment
dovetail blade attachment
draft attachment
duplicating attachment
electron attachment
Fane attachment
fell attachment
felling attachment
finder attachment
finishing attachment
fir-tree blade attachment
flash attachment
focusing attachment
groove-type blade attachment
guide vane attachment
hemming attachment
high-speed attachment
horizontal milling attachment
hull attachments
impactor attachment
instrument attachment
interface attachment
lace attachment
lead attachment
lining-up attachment
machining attachments
milling attachment
multispindle attachment
oblique-incidence attachment
photographic attachment
piggyback attachment
pin-type blade attachment
piping attachment
pistol-grip attachment
positioning attachment
positive yarn feed attachment
preparation attachment
presser foot attachment
push-pull attachment
rathole digger attachment
ridge attachment
rigid attachment
springing attachment
square hole drilling attachment
stereoscopic attachment
stereo attachment
taut tape attachment
telescopic attachment
tongue attachment
tree shear attachment
trueing attachment
twin-clamp attachment
two-dimensional hydraulic copying attachment
wheel grab attachment
wide-angle attachment
wing-to-fuselage attachment
yoke attachment -
8 attachment
1. отбортовка; (за)крепление; заделка2. стыковка -
9 dovetail blade attachment
- замок лопатки турбомашины типа "ласточкин хвост"
замок лопатки турбомашины типа "ласточкин хвост"
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > dovetail blade attachment
10 dovetail blade attachment
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dovetail blade attachment
11 dovetail blade attachment
замок типа " ласточкин хвост" лопатки ( двигателя)Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > dovetail blade attachment
12 dovetail blade attachment
1) Авиация: замок типа ласточкин хвост лопатки2) Техника: замок типа "ласточкин хвост" лопатки (двигателя)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dovetail blade attachment
13 dovetail blade attachment
замок типа «ласточкин хвост» лопатки ( двигателя)Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > dovetail blade attachment
14 dovetail blade attachment
Англо-русский словарь по авиации > dovetail blade attachment
15 dovetail blade attachment
замок типа "ласточкин хвост" лопатки (двигателя)Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > dovetail blade attachment
16 blade
blade nлопаткаairfoil-section bladeпрофилированная лопаткаair intake bladeзаглушка воздухозаборникаairscrew blade incidenceугол установки лопасти воздушного винтаairscrew blade speedокружная скорость лопасти воздушного винтаantitorque rotor bladeлопасть рулевого винтаarticulated bladeлопасть с шарнирной подвескойblade airfoil portionпрофильная часть лопаткиblade angleугол установки лопастиblade attach fittingгребенка крепления лопастиblade attachment pinштифт крепления лопаткиblade buttкомель лопастиblade chordхорда лопастиblade counterweightпротивовесblade damperдемпфер лопастиblade domeобтекатель комлевой части лопастиblade dragлобовое сопротивление лопаткиblade droopзависание элероновblade droop stopограничитель свеса лопасти(несущего винта) blade flappingбиение лопастиblade flyweightцентробежный грузик лопастиblade footкомель лопастиblade leading edgeпередняя кромка лопастиblade metal capпредохранительная металлическая окантовка на передней кромке лопастиblade passageмежлопаточный проходblade passing frequencyчастота вращения лопастейblade pitch scaleшкала углов установки лопастиblade pressure sideрабочая часть лопасти воздушного винтаblade retainerстопор лопаткиblade retaining plateпластинчатый замок крепления лопаткиblade retention mechanismустройство для крепления лопастиblade ringлопаточный венецblade rootхвостовик лопаткиblade rowлопаточный венецblade safety clipпредохранительный зажимblade screwdriverперьевая отверткаblade sectionсечение лопастиblade slapсрыв потока на лопастиblade slap phenomenonсрыв потока на лопастиblade spacingшаг лопатокblades retaining ringстопорное кольцо лопатокblade stop cableстопорный тросblade stop gearфиксатор шага лопастиblades trackingустановка соконусности лопастейblade tipзаконцовка лопастиblade tip lightогонь конца лопастиblade titlнаклон лопастиblade trim tabтриммер лопастиblade wheelрабочее колесоdetachable bladeсъемная лопаткаdovetail blade attachmentзамок типа ласточкин хвост лопаткиdovetailed bladeлопатка, закрепленная замком типа ласточкиного хвостаfile bladeполотно напильникаfir-tree blade attachmentзамок елочного типа лопаткиfir-tree rooted bladeлопатка, закрепленная замком елочного типаfollowing blade vortexвихрь за лопастьюgroove-type blade attachmentзамок пазового типа лопатки двигателяhollow bladeпустотелая лопаткаkeep clear of rotor bladesостерегаться лопастей несущего винтаleading blade vortexвихрь от предыдущей лопастиmain rotor bladeлопасть несущего винтаmove the blades to higherутяжелять воздушный винтmoving bladeповоротная лопаткаoutlet straightener bladeлопатка спрямляющего аппаратаpig-type blade attachmentзамок штифтового типа лопатки двигателяpinned bladeлопатка, закрепленная штифтовым замкомpropeller bladeлопасть воздушного винтаpropeller blade shankкомель лопасти воздушного винтаrotor bladeлопатка ротораrotor blade sparлонжерон лопасти несущего винтаstator bladeлопатка статораstraightener bladeлопатка спрямляющего аппаратаtail rotor bladeлопасть рулевого винтаturbine blade twistкрутка лопатки турбиныturbine rotor bladeрабочая лопатка турбиныvariable bladeрегулируемая поворотная лопатка -
17 section
1) сечение; разрез; профиль || вычерчивать сечение ( детали или узла); воспроизводить сечение (напр. на экране дисплея)2) секция; участок; отделение3) отрезок; часть; звено4) мет. профиль проката•- attachment section
- automatic work section
- automation-connected sections
- axial section
- base section
- bearing section
- blank preparation section
- blank section
- box section
- box-like section
- broach section
- broken-out section
- closed section
- computing section
- control section
- critical section
- cross section of cut
- cross section
- cut section
- dangerous section
- detail section
- dovetail section
- equal flange section
- equidistant section
- executive section
- extruded section
- finishing section
- flare section
- flow section
- fragmentary section
- hard-to-get-to section
- hinged section
- Hofer's weakest section
- I section
- insulated section
- laser-hardening section
- lateral section
- lead-in section
- light section
- longitudinal section
- machining section
- manual work section
- maximum section of cutting tool
- meridional section
- normal section
- oblique section
- offset section
- partial section
- path section
- pilot section
- preset tooling section
- revolved section
- section of female die
- shaped section
- side section
- side-cutting section
- software section
- standard section
- steel section
- tangential section
- tool section
- torque-tube section
- transverse section of rack
- transverse section
- turning section
- variant assembly section
- weakest section
- workshop sectionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > section
См. также в других словарях:
Blisk — A blisk is a single engine component composed of a rotor disc and blades through machining from a solid piece of material or by welding individually manufactured blades to the rotor disc. The term is used mainly in aerospace engine design. Also… … Wikipedia
Neck (music) — The neck is the part of certain string instruments that projects from the main body and is the base of the fingerboard, where the fingers are placed to stop the strings at different pitches. Guitars, lutes, the violin family, and the mandolin… … Wikipedia
Telescopic sight — Scope redirects here. For other uses, see Scope (disambiguation). View through a 4x rifle scope. A telescopic sight, commonly called a scope, is a sighting device that is based on an optical refracting telescope. They are equipped with some form… … Wikipedia
CZ 452 — The CZ 452 is a repeating bolt action rimfire rifle manufactured by the Czech firearms manufacturer Česká Zbrojovka Uherský Brod (abbreviated CZ UB ) (English: Czech Weapons Factory Uherský Brod ).The rifle is available in several versions… … Wikipedia
connection — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Physical link Nouns 1. connection, bond, tie, link, concatenation; connective, interconnection; daisy chain; nexus, neck, isthmus; nape; bridge, tunnel, causeway, viaduct, etc. See contact, junction. 2.… … English dictionary for students
IMI Galil — Infobox Weapon name=Galil caption=Galil 5.56 mm origin=flag|Israel type=Assault rifle is ranged=yes service=1972–present used by=See Users wars=Lebanon Conflict, War in Somalia (1992–1993), Iraq War, Operation Enduring Freedom/ISAF – Afghanistan … Wikipedia
Commutator (electric) — This article is about the electrical component. For mathematical concept, see Commutator . A tiny 5 segment commutator less than 2 mm in diameter, on a direct current motor in a toy radio control ZipZaps car. A commutator is a rotary electri … Wikipedia
Sako TRG — Infobox Weapon name= Sako TRG caption=Finnish Defence Forces Sako TRG 42 rifle (8.6 TKIV 2000) origin=flag|Finland type= Sniper rifle is ranged=yes service= 2000 present used by= See operators and civil users wars= Afghanistan War, Iraq War… … Wikipedia
label — labeler, n. /lay beuhl/, n., v., labeled, labeling or (esp. Brit.) labelled, labelling. n. 1. a slip of paper, cloth, or other material, marked or inscribed, for attachment to something to indicate its manufacturer, nature, ownership, destination … Universalium
connection — Synonyms and related words: ESP, Indian file, abutment, abuttal, access, accord, accounting for, acquaintance, act of love, addition, adjacency, adjoiningness, adjunct, adultery, affairs, affiliation, affinity, agent, agglomeration, agglutination … Moby Thesaurus
joining — Synonyms and related words: accession, addition, adjunct, adjunction, affixation, agglutination, ankle, annexation, articulation, attachment, augmentation, binding, boundary, butt, cervix, clinch, closure, collision course, combinative,… … Moby Thesaurus