1 double-base propellant
2 double-base propellant
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > double-base propellant
3 double-base propellant
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > double-base propellant
4 double-base propellant
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > double-base propellant
5 double-base propellant
6 double-base propellant
2) Нефть: двухкомпонентное ракетное топливо3) Космонавтика: ракетный порох на нитроцеллюлозной и нитроглицериновой основе4) Химическое оружие: двухкомпонентный метательный зарядУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > double-base propellant
7 double-base propellant
Англо русский политехнический словарь > double-base propellant
8 double-base propellant
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > double-base propellant
9 double-base propellant
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > double-base propellant
10 double-base propellant
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > double-base propellant
11 double-base propellant
English-Russian scientific dictionary > double-base propellant
12 double-base propellant
13 double-base propellant
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > double-base propellant
14 double-base propellant
двухосновное топливо; двухкомпонентное твердое топливоEnglish-russian astronautics dictionary > double-base propellant
15 bifuel [double-base] propellant
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > bifuel [double-base] propellant
16 composite modified double-base propellant
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > composite modified double-base propellant
17 case-bonded double-base propellant
двухосновное ракетное топливо, скреплённое со стенками двигателяEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > case-bonded double-base propellant
18 double-base
1) двухбазовый
2) двухцокольный
3) двухкомпонентный ∙ - double-base diode - double-base propellant - double-base transistor - double-base tubeБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > double-base
19 double-base
1) двухбазовый
2) двухцокольный
3) двухкомпонентный
– double-base diode
– double-base propellant
– double-base transistor
– double-base tube -
20 double-base powder propellant
English-russian astronautics dictionary > double-base powder propellant
См. также в других словарях:
double-base powder — noun : an explosive powder or propellant that contains nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin as the essential components compare single base powder … Useful english dictionary
propellant — /preuh pel euhnt/, n. 1. a propelling agent. 2. the charge of explosive used to propel the projectile from a gun. 3. a substance, usually a mixture of fuel and oxidizer, for propelling a rocket. 4. a compressed inert gas that serves to dispense… … Universalium
Rocket propellant — is mass that is stored, usually in some form of propellant tank, prior to being used as the propulsive mass that is ejected from a rocket engine in the form of a fluid jet to produce thrust.Chemical rocket propellants are most commonly used,… … Wikipedia
single-base powder — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun : an explosive powder or propellant that contains nitrocellulose as the only essential component compare double base powder … Useful english dictionary
Ordnance QF 18 pounder — Australian gun crew in action in the Ypres sector, 28 September 1917 Type Field gun Place& … Wikipedia
Cordite — Not to be confused with Cordaites, the extinct tree. A stick of cordite from World War II … Wikipedia
Ordnance QF 25 pounder — Gun shown mounted on its firing platform, King Street West, Dundas, Hamilton, Canada. Type Field gun/Howitzer … Wikipedia
5.56×45mm NATO — 5.56x45mm NATO with measurement Type Rifle Place of origin … Wikipedia
Rheinmetall 120-mm-Glattrohrkanone — Leopard 2A4 mit L/44 Kanone. An der Rohrmündung der seit 1991 am Leopard 2 verbaute Feldjustierspiegel Die Rheinmetall 120 mm Glattrohrkanone oder kurz Rh120 ist eine Glattrohrkanone im Kaliber 120 Millimeter, die ursprünglich für den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
nitroglycerin — /nuy treuh glis euhr in/, n. Chem., Pharm. a colorless, thick, oily, flammable, highly explosive, slightly water soluble liquid, C3H5N3O9, prepared from glycerol with nitric and sulfuric acids: used chiefly as a constituent of dynamite and other… … Universalium
Smokeless powder — is the name given to a number of propellants used in firearms and artillery which produce negligible smoke when fired, unlike the older gunpowder (black powder) which they replaced. The basis of the term smokeless is that the combustion products… … Wikipedia