1 double-action disk harrow
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > double-action disk harrow
2 double-action disk harrow
Англо русский политехнический словарь > double-action disk harrow
3 disk harrow
с.-х. дисковая боронаweeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
4 Harrow
1. n геогр. Харроу2. n боронаweeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
3. n расположение или построение по диагонали4. v боронить, бороновать5. v поддаваться боронованию6. v процарапывать7. v мучить, терзать8. v арх. грабить; разорять, опустошатьСинонимический ряд:1. farm implement (noun) cultivator; farm implement; plough; plow; rake; scourer; shovel; tiller; tilling disks; tractor accessory2. afflict (verb) afflict; agonize; crucify; excruciate; martyr; martyrize; rack; smite; strike; torment; torture; try; wring3. cultivate (verb) break clods; cultivate; drag; grade; plough; plow; rake; scour; smooth; till4. sack (verb) depredate; loot; pillage; plunder; rape; ravage; sack -
5 harrow
6 weeding harrow
с.-х. прополочная борона, полольник -
7 bush harrow
weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
8 grassland harrow
weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > grassland harrow
9 lever harrow
weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
10 seed harrow
weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
11 spring
пружина; рессора (цилиндрическая, листовая); упругость; эластичность; разводка зубьев пилы; источник; родник; ключ; II подвешивать на рессорах; подвешивать на пружинах; подрессоривать; пружинить; соединять пружинами; прыгать; подскакивать- spring and guide assembly - spring application - spring arch - spring arrangement - spring ball joint - spring bearer plate - spring block - spring centre bolt - spring centre clamp - spring centre hump - spring chair - spring collar - spring compressor - spring-controlled - spring coupling plate - spring cover - spring damper coil - spring deflection - spring end - spring fixed end - spring fixed eye - spring forge - spring frame of seat - spring free end - spring gaiter - spring hoop - spring horn - spring-leaf opener - spring-leaf retainer - spring liner - spring-loaded - spring-loaded check valve - spring-loaded oil seal - spring-loaded plunger - spring-loaded valve - spring oiler - spring opener - spring-opposed - spring pivot seat - spring reinforced eye - spring retainer - spring retainer lock - spring-return - spring seat angle - spring seat centre line - spring separator - spring shackle pin - spring solid eye - spring spacer - spring-spoke steering wheel - spring-spoked steering wheel - spring squeak - spring steel - spring stiffness - spring stirrup - spring stop - spring support - spring surge - spring suspension - spring tension pawl - spring-tensioned oil seal - spring thrust - spring tie bolt - spring tongue - spring-trip hitch - spring-tyre self-starter - spring U-bolt - spring upturned eye - spring washer - spring wheel - spring wire - spring with compression shackle - spring wrapper eye - air spring - antagonistic spring - antirattle spring - blade spring - block spring - car spring - carriage spring - case spring - centring spring - close-coiled spring - cluster spring - conical spring - constant spring - disconnecting spring - double-cone spring - double-elliptic spring - draft spring - end spring - feather spring - feed spring - fly spring - Garter spring - hair spring - jack spring - journal spring - nest spring - parabolic spring - pressing spring - progressively wound valve spring - recuperator spring - restoring spring - stabilizer spring - starting crankshaft spring - steering clutch spring - steering knuckle tie rod spring - step spring - stop spring - stiff spring - superposed plate spring - supplementary spring - supporting spring - suspended spring - suspension spring - symmetrical spring - tempered spring - tension spring - three-quarter elliptic spring - throw-over spring - thrust spring - tie-rod spring - torsion spring - torsion bar spring - torsional spring - transverse spring - trailing spring - tripping spring - twist spring - two-stage spring - two-way spring - underhung spring - underslung spring - universal-joint casing spring - unloaded spring - unsymmetrical spring - valve spring - valve rocker shaft spring - variable rate spring - vibrator spring - volute spring - water pump spring - weak spring - wound spring - yoke spring - zero spring
См. также в других словарях:
harrow — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. disk, cultivator, drag; see plow , shovel , tractor . Types of harrows include: disk harrow, Scotch harrow, cultipacker, double action harrow, cutaway harrow, spading harrow. v. 1. [To use a harrow on land] Syn. drag, dig,… … English dictionary for students
double-disc harrow — noun Etymology: double disc from double (I) + disk, n. : a harrow with two sets of discs so arranged that one set throws soil outward and the other throws it inward called also double action harrow … Useful english dictionary
Media and Publishing — ▪ 2007 Introduction The Frankfurt Book Fair enjoyed a record number of exhibitors, and the distribution of free newspapers surged. TV broadcasters experimented with ways of engaging their audience via the Internet; mobile TV grew; magazine… … Universalium
plow — plowable, adj. plowability, n. plower, n. /plow/, n. 1. an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil. 2. any of various implements resembling or suggesting this, as a kind of plane for cutting… … Universalium
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
Plough — Plow redirects here. For the Canadian soldier, see Edward Chester Plow. Plowman redirects here. For the surname, see Plowman (surname). Furrow redirects here. For other uses, see Furrow (disambiguation). For other uses, see Plough… … Wikipedia