1 double tipped
Парфюмерия: имеющий два наконечника -
2 double tipped
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary > double tipped
3 tipped
1. a с наконечником2. a тех. наваренныйСинонимический ряд:1. inclined (adj.) angled; at an angle; canted; declivate; declivitous; inclined; inclining; leaning; not straight; oblique; pitched; pitching; slanted; sloped; sloping; tilted; tilting2. listed (verb) canted; heeled; inclined; leaned; listed; raked; reclined; slanted; sloped; tilted; tipped3. tiptoed (verb) tiptoed; toed -
4 double
1. n двойное количествоto take the double of what is due — взять вдвое больше, чем положено
2. n дубликат; дублет3. n уст. копия4. n прототип, прообраз5. n двойник6. n театр. актёр, исполняющий в пьесе две роли7. n театр. дублёр8. n кино дублёр, заменяющий основного исполнителя в некоторых сценах9. n дупель10. n дуплет; двойной удар11. n охот. дублет, дуплет12. n парная играdouble dummy — игра с двумя «болванами»
play a double game — двурушничать; вести двойную игру
13. n двойка14. n спорт. два выигрыша или два проигрыша подряд15. n беглый шагto advance at the double — продвигаться ускоренным шагом; наступать бегом
16. n увёртка, уловка, хитрость17. n петля, изгиб, поворот18. n складка; сгиб19. n комната на двоихdouble dagger — двойной крестик, знак ‡
double hyphen — знак переноса слов, пишущихся через дефис
20. n астр. двойная звезда21. a двойной, удвоенный; сдвоенный; состоящий из двух частейdouble exposure — кино двойная экспозиция; сочетание двух изображений в одном кинокадре
double consonants — геминаты, удвоенные согласные
double march! — ускоренным шагом марш!, бегом марш!
22. a парный23. a двойной, двоякий24. a двойной; вдвое больший; удвоенный; усиленный25. a двусмысленный26. a двуличный, двойственный; двойнойdouble game — двойная игра; лицемерие
to play a double game — вести двойную игру, лицемерить; двурушничать
double agent — двойной агент, «слуга двух господ»
27. a муз. звучащий на октаву ниже28. a муз. бот. махровый29. adv вдвое, вдвойнеto pay double the meter — заплатить вдвое больше, чем по показаниям счётчика
double up — сгибать, складывать вдвое
30. adv вдвоём; парой, попарно31. v удваивать; увеличивать вдвое32. v удваиваться; возрастать, увеличиваться вдвое33. v воен. сдваивать34. v быть вдвое больше, превосходить вдвое35. v театр. кино36. v исполнять две ролиdouble action door — дверь, открывающаяся в обе стороны
37. v выступать в той же роли, быть дублёромdouble quotes — кавычки в два штриха, двойные кавычки
38. v кино дублировать39. v замещать40. v бить шар дуплетом41. v сгибать, складывать вдвое42. v сгибаться, складываться43. v делать изгиб44. v мор. огибать, обходить45. v подбивать; подшивать или подкладывать ещё один слой; обшивать, делать обшивку46. v разг. вселять второго жильца, уплотнять; помещать второго пассажира в то же купе, в ту же каютуI was doubled with a sick passenger — ко мне поместили больного двигаться беглым шагом; бежать
47. v запутывать след, делать петли; сбивать со следа48. v уст. хитрить, обманывать, вилятьСинонимический ряд:1. insincere (adj.) ambidextrous; double-dealing; double-faced; doublehearted; double-minded; double-tongued; hypocritical; insincere; left-handed; mala fide2. twice (adj.) twice; two-fold3. twice as much (adj.) as much again; coupled; duplicated; paired; redoubled; second; twice as much; twin; two; two times4. twofold (adj.) bifold; binary; double-barreled; doubled; dual; dualistic; duple; duplex; duplicate; twofold5. alternate (noun) alternate; proxy; substitute; understudy6. image (noun) duplicate; image; picture; portrait; ringer; simulacrum; spit; spitting image; twin7. stand in (noun) clone; companion; coordinate; counterpart; doppelganger; fellow; lookalike; match; mate; riciprocal; stand in8. turn (noun) bend; deflection; deviation; shift; tack; turn; yaw9. dualize (verb) dualize; dupe; duplicate; redouble10. dub (verb) dub11. escape (verb) avoid; bilk; duck; elude; escape; eschew; evade; shun; shy12. fold (verb) crease; fold; pleat13. make twice as much (verb) grow; increase; make twice as much; multiply; multiply by two14. reverse (verb) about-face; reverse15. substitute (verb) act for; fill in for; perform the duty of; stand in; substitute; substitute for; take the place ofАнтонимический ряд: -
5 double up
1. phr v сгибать, складывать вдвое2. phr v сгибаться, складываться вдвое3. phr v скорчивать, корчить4. phr v скорчиваться, корчиться5. phr v жить вместе, занимать то же помещение6. phr v помещать второго пассажира в то же купе или в ту же каюту7. phr v торопитьсяdouble up! — поторопитесь!, поспешите!
Синонимический ряд:combine (verb) combine; go two and two; join; pair off; play doubles; share; unite -
6 double endpaper
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > double endpaper
7 tipped-on endpaper
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > tipped-on endpaper
8 shift double
9 cutter
1) режущий инструмент; резец2) фреза4) резак ( для газовой резки)5) плашка6) ножницы7) кусачки8) насечка•- abrasive waterjet cutter
- acetylene cutter
- air bearing fly cutter
- alternate angle cutter
- alternate angle milling cutter
- alternate blade cutter
- alternate gash cutter
- alternate gash milling cutter
- angular cutter
- angular milling cutter
- annular cutter
- arbor-type cutter
- arbor-type milling cutter
- backed-off cutter
- backed-off milling cutter
- ball-ended cutter
- ball-ended milling cutter
- ball-nose cutter
- ball-nose milling cutter
- ball-nosed cutter
- ball-nosed milling cutter
- bevel gear cutter
- bolt cutter
- boring cutter
- brazed tip cutter
- BS cutter
- cam cutter
- carbide cutter
- carbide-tipped inserted blade cutter
- center-cutting cutter
- center-cutting end milling cutter
- ceramic-bladed cutter
- chamfer cutter
- circular cutter
- circular face-mill cutter
- circular shaper-type cutter
- clamped-on cutter
- close-pitch cutter
- coarse pitch cutter
- coarse tooth cutter
- concave cutter
- concave milling cutter
- coned cutter
- coned milling cutter
- cone-sharpened shaper cutter
- continuous ring-type gear cutter
- contour-milling cutter
- convex cutter
- convex milling cutter
- copy cutter
- copy milling cutter
- corner-rounding cutter
- cotter cutter
- cotter mill cutter
- counterbore cutter
- countersink cutter
- cutoff cutter
- cylindrical cutter
- cylindrical milling cutter
- diamond tool fly cutter
- diamond-point cutter
- die bolt cutter
- die milling cutter
- die-sinking cutter
- die-sinking milling cutter
- disk cutter
- disk-type shaper cutter
- double-angle cutter
- double-angle milling cutter
- double-bolt cutter
- double-corner rounding cutter
- double-corner rounding milling cutter
- double-ended boring bar cutter
- double-ended boring cutter
- double-ended cutter
- dovetail cutter
- dovetailing cutter
- drill-fluting cutter
- end-milling cutter
- engraving cutter
- extended boss shaper cutter
- extended hub shaper cutter
- face cutter
- face-and-side cutter
- face-and-side milling cutter
- face-milling cutter
- facing cutter
- Fellow's cutter
- file cutter
- final cutter
- fine pitch cutter
- fine tooth cutter
- finishing cutter
- finishing shaper cutter
- fishtail cutter
- fishtail milling cutter
- flame cutter
- flat-bottom cutter
- flat-ended cutter
- flat-nosed cutter
- flute-ground cutter
- fluting cutter
- fluting milling cutter
- fly cutter
- form cutter
- form gear cutter
- form tool cutter
- formed concave cutter
- formed convex cutter
- formed milling cutter
- formed tooth cutter
- form-relieved cutter
- gang cutters
- gang milling cutters
- gap-type shaper cutter
- gas cutter
- gear cutter
- gear shaper cutter
- gear-chamfering cutter
- gear-chamfering milling cutter
- gear-milling cutter
- gear-shaping cutter
- gear-shaving cutter
- generating cutter
- grooving cutter
- grooving-milling cutter
- grouped cutters
- half-side cutter
- half-side milling cutter
- heading cutter
- heavy pitch cutter
- heavy-duty cutter
- helical cutter
- helical milling cutter
- helical plain cutter
- helical plain milling cutter
- helical shaper cutter
- helical tooth cutter
- helical tooth milling cutter
- helix cutter
- hemispherical cutter
- herringbone shaper cutter
- herringbone-type cutter
- high-point shaper cutter
- high-speed steel cutter
- high-speed steel milling cutter
- hi-spindle speed cutter
- hobbing cutter
- hub-type shaper cutter
- indexable boring cutter
- indexable carbide cutter
- indexable insert cutter
- indexable insert milling cutter
- insert cutter
- inserted cutter
- inserted tooth cutter
- inserted tooth milling cutter
- inserted-blade cutter
- inserted-blade milling cutter
- inset cutter
- integral-tooth cutter
- interior pipe cutter
- interlocking disk cutter
- interlocking disk milling cutter
- interlocking side cutter
- interlocking side milling cutter
- interlocking side-and-face cutter
- interlocking side-and-face milling cutter
- internal pipe cutter
- internally cutting cutter
- internally cutting milling cutter
- involute gear cutter
- involute side milling cutter
- keyseat cutter
- keyseat milling cutter
- keyseating milling cutter
- keyway cutter
- keyway milling cutter
- knife cutter
- large taper shank shaper cutter
- laser cutter
- lathe cutter
- left-hand cutter
- left-hand milling cutter
- master cutter
- metal saw cutter
- milled teeth cutter
- milling cutter for indexable inserts
- milling cutter
- multibladed mill cutter
- multiface cutter
- multiinsert cutter
- multiple thread cutter
- multiple-type thread milling cutter
- nongenerating cutter
- notch cutter
- oversize shaper cutter
- oxyacetylene cutter
- paper cutter
- parallel shank shaper cutter
- pinion-shaped cutter
- pinion-type cutter
- pipe cutter
- plain milling cutter
- plain side milling cutter
- plasma cutter
- plate cutter
- polycrystalline cutter
- portable pipe cutter
- preshave shaper cutter
- profile cutter
- profile-relieved cutter
- protuberance-type shaper cutter
- quadruple bolt cutter
- rack-shaped cutter
- rack-type cutter
- radius cutter
- radiusing cutter
- rapid change cutter
- reamer-fluting cutter
- reference cutter
- right-hand cutter
- right-hand milling cutter
- ripper cutter
- rod cutter
- roll-end cutter
- rose cutter
- rotary cutter
- rotary face milling cutter
- roughing cutter
- roughing shaper cutter
- routing cutter
- saw cutter
- scrap cutter
- scraping-out cutter
- screwed hub shaper cutter
- screw-slotting cutter
- segmental cutter
- semitopping shaper cutter
- serration shaper cutter
- shank milling cutter
- shank shaper cutter
- shank-type milling cutter
- shank-type shaper cutter
- shaped profile cutter
- shaper cutter with protuberance
- shaper cutter
- shaving cutter
- shear-speed cutter
- shell-end cutter
- shell-end milling cutter
- shell-type cutter
- shell-type milling cutter
- side cutter
- side milling cutter
- side-and-face milling cutter
- single-angle cutter
- single-angle milling cutter
- single-bit boring double cutter
- single-blade cutter
- single-bolt cutter
- single-corner rounding cutter
- single-corner rounding milling cutter
- single-formed cutter
- single-point cutter
- single-point fly cutter
- single-side cutter
- single-thread cutter
- single-thread milling cutter
- sintered-carbide-tipped cutter
- six-fluted cutter
- sizing shave cutter
- slabbing cutter with nicked teeth
- slabbing cutter with spiral nicked teeth
- slabbing cutter
- slab-type cutter
- slab-type milling cutter
- slitting cutter
- slitting gang cutter
- slitting milling cutter
- slotting cutter
- slotting milling cutter
- small taper shank shaper cutter
- solid cutter
- spherical cutter
- spherical head cutter
- spherical-seat cutter
- spiral blades cutter
- spiral fluted cutter
- spiral milling cutter
- spiral tooth cutter
- spline milling cutter
- spot-facing cutter
- sprocket shaper cutter
- sprocket wheel cutter
- square cutter
- square milling cutter
- stagger tooth cutter
- stagger tooth side cutter
- staggered tooth milling cutter
- staggered tooth side milling cutter
- step cutter
- stepped cutter
- stocking cutter
- straddle cutters
- straddle milling cutters
- straight cutter
- straight shank cutter
- straight shank-type shaper cutter
- straight tooth cutter
- straight tooth milling cutter
- stub-milling cutter
- taper flute cutter
- taper shank shaper cutter
- tapered cutter
- tapered end cutter
- tap-fluting cutter
- tap-grooving cutter
- tee slot cutter
- thread cutter
- thread-milling cutter
- three-flute cutter
- toroidal cutter
- tracer-milling cutter
- triple-fluted cutter
- T-slot cutter
- T-slot milling cutter
- tube cutter
- tubing cutter
- twist drill cutter
- ultrasonic cutter
- undersize shaper cutter
- up-to-size cutter
- waterjet cutter
- wire cutter
- woodruff key cutter
- woodruff keyseat cutter
- worm-milling cutterEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > cutter
10 bit
1. долото, головка бура, буровая коронка2. сверло; перка; зенковка3. кусочек; отрезок; частица4. лезвие; режущая кромка5. выч. двоичная единица информации, бит; знак в двоичной системе ()6. см. bitumen, bituminouscombination pilot, drilling and reaming bit — комбинированное долото, состоящее из трёх частей: направляющей, бурящей и расширяющей
cross roller rock bit — шарошечное долото с расположением шарошек в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях
— bore bit— core bit— disk bit— drag bit— dull bit— jet bit— junk bit— rock bit— used bit
* * *
1. долото2. головка бура; буровая коронка3. битabrasive jet coring bit — колонковое долото с гидромониторными насадками для подачи абразивного бурового раствора на забой скважины
ballaset synthetic diamond bit — долото, армированное синтетическими алмазами в абразивно устойчивой матрице (для бурения плотных пород)
cavitating jet-assisted mechanical bit — долото для механического разрушения породы дополнительными насадками путем кавитационного воздействия (бурового раствора на породу в забое)
combination pilot, drilling and reaming bit — комбинированное долото, состоящее из направляющей, бурящей и расширяющей частей
cross roller rock bit — шарошечное долото с расположением шарошек в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях
diamond compact coring bit — буровая коронка, армированная поликристаллическими синтетическими алмазами
eccentric drilling bit for underreaming — эксцентричное буровое долото для расширения ствола скважины
hard-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото для бурения твёрдых пород
jet hard-alloy insert rolling cutter drilling bit — шарошечное буровое долото с твердосплавными зубьями и боковой промывкой
jet nozzled rock bit — струйное долото, гидромониторное долото; долото с нижней промывкой
massive set diamond bit — долото, армированное крупными алмазами
multisector scraping-cutting drilling bit with hard-alloy inserts — многосекторное буровое долото истирающе-режущего типа с твердосплавными вставками
offset cone-angle rolling cutter drilling bit — шарошечное буровое долото со смещёнными осями шарошек
rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото, шарошечное колонковое буровое долото
rotary core drilling bit — керновое долото для роторного бурения, колонковое долото для роторного бурения
sintered diamond coring bit — буровая коронка, армированная син тетическими алмазами, термически впекаемыми в матрицу
sintered tungsten-carbide teeth drilling bit — буровое долото со вставными зубьями из карбида вольфрама
soft-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото для мягких горных пород
to break a drilling bit off — отвинчивать буровое долото;
to buildback a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to buildup a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to pull a drilling bit green — поднимать буровое долото несработанным;
— bore bit— bull bit— core bit— disk bit— drag bit— dull bit— jet bit— junk bit— rock bit— shot bit— spud bit— used bit
* * *
долото, буровая коронка, головка бура (состоит из режущего и циркуляционного элементов; циркуляционный элемент обеспечивает продвижение бурового раствора и использование гидравлической силы жидкого потока для увеличения скорости бурения).
* * *
2. буровое долото; головка бура
* * *
1) долото2) головка бура; буровая коронка3) долото бура; коронка для алмазного бурения4) режущий инструмент; сверло5) бит•bit for underreaming — эксцентрическое долото для расширения скважины;
to break a drilling bit off — отвинчивать буровое долото;
to buildback a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to buildup a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to dress a bit — заправлять долото;
to pick up a drilling bit — приподнимать буровое долото;
to pull a drilling bit — поднимать буровое долото;
- abrasive jet bitto pull a drilling bit green — поднимать буровое долото несработанным;
- abrasive jet coring bit
- air-drilling bit
- air-type bit
- alloy bit
- alloy throw-away bit
- all-purpose bit
- annular bit
- Appleman gumbo bit
- auger bit
- balanced bit
- balanced drilling bit
- ballaset coring bit
- ballaset synthetic diamond bit
- balled-up drilling bit
- basket bit
- bevel-wall bit
- bi-center drilling bit
- big-stone bit
- blade bit
- blade-diamond drilling bit
- blade-drilling bit
- blade-type diamond bit
- blank bit
- blank-casing bit
- blasthole bit
- blind bit
- blunt bit
- blunt drilling bit
- bodiless rolling-cutter drilling bit
- bore bit
- boreway bit
- boring bit
- bort bit
- bort-set bit
- bottom cleanout bit
- bottom discharge bit
- bottoming-type bit
- box-thread bit
- box-type bit
- box-type rolling cutter drilling bit
- broaching bit
- broken-in bit
- bull bit
- bull point drilling bit
- bullnose bit
- burnt bit
- button bit
- button roller bit
- cable drilling bit
- cable tool bit
- California pattern bit
- California-type ideal fishtail bit
- carbide bit
- carbide insert bit
- carbide-type bit
- carboloy-set bit
- carbon bit
- carbonado bit
- carbon-set bit
- carbon-steel bit
- Carr bit
- casing bit
- casing shoe bit
- cast bit
- castellated bit
- cast-insert bit
- cast-set bit
- cavitating jet-assisted mechanical bit
- center bit
- center-hole bit
- chain bit
- changed bit
- chert drilling bit
- chip bit
- chipping-type drilling bit
- chisel bit
- chisel-chopping bit
- chisel-crest insert bit
- chisel-drilling bit
- chisel-type bit
- chopping bit
- chopping drilling bit
- churn-drill bit
- clay bit
- clean-out bit
- collapsible drilling bit
- collaring bit
- combination pilot, drilling and reaming bit
- common bit
- concave bit
- concave diamond drilling bit
- concave plug bit
- cone bit
- cone-and-blade rock drilling bit
- cone-rock bit
- cone-type roller bearing rock bit
- cone-type rolling cutter drilling bit
- conical bit
- convex bit
- core bit
- core-barrel bit
- core-crusher diamond drilling bit
- core-drilling bit
- core-ejector drilling bit
- coreless bit
- coreless drilling bit
- coring bit
- coring drilling bit
- corncob bit
- cross bit
- cross-bladed chisel bit
- cross-chopping bit
- cross-edged bit
- cross-plug bit
- cross-roller bit
- cross-roller rock bit
- cross-section button bit
- cross-section cone bit
- cross-section milled tooth core bit
- cross-section roller core bit
- crown bit
- crowned bit
- cruciform bit
- crushing rock drilling bit
- cutaway wing bit
- cutting-shearing drilling bit
- cutting-type core drilling bit
- cutting-type drilling bit
- Davis cutter bit
- deflecting bit
- deflecting jet drilling bit
- deflection bit
- demountable bit
- demountable drilling bit
- detachable bit
- detachable tungsten carbide insert bit
- deviation control bit
- diamond bit
- diamond-blade drilling bit
- diamond-compact bit
- diamond-compact coring bit
- diamond-core drilling bit
- diamond-crown bit
- diamond-drilling bit
- diamond-drilling core bit
- diamond-impregnated bit
- diamond-insert drilling bit
- diamond-particle bit
- diamond-plug bit
- diamond-point bit
- diamond-point drilling bit
- diamond-set bit
- diamond-set hard metal alloy drilling bit
- differential rolling-cutter drilling bit
- digging bit
- Dimitriyev bit
- disk bit
- double-arc bit
- double-cone bit
- double-cone drilling bit
- double-round nose bit
- double-taper bit
- drag bit
- drag-chisel drilling bit
- drag-drilling bit
- dress bit
- dress drilling bit
- drill bit
- drill-rod bit
- drive bit
- drop-center bit
- dull bit
- dull drilling bit
- dulled drilling bit
- eccentric bit
- eccentric drilling bit
- eccentric underreaming bit
- erosion drilling bit
- even-duty bit
- expandable drilling bit
- expansion bit
- extended insert core bit
- expansion drilling bit
- extended gage bit
- extended nozzle bit
- face-discharge bit
- face-discharge diamond bit
- face-ejection bit
- factory-set bit
- failure bit
- Ferrax journal bit
- finger bit
- finger rotary detachable bit
- finishing bit
- fishtail bit
- fishtail drag bit
- fishtail drilling bit
- flat bit
- flat-face bit
- flat-nose bit
- forged bit
- forged two-wing bit
- four-blade drilling bit
- four-blade rotation bit
- fourble cutter core drilling bit
- four-cone rock drilling bit
- four-cutter rock drilling bit
- four-disk reaming bit
- four-point bit
- four-roller bit
- four-way bit
- four-way drag drilling bit
- four-way rotation bit
- four-wing bit
- four-wing churn drilling bit
- four-wing drag drilling bit
- four-wing drilling bit
- four-wing reaming bit
- four-wing rotary bit
- four-wing rotation bit
- free-falling bit
- fresh bit
- freshly-sharpened bit
- friction bearing bit
- full-gage bit
- full-gage deflecting drilling bit
- full-gage drilling bit
- full-hole bit
- full-hole rock drilling bit
- full-round nose bit
- full-size drilling bit
- geophysical jetting bit
- gimlet bit
- gouge bit
- gravity aspirator bit
- green bit
- gumbo drilling bit
- half-round nose bit
- hand-set bit
- hard-alloy bit
- hard-alloy button drilling bit
- hard-alloy crown bit
- hard-alloy drilling bit
- hard-alloy insert drilling bit
- hard-faced drilling bit
- hard-formation bit
- hard-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit
- hard-metal bit
- hawthorn bit
- heavy-set diamond core drilling bit
- heavy-set diamond drilling bit
- hexagon bit
- high-center bit
- high-pressure bit
- high-pressure diamond bit
- high-pressure drag bit
- high-pressure roller bit
- hollow bit
- hollow drill bit
- Hughes disk bit
- impact action bit
- impregnated bit
- impregnated casing bit
- impregnated diamond drilling bit
- injection drill bit
- insert bit
- insert drilling bit
- insert rock bit
- insert roller core bit
- insert set bit
- insert-type bit
- integral bit
- interchangeable bit
- jack bit
- jet bit
- jet assisted drag bit
- jet assisted roller bit
- jet circulation bit
- jet diamond bit
- jet drilling bit
- jet fishtail drilling bit
- jet hard-alloy insert rolling cutter drilling bit
- jet nozzled rock bit
- jet percussive bit
- jet pump pellet impact drill bit
- jet rock drilling bit
- jet roller bit
- jet rolling cutter drilling bit
- jet two-blade drag bit
- jet two-blade drilling bit
- jet-type tricone bit
- journal-bearing bit
- journal-bearing insert bit
- journal-bearing milled tooth bit
- junk bit
- large-stone bit
- lead bit
- lead drilling bit
- light set bit
- long-inserts bit
- long-shank chopping bit
- long-teeth milled cutter roller core bit
- low-torque drilling bit
- machine-set bit
- machine-sharpened bit
- masonry bit
- massive set diamond bit
- mechanical-set bit
- medium-formation bit
- medium-inserts bit
- medium-round nose bit
- medium-stone bit
- milled-cutter bit
- milled-cutter core bit
- milled-cutter cross section core bit
- milled-teeth drilling bit
- milling bit
- Mother Hubbard bit
- mud bit
- multiblade drilling bit
- multilayer bit
- multilayer diamond drilling bit
- multisector scraping-cutting drilling bit with hard-alloy inserts
- multistone bit
- new bit
- noncoring bit
- off-balance bit
- off-balance drilling bit
- offset chopping bit
- offset cone-angle rolling cutter drilling bit
- oil-field bit
- oil-field rotary bit
- oil-well bit
- oil-well jet bit
- oil-well jet coring bit
- one-cutter rock drilling bit
- opening bit
- oriented diamond bit
- out-of-gage bit
- overburden bit
- overman bit
- oversize drilling bit
- padded bit
- paddle reaming bit
- paddy bit
- paraffin bit
- pellet impact bit
- pencil-core bit
- Pennsylvanian bit
- percussion bit
- percussion-drag drilling bit
- percussion-drilling bit
- percussive coring bit
- pilot bit
- pilot blast-hole bit
- pilot reaming bit
- pineapple drilling bit
- pipe bit
- pipe shoe bit
- placer bit
- plain fishtail drilling bit
- plug bit
- plugged bit
- plugged drilling bit
- pod bit
- pointed drilling bit
- polycrystalline diamond cutter bit
- powder metal bit
- precementing reamer bit
- processed bit
- pyramid-set bit
- quadricone rock drilling bit
- quenched bit
- quill bit
- radial diamond drilling bit
- random set bit
- rathole bit
- reamer bit
- reaming bit
- redrill bit
- Reed roller bit
- removable drill bit
- replaceable bit
- replaceable-blade bit
- replaceable-cutter head bit
- replaceable-head bit
- replacement bit
- rerun drilling bit
- reset bit
- restricted bit
- retractable bit rock
- retracted expandable drilling bit
- reverse circulation drilling bit
- reversed fishtail drilling bit
- reversed two-blade drilling bit
- ring bit
- ringed-out bit
- ripper step bit
- rock bit
- rock bit with lubricant bearing
- rock-cutter drilling bit
- rock-drilling bit
- rock-roller bit
- rod bit
- roller bit
- roller-cone core bit
- roller-cutter core bit
- roller-cutter drilling bit
- rolling cutter expandable drilling bit
- rolling-cutter rock bit
- rose bit
- rotary bit
- rotary core bit
- rotary core drilling bit
- rotary disk bit
- rotary disk drilling bit
- rotary rock bit
- rotation bit
- round-face bit
- round shoulder bit
- rugged bit
- saw bit
- sawtooth bit
- scraping-cutting-type drilling bit
- seal bit
- sealed bearing insert bit
- sealed roller bit
- sectional rolling-cutter drilling bit
- self-cleaning bit
- self-cleaning cone rock drilling bit
- self-cleaning cone rolling cutter drilling bit
- self-sharpening bit
- self-sharpening drilling bit
- semicoring bit
- semiround nose bit
- semispherical bit
- set bit
- sharp bit
- shoe-type washover bit
- shot bit
- shoulder bit
- side-hole bit
- side-tracking bit
- simulated insert bit
- single-bladed bit
- single-chisel bit
- single-layer bit
- single-layer diamond drilling bit
- single-round nose bit
- sintered bit
- sintered diamond bit
- sintered diamond coring bit
- sintered tungsten-carbide teeth drilling bit
- six-cone drilling bit
- six-cutter drilling bit
- six-roller drilling bit
- slip-on bit
- slug bit
- small-stone bit
- smooth bit
- soft-formation bit
- soft-formation insert bit
- soft-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit
- soft-formation tricone bit
- solid bit
- solid concave bit
- solid crown bit
- spade bit
- spark assisted roller drill bit
- spiral bit
- spiral diamond drilling bit
- spiral drilling bit
- spiral whipstock bit
- spoon bit
- spud bit
- spudding drilling bit
- square-nose bit
- square-shoulder bit
- standard core bit
- star bit
- star cable bit
- star pattern drilling bit
- steel bit
- steel-teeth bit
- step bit
- step-core bit
- step-crown bit
- step-face bit
- step-shaped diamond drilling bit
- step-shaped drilling bit
- stepped-crown bit
- straight bit
- straight-chopping bit
- straight-hole bit
- straight-sided core bit
- straight-wall bit
- streamlined waterway bit
- structure bit
- stuck drilling bit
- surface-set bit
- Swedish bit
- taper bit
- tapered bit
- tapered core bit
- tapered socket bit
- tapered step-core bit
- tapered stepped profile bit
- taper-wall bit
- tear-drop set bit
- T-gage bit
- thin-faced bit
- thin-kerf bit
- thin-wall bit
- three-blade drilling bit
- three-cone bit
- three-cone expandable drilling bit
- three-cone rock drilling bit
- three-cutter expandable drilling bit
- three-point bit
- three-point core drilling bit
- three-roller bit
- three-rolling cutter drilling bit
- three-stage drilling bit
- three-way bit
- three-way drilling bit
- three-winged bit
- throw-away bit
- tipped bit
- toothed drilling bit
- toothed roller bit
- torpedo bit
- top hole bit
- tricone bit
- tricone bit with tungsten carbide inserts
- tricone drilling bit
- tricone expandable drilling bit
- tricone jet rock drilling bit
- tricone rock drilling bit
- tricone roller rock bit
- trigger bit
- true-rolling bit
- tungsten-carbide boring bit
- tungsten-carbide drag bit
- tungsten-carbide insert drilling bit
- tungsten-carbide tipped bit
- tungsten-insert bit
- twin-cone bit
- twist bit
- twisted bit
- two-blade drag drilling bit
- two-cone bit
- two-cone drilling bit
- two-cone expandable drilling bit
- two-cutter expandable drilling bit
- two-disk bit
- two-point bit
- two-prong rotary bit
- two-roller bit
- two-way bit
- two-wing drag drilling bit
- unbalanced jet drilling bit
- undergage bit
- underreaming bit
- underweight bit
- unfaced drilling bit
- unstabilized drilling bit
- used bit
- vibrating bit
- wedge bit
- wedge-reaming bit
- wedge-set bit
- wedging bit
- wheel-type drilling bit
- whole-stone bit
- winged scraping bit
- wireline bit
- wireline core drilling bit
- wireline drilling bit
- worn bit
- worn-out drilling bit
- X-bit
- X-shape bit
- Z-bit
- Z-shape bit
- Zublin bit
- Zublin differential bit* * * -
11 tool
1) инструмент; орудие, орудие производства2) резец; инструмент, режущий инструмент; черновой резец ( зубострогального станка)3) приспособление; оснастка4) pl инструментарий; средства; совокупность инструментов6) налаживать ( станок)•to adjust the tool axially — регулировать инструмент в осевом направлении, смещать инструмент в осевом направлении
- 3D modeling toolsto tool roughly — начерно обрабатывать, грубо обрабатывать
- abrading tool
- abrasive tool
- AC-assisted machine tool
- activated tool
- adapter tool
- adjusting tool
- AI tools
- AI-based modeling tools
- air tool
- alternate tool
- analysis tool
- angle head tool
- angle portable tool
- angled tool
- angle-drilling tool
- annular broaching tool
- antivibration jumper installing tool
- application tools
- arm tool
- assembly tool
- assigned tool
- auxiliary tool
- backspot-facing tool
- backup tool
- back-working tool
- bad tool
- ball nose end cutting tool
- ball-nosed cutting tool
- band tool
- bending tool
- bent tool
- best tools
- blanking tool
- block tool
- boring tool
- box tool
- brazed tool
- brazed-tip tool
- broach tool
- broaching tool
- broad-nose finishing tool
- broad-nosed finishing tool
- broad-nosed tool
- broad-parting tool
- broad-tool
- BTA tool
- bucking tool
- burnishing tool
- burring tool
- cam-controlled machine tool
- carbide tool
- carbide-faced tool
- carbide-inserted tool
- carbide-tipped tool
- carbon-steel tool
- cartridge-type tool
- caulking tool
- CBN cutting tool
- CBN tool
- cemented carbide tool
- cemented-oxide tool
- center tool
- centering tool
- centering-and-facing tool
- ceramic tool
- chamfering tool
- chasing tool
- chemical vapor deposited tools
- chipped tool
- circular form tool
- circular tool
- clamped-tip tool
- clamping tool
- clipping tool
- CNC tools
- CNC ultra-precision machine tool
- CNC-sharpened tool
- coated tool
- coated-carbide cutting tool
- coining press tool
- collet release tool
- collet tool
- combination internal-external tool
- combination machine tool
- combination tool
- combined tool
- computer-controlled machine tool
- contour form milling tool
- contour milling tool
- contour turning tool
- control tools
- coolant-fed tool
- copy lathe tool
- copying tool
- cordless SPC tool
- core tool
- corrugated tool
- counterboring tool
- counter-rotating tool
- cross-drilling/milling tools
- crossworking tool
- crowning shaving tool
- cubic-boron-nitride cutting tool
- cup tool
- curling press tool
- customized machine tool
- cutoff tool
- cutter tool
- cutting laser tool
- cutting tool with inserted blades
- cutting tool
- cutting-off bit tool
- cutting-off tool
- CVD tools
- dead-end tool
- debugging tools
- deburring tool
- dedicated tool
- deep pocket tool
- design tools
- design verification tools
- development tools
- diagnostics tools
- diamond burnishing tool
- diamond tool
- diamond-coated tool
- diamond-edge tool
- diamond-plated tool
- diamond-turning tool
- digitized tool
- disposable cutting tools
- disposable insert tool
- DNC machine tool
- DNC-supported machine tool
- double-acting deburring tool
- double-diameter tool
- double-index roughing tool
- dressing tool
- drill burnishing tool
- drill tool
- drill/tap tool
- drilling tool
- driven tool
- driving tool
- duplicate tools
- edge tool
- EDM tool
- embossing press tool
- end mill tool
- end tool
- end-cutting tool
- end-working tool
- engraving tool
- erecting tool
- expandable abrading tool
- expanding block boring tool
- expanding block-type boring tool
- external tool
- external turning tool
- face grooving tool
- facing tool
- fastening tool
- feed-out tool
- fillet tool
- filleting tool
- fine boring tool
- finish tool
- finish-cut tool
- finishing tool
- first-selection backup tools
- fixed tool
- flat form tool
- flatted parallel shank tool
- flooded coolant tool
- fluted tool
- fly tool
- follow tools
- form tool
- forming machine tool
- forming tool
- fresh cutting tool
- front endworking tool
- gaged master tool
- ganged tools
- gear cutting tool
- gear tool
- general-purpose machine tool
- generating tool
- gooseneck tool
- grabbing tool
- grinding tool
- gripper tool
- gripping tool
- grooving tool
- hand-guided tool
- hand-held grinding tool
- hand-held tool
- hard pointed tool
- heading tool
- heavy-duty machine tool
- high-positive geometry tool
- high-positive-rake tool
- high-speed machine tool
- high-speed steel tool
- high-speed steel-cutting tool
- high-usage tools
- hold-down tool
- honing tool
- hot-set tool
- ID step tool
- ID tool
- idling tool
- image acquisition tools
- impregnated abrasive tool
- impregnated diamond tool
- inactive tool
- indexable cutting tool
- indexable-insert tool
- indexing machine tool
- infeed slide tool
- injection tool
- in-line powered tool
- insert tool
- inserted blade-type tool
- inserted carbide tool
- inserted tip tool
- insertion tool
- inside corner tool
- inside recessing tool
- inside turning tool
- inspection tool
- installation tool
- integrated tools
- integration tools
- interactive design tools
- internal boring tool
- internal diameter tool
- internally operating tool
- inward flanging press tool
- ironing press tool
- irradiated tool
- knowledge engineering tools
- knurling tool
- lab-quality inspection tool
- lancing press tool
- lapping tool
- large hybrid system building tools
- large narrow system building tools
- laser alignment tools
- laser leveling tool
- laser tool
- lathe tool
- layout tool
- left-hand tool
- leveling tool
- LH tool
- life-expired tool
- linear mounted tool
- locating tool
- logic-synthesis tools
- machine tool
- machining tool
- manually adjustable tool
- marking tool
- master tool
- measuring tool
- metal-cutting tool
- metalforming machine tool
- microsizing tool
- migrating tool
- milling tool
- miniCNC machine tool
- misplaced tool
- mis-set tool
- modeling tools
- modular tool
- mold tool
- molding tool
- monocrystalline diamond tool
- multicavity molding tool
- multifaceted tool
- multifluted tool
- multigrooving tool
- multiimpression injection tool
- multiple blanking tool
- multiple insert tool
- multiple-cavity mold tool
- multiple-impression press tool
- multipoint tool
- multipoint-cutting tool
- multitoothed tool
- narrow system building tools
- NC machine tool
- NC tool
- negative-rake cutting tool
- noncutting machine tool
- nonrotating tool
- notching press tool
- odd-fluted cutting tool
- OD-turning tool
- OD-working tool
- offset tool
- oil hole tool
- old tool
- one-sensor-one tool
- operating tool
- order-related tool
- outward flanging press tool
- pallet tools
- parallel-shank tool
- parallel-shanked tool
- particle-type dressing tool
- parting press tool
- parting tool
- part-off tool
- PCD tool
- percussive tool
- perishable tool
- physicochemical machine tool
- pickup tool
- piercing tool
- placement tool
- planer tool
- planing tool
- platen-mounted tool
- pneumatic tool
- polishing machine tool
- polycrystalline CBN cutting tool
- polycrystalline-diamond-edge tool
- polycrystalline-diamond-tipped tool
- polygon tool
- polygonal tool
- portable air tool
- portable expanding tool
- portable pneumatic tool
- portable power tool
- portable sinking tool
- portable tool
- positive/negative tool
- positive/positive tool
- positive-rake cutting tool
- positive-rake tool
- power tools
- powered rotary tool
- powered tool
- power-positioned tool
- preadjusted tool
- preformed boring tool
- preset qualified tool
- preset tool
- presettable tool
- press tool
- prismatic tool
- probe tool
- process tool
- processing tool
- production machine tool
- profiling tool
- programming tools
- protuberance tool
- punching press tool
- qualified tool
- quick-change tools
- rack-type tool
- radial cutting tool
- radioactive tool
- random tool
- rapid change tool
- rapidly wearing tool
- rear endworking tool
- rebuilt machine tool
- recessing tool
- reciprocating gear cutting tool
- reconditioned tool
- refurbished tool
- replaceable-insert tool
- replacement tool
- retrofitted machine tool
- RH tool
- right-angled powered tool
- right-hand tool
- rivet shaving tool
- roller-burnishing tool
- roll-forming tool
- rolling-in tool
- rotary pneumatic tool
- rotary tool
- rotating tool
- rotating turret tool
- rough boring tool
- rough cut tool
- roughing tool
- rough-turning tool
- round tool
- rounded tool
- round-nose tool
- round-nosed tool
- router tool
- routing tool
- scraping tool
- screw-cutting tool
- screw-rolling tool
- second selection backup tools
- segmented bulging press tool
- self-correcting tool
- shank tool
- shankless cutting tool
- shaped tool
- shaper-cutting tool
- shaping tool
- shared tools
- shaving press tool
- shaving tool
- shear tool
- short chipping tool
- side cutting tool
- side tool
- silicon nitride cutting tools
- silicon nitride tool
- simulation tools
- single-crystal tool
- single-layer tool
- single-pass tool
- single-point threading tool
- single-point tool
- single-purpose machine tool
- single-tip tool
- sister tool
- slitting tool
- slotting tool
- smoothing roller tool
- software development tools
- software tools
- software-based integration tools
- solid bit tool
- solid carbide tool
- solid modeling tools
- solid tool
- SPC tool
- specialized machine tool
- specially outfitted machine tool
- spent tool
- spindle probe tool
- spinning tool
- spline drive tool
- split bulging press tool
- spot-facing tool
- spotting tool
- square cutting tool
- square thread tool
- stamping tool
- static tool
- stationary tool
- step tool
- straight portable tool
- straight shank tool
- straight tool
- straight turning tool
- stripping tool
- stub boring tool
- superabrasive-plated tool
- support tools
- surfacing tool
- swan-neck tool
- sweep tool
- sweeping tool
- tail-end tools
- taper shank tool
- tapered shank tool
- tapping tool
- taught tool
- testing tools
- thermal tool
- thread milling tool
- thread turning tool
- thread-cutting tool
- threaded shank tool
- threading tool
- thread-rolling tool
- throwaway carbide tool
- throwaway insert tool
- throwaway tip tool
- throwaway tool
- tipped tool
- titanium-carbide-coated tool
- to tool up
- touch sensitive tool
- transfer tool
- transparent tool
- trepanning tool
- triangular cutting tool
- trim tool
- truing tool
- tube-expanding tool
- Tunruf tool
- turning tool
- turret tool
- ultrasonic tool
- undercutting tool
- underrun tool
- underused tool
- underutilized tool
- undetected broken tool
- unit-type machine tool
- universal boring and thread milling tool
- unmanned machine tool
- untended CNC machine tool
- versatile machine tool
- vibrating tool
- viscous damped tool
- visualization tools
- V-thread tool
- wear-prone tool
- welding laser tool
- wide-finishing tool
- wire-forming tool
- wireless measuring tool
- wobble broach tool
- wood-cutting tool
- workplace tool
- worm-configured tool
- worn cutting tool
- X-axis tool
- Y-axis tool
- Z-axis toolEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > tool
12 cutter
1) горн. выемочный комбайн2) нефт. шарошка3) резак; нож4) режущий инструмент; резец; фреза6) плашка8) сил. отрезной стол9) мн. ч. кусачки10) насечка11) полигр., пищ. резальное устройство; резальная машина12) куттер13) рекордер15) гравёр16) сил. гранильщик17) швейн. раскройная машина18) швейн. раскройщик; закройщик19) с.-х. жатка; косилка; режущий аппарат20) с.-х. измельчитель, измельчающий аппарат•-
acetylene cutter
air-bearing fly cutter
angle-milling cutter
arbor-type milling cutter
arbor-type cutter
automated coal cutter
bale cutter
ball-ended type cutter
bar cutter
bar-and-cake soap cutter
bark cutter
beam cutter
bias cutter
bolt cutter
boring cutter
bush cutter
butter cutter
carbide tipped inserted blade cutter
carbide-tipped milling cutter
circular cutter
clay cutter
cloth cutter
coal cutter
coarse-tooth milling cutter
coarse-tooth cutter
comb cutter
concave form milling cutter
concave form cutter
conical milling cutter
conical cutter
core-forming rolling cutter
cross rolling cutters
crushing cutter
crystal cutter
cutoff cutter
diamond cutter
diamond tool fly cutter
die cutter
disk cutter
disk rolling cutter
disk-type gear milling cutter
disk-type gear cutter
double-angle milling cutter
double-angle cutter
double-shaft bowl cutter
electromagnetic cutter
emery cutter
end-mill type gear cutter
end-milling cutter
explosive pipe cutter
external pipe cutter
face-milling cutter
feat-ended cutter
file cutter
film cutter
filter tube cutter
fine-tooth milling cutter
fine-tooth cutter
fish cutter
flame cutter
flexographic die cutter
fluting cutter
fly cutter
form-milling cutter
form-relieved milling cutter
form-relieved cutter
gage rolling cutter
gang cutter
gate cutter
gear-milling cutter
glass cutter
greens cutter
grits cutter
grooving cutter
guillotine cutter
gusset cutter
half-side milling cutter
half-side cutter
helical-flute milling cutter
helical-flute cutter
hobbing cutter
hole-boring cutter
hot-wire cutter
hydraulic pipe cutter
inserted blade cutter
inserted teeth cutter
insert-type rolling cutter
inside pipe cutter
jet pipe cutter
keyway-milling cutter
metalI slitting cutter
milling cutter
molding cutter
multicone rolling cutter
multinozzle cutter
multiple-thread milling cutter
multiple-thread cutter
open frame cutter
outside circular pipe cutter
paper cutter
piezoelectric cutter
pipe cutter
plain milling cutter
plain cutter
reground cutter
retracting milling cutter
revenue cutter
roller cutter
root cutter
sand-jet pipe cutter
score cutter
scrap cutter
separate nozzle gas cutter
shank-type milling cutter
shank-type cutter
shaping cutter
shaving cutter
sheet cutter
shell-milling cutter
side milling cutter
side cutter
side angle milling cutter
side angle cutter
single-angle milling cutter
single-angle cutter
single-thread millingcutter
single-thread cutter
slot-milling cutter
slug cutter
soap cutter
solid milling cutter
solid cutter
solid-molding cutter
spiral milling cutter
splicing cutter
sprue cutter
staple cutter
straight-flute milling cutter
straight-flute cutter
strip cutter
tab cutter
tea cutter
thread-milling cutter
timber cutter
tobacco cutter
toothed rolling cutter
tubing cutter
turf cutter
vacuum cutter
vegetable cutter
water jet coal cutter
wire cutters
wire rope cutter -
13 tooling
1) технологическая оснастка; инструментальная оснастка2) инструменты, режущие инструменты•- 50-taper toolingtooling up — оснащение ( станка) инструментами и приспособлениями
- angle-head tooling
- ANSI vee tooling
- assembly tooling
- automatic size control tooling
- back tooling
- backup tooling
- blazed carbon tipped tooling
- block tooling
- block-style tooling
- built-up tooling
- carbide inserted tooling
- carbide-tipped tooling
- ceramic tipped tooling
- chip removal tooling
- cluster tooling
- CNC tooling
- coated tooling
- combination tooling
- custom tooling
- dedicated tooling
- deep hole tooling
- delicate tooling
- diamond tooling
- die tooling
- double D tooling
- driven tooling
- durable tooling
- end-of-arm tooling
- fast-change tooling
- fast-indexing tooling
- ganged tooling
- gang-type tooling
- high-speed carbide tooling
- indexable-insert tooling
- insert tooling
- ISO 50 tooling
- ISO tooling
- linear tooling
- live tooling
- long-taper tooling
- machine tooling
- machining-center-type tooling
- master tooling
- modular component tooling
- modular tooling
- multigrip tooling
- multihead tooling
- multiple tooling
- off-the-shelf tooling
- one-piece tooling
- palletized tooling
- parallel shank tooling
- part family tooling
- part-separation tooling
- PCD tooling
- peripheral tooling
- perishable tooling
- permanent-set tooling
- power-driven tooling
- powered tooling
- preset tooling
- presettable tooling
- production tooling
- quick-change tooling
- radial tooling
- redundant tooling
- robot tooling
- rotary tooling
- set tooling
- short-taper tooling
- single D tooling
- single-point tooling
- sister tooling
- snap-change tooling
- solid carbide tooling
- spindle tooling
- split-design tooling
- static tooling
- straight-shank tooling
- support tooling
- templet tooling
- through-coolant tooling
- throwaway tooling
- top tooling
- triangular-shank tooling
- tungsten carbide tooling
- turret tooling
- V-flange tooling
- workpiece support toolingEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > tooling
14 bit
режущий инструмент; зубок; буровая коронка, головка бура, сверло, долото; резец; бит (существует 177 наименований)•
- dress a bit
- alloy tipped bit
- auger bit
- auger twist bit
- bore bit
- boring bit
- borway bit
- bottom-discharge bit
- bottoming type bit
- broaching bit
- bull bit
- bullnose bit
- carbide bit
- carbon bit
- carbon-steel bit
- carr bit
- casing bit
- cast bit
- cast-insert bit
- castset bit
- castset diamond bit
- centre bit
- centre-hole bit
- chamfering bit
- chisel bit
- chopping bit
- churn-drill bit
- clean-out bit
- collapsible drilling bit
- common bit
- cone bit
- concave bit
- convex bit
- core bit
- coreless bit
- coring bit
- corncob bit
- cornish bit
- countersink bit
- cross bit
- cross-chopping bit
- cross-cut bit
- cross-edged bit
- cross roller bit
- crowned bit
- cruciform bit
- cutter bit
- cutting bit
- detachable bit
- diamond bit
- diamond-impregnated bit
- diamond-point bit
- diamond-set bit
- disk bit
- double-taper bit
- drag bit
- drag rotary detachable bit
- drill bit
- drilling bit
- dull bit
- eccentric bit
- even-duty bit
- expansion bit
- factory-set bit
- finger rotary detachable bit
- fishtail bit
- flat bit
- flat-faced bit
- forged bit
- four-point bit
- four-pointed bit
- four-wing drilling bit
- four-wing rotary bit
- full-hole bit
- full-hole rock bit
- dimlet bit
- gouge bit
- hand-set bit
- hard-metal bit
- hexagon bit
- high-centre bit
- impregnated bit
- insert rack bit
- integral bit
- interchangeable bit
- jack bit
- jet bit
- jumper bit
- mortising bit
- multistone bit
- non-coring bit
- nose bit
- oil-field bit
- oil-field rotary bit
- oil-well bit
- opening bit
- oriented bit
- oriented diamond bit
- overburden bit
- pencil coring bit
- percussive coring bit
- pilot bit
- pilot-type bit
- pilot reaming bit
- pipe bit
- plane bit
- plogh bit
- plug bit
- pod bit
- removable drill bit
- rose bit
- quenched bit
- quill bit
- random-set bit
- reamer bit
- reaming bit
- removable drill bit
- retractable rock bit
- reversed fishtail bit
- ring cutter bit
- rip bit
- rock bit
- rock roller bit
- roller bit
- rolling cutter bit
- roof bit
- rose bit
- rotary bit
- rotary core bit
- round-faced bit
- self-cleaning bit
- self-sharpening bit
- semi-spherical bit
- sharp bit
- shoulder-type bit
- side-hole bit
- single-chisel bit
- sintered bit
- six-point bit
- slip-on bit
- slotted bit
- soldering bit
- solid concave bit
- spade-type bit
- spoon bit
- spudding bit
- star bit
- star-shaped bit
- steel bit
- steel rip bit
- straight bit
- straight wall bit
- taper bit
- tapered bit
- tapered socket bit
- thin-faced bit
- three-cone bit
- three-point bit
- three-way bit
- three-wing bit
- throwaway bit
- tipped bit
- tool bit
- tungsten carbide bit
- tungsten carbide tipped bit
- twist bit
- two-point bit
- under-reaming bit
- wedge rose bit
- worn bit
- X-bit -
15 drill
1. сверло; дрель2. сверлить, просверливать3. бур; перфоратор; бурильный молоток4. бурить5. инструктаж; практика; тренировкаdouble core barrel drill — двойная колонковая труба для отбора керна в слабосцементированных породах
— drill by
* * *
1. бур; перфоратор; бурильный молоток; бурильная машина; бурильный станок || буритьcombination electric arc-scraper drill — установка с электродуговым и лопастным разрушением породы на забое
controlled gradient spark drill — электроискровой бур с соосной установкой изолированных друг от друга электродов
double core barrel drill — двойная колонковая труба для отбора керна (в слабосцементированних породах)
— V-drill
* * *
||сверло, бур, перфоратор, бурильный станок || бурить
* * *
* * *
1) бур; перфоратор; бурильный молоток; бурильная машина; буровой станок || бурить3) дрель; сверло; бурав•drill and fire — проходка выработки буровзрывным способом;
to drill ahead — 1) бурить ниже башмака обсадной колонны ( на значительную глубину) 2) продолжать бурение; добуривать, возобновлять бурение ( из-под башмака обсадной колонны);
- drill byto drill ahead the length of kelly — бурить на длину ведущей бурильной трубы;
- drill down
- feed drill
- drill for underground
- drill in
- drill off
- drill out
- drill over
- drill to predetermined point
- drill the pay
- drill the plug
- drill the well
- drill through casing shoe
- drill up
- drill upward
- drill under pressure
- abrasive jet drill
- adamantine drill
- air drill
- air-drifter drill
- air-driven hammer drill
- air-feed drill
- air-feed leg drill
- air-hammer drill
- air-leg rock drill
- air-operated drill
- air-operated downhole drill
- air-operated downhole percussion drill
- anvil-type percussion drill
- arc drill
- attack drill
- auger drill
- automatic feed drill
- automatically rotated stopper drill
- bar drill
- blasthole drill
- blunt drill
- breast drill
- cable drill
- cable-system drill
- cable-tool drill
- Calyx drill
- carbide-tipped drill
- cavitating jet drill
- chemical drill
- chilled-shot drill
- churn drill
- column drill
- columnal drill
- combination drill
- combination electrical arc-scraper drill
- combination mechanical-spark drill
- compressed-air drill
- continuous chain drill
- controlled gradient spark drill
- core drill
- cross-edged drill
- crawler drill
- crawler-mounted rotary blasthole drill
- crown drill
- deep-hole drill
- diamond drill
- double core barrel drill
- double-turbine drill
- downhole drill
- downhole hammer drill
- downhole hydraulic hammer drill
- down-the-hole drill
- drifter drill
- dryductor drill
- earth drill
- electrical drill
- electrical-air drill
- electrical-arc drill
- electrical-disintegration drill
- electrical-heater drill
- electrojet drill
- electronic beam drill
- erosion drill
- explosive drill
- explosive capsule drill
- exposed electrode spark drill
- face drill
- feedleg drill
- flame jet drill
- flexible drill
- forced flame drill
- frame-and-skid mounted drill
- free-fall drill
- fusion-piercing drill
- gasoline rock drill
- gravel spoon drill
- hammer drill
- hammer hand drill
- hand drill
- hand-churn drill
- hand-diamond drill
- hand-held drill
- hand-held hammer drill
- hand-held rock drill
- hand-held self-rotating air-hammer drill
- hard rock drill
- heavy hand-held rock drill
- helical drill
- high-frequency drill
- high-frequency electrical drill
- high-pressure drifter drill
- high-pressure jet drill
- high-speed drill
- high-thrust drill
- hydraulic drill
- hydraulic crawler drill
- impact drill
- implosion drill
- induction drill
- injection drill
- intermediate drill
- in-the-hole drill
- jackhammer drill
- jackleg drill
- jet-assisted mechanical drill
- jet-assisted rocket exhaust drill
- jet-pierce drill
- jet-piercing drill
- jet-pump pellet impact drill
- jetting drill
- jumper drill
- Kapelyushnikov drill
- large drill
- laser drill
- laser-assisted rock drill
- laser-oil-well drill
- laser-sonic drill
- lateral drill
- light hammer drill
- light wagon drill
- liquid explosive drill
- long-hole drill
- long-piston rock drill
- long-sash drill
- machine drill
- magnetostrictive drill
- mechanically driven drill
- mobile drill
- mobile mine drill
- motor drill
- mounted drill
- nondiamond core drill
- nuclear drill
- oil-well cavitation drill
- oil-well laser drill
- oil-well laser perforating drill
- oil-well pulsed jet drill
- oil-well spark drill
- ordinary rock drill
- pack-sack piercing drill
- parting drill
- pellet-impact drill
- percussion drill
- piercing drill
- pipe drill
- piston drill
- piston-air drill
- piston-reciprocating rock drill
- piston-type drill
- plasma drill
- plasma arc drill
- plate-shaped drill
- plugger drill
- pneumatic drill
- pneumatic rock drill
- pocket drill
- pole drill
- pop-holing drill
- portable drill
- post drill
- posting mounted drill
- post-mounted drill
- power drill
- prospecting drill
- push-feed drill
- radial drill
- radial spark drill
- rammer drill
- ratchet drill
- reciprocating drill
- reciprocating rock drill
- reconnaissance drill
- rig-mounted drill
- rock drill
- rock hammer drill
- rocket drill
- rocket exhaust drill
- roller bit implosion drill
- roof drill
- rope drill
- rope-system drill
- rotary drill
- rotary bucket drill
- rotary-percussion drill
- rotary-shot drill
- rotating rocket exhaust drill
- rubber-tired drill
- screw-feed diamond drill
- seafloor spark drill
- seismic drill
- seismograph drill
- self-contained drill
- self-hauling drill
- self-propelled drill
- shock-absorber drill
- shock-wave drill
- short-hole drill
- shot drill
- shot-boring drill
- shothole drill
- sinker drill
- skid-mounted drill
- small drill
- sonic drill
- spark drill
- spark-percussion drill
- spear-pointed drill
- spindle drill
- spiral drill
- splayed drill
- spud drill
- star drill
- steam drill
- steam-motivated diamond drill
- steam-operated drill
- stopper drill
- supersonic plasma arc oil well drill
- surface drill
- surface-mounted percussive drill
- tangential spark drill
- tap drill
- telescopic drill
- telescopic feed hammer drill
- thermal-mechanical drill
- thermal-shocking rocket drill
- thermic drill
- thermocorer drill
- top hammer drill
- traction drill
- tripod drill
- tri-point rock drill
- truck-mounted drill
- truck-mounted blasthole drill
- tubing drill
- tubular drill
- tunnel drill
- turbine cavitation drill
- turbine powered cavitation drill
- turbine spark drill
- twist drill
- ultrasonic drill
- underground drill
- unmounted drill
- V-drill
- vented drill
- vertical drill
- vibration drill
- vibratory drill
- wagon drill
- wash-boring drill
- water drill
- water-fed drill
- water-injection drill
- water-jet assisted rocket drill
- water-jet pole-hole boring drill
- water-well drill
- well drill
- wet sinker drill* * *• 1) бур; 2) бурильный молоток• 1) бурить; 2) буримый; 3) пробуренный• бур• бурить• практика -
16 pen
1) перо; пишущий элемент3) рейсфедер4) перемычка5) укрытие•-
ball-point pen
beam pen
bow pen
brush pen
capillary-flow pen
coding pen
contour pen
- display light pen -
double pen
drafting pen
felt-tipped pen
fiber-tipped pen
fountain pen
gold nib fountain pen
ink pen
killing-floor pen
killing pen
laundry pen
light pen
liquid ink ball pen
marking pen
mechanical pen
parallel line pen
retractable bail pen
ruling pen
soft-tip pen
stainless nib fountain pen
stunning pen
stylographic pen
technical drawing pen
tracing pen
W-pen -
17 plate
1. пластина; плита2. стереотип; гальваностереотип; стереотипировать; изготовлять гальваностереотип3. фотопластинка4. наносить гальваническое покрытие5. гравюра; эстамп; вкладная иллюстрация6. экслибрис7. удалять краску с пробельных элементов формы8. вымывать неэкспонированные участки фотоформыadhesive mounted plate — печатная форма, закреплённая приклеиванием
9. алюминиевая офсетная формная пластина10. алюминиевая офсетная печатная формаplate thickness — толщина пластины, толщина печатной формы
11. алюминиевая формная пластина12. алюминиевая печатная формаaqueous-developed plate — печатная форма, получаемая с использованием водного проявления
Ben Day plate — клише, в котором часть элементов изображения создана тангированием
13. изогнутая стереотипная печатная форма14. биметаллическая формная пластина15. биметаллическая печатная формаblank plate — пластина, подготовленная для гравирования
bridge plate — направляющий мостик, направляющая пластина
chalk plate — стальная пластина, покрытая мелом
16. фототипная печатная форма17. фототипная вкладная иллюстрация18. многокрасочная иллюстрация19. клише для многокрасочной печати; цветоделённая печатная формаcolor line plate — гальваностереотип, подлитый способом «колор лайн»
combination halftone-and-line plate — смешанная печатная форма, содержащая растровые и штриховые изображения
computer output printed paper plate — бумажная печатная форма с выходными данными, полученными из ЭВМ
conversion plate — форма глубокой печати, изготовленная с офсетной фотоформы
20. круглый стереотип21. изогнутая печатная формаdata plate — табличка основных параметров; фирменная табличка
deep-etch plate — офсетная печатная форма с углублёнными печатающими элементами, форма глубокого офсета
22. высекальный штамп23. штемпель, штемпельная пластина, штемпельная формаdiffusion transfer plate — форма, полученная способом диффузионного переноса изображения
direct image plate — форма с прямым изображением ; печатная форма, полученная прямым копированием
24. распашная иллюстрация; распашной вкладной лист25. форма для печатания распашной иллюстрацииduplicate plate — дубликат клише, форма-дубликат; вторичная печатная форма, стереотипная печатная форма, стереотип
26. форма, полученная гравированием27. стапельный стол самонаклада28. подающая планка; толкатель самонаклада29. плоская печатная форма30. слабая печатная формаplate copy — копия, полученная с формы
31. слабый диапозитив или негативflexo plate — флексографская печатная форма, форма флексографской печати
32. кассета фальцевальной машины33. сфальцованная иллюстрация34. неподвижный бортик, пластина для долевой загибки ткани35. рабочая пластина переднего упора36. передний упор37. полосная вкладная иллюстрация38. вкладной лист, имеющий формат страницыhalftone plate — растровая печатная форма; растровое клише
halftone color plate — растровое клише для многокрасочной печати; растровая цветоделённая печатная форма
hand-engraved plate — форма глубокой печати, полученная ручным способом
hard edges plate — растровое клише, дающее более тёмное изображение по краям
high speed projection plate — формная пластина высокой светочувствительности для проекционной съёмки
imaged plate — копия, экспонированная формная пластина
image receiving plate — пластина, воспринимающая изображение
ink plate — раскатная плита, красочная плита
laminated plate — ламинированная формная пластина; тонкая листовая форма
line plate — штриховая печатная форма; штриховое клише
39. форма плоской печати40. офсетная формная пластинаlithographic electrostatic printing plate — офсетная печатная форма, изготовленная электростатическим способом
41. магниевая формная пластина42. магниевая печатная формаmagnetic plate — печатная форма с металлической подложкой для крепления на магнитном формном цилиндре
43. эталонная печатная форма44. шрифтоноситель на пластинеminus plate — печатная форма, на которой печатающие элементы расположены ниже непечатающих
45. полиметаллическая формная пластина46. полиметаллическая офсетная форма47. выворотная форма48. формная пластина с негативным копировальным слоем49. печатная форма негативного копирования50. фотополимерная форма высокой печати типа «найлопринт»51. фотополимеризующаяся пластина типа «найлопринт»offset paper plate — бумажная офсетная форма, офсетная форма на гидрофильной бумаге
52. бумажная формная пластина53. бумажная печатная формаpattern plate — оригинальная форма, предназначенная для матрицирования
photodirect plate — бумажная формная пластина с ортохроматическим покрытием на основе галоидного серебра
54. фотополимерная пластина55. фотополимерная печатная форма56. печатная форма, полученная на пластмассовой пластине прямым способом, полимерная печатная формаswash plate — диск, насаженный на ось не под прямым углом
57. пластмассовый стереотипplus plate — печатная форма, на которой печатающие элементы возвышаются над непечатающими
58. диапозитив на фотопластинке59. формная пластина с позитивным копировальным слоемguide plate — направляющая пластина; кондуктор
60. печатная форма позитивного копированияpositive-acting plate — офсетная пластина, имеющая после копирования видимое прямое изображение
positive working printing plate — позитивная формная пластина, формная пластина позитивного копирования
powder etched plate — печатная форма, вытравленная с припудриванием
powderless etched plate — печатная форма, вытравленная без припудривания
pressing plate — прессующая губка, прессующая пластина
press-ready plate — форма, готовая к печати
61. формная пластина62. форма для многокрасочного печатания63. репродукционная фотопластинка64. перфорированная печатная форма; печатная форма с перфорированными краями65. форма с пробитыми приводочными отверстиями66. планка механизма бокового равнения67. металлическая пластина на переднем краю накладного столаregistered plate — форма, установленная в положение точной приводки
68. ребристый стереотип69. ребристая печатная формаscan plate — клише, изготовленное на фотоэлектрогравировальной машине
70. клише, имеющее растр на штрихах и заливках рисунка71. растровое клише72. очувствлённая формная пластина73. светочувствительная фотопластинкаshort-lived plate — печатная форма, имеющая малую тиражестойкость
stereotype plate — стереотип, стереотипная печатная форма, вторичная печатная форма
74. офсетная формная пластина субтрактивного типа75. форма позитивного копированияtension lock-up plate — печатная форма, закреплённая натягом
test printing plate — контрольная печатная форма, тест-форма, печатная форма для контрольных испытаний
tipped-in plate — приклеенная иллюстрация, вклейка
76. триметаллическая формная пластина77. триметаллическая печатная формаtub-grained plate — пластина, зернённая шариками
water-cooled plate — форма, охлаждаемая водой, форма с водяным охлаждением
water-developed plate — копия, проявляемая водой
web supporting plate — лентонаправляющая пластина; пластина, служащая опорой для ленты
78. офсетная пластина для изготовления формы способом натирания79. офсетная печатная форма, изготовленная способом натиранияplate supporting surface — поверхность, несущая печатную форму
18 gage
1) мера; размер; масштаб2) измерительный прибор, контрольноизмерительный прибор; манометр; датчик || измерять; контролировать3) калибр; эталон; шаблон; лекало || калибровать; эталонировать; тарировать5) толщина листа; диаметр прутка или проволоки•- C gage- not go on gage
- absolute vacuum gage
- acceptance gage
- acoustic-type strain gage
- adjustable limit plug gage
- AE gage
- air gage
- alarm gage
- angle-reading gage
- angular gage
- audit gage
- automatic gage
- back gage
- ball-ended gage
- bellows pressure gage
- bench gage
- bevel gage
- blade gage
- block gage
- bore gage
- calibrating gage
- caliper gage
- cap gage
- capacitance gage
- cavity gage
- center gage
- check gage
- checking gage
- circular geometry gage
- clearance gage
- clock gage
- coaxiality gage
- comb gage
- combined pressure-and-vacuum gage
- compound gage
- compression pressure gage
- concentricity gage
- conical gage
- control gage
- core-pasting gage
- core-setting gage
- crown tipped dial gage
- crown-to-back-measuring gage
- curve gage
- cutter axial gage
- cutter gage
- cutter length-setting gage
- cutter-setting gage
- cylindrical gage
- decimal gage
- depth gage
- depth slide gage
- dial bore gage
- dial depth gage
- dial gage reading in 0.01 mm
- dial gage
- dial indicator gage
- dial sheet gage
- dial snap gage
- dial thickness gage
- diametral gage
- diaphragm gage
- difference gage
- differential pressure gage
- digital measuring gage
- double-end gage
- double-ended gage
- dovetail gage
- draft gage
- draft-and-head gage
- drill gage
- drill point gage
- drill point grinding gage
- dual circuit air ring gage
- elastic element gage
- electric thickness gage
- electronic gage
- electronic thickness gage
- electronic-type ionization vacuum gage
- electrooptical gage
- end gage
- end-measuring gage
- external gage
- external thread gage
- extractor gage
- feeler gage
- feeler-pin gage
- female gage
- fillet gage
- finger gage
- fixed gage
- fixed limit gage
- fixture gage
- flatness gage
- flow gage
- flush-pin gage
- force balance pressure gage
- force gage
- form and contour gage
- form gage
- gap gage
- gear gage
- gear tooth caliper gage
- go gage
- GO/NO GO gage
- go-no-go gage
- grinding gage
- hand-held gage
- hardness gage
- head gage
- heavy gage
- height gage
- high-pressure flow-metering gage
- high-pressure pneumatic gage
- hole alignment gage
- hole depth gage
- hole gage
- horse-shoe gage
- hydraulic pressure gage
- ID gage
- inclined gage
- indicating gage
- indicating hole gage
- indicating snap gage
- indicator caliper gage
- induction gage
- in-process gage
- in-process grinding gage
- in-process part gage
- inside caliper gage
- inside micrometer gage
- inspection gage
- internal gage
- internal screw gage
- ionization vacuum gage
- jaw gage
- Johansson gage
- keyset gage
- keyway gage
- laser gage
- laser level gage
- laser surface finish gage
- leaf taper gage
- length gage
- length-setting gage
- level gage
- limit gage
- limit gap gage
- limit plug gage
- liquid level gage
- liquid pressure gage
- magnetic base surface gage
- magnetic thickness gage
- male gage
- marking gage
- master gage
- mating gage
- meter gage
- metric gage
- micrometer gage
- micropressure gage
- microscopic tool-setting gage
- mortise gage
- no-go thread gage
- noncontacting thickness gage
- not-go gage
- OD gage
- oil gage
- oil-level gage
- oil-pressure gage
- oil-sight gage
- optical gage
- partial pressure vacuum gage
- Penning gage
- pin gage
- pitch diameter gage
- plain gage
- planer gage
- plate form gage
- plug gage
- pneumatic gage
- point gage
- postprocess gage
- postprocess-feedback gage
- preset tooling gage
- pressure gage
- pressure-and-vacuum gage
- production gage
- profile gage
- proximity gage
- pull-force gage
- radioactive ionization gage
- radius gage
- receiving gage
- reference gage
- resistance strain gage
- reversible plug gage
- ring gage
- rod gage
- roundness gage
- screw gage
- screw pitch gage
- screw plug gage
- screw ring gage
- screw-thread plug gage
- screw-thread ring gage
- self-contained gage
- setting gage
- setup gage
- sheet gage
- shell gage
- shifting gage
- shopfloor inspection gage
- sight gage
- single-end gage
- single-ended gage
- size gage
- skid gage
- skidless gage
- slide gage
- slip gage
- snap gage
- spherical-end gage
- spherical-ended gage
- spindle strain gage
- spindle-mounted strain gage
- spline gage
- spline plug gage
- spline ring gage
- spring pressure gage
- sputter ion gage
- standard gage
- step gage
- stepwise limit gage
- stock length gage
- stop gage
- strain gage
- strip strain gage
- surface finish gage
- surface gage
- switching gage
- taper gage
- taper-type hole gage
- telescope gage
- template gage
- test gage
- test-pressure gage
- thermal conductivity gage
- thermistor gage
- thermocouple gage
- thermomolecular gage
- thickness dial gage
- thickness gage
- thread gage
- thread plug gage
- thread ring gage
- thread-checking gage
- tool-setting gage
- total pressure vacuum gage
- trigger action bore gage
- trigger action gage
- twin-wire oscillator gage
- ultrasonic thickness gage
- unilateral thickness gage
- universal setting gage
- U-tube vacuum gage
- vacuum gage
- vacuum-sensing gage
- vernier gage
- vernier-caliper gage
- vernier-depth gage
- vernier-height gage
- viscosity gage
- volumetric machine checking gage
- water gage
- water pressure gage
- wire gage
- wire-strain gage
- working gage
- X-ray thickness gageEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > gage
19 crack
1) трещина; разрыв || трескаться, растрескиваться; разрываться; раскалываться2) мн. ч. метал. проф. рванины (раскрытые разрывы вследствие пониженной пластичности)•to bridge crack — перекрывать трещину;to point crack — расшивать трещину (напр. в штукатурке)-
accelerating crack
alligator crack
arrested crack
basal crack
bifurcated crack
blunted crack
blunt crack
bond-failure crack
branched crack
branching crack
brittle fracture crack
butt crack
central crack
check crack
chill crack
chip cracks
circular crack
circumferential crack
circumferential discrete crack
clevage crack
combined mode crack
continuous crack
contraction crack
corrosion crack
corrosion-fatigue crack
craze crack
creep crack
critical crack
crotchcorner crack
crow-foot cracks
curved crack
cylindrical crack
decelerating crack
D-line cracks
double edge crack
draw crack
drying crack
edge crack
elliptically shaped crack
elliptical shaped crack
embedded crack
equilibrium crack
expansion crack
extending crack
external crack
fatigue crack
fine crack
finite crack
fire crack
flake crack
flat crack
flute crack
fold crack
forked crack
frame cracks
frost crack
grinding crack
growing crack
hair-line crack
hair crack
halfway crack
hanger crack
hardening crack
heat-treatment crack
high-velocity crack
inclined crack
interface crack
intergranular crack
interlaminar crack
internal crack
line crack
longitudinal crack
longitudinal tie crack
map cracks
minute crack
most vulnerable crack
nonbranched crack
nonextending crack
nonthrough thickness crack
nonthrough crack
normal crack
notch crack
oblique crack
panel crack
partial crack
part-through thickness crack
part-through crack
patched crack
penetrated crack
pickling cracks
plate crack
pressing crack
primary crack
progressive-type crack
progressive crack
propagating crack
quenching crack
quench crack
rail seat crack
relaxed crack
ring crack
rolled crack
root crack
secondary crack
self-propagating crack
semielliptical crack
semiinfinite crack
service-induced crack
shallow crack
sharp crack
sharp-tipped crack
shear crack
shrinkage crack
single edge crack
skin crack
slit crack
solidification crack
spreading crack
straight crack
strain crack
stress corrosion crack
stress crack
stress fatigue crack
submicroscopic crack
subsurface crack
surface crack
surface-initiated crack
tensile crack
thermal crack
thermal fatigue crack
throat crack
through-the-wall crack
through-wall crack
through-the-thickness crack
tide crack
tie center crack
toe crack
wedge-shaped crack
welding crack
well-defined crack
withdrawall roll crack -
20 die
1) штамп2) пуансон; матрица3) пресс-форма4) металлическая форма; кокиль; кристаллизатор5) волочильная доска; волока; фильера6) мундштук7) форм-блок ( гибочного пресса)8) обжимка ( для кузнечной сварки)9) головка ( экструдера)11) плашка; лерка12) архит. грань пьедестала13) квадратное основание или квадратный оголовок деревянной стойки перил14) кристалл (ИС)15) швейн. резак ( для вырубания деталей из настила)17) мн. ч. зажимные губки ( сварочных машин)18) мн. ч. кузнечный инструмент; кузнечная оснастка•-
air bend die
annular die
assembling die
backup die
beading die
bed die
bending die
blanking die
blind die
bolt die
bottom die
breakdown die
bridge die
butt welding dies
capillary die
centrifugal casting die
ceramic-faced die
chaser die
chop-out die
cold-heading die
cold-stamping die
collapsible die
compound die
counter die
creasing die
cropping die
cupping die
curling die
cutting die
diamond die
double-action die
drawing die
drop die
drop-forging die
ejector die
electroforging die
embossing die
epoxy-faced concrete die
extruder die
extrusion die
female die
finishing die
fixed die
flash welding dies
flat die
flat extrusion die
follow die
forging die
forming die
gang die
granulating die
gravity die
gripper die
hard metal-faced die
hard metal-tipped die
heading die
hollow die
hot-press die
injection die
lock die
male die
master die
metal-forming die
molding die
multiple die
offset die
one-piece die
perforating die
piercing die
pipe tongs die
pipe-cutting die
plywood die
pressing die
press die
pressure casting die
progressive die
projection welding die
punching die
reducing die
reinforced concrete die
rethreading die
ripper die
rod die
rotary die
sagging die
screw die
segment die
shaped die
shaping dies
shaving die
shear die
sheet die
silicon die
single-piece die
sintered-carbide die
sizing die
specimen die
split die
stamping die
stretching die
swage die
thread-cutting die
thread-rolling die
top die
turn head die
unit die
upper die
upset welding dies
upsetter die
welding die
wire die
См. также в других словарях:
double Spanish burton — Spanish Span ish, a. Of or pertaining to Spain or the Spaniards. [1913 Webster] {Spanish bayonet} (Bot.), a liliaceous plant ({Yucca alorifolia}) with rigid spine tipped leaves. The name is also applied to other similar plants of the Southwestern … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mitsubishi Eclipse — Manufacturer Diamond Star Motors Mitsubishi Motors Production 1990–2011 Assembly … Wikipedia
Cotton swab — Q Tip redirects here. For the rapper, see Q Tip (rapper). For the band, see Q Tips (band). Many cotton swabs in a round container … Wikipedia
Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3 — Logo from show opening 無敵鋼人ダイターン3 (Muteki Kōjin Daitarn 3) Genre … Wikipedia
snake — snakelike, adj. /snayk/, n., v., snaked, snaking. n. 1. any of numerous limbless, scaly, elongate reptiles of the suborder Serpentes, comprising venomous and nonvenomous species inhabiting tropical and temperate areas. 2. a treacherous person; an … Universalium
James Bond — Double Oh Seven redirects here. For other uses, see 007 (disambiguation). This article is about the spy series in general. For the character, see James Bond (character). For the film series, see James Bond in film. For the novels, see James Bond… … Wikipedia
List of birds of Colombia — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Colombia. The avifauna of Colombia includes a total of 1895 species, of which 74 are endemic, 2 have been introduced by humans, and 87 are rare or accidental. 1 species listed is extirpated in… … Wikipedia
Tip — A tip (also called a gratuity) is a payment made to certain service sector workers in addition to the advertised price of the transaction. The amount of a tip is typically calculated as a percentage of the transaction value before applicable… … Wikipedia
List of birds of Brazil — Brazil has one of the richest bird diversities in the world, with more than 1700 species of birds, about 57% of the bird species recorded for all of South America. These numbers are still increasing, almost every year, due to new occurrences or… … Wikipedia
List of experiments from Lilo & Stitch — Kixx redirects here. For the soccer team, see Philadelphia Kixx. Image of experiment 626, also known as Stitch. The most popular of the experiments. This is a list of experiments from the Disney animated Lilo Stitch franchise, a series of… … Wikipedia
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium