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  • 101 maid

    (a female servant: The maid answered the door.) služka
    * * *
    • služka
    • panna
    • dívka

    English-Czech dictionary > maid

  • 102 masculine

    1) (of the male sex: masculine qualities.) mužský; mužný
    2) (in certain languages, of one of usually two or three genders of nouns etc: Is the French word for `door' masculine or feminine?) mužského rodu
    * * *
    • mužský

    English-Czech dictionary > masculine

  • 103 meet

    [mi:t] 1. past tense, past participle - met; verb
    1) (to come face to face with (eg a person whom one knows), by chance: She met a man on the train.) potkat
    2) ((sometimes, especially American, with with) to come together with (a person etc), by arrangement: The committee meets every Monday.) sejít se
    3) (to be introduced to (someone) for the first time: Come and meet my wife.) seznámit se (s)
    4) (to join: Where do the two roads meet?) setkat se
    5) (to be equal to or satisfy (eg a person's needs, requirements etc): Will there be sufficient stocks to meet the public demand?) uspokojit, splnit
    6) (to come into the view, experience or presence of: A terrible sight met him / his eyes when he opened the door.) zasáhnout
    7) (to come to or be faced with: He met his death in a car accident.) nalézt
    8) ((with with) to experience or suffer; to receive a particular response: She met with an accident; The scheme met with their approval.) mít, setkat se (s)
    9) (to answer or oppose: We will meet force with greater force.) oplatit, reagovat (na)
    2. noun
    (a gathering, especially of sportsmen: The local huntsmen are holding a meet this week.) shromáždění
    - meet someone halfway
    - meet halfway
    * * *
    • potkávat
    • potkat
    • sejít
    • scházet se
    • setkání
    • sejít se
    • setkat se
    • setkávat se
    • splnit
    • meet/met/met

    English-Czech dictionary > meet

  • 104 nameplate

    noun (a piece of metal, plastic etc with a name on it: You will know his office by the nameplate on the door.) jmenovka, štítek se jménem
    * * *
    • štítek se jménem

    English-Czech dictionary > nameplate

  • 105 neighbour

    (a person who lives near oneself: my next-door neighbour.) soused
    - neighbourhood watch
    - neighbouring
    - neighbourly
    * * *
    • soused
    • sousedka

    English-Czech dictionary > neighbour

  • 106 next

    [nekst] 1. adjective
    (nearest in place, time etc: When you have called at that house, go on to the next one; The next person to arrive late will be sent away; Who is next on the list?) další, příští, sousední
    2. adverb
    (immediately after in place or time: John arrived first and Jane came next.) potom
    3. pronoun
    (the person or thing nearest in place, time etc: Finish one question before you begin to answer the next; One minute he was sitting beside me - the next he was lying on the ground.) další, příští
    - biggest
    - oldest
    - next door
    - next to
    * * *
    • potom
    • příští
    • následující
    • další

    English-Czech dictionary > next

  • 107 notice

    ['nəutis] 1. noun
    1) (a written or printed statement to announce something publicly: He stuck a notice on the door, saying that he had gone home; They put a notice in the paper announcing the birth of their daughter.) oznámení
    2) (attention: His skill attracted their notice; I'll bring the problem to his notice as soon as possible.) pozornost
    3) (warning given especially before leaving a job or dismissing someone: Her employer gave her a month's notice; The cook gave in her notice; Please give notice of your intentions.) výpověď; hlášení
    2. verb
    (to see, observe, or keep in one's mind: I noticed a book on the table; He noticed her leave the room; Did he say that? I didn't notice.) všimnout si
    - noticeably
    - noticed
    - notice-board
    - at short notice
    - take notice of
    * * *
    • upozornění
    • výpověď
    • všimnout
    • zahlédnout
    • postřehnout postřehl

    English-Czech dictionary > notice

  • 108 oil

    [oil] 1. noun
    (a usually thick liquid that will not mix with water, obtained from plants, animals and minerals: olive oil; whale oil; vegetable oil; cooking oil; He put some oil on the hinges of the door; The car's engine is in need of oil.) olej
    2. verb
    (to put oil on or into: The machine will work better if it's oiled.) naolejovat
    - oily
    - oilfield
    - oil paint
    - oil painting
    - oil palm
    - oil-rig
    - oil-tanker
    - oil-well
    - strike oil
    * * *
    • ropa
    • olejový
    • olej
    • olejovat
    • mazat
    • nafta
    • naolejovat

    English-Czech dictionary > oil

  • 109 once

    1. adverb
    1) (a single time: He did it once; If I could see her once again I would be happy.) jednou
    2) (at a time in the past: I once wanted to be a dancer.) kdysi
    2. conjunction
    (when; as soon as: Once (it had been) unlocked, the door opened easily.) jakmile jednou
    - just for once
    - for once
    - once and for all
    - once in a while
    * * *
    • jednou
    • kdysi

    English-Czech dictionary > once

  • 110 open up

    1) (to open (a shop etc): I open up the shop at nine o'clock every morning.) otevřít
    2) (to open (a box etc) completely: He opened up the parcel.) otevřít, rozdělat
    3) (to open the (main) door of a building etc: `Open up!' shouted the policeman. `We know you are in there!') otevřít
    * * *
    • uvolnit
    • zpřístupnit
    • odkrýt
    • otevřít
    • odhalit

    English-Czech dictionary > open up

  • 111 opening

    1) (a hole; a clear or open space: an opening in the fence/forest.) otvor, paseka, mezera
    2) (a beginning: the opening of the film; ( also adjective) the chairman's opening remarks.) zahájení, úvodní
    3) (the act of becoming or making open, the ceremony of making open: the opening of a flower/shop/door; the opening of the new theatre.) otevření
    4) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) volné místo
    * * *
    • volné místo
    • zahájení
    • začátek
    • otvor
    • otevírací
    • otevření

    English-Czech dictionary > opening

  • 112 outside

    1. noun
    (the outer surface: The outside of the house was painted white.) vnějšek
    2. adjective
    1) (of, on, or near the outer part of anything: the outside door.) vnější, venkovní
    2) (not part of (a group, one's work etc): We shall need outside help; She has a lot of outside interests.) vnější, cizí, zahraniční
    3) ((of a chance etc) very small.) nepatrný
    3. adverb
    1) (out of, not in a building etc: He went outside; He stayed outside.) ven, venku
    2) (on the outside: The house looked beautiful outside.) zvenčí
    4. preposition
    (on the outer part or side of; not inside or within: He stood outside the house; He did that outside working hours.) mimo
    - at the outside
    - outside in
    * * *
    • ven
    • venku
    • vnější
    • mimo

    English-Czech dictionary > outside

  • 113 panelled

    adjective (made of or surrounded with panels (usually of wood): a panelled door; oak-panelled.) obložený
    * * *
    • vyplněný
    • tabulový
    • obložené např. stěny

    English-Czech dictionary > panelled

  • 114 peek

    [pi:k] 1. verb
    (to look, especially quickly and in secret: He opened the door slightly and peeked out; Cover your eyes and don't peek.) (vy)kouknout, juknout
    2. noun
    (a quick look: Take a peek through the window.) rychlý pohled
    * * *
    • pokukovat

    English-Czech dictionary > peek

  • 115 peg

    [peɡ] 1. noun
    1) (a usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something: There were four pegs stuck in the ground.) kolík
    2) (a hook on a wall or door for hanging clothes etc on: Hang your clothes on the pegs in the cupboard.) věšák
    3) ((also clothes-peg) a wooden or plastic clip for holding clothes etc to a rope while drying.) kolíček
    2. verb
    (to fasten with a peg: She pegged the clothes on the washing-line.) pověsit
    - take someone down a peg or two
    - take down a peg or two
    - take someone down a peg
    - take down a peg
    * * *
    • věšák
    • upevnit
    • protéza
    • hřeb
    • háček
    • flok
    • kolík
    • čep

    English-Czech dictionary > peg

  • 116 pivot

    ['pivət] 1. noun
    (the pin or centre on which anything balances and turns.) čep, osa
    2. verb
    ((with on) to turn (on): The door pivoted on a central hinge.) otáčet se
    * * *
    • točit
    • ústřední bod
    • vřeteno
    • pivot
    • otáčet
    • osa otáčení
    • čep

    English-Czech dictionary > pivot

  • 117 plant

    1. noun
    1) (anything growing from the ground, having a stem, a root and leaves: flowering/tropical plants.) rostlina
    2) (industrial machinery: engineering plant.) zařízení, instalace, aparatura
    3) (a factory.) továrna
    2. verb
    1) (to put (something) into the ground so that it will grow: We have planted vegetables in the garden.) (za)sázet
    2) (to make (a garden etc); to cause (a garden etc) to have (plants etc) growing in it: The garden was planted with shrubs; We're going to plant an orchard.) osázet, vysadit
    3) (to place heavily or firmly: He planted himself between her and the door.) postavit (se)
    4) (to put in someone's possession, especially as false evidence: He claimed that the police had planted the weapon on his brother.) tajně nastrčit
    - planter
    * * *
    • továrna
    • zařízení
    • zasadit
    • rostlina
    • osázet
    • nasadit

    English-Czech dictionary > plant

  • 118 plate

    1) (a shallow dish for holding food etc: china plates.) talíř
    2) (a sheet of metal etc: The ship was built of steel plates.) plát
    3) (articles made of, or plated with, usually gold or silver: a collection of gold plate.) stolní náčiní
    4) (a flat piece of metal inscribed with eg a name, for fixing to a door, or with a design etc, for use in printing.) tabulka, štítek
    5) (an illustration in a book, usually on glossy paper: The book has ten full-colour plates.) tabule, list
    6) ((also dental plate) a piece of plastic that fits in the mouth with false teeth attached to it.) umělý chrup
    7) (a sheet of glass etc coated with a sensitive film, used in photography.) deska
    - plateful
    - plating
    - plate glass
    * * *
    • plech
    • talíř
    • cedulka

    English-Czech dictionary > plate

  • 119 please

    [pli:z] 1. verb
    1) (to do what is wanted by (a person); to give pleasure or satisfaction to: You can't please everyone all the time; It pleases me to read poetry.) vyhovět; potěšit
    2) (to choose, want, like: He does as he pleases.) chtít, zlíbit se
    2. adverb
    (a word added to an order or request in order to be polite: Please open the window; Close the door, please; Will you please come with me?) prosím
    - pleasing
    - pleasingly
    - if you please
    - please yourself
    * * *
    • těšit
    • potěšit
    • prosím
    • prosím vás
    • prosím tě
    • líbit se

    English-Czech dictionary > please

  • 120 point

    [point] 1. noun
    1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) hrot, špička
    2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) mys, výběžek
    3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) tečka
    4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) bod
    5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) okamžik
    6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) bod
    7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) dílec
    8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) bod
    9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) bod, věc, otázka, pointa
    10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) smysl
    11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) rys
    12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?) zásuvka
    2. verb
    1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) namířit
    2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) ukázat
    3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.) spárovat
    - pointer
    - pointless
    - pointlessly
    - points
    - be on the point of
    - come to the point
    - make a point of
    - make one's point
    - point out
    - point one's toes
    * * *
    • ukazovat
    • ukázat
    • zamířit
    • poukazovat
    • tečka
    • směřovat
    • označit
    • okamžik
    • namířit
    • bod
    • detail

    English-Czech dictionary > point

См. также в других словарях:

  • door — W1S1 [do: US do:r] n [: Old English; Origin: duru door and dor gate ] 1.) the large flat piece of wood, glass etc that you open and close when you go into or out of a building, room, vehicle etc, or when you open a cupboard →↑gate open/close/shut …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • door — [ dɔr ] noun count *** 1. ) a large flat object you open when you want to enter or leave a building, room, or vehicle: a little house with a red door The door creaked slowly open. There was a draft coming from under the door. open/close/shut the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Door — Door, n. [OE. dore, dure, AS. duru; akin to OS. dura, dor, D. deur, OHG. turi, door, tor gate, G. th[ u]r, thor, Icel. dyrr, Dan. d[ o]r, Sw. d[ o]rr, Goth. daur, Lith. durys, Russ. dvere, Olr. dorus, L. fores, Gr. ?; cf. Skr. dur, dv[=a]ra.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • door — door, gate, portal, postern, doorway, gateway are comparable chiefly as meaning an entrance to a place. Door applies chiefly to the movable and usually swinging barrier which is set in the opening which serves as an entrance to a building or to a …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • door — door; door·brand; door·less; door·man; door·stead; door·ward; in·door; maz·door; out·door; tan·door; door·wards; ten·door; …   English syllables

  • door — [dôr] n. [ME dure, dor < OE duru fem. (orig., pair of doors), dor neut., akin to Ger tür, door, tor, gate < IE base * dhwer , *dhwor , door > L fores (pl. of foris), two leaved door, Gr thyra, door (in pl., double door)] 1. a movable… …   English World dictionary

  • door — M.E. merger of O.E. dor (neut.; pl. doru) large door, gate, and O.E. duru (fem., pl. dura) door, gate, wicket, both from P.Gmc. *dur (Cf. O.S. duru, O.N. dyrr, Dan. dèr, O.Fris. dure, O.H.G. turi, Ger. Tür), from PIE …   Etymology dictionary

  • Door — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Anton Door (1833–1919), Wiener Konzertpianist Daisy Door (* 1943; eigentlich Evelyn van Ophuisen), deutsche Schlagersängerin Door bezeichnet weiterhin: Door County, einen County im US Bundesstaat Wisconsin …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • door — ► NOUN 1) a movable barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard. 2) the distance from one building in a row to another: he lived two doors away. ● lay at someone s door Cf. ↑lay at someone s door ●… …   English terms dictionary

  • Door — (spr. Dohr), Grafschaft im Staate Wisconsin von Nordamerika, 19 QM., eine Halbinsel zwischen dem Michigan See u. der Green Bai bildend; erst 1850 von der Grafschaft Brown getrennt; Hauptort: Gibraltar …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Door — Door, Anton, Pianist, geb. 20. Juni 1833 in Wien, Schüler von Czerny und S. Sechter, konzertierte bereits 1850 erfolgreich in Baden Baden und Wiesbaden, dann mit Ludwig Straus in Italien, bereiste 1856–57 Skandinavien und wurde in Stockholm zum… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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