1 door latch cylinder
Авиация: цилиндр замка створки -
2 door latch cylinder
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > door latch cylinder
3 door latch cylinder
4 door
door nлюкaccess doorлючок для доступаantisurge doorпротивопомпажная створкаbaggage compartment doorлюк багажного отсекаblow-in doorзаслонка перепускаbulk cargo doorлюк для бесконтейнерной загрузкиcargo container doorлюк для контейнерной загрузкиcargo doorгрузовой люкdoor jettison handleрукоятка аварийного сброса люкаdoor latch cylinderцилиндр замка створкиdoor openingдверной проемdoor operating barтяга управления створкойdoor postстойка двериdoors sequence mechanismмеханизм согласования работы створокdoor uplatch cylinderцилиндр створкиentrance doorвходная дверьfan cascade doorстворка решетки вентилятораinspection doorсмотровой лючокlanding gear doorстворка шассиlanding gear door latchзамок створки шассиmaintenance access doorэксплуатационный лючокmovable doorсдвижная створкаnose landing gear doorстворка передней опоры шассиnozzle doorстворка реактивного соплаopen the door inward outwardоткрывать люк внутрь наружуpressure doorгермостворкаservicing doorэксплуатационный лючокstructural access doorтехнологический лючокswing the door openоткрывать створкуthrust reverser doorстворка механизма реверса тягиundercarriage doorстворка шассиwheel well doorстворка ниши шассиwing slot doorстворка щели крыла -
5 cylinder
cylinder nцилиндрactuating cylinderцилиндр приводаaileron-actuating cylinderцилиндр управления элерономairstairs cylinderцилиндр управления трапомbogie rotation cylinderцилиндр запрокидывания тележкиbogie swivel unlock cylinderцилиндр расстопорения шарнира тележкиbogie trim cylinderцилиндр - демпфер тележкиbrake cylinderтормозной цилиндрcentering cylinderцентрирующий цилиндр опоры шассиcylinder assemblyблок цилиндровcylinder barrelгильза цилиндраcylinder blockблок цилиндровcylinder finохлаждающее ребро цилиндраcylinders drainageпродувка цилиндровdoor latch cylinderцилиндр замка створкиdoor uplatch cylinderцилиндр створкиdownlock cylinderцилиндр замка выпущенного положенияengine cylinderцилиндр двигателяfolding strut actuating cylinderсиловой цилиндр складывающегося подкосаhydraulic power cylinderгидравлический силовой цилиндрinner cylinderплунжерload feel cylinderзагрузочный цилиндрnosewheel steering cylinderцилиндр разворота переднего колесаpneumatic power cylinderпневматический силовой цилиндрpower cylinderсиловой цилиндрretraction cylinderцилиндр уборкиshimmy damper cylinderдемпфера шимми цилиндр, цилиндр гасителя автоколебаний носового колесаshock strut cylinderцилиндр амортизационной опорыsliding cylinderштокsteering cylinderцилиндр управления поворотомstrut retraction cylinderцилиндр подъема опорыthrust reverser cylinderцилиндр реверса тягиtwo-way cylinderцилиндр двустороннего действияunloading cylinderразгрузочный цилиндрuplock cylinderцилиндр открытия замка убранного положенияwalk-around oxygen cylinderпереносной кислородный баллонwheel cylinderгидроцилиндр подъема колеса -
6 latch
antiretraction latchпредохранительная струбцинаdoor latch cylinderцилиндр замка створкиdownlock latchзащелка замка выпущенного положенияlanding gear door latchзамок створки шассиlatch a propellerставить воздушный винт на упорlatch overпрерыватьlatch the pitch stopустанавливать на упор шага(лопасти воздушного винта) latch the propeller flight stopставить воздушный винт на полетный упорmechanical flight release latchмеханизм открытия защелки в полетеovercenter latchзамок подкосаsafety latchпредохранительная защелкаuplock latchзащелка замка убранного положения -
7 cylinder
8 head
головка (напр. болта); шляпка (напр. гвоздя); днище (поршня) (рис. 3,4); головка блока цилиндров (двигателя); напор (жидкости); бабка (токарного станка); боёк (молота); литник; насадка (верхняя или передняя); направление; руководитель; глава; головная часть; передняя часть; II осаживать головку; высаживать головку; возглавлять; руководить; II головной; главный; ведущий - head cushion - head fall - head lamp - head lamp bulb - head lamp case - head lamp case rim - head lamp dimmer - head lamp door - head lamp door latch - head lamp door socket - head lamp door spring - head lamp lens - head lamp lower beam - head lamp reflector - head lamp support - head lamp swivel - head lamp tester - head lamp upper beam - head lamp with antivibration device - head light - head lighting - head of delivery - head of rivet - head of water - head on turbine - head-on view - head resistance - head rest - head room - head way - head wind - ball head- bar head- casing head - caulked head - connecting-rod head - countersunk head - cubic head- cup head- detector head- die head- double-radius button head - drive head of a conveyer - filister binding head - finned cylinder head - flaming head - flattened-round head- gib head- hex head - hexagon head - horse's head - hydraulic head - hydraulic pressure head - index head - instrument head - integral cylinder head - knife head ball - knurled head - lentil head - lug head - manipulator head - manufactured head of rivet - milled head - movable head - multi-spindle head - mushroom head - nigger head - oval head - oven binding head - pan head - Philips head - pinched head - piston head - pressure head - primary head - rag head - ram head - ripping head - riveted-over head - rope-type head - round head - rounded countersunk head - screw head - set head - shake head - shear head - shower head - sickle head - slotted head - snap head - socket head - solid head - spindle head - spiral head - spray head - square head - steep head - steeple head - steering head - straight-base button head - strap head - suction head - swaged head - T-head - tapping head - tension head of a conveyer - thinner head - thrashing cylinder head - thread head - tommy head - upset head - valve head - washer head - winged head -
9 tool
2) инструмент (режущий, ремонтный); приспособление; механизм; устройство; оборудование; орудие; станок; резец; средство; способ; оправка; II обрабатывать инструментом; налаживать станок; обрабатывать на станке- tool adapter - tool assortiment for car repairing- tool bag- tool bar- tool box- tool box door hinge - tool box door latch - tool box door latch hasp - tool for Multijet diesel filters with 1/2drive torque wrench and adapter for vice - tool for TD.C. control - tool for T.D.C. positioning of the 1st cylinder - tool for timing cam shaft- tool kit- tool marks - tool-room - tool vehicle - cantilever tool box with five compartments - knurled brake spring pliers with hinged anchor-plate - plastic tool box - plumbing tool - simple tool box - tube bending tool for copper - light alloy and soft steel tubes - toolbox -
10 head
3) верхняя часть; верхний элемент (конструкции, аппарата)4) передняя часть ( конструкции)5) головная часть (напр. тоннеля, слитка)6) штрек7) мн. ч. руда, поступающая на обогатительную фабрику8) метал. прибыль9) замочный камень ( свода печи)10) дека ( сотрясательного стола)13) пробка ( разливочного ковша)14) гидр. головное сооружение15) оголовок (напр. контрфорса)16) верхний бьеф17) высота столба ( жидкости); напор18) высота (сооружения, конструкции) в свету19) насадок; патрубок20) насадка; сопло22) дно, днище (бочки, барабана); верхнее днище ( резервуара)23) мн. ч. головная фракция, головной погон24) продвижение25) направление26) интервал ( на транспорте)27) англ. крыша ( автомобиля)29) крышка цилиндра ( поршневого насоса)30) мор. носовая часть, нос31) барабан (напр. якорного шпиля)35) ригель; верхний брус ( рамы)37) вчт. первый элемент списка38) вчт. дескриптор40) рекордер42) кипа (напр. джута, пеньки)43) пищ. сливки45) швейн. верхняя подушка ( гладильного пресса)46) заголовок, "шапка"; рубрика•to barb bolt head — заёршивать головку болта;to expand rivet head — раздавать головку заклёпки;head of culvert — оголовок водопропускной трубыhead of delta — вершина дельты рекиhead of dock — голова докаhead of pile — наголовник сваи-
accumulator-type felling head
adiabatic head
adjustable boring head
air-floating head
airspeed head
anamorphic head
angular head
antifoam still head
aquifer pressure head
aquifer head
armature head
arrow head
assembling head
attachment head
audio head
auger-drill head
automatic arc-welding head
available head
axe head
ball-and-socket head
band head
banner head
barrel head
beetle head
binding head
blow head
blowpipe head
boiler head
bolt head
boom head
boring head
boring-and-facing head
brake head
breakwater head
buffer head
bull head
bumped head
buoyancy head
cable distribution head
cable head
camera head
capstan head
carding head
casing head
cassette head
casting head
cementing head
cementing plug dropping head
chain saw felling head
chimney head
chipping head
chord head
circulating head
cistern head
closing head
closure head
cluster head
color head
color-light signal head
column head
combination head
compensation head
condenser head
conductor head
cone head
confidence head
connecting rod head
connection head
contour-facing head
conveyor drive head
core receiver retrieving head
countersunk head
coupler head
coupling head
cross head
cross milling and drilling head
cross-feed head
cross-flow head
crusher head
crystal-oriented HPF video head
C-type spot-welding head
cue head
culvert head
cup head
cushion head
cutter head
cutting head
cylinder head
dado head
dead head
deaerator head
debranching head
detecting head
diamond head
die head
differential head
discard head
discharge head
dished head
distributor head
dividing head
door head
double head
double-gap erase head
drafting head
drawing head
draw head
drilling head
drill head
drilling-boring head
dual grinding head
dummy head
dust head
dynamic head
dynamic tracking head
electrode wheel head
electrooptic head
elevation head
engraving head
enlarger head
erase head
exhaust head
extruder head
facing head
feeder head
felling head
ferrite head
ferrostatic head
fillister head
filter head
fishing head
fixed head
flared column head
flex-hone head
floating head
fluid panning head
flying head
friction head
gage head
gear head
gear-shaping cutter head
gipsy head
graduated head
grapple head
gravity head
grinding head
gross head
gyroscopic head
hammer head
harvesting head
hexagon head
hex head
hexagon turret head
homing head
hopper head
hose coupling head
hydraulic pressure head
hydraulic head
impact head
indexing head
index head
injection head
integrated head
interchangeable head
interchangeable horizontal spindle head
ion gage head
irrigation head
jet head
joist head
kinetic head
knitting head
knurling head
laser head
latch bumper head
laying head
leader head
leak detector head
lever gun welding head
light signal head
liquid head
liquid-dividing head
live head
loading head
lost head
machining head
magnetic head
main rotor head
marking head
mechanical recording head
milling head
modified boring head
molder head
movable head
moving head
multidrill head
multiple drill head
multiple head
multiple sensor head
multiple-arc head
multiple-tree accumulating head
multispindle head
multistem felling head
multivertical spindle head
mushroom head
nail head
NC indexing head
NC/TP head
net positive suction head
nigger head
nozzle loss head
operating head
optical scanning head
pan-and-tilt head
panoramic head
parallel movement gripper head
pelletizing head
pickup head
picture head
pier head
pilot head
pipeline head
piston head
piston motor head
pit head
Pitot-static head
Pitot head
pivoting drafting head
placement head
planning head
playback head
plotting head
plunge milling head
potential head
pouring head
power head
preread head
press head
pressure head
priming head
printing head
probe head
profiling head
protractor head
pulling head
punch head
pusher-beam head
pyranometer head
quill-type head
rail head
rail-wing head
rainwater head
ram head
randomly selected head
reactor vessel head
read head
read-write head
record head
recording head
recording/playback head
refacing head
remote head
removable cylinder head
replay head
reservoir head
resurfaced cylinder head
RF head
right-angle head
river head
rivet head
roller head
rope-type head
rosser head
rotary head
round head
rudder head
running head
safety head
scanning head
screw-cutting head
seal-priming head
seam-welding head
search head
seepage head
self-cleaning head
self-powered welding head
self-powered head
sensing head
set head
shake head
shear mixing head
shear-and-grapple head
shearing head
sheeting head
sink head
sinker head
sleeve head
sleeve milling head
sliding head
slipper head
slotted head
sluice head
solid head
solid-state laser head
sound head
spear-point head
spike head
spindle head
spindle-type rotary head
splash head
split head
splitter head
static head
steering head
stem head
stitcher head
stitching head
stock head
stopper head
suction head
supply head
surcharge head
swivel work head
takeout head
tank head
tapered head
tappet head
tapping head
temperature head
tension head
test head
testing machine head
thermal head
thin-film head
thread-cutting head
thread-rolling head
tight head
time-code head
tool head
torch head
tracing head
tractor head
traveling head
trigger probe head
tripod head
trolley head
tubing head
turret head
U-flow head
unit-type head
universal boring head
universal milling head
upper head
valve head
valveless distillation column head
vapor-dividing head
velocity head
video erasing head
video head
video rotary heads
warping head
water head
well head
window head
write head
См. также в других словарях:
Latch (hardware) — Window latch Door latch A latch (called sneck in Nor … Wikipedia
Door handle — A basic modern door knob. A door handle is an attached mechanism used to open or close a door.[1] In the United States, door handle can refer to any fixed or lever operated door latch device, including on car doors. The term door knob (or simply… … Wikipedia
Door breaching — Reproduction medieval battering ram at Château des Baux, France Door breaching is a process used by military, police, or emergency services to force open closed and/or locked doors. A wide range of methods are available, one or more of which may… … Wikipedia
automobile — automobilist /aw teuh meuh bee list, moh bi list/, n. /aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh moh beel, beuhl/, n. 1. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel… … Universalium
Electronic lock — A quick demonstration of an electronic door lock An electronic lock (more precisely an electric lock) is a locking device which operates by means of electric current. Electric locks are sometimes stand alone with an electronic control assembly… … Wikipedia
Mini — For the Mini marque, see Mini (marque). For other uses of Mini , see Mini (disambiguation). Mini Manufacturer BMC to MG Rover, and Innocenti … Wikipedia
Cessna 172 — Skyhawk Cessna 172M Role Civil utility aircraft … Wikipedia
Dashpot — A dashpot is a mechanical device, a damper which resists motion via viscous friction. The resulting force is proportional to the velocity, but acts in the opposite direction, slowing the motion and absorbing energy. It is commonly used in… … Wikipedia
bobbin — noun 1》 a cylinder, cone, or reel holding thread or yarn. 2》 a small bar attached to a string used for raising a door latch. Origin C16: from Fr. bobine … English new terms dictionary
bobbin — n. 1 a a cylinder or cone holding thread, yarn, wire, etc., used esp. in weaving and machine sewing. b a spool or reel. 2 a small bar and string for raising a door latch. Phrases and idioms: bobbin lace lace made by hand with thread wound on… … Useful english dictionary
Locker (cabinet) — A locker is a small, usually narrow storage compartment. They are commonly found in dedicated cabinets, very often in large numbers, in various public places such as locker rooms, work places, transport centres, and the like. They vary in size,… … Wikipedia